HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEYI 14- o1s6 IBOUNDAFRY / TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) Lot 3 of TROY ACRES according to the plot thereof as recorded in Plot Book 42 page 15 of the Public Records of - St. Lucie County, Florida. LOT 1 IN THE NaR ST 1!4 of TH N2 OF 1W OF SEcnOp 4 TOjNS16P 36 SOUTH RANGE 39 FAST ml S 09'47'19" ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8" iron r bar ��rrlth yello�r cop marked "PSO 5543" FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebor F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation OH--OH--OH-= Over Head Aires X--X--X-= Chain Link Fence -0-0-13-= PIast is Fence 0--0--0-= Mood Fence �= FPL Transformer Pad PL=Volue as platted R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve DeltQ of Curve EAS. = Measured CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Conc{�to Pod E3= Water deter �= Po*er Pole = Utility Box ® _ dye I I R.O. = Right of Way --r1rU = Drainage Proposed and Existing LO'Sl INTH THE ORST 1/4 OF T RANGE 39F AU OF EAST To 36 SOUTH 194.51' SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless other*ise noted only plotted easements are shown hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions shown ore per plat unless other*ise sho*n. 3. No underground utilities or improvements *ere located unless otherwise sho*n. 4. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate MoF Zone AE19 Vop# 12111CO252J Dated. 2-16-12 5. Flood Zone sho*n hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 6. Bearings shoWq hereon are based on the Center line of .lest Mid*oy Road as being S89'53'25"W occording to the Plot described hereon. 7. P,U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on the expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is home construction. Accuracy = 1 foot in 7,500 feet or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey mop by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited Without *ritten consent. IN P ACE 42,01'_ FOR BOARDS TOP ELEVATION PROPOSED I I T^ " JU , � 20,15' OPEN F.F,E - I$% Iuit;c J1lmrlcs County, I FL CD LU W z � I J � �� x'� ,� I I t ie Co. L Dc Init o c�i 98'� c�Nc Pr Ved DRA LD oC --T--T-----CL N I FUTURE HOMESTEAD j OT 0 THE N RT 14ST 1/4 OF CD LOCAnoN THE OF ALL OF SECTION 4 � I I T*SHIP 36 SOUTH RANGE 39 EAST _jj L — — — — — — — — — — — J 0 z v N H LOT 3 VACANT LAND CV LOCN w LO N O Cn �¢,� ��� C� Z 11900 WEST MIDWAY ROAD SCALE: 1 "=8o' Atlantic Land Designs DATE:8/30/16 of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 754 NE the Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 DRAWN: MC\JC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 2016-0721 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 DATE: I REVISIONS 4-28-17 1 ADD PROPOSED GARAGE / SEPTIC S89'53 25 194.51� pTAtR��ApCT A : A5511�ED jail'CULVERT illie �><L�Q R, V - 2,V ASPHALT ROAD est idWay Road ALL ELEV ONS SHO#j HEREON BASED ON NORTH AEE ERICAN VERTICAL DATUjVd 1988 (N.A.VD.'88) LAST FIELD DATE:6/26/17 Ce r t i f i ed t o: Kathleen M. Valen ino Harbor Community Bank, ISAOA 00A All Parker BroWn Title Insurance Agency Old Republic National Title Insurance Company I hereby certify that the survey sho*n hereon is true and correct and is based on actual measeurements token in the field. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17,,, ces, Florida administrative code. GQ�TIFrcq�0 Digitally signed by James A. Cesiro James A. Alii r. PSM 5543 DN: cn=James A. Cesiro Jr., o-Atlantic Land Design, ou, Cesiro f� mail=ALD5543@gmail.com, c=US Jr.�� Date: 2017.06.27 15:09:22 -04'00' A° STATE OF i NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC F �L ORI 01, SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL kfO SURVV, BOUNDARY / TOP LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) Lot 3 of TROY ACRES according to the plot thereof as recorded in Plot Book 42 page 15 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Z C= a O LO t� Z_ C� C-� CL W 0 J CV 0 J 0 LOT 1 IN THE NORTHjEST 1/4 OF THE SUBDIyl9 OF ALL OF SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH RANGE 39 EAST CN O C.0 74 LO N O O '47'19" PROPOSED F.F.E. - 1 ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8" iron rebor With yellow cap marked "PSM 5543" FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebor F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation OH--OH--OH—= Over Head Wfres X--X--X—= Chain Link Fence o- = Plastic Fence O--O--O—= Food Fence IS1= FPL Transformer Pad PL=Value as platted R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve Delof Curve EAS. = Measured CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Concr to Pad 83= Water Deter = jel "erPole ility Box ®= I R.O. = Right of Way Drainage Proposed and Existing LOT 11 IN THE NORTHST 1/4 OF THE SUBI'm IVISI OF ALL OF SECTION TOjIjNSHI 36 SOUTH RANGE 39 EAST 194.51' r---7--7---- j FUTURE HOMESTEAD j LOCATION I I L— — — — — — — — — — — J LOT 3 ACANT LAND S89'53'25"I Li.l CV LO N O O SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements are shown hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions shown are per plat unless otherwise shown. 3. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless otherwise shown. 4 This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Mai; V one4 E-t �oP# ljlfbfilCOfi6 J�Dated. 2-16-12 Flood Zone sho n hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 6. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of West iic!Way Road as being S89'53'25"W according to the Plat described hereon. 7. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on the expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is home construction. Accuracy = 1 foot in 7,500 feet or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey map by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited Without Written consent. PROPOSED PLOT PLAN �(OuBjKdT TO doNTRAdTOR, HEALTH DEPT.. AND BUIL.DINd DEPT. APPROVAL) W f DOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health Site Plan Approved for Construction Z Supersedes All Previous Site Plans for o - OSTDS #S(-s4,115 yo & Well # Date: 1*7 Reviewer: LOT 14 IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SUBDIVISION OF ALL OF SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH RANGE 39 EAST MIN. SETIBE--K RE-0 � FRMT �b SIDES CUR SIDES REAR 3b - ZNG. TECH, WEST MIDWAY ROAD SCALE:1 "=80' Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 754 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 DATE:8/30/16 DRAWN: I C\JC 2016-0721 DATE: REVISIONS 4-28-17 ADD PROPOSED GARAGE / SEPTIC LAST FIELD DATE:3/31/17 Certified t o : Kathleen M. Valentino — / m. Harbor Community Bank, ISAOA ATWA 5l' TRACT A All Parker BroWn Title Insurance Agency e z PATO Old ReDublic National Title Insurance Con fell'# R,VARI �24 1SP1 T ROAD Test MidWay Road ALL ELEVATIONS SHOO HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AEMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (N.A.V D.'88) I hereby certify that the survey sholyn hereon is true and correct and is based on actual meoseuremenls taken in the field. This survey meets the Vinimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 Florida administrative code. P nCIF[ C410 Digitally signed by James A. Cesiro C, qTE. James A.r. PSM 5543 DN: cn=James A. Cesiro Jr., =Atlantic Land Design, ou, Cesiro Jr.,,/ Atlantic F 1i Date: 2017.04.2813:05:21 -04' c f\ srA EOF NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECT RO l _ a i o SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONICS ueVelio` Y rrOPOGRAPHIC �sUFRVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) Lot 3 of TROY ACRES according to the plot thereof as recorded in Plot Book 42 page 15 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. W z J W O C d 0 LO r` z_ U d N O �J1 i O z CV O I LOT IN THE NORTH1�jEST 1/4 Or THE SUBDIVSl OF ALL OF SECTON 4 TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH RANGE 39 EAST S 89*47'19" GARAGE PROPOSED F.F.E. = 1! M CD C.o F ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEYORS NOTES:, SET = Set 5/8" iron rebar With yellow cap marked PSM 5543" 1. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements FD=Found 5/8 Iron Rebar are shown hereon. F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation 2• All Lot dimensions shorn are per plat unless OH--OH--OH—= Over Head Wires otherwise shorn. X--X--X—= Chain Link Fence 3. NIo underground utilities or improvements Were -❑ EI-0-= Plastic Fence located unless otherwise shown. 0--0--0—= good Fence 4. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Map lsl= FPL Transformer Pad Zone AE19 Map# 12111C0164J Doted. 2-16-12 PL=Value as platted 5. Flood Zone shown hereon is an interpretation R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. Delp of Curve The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. EAS. = Measured CONIC. = Concrete 6. Bearings shoy�n hereon are based on the Center C.P.= Concr1 �to Pad line of West Midway Road as being S89'53'25"W ®= Water Nleter according to the Plat described hereon. 0 = PoWer Pole U 7. P..D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage = Utility Box Easement. G) = ell R.O. . = Right of Way 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on the 1111r = Dralno9e Proposed expected use of the survey. The expected use / and Existing purpose Y of this surve is home construction. Accuracy = 1 toot in 7,500 feet or better. LOT 1 IN THE 401ft jEST1/4OF 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey map by THE SUBIVIS OF ALL OFSECnON4 TOWANsHI 36 SOUTH RANGE 39 EAST other than the signing surveyor is prohibited 194.51' WithoutWritten consent. m ��`'x• �(OuEuEdT PROPOSED PLOT PLAN TO dONTRAdTOR, HEALTH DEPT., AND BuiLD1Nd DEPT. APPROVAL) � I FDOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health W LZ Site Plan Approved for Construction LZ Supersedes All Previous Site Plans for v o OSTDS 5G� /75ff* & Well # o Pate, 5 2 3! 7 a Revie er: Q C, t.� 915:e I 0 , c0 r--T--7------I I I I j I FUTURE HOMESTEAD j LOCARON I I L----------- J LOT 3 VACANT LAND CV LO CV L" CD q N �s 4.4 194.51' TRACT A W N LO ;V O CD pnol AllOq AID Ifl11' }� CULVERT l {� ,4f _ T. , VARI +ze ASPHALT ROAD Dest 0idWay Road ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AEMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (N.A.V.D.'88) LOT 14 IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SUBDIvISON OF ALL OF SECTION 4 TOWIJSHIP 36 SOUTH RANGE 39 EAST WEST MIDWAY ROAD SCALE: 1 "=8o' Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 DATE:8/30/16 754 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 DRAWN: I C\JC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 2016-0721 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 DATE: REVISIONS 4-28-17 1 ADD PROPOSED GARAGE / SEPTIC LAST FIELD DATE:3/31/17_ Certified to:Kathleen V Valentino Harbor Community Bank, ISAOA ATRIA Ally Parker BroWn Title Insurance Agency Old Re ublick National Title Insurance Company I hereby certify that the survey sho*n hereon is true and correct and is based on actual measeurements taken in the field. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J=17 Florida administrative code. '"�nTrF,"S c4 Digitally signed by James A Ces(ro e James A. PSM 5543 DN: cn=James A. Cesiro Jr., o-Atlantic Land Design, ou, Cesiro Jr. m i1=ALD5543@gmaiLcom,r—US y w Date: 2017.04.2813:0521-04'00' STATE OF a° NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC P fLORIO"' +� SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL k ° SURVEYOR