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OFF:k--'E USE ONLY: DATE FILED: I REVISION FEE: LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 800 NW Winters Creek Rd PERMIT # I I o?- O RECEIPT # all 1 t42 1 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982.5652 . (772) 462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION JUL 19 201? PERN!I?TiNIG St. Lucie GOUnty, FL DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: Change from existing 500 gallon LP tank to NEW 1000 gallon LP tank (tank specs attached) Same location and distance requirements apply CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: 21079 BUSINESS NAME: C & C Diversified services QUALIFIERS NAME: Brian Critoph ADDRESS: 7954 SW Jack James DR CITY: Stuart STATE: FL ZI. 4 w1 PHONE (DAYTIME): 772-266-4680!72- #6- - OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: - PHONE (DAYTIME: STATE: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130/17 STATE: ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: ZIP: FAX: ZIP: FAX: �iEVISION _7 1-7 Vie 0 TANK-ltSS W N �\ 1ICI r000 1 � ly ZAb sT. RE& �t ti 3 - to PSI NeedEA t/a" cssr IZ'ISAW oQ CSs T Fr e oom m-'r MM Do c-( C Om� 51 -A� A`Zn ( z'UZ 3�G)In ��v_0 � 0 mvlz M g 0 5 � 0 Z Q I>! >� a M �sST 1 Ilo��r&AE-V 2ND ST VIII � RQC� Exr• TpNKLesS tot gI 0oD n0i 6ALJ RA�6E 43,000 y vs- C ANpC - . P6u.1trRs RGS1 DENCE �0o Nut W I NTcP-S CkE,5K F-b PALM C I T- 1 FL . P'ER7111 tiO JC St. Lucie County, 'FL 6RrLL 4S, 00o rsc.G"Cur=.b l _tG AS NEeD6D 31y." P511 DIRec-T Buey GSST ©tt"W-C D, LP 6A-S 3 � W- I I "w.0 . DEL, Pszess . gfiscD or;` A )0 Ps t St ST'6 M � �XT F3"r� CNEvJ) � l NT F3TV�, 1581 00� CNt✓uJ) * LO t-3 rz, l N r RU w �5 �E Lo N (sESr t� XT L,)J N 13S -Y SHVT -OFfs INSTgLLED W 1T1-{ I N (o" OF EACI-f RPPLI RNGE TABLES ; N1aK� -up At BY orHERS 3/,F11 PE @ Lloz• `{- (IS) I RE:i�U.I Rel> I 6ftl]ova IDOO ID ps 40-L- f. (I-0 WC-W LOC,)j 16P IZCV t$ � -i0 � b Z _y. (35) �F o Iz CXtsrjNC_e Lip-VAMK logo 6Ai. ThNk NFPIa 5S 15. l (•o) 0 !l 1JCW l_ocrtTlotJ �topsl FoR. EXISTIIJ& GeMe:R.r}TQR (-oot 000 30 THIS VESSEL IS DESIGNED FOR THE STORAGE OF LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS ONLY TOP VIEW SLOTTED HOLE CENTERED OVER RELIEF VALVE 14 GA COLLAR T W/2 112" X 3 112" SLOT OO HASP I II II FLOAT II SIDE ELEVATION In SEE D-01 FOR ANY UNSPECIFIED WELD DETAILS 14GAF&DHEAD --I160.D. WITH 1"SF_I FITTING LAYOUT oanoNAL DOME BRACKET FOR UG GREEN ONLY TYP. 316 l LONG.WELD 3/4 DIAM. n16, 2p 16* SEAMS HOLES (4) PLACES ' May vary long seam END VIEW loc. to miss leg weld NOTE: TANK MUST BE INSTALLED LEVEL, WITH ALL LEGS IN SAME PLANE TO ASSURE EVEN DISTRIBUTIONOF LOADS AND OPTIMIZE ACCURACY OF GAUGE DEVICE. MARK OTY. SIZE TYPE FITTINGS SERVICE MARK QTY. DESCRIPTION DWG. NO. REGO A 1 1 114 XH FLG. 008685GT RELIEF VALVE 1 2 SHELL- 0.239' X 75 3/4' X 127 318' - SA465 OR SA414G B 1 1 XH FLG. S-88 Rn2woRsaareSreRem— 7LOAT GAUGE 2 2 HEADS- 401Z I.D. X 0.203'-HEMI: SA414C C 1 1-1/4 XH FLG. L007579T FILL VALVE 3 2 LIFTING LUGS D-63 E 1 314 XH FLG. PT007556RS!1.3 MULTI VALVE 4 2 TANKLEGS D-3 F 1 3/4 00759OUT CHEK-LOK 5 1 DOME D-5 F(OPT) 1 11/4 WXH 007691UT CHEK-LOK 6 1 DATA PLATE D-60 G(OPT) 1 11/4 FLG. 7 1 REGULATOR BRACKET D-10 8 1 DIP TUBE LENGTH =11.3° FOR 80 % ® 40' F 9 2 HINGE & HASP OR DOME BRACKETS 10 1 ANODE ATTACHMENT D - 17 T PART NO. 0110002X STANDARD 0110012X W/DRAIN REV. BY: I DESCRIPTION DATE: 18 CDH I ADDED NOTE AT LEG DESCRIPTION 3/6102 19 CDH REVISED MOMT PRESSURE TO 250 PSI -JESUP 312610 20 CDH CORRECTED RELIEF VLV. MODEL NOS, 11/610 21 CDH CORRECTED SHELL LENGTH 11j12/( 22 Wo ADDED OPTION FOR SA414G SHELL 10/291( 23 Wo REVISED COMPANY NAME 12/OB!( 24 .1. CHANGED TO NARROW PLATE 03/05A 25 bts 2 SHELL TANK STYLE AND DP UPDATE 09l05/1 26 bts CORRECT HOLE LAYOUT 1011511 27 btsI ADDED DRAIN PART NUMBER 03/1911 CERTIFIED BY: QUALITY STEEL CORPORATION CLEVELAND, MS-FREMONT. OH -WEST JORDAN, UT MAX.ALLOW. WORKPRESS. 250 PSI AT 400 'F• fvL M.DM.T. -20 ° F. AT 250 PSI E YEAR BUILT U RT4 20 SER. NO. ' LENGTH l92 IN. OUTSIDE DIA 41 IN. HE40 THK, Q3 IN. SHELL THK. ,239 IN. ABOVE[UNDER GROUND TYPE IQ7 SURFACE AREA. j72 SD. FT. HEMI. CONTAINER ASSEMBLY HEAD D.R. FOR LP GAS WATER CAPACITY GALLONS DATA PLATE DETAIL GENERAL NOTES: 1. LIFTING LUGS DESIGNED FOR TOTAL LIFTING WEIGHT OF 270Q# 2. TOTAL EMPTY WEIGHT IS 180 )(F. 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 4. COMPLETE TANK DRIED TO REMOVE ALL MOISTURE. 5. ALL WEIGHTS AND CAPACITIES ARE APPROXIMATE 6. EXTERIOR OF TANK TO BE GRIT BLASTED. 7. PAINT PER SHOP ORDER. 8. VACUUM PURGE TANK. 9. DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH OUT NOTICE. (NON -PRESSURE RETAINING COMPONENTS ONLY) 10. THREADS OF ALL FITTINGS TO BE COATED WITH COMPOUND SUITABLE FOR USE WITH LP GAS. 11. FLOAT GAUGE TO BE INSTALLED WITH FLOAT ARM 45 " OFF LONGITUDINAL CENTERLINE OF TANK. 1000 W.G. ABOVE/UNDERGROUND PROPANE TANK -TYPE IQ7 (FORMERLY AWT-9A) QUALITY STEEL CORPORATION 28 01/04/16 TwV UPDATED SHL 8 HEAD THKNS. 8 NAMEPLATE. 01 / 03 / 00 I RAC I T W V I 28 I Z - 1000 am�mrera rare eun rnuw,ucu.e AGUG STANDARD 1000 MARK I QTY. I SIZE I HOLE DIA A 1 1-1/4 2 1/16 B 1 1 1 13/16 C 1 1-1/4 21116 E 1 3/4 1 9/16 F 1 3/4 SEE DETAIL F (OPT) 1 1 1/4 2 1/16 G 1 1-1/4 2 1/16 14% TO END OF SHELL SQUARE EVAC TUBE OPENING DETAIL I R ` ® I 12y. _ _ I -DOME HINGE DOME HASP II 14 a r 9% TO END OF SHELL I 5 18 TOP VIEW WITH HINGE AND HASP FOR NON-UG GREEN TANKS 192 1 14% TO END OF SHELL ISQUARE EVAC TUBE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OPENING DETAIL 2y DOME BRAC T ® OME BRACKET ANODE ATTACHMEN O I 2 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 5 9% TO END OF SHELL 15 TOP VIEW WITH DOME BRACKETS FOR UG GREEN TANKS 40 1/2 I.D. 40 1/2 I.D. - 14% TO END OF SHELL I T I i 1 401 I 1 I NOTE: SEE BOTTOM VIEW TANK DRAWING FOR REVISION BLOCK 1000 W.G. ABOVE/UNDERGROUND PROPANE TANK -TYPE IQ7 (FORMERLY AWT-9A) QUALITY STEEL CORPORATION FITTING LAYOUT 01/03/00 RAC TWV 28 Z-1000 UNOERGROUND L.P.G. TYPICAL ANCHORING STANDARD Gqg DIVISION P. R Note—s".. 1. When nwzssary to prevent floatation, or when reqaired, undergroutki y,Itj ,,.nh SMI be anchored using 4 - "AM" auger anchors and tw $tc6l cable. Cable dt--ad LY5 inserted in 'h " PE tubing to proton the rank ftm di=t contact with the ' * c0le. 2. Lomte cable appooxhMe-ly 14" m1ward of -welded scare: on both an& U-p -lank:, Use 4 (.1/il') galvatdrz-d clible clamps to smro cable to. ft at 0-or. L_ R-efer to Standard 6.6 for taak Iocadon,'coadng-aad. 58-121 Window air conditioner {source o? i9nit ntake to direct - vent appliance 10 ft (min) isu !_J � (Note f ) j 10 ft (min) (Note 1) a / (min) {ft Central AC 10 ft min) 10 � Crawl space opening, (Note 1) (Note 2 compressor ) window, or exhaust fan (source of Ignition) 10 ft (min) / �00 - (Note 2) For SI units, 1 ft = 0.3048 m. Nearest line of adjoining property that can be / built upon Notes: (1) The relief valve, filling connection, and fixed maximum liquid level gauge vent connection at the container must be at least 10 ft from any exterior source of Ignition, openings Into direct -vent appliances, or mechanical ventilation air Intakes. Refer to (2) No part of an underground container can be less than 10 ft from an important building or line of adjoining property that can be built upon. Refer to FIGURE I.1(c) Underground ASME Containers. (Figure for illustrative purposes only, code compli- ance required.) statement of specifications or plans submitted and ap- proved thereunder; or failed to operate in accordance with any certificate or permit issued thereunder; and from which no appeal has been taken; or who shall fail to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed herein, shall severally for each and every such violation and noncompli- ance, respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $ nor more than or by imprisonment for not less than days nor more than days or by both such fine and imprisonment. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such viola- tions or defects within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified the application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of pro- hibited conditions. Each day that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 3 Additions, insertions, and changes — that the 2014 edition of NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, is amended and changed in the following respects: ListAmendments SECTION 4 That ordinance No. of (jurisdiction] entitled ffidl in the title of the ordinance or ordinances in effect at the pre.sent time] and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5 That if any section, subsection, • sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The fgoverning bode] hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsec- tion, clause, or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 6 That the (jurisdiction's heeper of records] is hereby ordered and directed to cause this ordinance to be published. [NOTE: An additional provision may be required to direct the number of times the ordinance is to be published and to specify that it is to be in a newspaper in general circulation. Posting may also be required.] SECTION 7 That this ordinance and the rules, regulations, provisions, requirements, orders, and matters established and adopted hereby shall take effect and be in full force and effect [time period] from and after the date of its final passage and adoption. 2014 Edition 1 f� `1 / // GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 uJ SCALE: 1" = 20' PROPERTYADDRESS: CREEK PALM CITY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: 37 SCLITH, RANGE 40 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLCRIDA AND BEING MORE PART.CULARL Y Or -SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 8FIG ALL OF LOT J ACCORDING TO 'HARBOR RIDGE PLAE NO 21- AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOCK 32 AT PAGES 22-22 A OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING 0556 ACRE OF LAND, MORE OR .LESS. TOGETHER WITH A PORTICN OF OPEN SPACE AS SHO'A'N ON THE ABOVE MENTIONED PEAT Or HARBOR RIDGE PLA- NO. 21, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY OESCRI87D AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT 'HE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT J AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 6236'32' ?.AST ALONG THE NORTHERLY 80LNDS OF SAID SOT J A DISTANCE OF 13256 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF. 'NHICH CORNER UES ON THE BOUNDS OF OPEN SPACE; THENCE NORTH 2549'45• 'AEST ALONG THE NORTHEASTE.RL'y BOUNDS OF SAID OPEN SPACE A DISTANCE OF 13.31 ET TO .A PCIN T; THENCE NORTH 62'46'32" WEST. DEPARTING THE BOUNDS OF SAID rP EN SPACE, A DISTANCE OF 121.61 FEET TO ANINTERSECTIONESECTION WITH A NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE 'h<STERLY UNE OF SAID LOT J; TI-ENCE SOUTH 29-28'04" WEST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY EXTENSION A DISTANCE OF 3.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.023 ACRE OF LAND. MORE OR LESS. THE COMBINED AREA OF BOTH PARCELS DESCRIBED ABOVE IS 3.679 ACRE. MORE OR LESS. JUI L 19 20ia PERMITTING St. Lucie County, FL 'NAN SIGNATURE DATE uRVEYOR & MAPPER CATE NO. 4199 , j Exr� T ')k L EIS / qN6 yN6.17 tv14 ( Q� E,- RHa CR R r2n / 'B Jz °CF 'i7 pGS �Hr 4 \w �E / 6 a`r/ \ P3 �•a R, NE �B' 9 ° s�• Wes so0g, � W Ef eV eci \vER NP�,� a s pa�9 Goa• 2ep. - Cea4y?a{�C• 2p(P� R 99 dos. 4 93 00. co J 2S4 4g W N4Rdr•R"r7ARtEC 1 ' • '. P.B. DG- Pa J7 pG -v1 i ,yp - P'RU BYO. ',e CgND�WOOp reRRgce P/7J Td 4JWI �'.177�,1f1i WIiy�Rs �REek ROgO N80'59'08"W 18.08', >51 1. 1'17"`N 77.92' 585'0 3" ll 59.38' M�RBp pRFSF ,odR RrOCr R $ r6'J7 :v f D> Sy 78 4'W 8� 4ses �.a� 0pF� zy3 P j' z PpsP2z Z°R� ✓ CO N/0.fr.EiLVREAOge / r aa� RA1Sn 'VA RrRF 42 ACf --N34'59'30•',Y IO. 7' p B1r� / / ' �y 3 Gg 7 o Hy S. v ,Tv E8 .o Op py (OT B J� or0ce S Re � s.•q2 0 1 (�L`2/2y,� 00Bavy �$" 9. 2Ss �J1 R4%-,1 C J p�PIA T.Y S 22_ 0 FILE REP. BK./PG. CULPEPPER St TERPENINO, INC I6- ii o 1 601141. 0 Lt Hbrbar R:d e- 9CONSMt-rH , =NMI N EERS I LAND SURVEYORS Site Plbn.d.g "' +98O N2771--6TItLET. FOILT FLORTOA 1• �. 3ltll r �'iml-11P .. ................ ....... .... ?HONE tT2.+b1-]6 •. •n a t . uvm. 3, FA.\ 2 649R9 amRcnm ,_.,,-- - t61 NRFL\MLR A: FAIL •STUAJL 1FT-OR1DA3a99i........^HONF.TT:_20-3)T6. P.4sna-lFi-aR91.�wv.<.-enq cum Lq\ ?ge .yam NpR� FoRk S T (Gc/F R/�R 5/6' iR/C La 4286 125.49'45•W 13.31' FMD S/8" iR/C (UNREADABLE) 0.09E S, 0.19E E i25-49'4� E 12.51' nv./i,J] 9gCk Sqy, . �/� f- G r02p GrC Li1 . S R,C SF ,7NC 6y� x i0B •e,A F l+xS � J2 F�4 Tb is .. N52'S8 27.02 sr r'4(, Y' � ) ti " S AS 9'r2c°F�iz � ?��r .,� LEGEND +r � 27�''•p a p x/S 1E`l �jvG 4 ti p'b/ .4je a ro REV z 0Da T !y •!7 _ - 'gilt R.T /' LC.s Jea�p. �• Jl. aoe S6B's, ,''F 3g Os• �e A/C AIR CONDITIONER BST = BE'LLSCUTH TELEPHONE (88) BASIS OF BEARINGS CATV CABLE TELEVISION CD CHORD DISTANCE C8 = CHORD BEARING D.E. = DRAINAGE EASEMENT FND. m FOUND IR/C a IRON ROD & CAP LB LICENSED BUSINESS (M) MEASURED O.R.3. _ OFFICIAL RECORDS 300K PP.B. m PLAT BOOK . GS. PAGE- PRIMc PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT P.R.C. v POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE P,C.C. PCINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE SAN MH SANITARY MANHOLE SAN C/O = SANITARY CLEAN OUT uE. = Un UT EASEMENT ss�?e' 9J6yeA,r GENERAL NOTES: b '•8es 1) Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Scrvevor and ,Mapper. 4 2; Description shown hereon provided by the client and/or their agent. 3) The last dale of field work was Cctooer fd. 2016. �<• 4) Lat J contains .856 Acre, more or less. The 8' addition, to lot J contains 0.023 acre, more or `N47.2� 53"E 23.88' (NR) less. The overoll pa0rcels combined contains 0.579 acre, more or less. 5) Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for right-of-ways, Reservations. Agreemets, and/or Easements of Record. Such Information should be obtained and confirmad,by others through" appropriate title verif .:!.r. N17'09'17"E 24.03' (NR) 6) Bearings shown heare based on plat information and are relative to the north line of Winters Creek Iva PRr / reon Road, •which line beers North 73'1845" Wes: and all other bearings are relative thereto. d Np• 4fi 6 7) Undarground utilities, utility services, foundations and improvements -more not located as a part of this survey. ocated n areas Rate Mo.proo. 12111C0405arty sho— hereon J. nis Mapl Revised Feblruary 16,haVing Flood 2012. which is Zone the currentFloodf Insuranceown RateMap oFlood far the cornmurlty in which said premises Is situated. The exact designation can only as determined by an elevation certificate. 9) Additions or deletions to survey mops or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 1,) Bearings and distances shown hereon are the same as plat unless otherwise slated. 11) Reference boundary survey by Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. for Timothy H. & Nanette Powers dated 04/16/2015. - R E V I. S I '0 N S - BY 'DATE, BY °ATE AS -BUILT FORIVIBOARD SURVEY DATE, 08-05-2016 REVISED SITE PLAN TO 910W ARCHITECTURAL CHANGES BKH 09=0B-ifi .. i06 RENSEO TO SHOW AS -BUILT FOOTER FORM90AR0 SURVEY BK11 10-06-18 nn ...Cq�.... REVSED TO UPDATE LCGATCH OF EAST SIDE OF CCNC. FGOTER BKH 10-IB-16 DRAWTI 1 ...... .......... PREPARED FOR VEtn SCALE 1•I\A ,a' REMS-e0 TO SHOW AS -BUILT F00TER FORMBOARD SURVEY 8KH 10-31-IB DETAILED - .08 O�� MY-10THY H. POWERS & NANETTE POWERS I SHEET I OF I