HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIBER GLASS BLOWING WOOL 2-2-1802/2/2018 O 07:40 AM PST TO:17724621578 FROM:5616880909 e: 1 1 `��/� Cog g p g� g� �+ p�t�p g�ST, JIClimate roOAl 000 Fiber Glass 11o4�77rPt➢ifPi� Your home has been professionally insulated to provide superior thermal resistance. `� CWO Homewiner's siklame Da:e 1 r Address rQlci3 City State Sri �� Zip RECORD OF INSTALLATION -BLOWING BATTSAND.ROLLS-•---•: •=- --_-- •--------. w Cdn'stnlctien If Retrofit: ' R-VALUE THICKNESS AREA INSULATED O:fletrofii.- ' Depth of Previous Insulation in.: Ceilings R-30 10.25 ir., • �( sq. ft.: Number of bags used. EsiiniateJ fjvalue of Previous lnstaltatiari n. sq. H, . Area Insulated a j sq. It. T/pes 61 Pre vous lrsglation in Attic Walls Bloat R-4.1 n/a_ in. 4WD sq. fl. : Tluclttiess of Insulation 10• K in..' ` Framed Wall R-13 3 , in. ' 0• , .... R�ralueo{Irisulafon 2.1 :: ,'Floois(Sub) R-19 '. • 6 in,': �f sq. It R- in..' sq.fi. = CLIMATE PRO Al000 INSULATION . R-VALUE ; .','; 'MINIM UM,INSTALCEb . SETTLED THICKNESS MINI V1U.M.t"LEIGHT PER 'UNIT (POUNOS/ BA65PER1,000 • ':MAXIMUTANETCOVERAGE' (Ha-$O.FT.!'FLBTUI� : THICKNESS(IN.) IIN,1 ; ... • SQ Sl1.FT. '` ", 'IS11.FT./BA61 To obtain insulation InstalleC insulation shall not be Expected thickness aher long-term sattlinc Weight per sq,`, of installed insulation shell Minimum number of bags per 1,000 sq.ft. Contents of this bag shall resistance (R1 of: (ess than: hasoccurad: J not be less than: of net area shall not be less than: not cover more than: 13 :1.75 4.75 0,180 5.5 182.9 t3 6.79 6.75 0.26E 8.1 124.2 22 7.75 7.75 0.311 9.4 106.3 26 9.00 9.00 0.368 11.2 89.6 30 ?0.2 10.25 0.428 13.4 77.0 38 12.75 i4. s 0.555 16.9 59.5 dd 14.75 1J.75 0.662 20.1 49.8 49 16.25 16.25 0.70 22,6 44.2 60 19.50 19.50 1 0.940 28.5 35.1 For nwrerottrtmuon.etllI•B00-OSa-3w. BIC4Sii 03114 L)201.1JohnsManville. All Rights flesarml.717UthStraet,Danvar,COa0201 r" ti i ?I j)Mt JAN 3a 2016 ---- T Lucie carr...l JM Climate Pr®® M 000 Fiber Glass 0.10wing W-0-1 Your home has been professionally insulated to provide superior thermal resistance, RECORD OF INSTALLATION -.BAT .;. ... -•..; .: A Nelv.Cb�inlwan (FEiehofil . a � ' QepiJlefPletlous.lnsnla-ten •- . in. Cedrngs V KNES11 `EO H• ALUE THICSS pBEAIN in.lIL Q Aetr�fit .. ' n sq. It. 'Nuigpeiait:bag3;ased,;_a� •€sfltratadii•;alut:r.SPip•twCilhStstllabryn Area blsdlaled sq. it I }pt of ti'rev ous Insulation iitAtbe '~yells rn. sq• n. ihlcknessnt lnaulagon. �Or�•�{n .. a , 47. It. R fienr5 value atltlsWailop iS JN r-I IrAn7ts_ DWO All ene INSULATION N YALI�E (N�„'SQ PT' �IBTUi MINIMUM INSTALLED TIIICKNE$S�IN,) SETTLE01 HICKNES$ IIN•} MIMU NIMWEIGHt UNITAf1EAiPOUNO$% ='. BAGS 1.660, . MAXIMUM NETCOVERABE.' PEA :. SG FT ISD FT(BAGI . To obtain insulation Installed insulation shall not be Ezpactedlhicknoss after long•letln settling ' woightpar sq.tt. of Installed insulation shall 1,0 nber of Hags per a shall n t. Contents al marring shall flags per of not aeon shall not net cover marethan: resistence (R) of: less than: has otcured: not bo.less than: be legs than: 13 4.75 4.75 0.180 5.5 182.9 19 6.75. 6.79 0.266 8.1 124.1 22 • 7.75 7.75 0.311 9.4 105.3 26 30 9.00 0.25 �1*fj.25 0.428 11.2 Bq 13.0 77A 38 1215 12.75 ..155 i6.8 59.5 44 14.75 14.75 0.662 203 a9.8 49 15.25 16.25 0.747 22.6 44.2 60 19.56 19.50 0.944 18.5 ail See reverse ro delernum adjasleaotr in ;everege rcyPhruire Ho A IOd:I insuttrior t7 hluwmla. • DeremrinAf v14y7 a t.4kul Vc1u4blk nib Itimiritmashl". rlle ?+chin: IM sal ey L1 31d gent htlh a TS-. eaengaraarala :"rose Warft M?WWI- et m a 10 ir. arc �' cPwvil s0houl hal.iOng Insulation Contractor Signature Oahu Company ARP, Inc Addles 2401 Lynx Le.ne, Ste 16- -Phone _ 407-297-3939 Hurtle Builder Signature Date _ Company Address Phone Mun Johns Manvigge F4nnmeinlmrnahoocaU140%;r1.3101 WIM11 U14r<:i0li.int:nsrdanviOr. All nitilnsRnsemd.7l7l7diMIetl.tlelrvel.Cs]oalOt 01/30/2018 06:23 AM PST TO:17724621578 _s FROM:5616880909 Page: 1 JM Climate Pr®® At 000 Fibeir Glass 810wilmg W001 Your home has been professionally insulated to provide superior thermal resistance. RECORD oiP INSTALLATION 8AT rSAKO ROLLS UE '� THICKNESS ABEAINSl1LATED NEt!1.CiipgtNtlion:<•.,..;::. .::3•�.... ::.<: :,:. ,.• R AL ... tt. • .r•..:;y:{'n_r<';s:..: _ ..... .,..:.�:v• ... in.' Ceilings in.' :q. DeFihelPieviousblsi{lawn. Numbirotba, s.iued; a Eiiin�fedii•vnl,LrrPru;u;Us.lnstaUgr,ui Arealrtsitlated;i;;':; �c� r @,x.it. t Tyxesot+'rer'atglasulationinWile tVells in :q• !. It �Tkidii}essotln>ulatigri..,IO��i',• -_ , �. .. . CLIMATE PRO Al000 INSULATION .;.. ;;:•:,;!.;= `=R•VALUEr:' ,;'''MINIMUMINSTALLEO ':._ ..:-: .. _ ;.':. MINIMUMINEIG(ITRER. ..SETTLEOTNICKNE55„ =. 11NiTi1REA180UN6$l:'.: "'•:MI{RMUMNETCUVERAGI BAG§PER1,UDt1.. '' t (SefT.JBAGI IKReSd FT.�2!lBTtlj `- _..:�.:-.:;:.::..�;. JNICKNESS:(iN;t, ' %:..;.;:•;.c:-::..: "': "IIN.I ;: •:..•. -.. . .-..,. %:B RAT SR,1T. Installed insulation Eapactrdthickness I Weight per sq.ti.ot Mininwmnumberof Iragspert,etlgsq.ft. Contcntse(Utsba ail Toehtaiuinsulotion shall not be after long-term settling installed insulation shall �{ not area shell not net covet morothmc resistance IRlol: less than: has ucured! notbe less than. be leas thrim I3 4.75 435 10.180 5.5 '182.9 19 G.15 , 0.75 0.266 8.1 1242 22 175 7.75 0.311 RA IM3 26 30 9.00 1U.25 �1'2585 11.2 13.0 8 7?.0 38 .0.25 1235 12.75 16.e 59.5 44 14.75 14.75 0.662 20.1 a9.8 49 16.25 16.25 9.747 22.h 4a.2 60 K 1J..0 19.50 0.94t1 B!i 3a1 3Eeisve erodeteraa>tafiWlerareirr:taerasorlvckVicRn4160rnwrtaio,ilhwr:;ta3. •Derarmtnstru14Wa0411)We•M113ItIN" twk.1marhr•P.ryamathirrEn9sroIupL-'it d ,reat>„rhJ75iea,v+9alaaru3?"rsseb!mr,'grN:^r..;,rov'malerir�a.'c� I l—D.,�./e naic � �� !l"t f IJ Company ARP, Inc rlddr?ss 2401 Lynx Lane Ste 16 ^ Phuni,- _ 407-297T3939 Honle Builder siananfle _ ]ate — Company Adder. _ Pllone Mij Johns Manville 6v mom Wr..nw!ron call t-906fiT4.3103 111C-158 CEtr14 2:20143t.kn3 rdanvllle. All Rlqlas Rnserved.7U lhb 5trre!, nenvr!, t:d:oIet DISAPPROVED