HomeMy WebLinkAboutGENERATORS DESCRIPTIONProtector Series INCLUDES: � L .. „,.. 5 MV PROTECTOR® SERIES Standby Generators Liquid -Cooled Gaseous Engine Standby Power Rating Mode R Steel - Bisque or Aluminum - • , - 2 .k V 6U z • Tw0 Line LCD Multilingual Digital 1 rtcrde! f = 034 Steel -Bisque or luminuni - Cre: - • (') bV u0 ! fr Evolution Controller {English/Spanish/ Model RG036 (Steel - Bisque or Alumtnum - ,rayl 36 k1N 60 t-z French/Portuguese) with external Model RG045 (Steel - Bisque or AlUminUrn - Gray) - 45 kW 60 Hz viewing window for easy indication of Model RG060 (Steel - Bisque or Aluminum - Gray) - 60 kVJ 60 Hz generator status and breaker position. • True Power"' Electrical Technology • Isochronous Electronic Governor • Sound Attenuated Enclosure • Closed Coolant Recovery System • Smart Battery Charger: �N • UV/Ozone Resistant Hoses • ±1 % Voltage Regulation • Natural Gas or LP Operation • 5 Year Limited Warranty • UL 2200 Listed UENE it ® `{ AUD G QUIEir 7EST.— `Note: 25-45 kW units are field convertible between • 5 Year Limited Warranty applicable Meets EPA Emission Regulations natural gas or LP. GD kW units are built per fuel to U.S. and Territories / Canada. 25, 30 & 45 kW CA/MA emissions compliant requirement and are not convertible. International warranty is 3 year limited. 36 & 60 kW not for sale in CA / MA FEATURES O INNOVATIVE DESIGN & PROTOTYPE TESTING are key components of GENERAC'S success in "IMPROVING POWER BY DESIGN." But it doesn't stop there. Total commitment to component testing, reliability testing, environmental testing, destruction and life lesling, plus testing to applicable CSA, NEMA, EGSA, and other standards, allows you to choose GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS with the confidence that these systems will provide superior performance. O TEST CRITERIA: PROTOTYPE TESTED v NEMA MG1-22 EVALUATION SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED MOTOR STARTING ABILITY O SOLID-STATE, FREQUENCY COMPENSATED VOLTAGE REGULATION. This stale -of -the -art power maximizing regulation system is standard on all Generac models. Il provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to changing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electronically torque -matching the surge loads to the engine. Digital voltage regulation at :L 1%. O SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE RESPONSE from Generac's extensive dealer network provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit, from the engine to the smallest electronic component. O GENERAC TRANSFER SWITCHES. Long life and reliability are synonymous with GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this confidence is that the GENERAC product line includes its own transfer systems and controls for total system compalibirily. P • t' ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CO g1,lAP1 �� REVIEW BY /�y DATE FLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE GENERAC' 25 - 30 • 36 o 45 • 60 kW application & engineering data GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS: 25 & 30 kW Type Synchronous Rotor Insulation Class I I Stator Insulation Class H Telephone Inlerlerence Factor (TIF) <50 Alternator Output Leads 1-Phase 4 wire Alternator Output Leads 3-Phase 6 wire Bearings Sealed Ball Coupling Flexible Disc Excitation System Direct VOLTAGE REGULATION Type Electronic Sensing Single Phase Regulation ± 1% GOVERNOR SPECIFICATIONS Type Electronic Frer)uency Regulation Isochronous Steady Stale Regulation = 0.25% ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Battery Charge Alternator 12 Volt 15 Amp - 25 & 30 ktU 12 Volt 30 Amp - 36.45 & 60 kW Static Battery Charger 2 Amp Recommended Battery (battery not included) Group 26, 525CCA System Voltage 12 Volts GENERATOR FEATURES Revolving lield heavy duty generator Directly connected to the engine Operating temperature rise 120 °C above a 40 `'C ambient Class 11 insulation is NEMA rated All models fully prolotyped tested ENCLOSURE FEATURES Steel weather protective enclosure with aluminum Ensures protection against mother nature. roof (all models) or Electrostatically applied textured epoxy paint for added aluminum weather durability. protective enclosure Enclosed critical grade Quiet, critical grade muffler is mounted inside the unit muffler to prevent injuries. Small, compact, attractive Makes for an easy, eye appealing installation. SAE Sound attenuated enclosure ensures quiet operalion. (All ratings in accordance with BS5514, IS03046, IS08528. SAE 31349 and DIN6271) Make Generac Model In -line Cylinders 4 Displacement (Liters) 1.5 Bore (in/mm) 3.05/77.4 Stroke (iNmm) 3. t 3/79.5 Compression Ratio 11:1 Intake Air System Naturally Aspira:ed Lifler Type Hydraulic ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS: 36, 45 & 60 kW Make Generac Model In -line Cylinders 4 Displacement (Liters) 2.4 Bore (in,4nrn) 3.41/86.5 Stroke (in/mm) 3,94/100 Compression Ratio 9.5:1 Intake Air System Naturally Aspirated (36 & 45 W.5 or Turbacharged/Altercooled (60 Wo Lifler Type Hydraulic ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM Oil Pump Type Gear Oil Filter Type Full flow spin -on cartridge Crankcase Capacity (gUl) 4!3.8 - 25. 30. 36 & 45 kW 5.25/4.96 - 60 kW ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM Type Closed Water Pump Belt driven 2484 - 25 & 30 kW Fan Speed (rpm) 1865 - 36 & 45 kW 210D - 60 kW 17.7/449.6 (25 & 30 WV or Fan Diameter (iNmm) 22!558.8 (36, 45 & 60 k%V) Pusher (25 & 30 W) or Fan Mode Puller (36, 45 & 60 MY) FUEL SYSTEM Fuel Typc Natural gas. propane vapor Carburetor Down Draft Secondary Fuel Regulator Standard Fuel Shut Olt Solenoid Standard Operating Fuel Pressure 5-14 vraler columni9.26 mm HG LP Fuel Pressure 11 -14" Water Column NG Fuel Pressure 5 - 14''.":ater Column GENERACO 25 • 30 • 36 • 45 - 60 kW operating data GENERATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE/kW - 60 Hz kvi I Pr: A- r Dr. L I? 11a1 P- A- %I- a-- 120/240 V 10,.1.0 pf 25 104 25 104 125 RG025 120/208 V, 30. 0.8 pf 25 87 25 87 100 1291240 V. 30, 0.8 pf 25 75 25 75 90 s1201240 V 10,j!0 pi 30 - 125125''.150 t F RGDX. 120/200V,-__.39,0.8 If - '.30 - _ - ll4 .r:_ 3f) v --�-- 04- - 7 125,--Y- 120/240 V, 30,.0.8 pf 30 90 30 90 100 120/240 V,10,1.0 pf 36 150 36 150 175 RGD36 120/20B V. 30, 0.8 pf 36 125 36 125 15D 120/240 V, 30. 0.8 pf 36 108 36 108 125 277/480 V, 30, 0.8 pf 36 54 36 54 60 120/240 V,10,1.0 pf 45 188 45 188 20D RG045 120/208 V 30, 0.8 pi 45 156 45 156 175 120/240 V, 30. 0.8 pf 45 135 45 135 150 277/480 V, 30, 0.8 pt 45 88 45 68 80 120/240 V,10,1.0 pf 60 250 60 250 300 RGO60 120/208 V, 30, 0.8 pf 60 208' 60 208 25D 120/240 V, 30. 0.8 pt 60 180 60 180 20D 277/480 V, 30, 0.8 pt 60 90 60 9D 10D SURGE CAPACITY IN AMPS Voltage Dip @ < .4 pi 15% 10% RG025 120/240 V 10 65 170 1201208 V, 30 80 130 1201240 V, 30 69 112 120/240 V,10 75 180 RGO30 120/208 V, 30 96 155 1201240 V, 30 B3 134 RGO36 120/240 V,10 105 240 120/208 V, 30 44 130 120/240 V, 30 38 115 277/480 V, 30 20 60 RG045 120/240 V,10 105 240 120/208 V, 30 44 130 120/240 V. 30 38 115 277/480 V, 30 20 60 1201240 V,10 140 320 RGO60 120/208 V, 30 70 210 120/240 V, 30 61 182 2771400 V. 30 30 91 Note: Fuel pipe must be sized for full load. For Blu content, multiply 111/hr x 2520 (LP) or INpu x 1000 (NG) For megajoule content, multiply m3/hr x 93.15 (LP) or m3/hr x 37.26 (NG) Refer to 'Emissions Data Sheets° for maximum fuel flow for EPA and SCAOMD permitting purposes. ENGINE FUEL CONSUMPTION Natural Gas Propane r113lhrl rrrla Art rrtal/hrl rrfirl WIWI Exercise cycle 22 1 0.6 0.2 0.8 8.0 25% of rated load 93 2.6 0.7 2.6 27 BG025 50% of rated load 140 4' 1.2 4.8 45 75% of rated load i80 5.1 1.7 6.4 60 10D% of rated load 221 6.3 2.1 7.9 75 Exercise cycle 22 0.6 0.2 0.8 8.0 25% of rated load 93 2.6 0.7 2.8 27 _ RGO30 50% of rated load 140 4 1.2 4.8 45 75% of rated load 180 5.1 1.7 6.5 60 100% o1 rated load 221 6.3 2.1 7.9 75 Exercise cycle 63 1.8 0.6 2.5 23 25% of rated load 194 5.5 2.2 8.3 78 RGO36 50% of rated load 332 9A 3.5 13.6 179 75% of rated load 479 13 5 18 215 100% of rated load 626 17 6.4 24 231 Exercise cycle 83 2.2 0.8 3.1 30 R6045 25% of rated load 315 8.9 3.1 11.7 111 5D% of rated load 5D7 14 5 18:8 177.7 75% o1 rated load 692 19.6 7 26 249 100% of rated load 836 23.7 8.6 32.7 309.5 Exercise cycle 105 2.9 1.1 4.2 40 25% o1 rated load 390.6 11 4 15 143.6 RG060 50% of rated load 610.8 17 6.5 24.5 231.6 . 76% of rated load 824 23 8.8 33 314 100% of rated load 1051 29.8 11 42 400 STANDBY RATING: Standby ratings apply to installations served by a reliable utility source. The standby rating is applicable to varying loads for the duration of a power outage. There is no overload capability for this rating. Ratings are in accordance with ISO-3046-1. Design and specifications are subject to change vrilhoul notice. f GENERAL 25 A 30 • 36 0 45 • 60 W operating data ENGINE COOLING 25 MY 3D k1U 36 kW 45 k1V 60 kW Air Ito,w (inlet air including alternator and combustion air in clnVcmm) 2490J70.5 2490/70.5 2725/77.2 2725/77.2 3280192.9 System coolant mpacily (gal/liters) 2/7.6 217.6 2.5/9.5 2.5/9.5 2.5/9.5 Heal rejection to coolant (BTU per hr/MJ per fit) 112,0001118.2 135,0001142.4 193,000/203.6 193,000/203.6 270.0001284.9 Maximum operation air temperature on radiator (`C/'F) 601140 tAaxintum ambient temperature ('C/'F) 501122 COMBUSTION REQUIREMENTS Flo,:.- at rated povrcr (cfnVcrnm) 62/1.6 72/2 144/4.1 1 144/4.1 1 180/5.1 SOUND EMISSIONS Sound output in dB(A) at 23 it (7 m) with generator in exercise mode' 59 1 59 1 61 1 61 65 Sound output in dB(A) at 23 11 (7 m) wilh generator operating at normal load' 1 72 1 73 1 70 1 73 72 'Sound levels are Taken Ircm the Irons of the generator. Scund levels la?en from other sides of the venerator may be higher depending on installation paameters. EXHAUST Exhaust flow at rated oulpul (cfm/cmm) 203/5.7 237/6.7 300/8.5 420/11.9 494114 Exhaust temperature at mulf1w outlet ('CPF) 593/1100 610/1130 579/1075 593/1100 566/1050 ENGINE PARAMETERS Rated Synchronous rpm 3600 POWER ADJUSTMENT FOR AMBIENT CONDITIDNS Temperature Deralion......................... .................................................................................. 3% for every 10 °C above 25 °C or 1.651M for every 10'F above 77 °F Altitude Deration (25, 30, 36 & 45 kW)...............................................................................1 % for every 100 m above 183 m or 3`k for every 1000 It above 600 It Alljlude Deration (60 kW)................................................................................................ 4 ro for every 100 nt above 915 m or 3110 for every 1000 If above 3000 It CONTROLLER FEATURES 2-Line Plain Text LCD Display. ModeSwitch: Auto........................................................................... Off............................................................................... Manual........................................................................ Programmable start delay belween 10-30 seconds ............................. Engine Start Sequence........................................................................ EngineWarm-up................................................................................. EngineCool-Down.............................................................................. StarterLock-out.................................................................................. Smart Battery Charger......................................................................... Automatic Voltage Regulation with Over and Under Voltage Protection. Aulornalic Low Oil Pressure Shutdown ................................................ OverspeedShuldown.......................................................................... High Temperature Shutdown............................................................. Overcrank Protection........................................................................... SafelyFused...................................................................................... Failure to Transfer Protection............................................................... Low Battery Protection......................................................................... 50 Event Run Log................................................................................ Future Set Capable Exerciser............................................................... Incorrect Wiring Proleclion.................................................................. Internal Fault Protection..................................................................... Common External Fault Capability....................................................... Governor Failure Protection................................................................. ...........................................................................Simple user interface for ease of operation. ............................................................Automatic Start on Utility failure. 7 day exerciser .......I....................................Stops unit. Power is removed. Control and charger still operate. ................. Start with starter control. unil slays on. It utility fails, transfer to load takes place. ............................................................................................................................ Standard ............................................. Cyclic cranking: 16 sec on, 7 rest (90 sec maximum duration) ....................................................................................................................................5 sec ..... ......... ................................... ............................................................ ... I................... i min ...........................................Starter cannot re-engage until 5 sec after engine has stopped. ............................................................................................................................Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ....................................................................................................................Standard, 72 Hz ............................................................................................................................... Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ............................................................................................................................... Standard ....................................................................................................................... Standard Protector® Series SER590ERE1J I 5L I OIL FILL CAP ITHER ODOR AIR PITAXE O'LOWSTICX, RIGHT DOOR BATTERY RAOPITCRPIHAUST (BOTH SIDE$) OIL FRTER RIrHT, DOOR ORCUP I6 DISCHARGE AIR OIL MAIN HOSE IROHT DOOR UEGATNEGROUti, IEOM SIDES) P.N OT?Wl EE55 R927 RADIATOR CRAW HOSE RIGHT COOK CE!I7ER CF GRAVITY AD arwRELEKE RiO14T DOOR (SEENOTE51 SPAR(PLUGS RIGLITCOOR -_ .. ARNFLER SEE NOTE 12 • ,. rH F.VI BELT ERHM—P BATTERY RIOHTCDOR s REF''RE):-E O.lNERS 1.LV.'UAl FOR PERIODIC 71t� REPIACEC_NT PART LISTINGS. REVOt,COVEWJ TCPvl:rW FOR ACCESS TO RADIATOR FILL CAP 0 0 ca ca A N UOTES: 1.A!P1LIJAI RECOlMFNL'E.'B9 UED CO':CRE7E PAD S2(4Oj WIDE X 156T (: a.TI LO%,O cc REFERENCE IVSTALLATIOR GLTZE SUF4'LIED WITH UIPT FCi CCN'^,RE If. PAD GU.OELU:ES,- 2, ALLOW SJFFX:IENT ROOM OR ALL SIC ES OF THE GE NLItATOJi FOR NAMDAME �A ANDS-eRY.CING. nilSU.%lTLIUSTBEI!451ALLEDVJACCDRMICCWI*,HCUrRENT APPLICADLE!:FPAJ7AJ:DNFPA7OSTANDA 3ASWELLASANYCTIIERFCCCML O STATE, AND LOCAL CODES. O.CCIJTROL PASELICIRCUIT RRE.<ER L%FORIWTIC?I: N - SEE SPECIFICATION SHEET OR OATIERS UWALIAL -ACCESSIBLE THROUGH CUSTOMER ACCESS ASSEMBLY DOOR ON REAR OF CENERATOR, J. AELk E THE REAR FNCLDSURE COVER PANEL TO ACCESS TIIC STUB UP AREAS AS EDLLOt B. •IJ 311 VOLAGECOII\ECTICII INGLIJI)NOTC LOAD LOAD CONDUIT CONTJECTION ► NEUTRALC".N ECTION,BATTERYCHARGERT.OVCLTAC(OSAVPL1AX)CD\NCCTION. . LCIV VOLTAGE CONti-cCOCN 41C.UG.`.R lAAuSFER $YRTCH CONTROL M.REu S CENTER OF GRANTYAIJO WF GH• LLAY CHAUGE DUE TO UNIT OPTIONS 6 UOTTCLI OF GENERATOR SET WUST BE ENCLOSEDTO PREVENT PESTNTRUSIONANO RECLRCULA1*IJ OF DXCHAROE AIR A'APC4 RIPROPER COOLIYG AW FLOW - 7. EXN.4USTEYSTEIII' PdUA1BAC.CPRESSURE.249:CHESN20 B HEFERCTICE 01:.IIEFL5 V..VIUAL FOR LIFTINGWARTI NGS. 9 JGR Rr\A1W1NG SURFACE SHALL BE SC•17OMOE5 )SCS`AD$.%[OOSRTOU'VD.CS.-TLC57SU I 4VUSTt'LO.VFREEFLO:iOF1NTAKCCISCHAROCAIRAIIOCXHAUSS SCEZTCC S. ;J FOR L'lJAL'U:' :.R FLurV:tND lY. L'. ULt RESTF,CTM.N Ni CUIRELT>:T-.. GENERA101L'JST EL:NSTALLED SL'C1'TI•AT FRFSII COOL I'JG All IS AVAI ABLE IfJU+l7 I 1M9NOTTOPRR tA•L MS FFLE4 Et.CLFORSOE7.D1GEP.CCLUOLSAUIEROE. Rf4IO'VEENCLOSURETO ACCESS EXHAUST .FFLER CIRCUhT BREAXER NEUTRAL ANDCUSTOLIER COT.CCTIONOPEN,Na — 670174 S) ODOR TYP VISC ACTION LATCH, ONE PER DOOR, Ot'C LPTLFF DOOR PER SIDE 0= OENERATCR. A I -T' EAR u:CLOSURE COVERPANEL „� • 3of L :. 9T!) I `V SEE N0TE4 ' ...ai::iA. '!,"^ 035) OVERALL IRCNi BREAKERDISCHA RADIATGPA05 T'"7 DISCHARGE AIR NHE""1 SEENDTE] L t _ i • STO.ERACCCSS- = Y1 •1 ASS_VELY, CONTROL PANEL ACCESS 43 . y BATTERY CHARGERL _ IOCATCO LYRH.N SEE NOTE a �—Te7 11111111.111 AC SEFNO:ESS, 0AN0 (30.71— 1411Tt I 'ME VIEIV MUFFLER CDEIVNFJTEI5R10O'F:^aO. MVIY RCARVIved 47.6 14;J(5761 1 1VITH,NG_%:RAT0R EN:LSURE L LIYE COItiH RICITu1DEY.E! 11'NPT FELALE E!:C'NFY.YY t•7OIGHT - - ENCLOSURE GE%-ZUT ONLY ,l'hTERIAL KG D.ESI - VT-GHT $N:PP tiG WE'CRT S, T V OSKID R ,.) KG ILDS) P•G BS 1,5[l2SKV! ST 3i7 A55 JO A 1 4271BJ1 1SLOOC.Y ST 4:J 665 JC ISAj I •IJ6 Ldt 1.51.2',KW AL 1 3s211'>71 DIMENSIONS: MM(INCH] 1 _ tt• AL' i977 SJ (A}�EDw1%Ir1791�y h2 C77 W O m �F z m m Cm n a 45418)TYP LEFT SIDE VIEW DIMENSIONS: IMh1[INCH] 'NOTE -STUB-UP AREA FOR HIGR AtiD LOY7 VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS CIRCUR BREAKER. NEUTRAL AND CUSTO!ER CONNECTION OPENING. 735(21.9) _ HTaCT1 2700) N 723(;a S)TYP - TYP M1lOUNTIND SLOT CENTERS 776 I30.61 - REAR VIEW 66 (3 6) 100-400 Amps, Single Phase GENERAL Automatic Smart Transfer Switches Functions All timing and sensing functions originate in the generator controller Utilityvoltage drop-out................................................................................................................................................................................................I....................<60°p Timer to generator start.....................................................................................:............10 second factory set, adjustable behveen 2-150D seconds by a qualified dealer' Enginewarm up delay ....................................... _........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 seconds 1 Standbyvoltage sensor..................................................................................................................................................................................................60% for 5 seconds Utilityvoltage pickup.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................>80 A Re -transfer lime delay...............................................................................................................................................................................................................15 seconds Enginecool -down timer........................................................................................................................................_..................................................................60 seconds Exerciser..............................................................................................................................................................................................................12 minutes every 7 days Tire transfer switch can be operated manually without power applied. '6VI1en used in conjunction vAlh units utilizing Evolution" controls Specifications j Model RTSC100A3 RTSW100A3 RTSW150A3 RTSC200A3 1 ALT§V200A3 RTSW300A3 RTSC400A3 RTSV140OA31 Amps 100 100 150 200 ; 200 ' 300' 400 40D j Voltage 1201240, to 120/240. to 120/240,1n 120/240,10 120%2 0 `1 120/240,10 120/240,10 120/240.101 Load Transition Type (Automatic) Open Transition Open Transition Service Rated Open Transition Service Rated Open Transition Op :T siti�6`n xSemceRated - Open Transition Service Rated Otpan Transition Open Transition Service Rated Enclosure Type NEMA/UL 3R NEMA/UL 3R NEMA/UL 3R NEMANL 3R NEMNUL 3R ': NEMA/UL 3R NEMA UL 3R NEMA/UL 3R UL Rating UUCUL ' UL UL UUCUL ­UL ' UUCUL UL Withstand Rating (Amps) 10,000 10,000 22,000 10,000 ' �22,0 S 22,000 22.000 22,000 Lug Range 110 - #14 250 ifiCM ,#,6 g 640 MCM - #4 or 110 - 250 MCM Dimensions Model RTSC100A3 RTSW100A3 RTSW150A3 RTSC200A3 RTSW200A3 'RTSW300A3 RTSC400A3 RTSW400A3 111 17.24/437.9 17.24/437,9 26.751679.4 17.2414379 26.75/Q9.4 42.91/1089.9 31.251793.8 42.91/1089.9 Height :. (trt)mm) r: H2 201508 20/508 30/762 20/50B (?0/762 4811219.2 361914.4 48/1219.2 WI 12.5/317.5 12.5/317.5 116.5/266.7 12.51317-5 105/266.7 16.691423.9 19.181487.2 161.691423.9 Width (in/mrtQ W2 14.6/370.8 14.6/370.B 13.5/342.9 14.5/370.8 115/342.9 21.821554.2 241609.E 21.821554.2 Dapth(in /mm) 7.09/180.1 7.091180.1 6.3/160.1 7.09/180.11 6.3/1601; 10.061255.5 10.061255.5 10.06/255.5 Weight (IIISA1105) 20/9.07 22.5/10-21 39117.69 20/9 07 , 39/T7 69 140163.5 133160.33 140/53.5 .fit 'r r mpnJ I Kz ----j - CrEM - GEN ERAC" Generac Power Systems, Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY. 69, Waukesha, WI 53189 • generac.com 82015 Generac Poser Systems, Inc. AR tights reserved. A7 specfricaWns are subject to change Withoul nafte.,'Bunedn OL3205•B Pdmed In U.S.A. 07121115�