HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1115 - ": ~""... ",""::-,,,:-~'!_~_:--'~r:.~:.;->_~~_ ~-c:-.-':;"".~~,--;w~..;~r'~'~-::"'-_-,~'~'~-~T..,,--~..~.,... ...-..... "':'_ ~ ~~_:---~~"7'''''''~.:~.'' . -::-r-""~~~".~." .~ dH .-'-; - , 115 ( ~'. II I I I WARfRANrrr DEED I . In4~,~1C1"u Ruu OOJllVJU to, Wiliha B. \(1IM, 'fIIJ8 IOBtmJU. ..... ". - 8'Ul . da1 01 a01't.HI' . .A., D. 11'(. b; tH INDIAN IUVBa "ARKS COMPANY, a COfPQnu. 01"IUIM4 aJUI qIM", ....r tile Ian or tile Slate 01 norwa. ...-cr 01 the ~nt part. to W1111..1I. HuM 01 ". Cou17 01. JluiOD ... SlaW 01_ Indiana p&l17 of die MCODf JUt,.' , . , WlTHB88I7fH. nat "e aakI put7 oil'- Int ..... fOr u4 -.. ~kla 01 tile AlIi ell ;, OD.. (11.00) OOLl.AlUJ. la.hIt..., .. tilt UaI\td stat... u4 otIt~ YJ1.,1t cotI8~ io It III ..... .... ., tile .... tartF 01 UIt MCOIIIl part. at or ..,.. the ........ u4 It..ITer, of ..... PlWftt8, u4 lllt reeetDt ...nor .. .......,. achowledfed. ball ......t... ........... eol" reI..... _~.... -anatd. aadllF ..... pneeata cIoe.IMm, anaa. ""'1.. ItJl. reI..... _..,. aU coqAra ..to tile .... paJ1J' of the --<< pan u4 IlII llelre.... ~ Ia let .,.. all tile IaIIC1 Ia lit. JA..:. eoallt1. .,.,... , delcrt~ .. follonl. . . -' . '-. .2; , - -, W '~&I'/&h ut//u.'D~o,,(~~d"'~~ "1"'f,tiO~,IBOI~~O,ur ,1,,-) in..Blaok.lf, o~Jl! ~U1~~?~i~' 4'~~. "'i,~~. /p U). ,0I(.nt~ c<<"'IIit~tJt..H.~ ,t41f..,cM17f . . ' 10'1018. _ ./-~ : J')'. I 1. ~ht p~oba.er IIU.t olear hiBlot of a ,un .~bru.h 0' UDde.ir.ble powt1lA6 1I0n1ih. .: ;:,;1~..1 fri. d.te of puroh".e, . and in the even1i of hl, not oOIlp17ing wi th thl., -the f~omp&D7, ahall : ~ haTe the, right to, do .uoh olearlng at a oo.t not to ezoe.c\ '10.00 Ptr lot and oharge .... ' ~, to the puroha.el".. - 2. 1~at the purohaser, will,wltbln on.y.ar froll date, ..1i 01" ..u.e to haye .et out, at l...t fly. ornamental tre.. ~n th.lot. and at 1.a.t 8 ornamen1ialttree. bet..en the .lde- \ walk and ourb line. whloh will be oared for by tb. UompaDJ at a nollinaloo.t. ln the n.nt 1ihat purohaeeria not OD tbe pound. _ - - - ; '8. That all building. ereoted, must first oomp~ with 1ih. r..trlot~on. with referenoe : to paloement of bul1dlng.on tbe 101i. and that no realdenoe .hall be ~18oed olo.er to th'/~~i 101i lint than;,tlrtDtt (20) f.et, and no buildings lIhal1 be ereoted ln O.oeola Kark ...'O~~~'n - ..... whioh entail an exl>tndl ture of leas than 1600.00, without apeoial perral..ion of 1ihe · uodpaDJ. All bulldlnga.'lno1uding roofa, shall b. _painted within 90 d.,. fro.oompletion.- ~ub3io1i to all ditch a.;e.8Dlent. or any .peolal a.....m.nt. lf 8D7 be leTl.d fo~ the year 1918 and all .ub..quent taxe. and .......Dt.. BseelIC. Iln'net, the rlPt of .'1 lor puillle ro.da, dratl1a.. euals. ~ d1tdlee as ...... 011 the plat or aakI 1&Dda lII&de IIF t" put, of the ant 1lUt-. - _ ,TO HAVID AND TO HOLD THE SAllE, topUwr YltIl aU the -bfl'edltaDleata ... afpUteMllces thereanto beloqlq, unto the aa1t1 P&rt:t ,f the aecoe4- pert and 1lIa_lletre aDd usia.. 'Il fN almple forner. ' . _ AIId t1lt .... Jart7 01 the Ilrat part. for twit ud Ita _-. __ berellF ,eon..at wi" aakI p&l17 '01 the _d part. ilia betre. lepl up~tattns. ... uaIpa lIlaUt" II1cWeulb17 MlaeIt 01 I&Id lull Ia f.. "IlI,le: Ulat It Ila;a tull power lUI' lawtal rI&Ilt to -ft1 .... llUI4 .. fee ....,It. .. aforHaI4; that It ahalllle lawful tor.... ~ of the ..... put.'... Jaetre. ..... reprMel1taUne, ... ........ at all tbDeI~,. ad qua.u,.to ..tar .poa. IIoIf, --n. ... tIlJo1 saI4llull: t.Iaat Dllllalld .. ,trM trvmall "_"'--; tllat It WIll make neIa hrtIler ..uru~ to perftet tIHi fee alJQpIt ooe to aakI .... .. 1M)' -'I, be rtquln4. ... Ulal It .. hertllJ tau, .anut the UU. to aald Iaad, aa4 YlU del_ tlM .... apIaat, the Ia"tal eIabu of all ..- w~er. IN WITHE88 WHBRBOI'. UIe Jart7 of tile list put. 011 tIae .., .... ,ear list alloY. .rlt.... ... e&aHCI Ita _ to be "p" ... Ita ClO'tPC!f*le aNt to lie &fix.. to u.- p_ta b1 Ita ~dtat aIl4 lu &.entarr. wldell olDcen ..... lleea dul1 uthorlaed aIllI _powtftCS b1 l'tlIOlatloll of the Boa'" 01 Dlrecton of tIM INDIAN IUva FAJl)(8 COMPANY. part,. 01 the Int partlaerela, to uecme uti deU..... tIaIlI deed. , . . B1 IndleD RiTer l-al'U coapaD7 (Corp. Seal) 8I&ned. aNted .... dellTer" 111 pr_D~ of ua: .... Y.... u,.. JtJ.9R~"l....................... .. .0.. .li.~. ~GbZ_..,....... -......,........... ('.60 He:rman J. Zeuoh Jta Pnsklut. Charle. DUDO&D ' I. R. .tamp G&Doeled) Ita 8eerelarJ', STATe 0" IOWA. } COUNTY or SCOTT. .. I. .. oIIeer duI1 authorl&e4 f.Il tala atkaowleQlllnta to ...... do ...,.., eertUJ' tlMt _ tlaIt ..., penouat:,. .'PMnd before me. jitl'llleD tI. Z.UGh ... charle. DUDOan to .. ..11 bOwA .. eat Prealdtat and 8eertlarJ'. reetMdIT..,.. 91 lIle ...... IUnt Fa..- ~. the c:orponUoll .s.ertW la tile t~ ........., ... ...,.' _aowW~ before Me tlaat tlIq ware dal,. ..t1I8rbed ~ ..... cerporaUoa to uecvte the forqotq It... .. Ita ......" u4 to .... Ita __ ... atb Ita Ileal thereto. Ulat the aNt aIID4 ~ .. tilt eorporat. ... of.... eorpon'" ... t1Iat aaW .... ... uaee\td II)' .... eorpor&tiOIl tor ... (IIII'pIIMa ....... u.,....,... tlItJ' ..,..,.u, _aowledre4 lba uecutlotl, tile,." to 1i6 theIt tree act UMl .... .. ncII ollloera, tor the ... ... ~ Ulerela _UOMI. ... tW the .... butrumeot .. the act aU deed 01 aakI eorpo...uoo. IN 1tTI'Ha8 WHEIlBOP. I "n bemlllto UlIet _ .... ad oIktal &eel. tIaIlI 27th .., of. NOTt.ber 1118 at the C117 or DaT.port. ().)uIF'" Stata ar~ .trano.. .IS. Pluth NotarJ PIIltUc hi .a. for Stott CoGIIIF. fOWL lIT C-..I-Ifte uplr. .lull' 4th 1921. STAT8 or FLOIUDA. } COUHT1' or ST. weIR. hIT 1I1D121fRBIlBD. net OIl tIaIlI "th t T'.. O. .KLlIUm forecolal DHt .. tile PaltUc a-.... of aaIll CouIT. IN *1'l'H_ WBDBOr. I "ft IIanuto Nt ., ..... ... tilt... 01 aakI Cout, tlM fAT ... reu aloYt wrtua. ..., .. "annary A. D. l'/f Cltltl "the C1reul~ Coart Ie ... for .... CcIIual7 ban 4-1, recorded' tile J1~OOIt. . 1) V~ J:f / I:'/!Z /) ....... .1... Q".. JPi~............... "". ,,,. ,(IBAL) Jt Clerk ClrcaIt Coart. ., 7.it1i:w.....~.....- ..... I J i I I I , - ! ! ! I (ot. ot. SK4L) I 1 . . , .- " .' < :-,:'~/~~~1.~'1~