HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1154 "n-":~",,,,-,~"""--~~'~"7'''''-r~~'-'''--'~__~"':'~'~!''"~'''.'.~_-_'l~,~';~..-; .>,~..;..~. v-:'"~' ~"""--"_~~~~'~_""""'~." ..;-"" ';;""",'_~_ """;. ;,~J ._ _ .'" . _~..,...,~'..."':""'"""" ~ _...~..., " ,b-'. WARRANTY.O'EED j I XR~" iu~~ l'JLrID' OOIGA:qy' to ,.11'1- R. Town ant: wl~e 'I'IUI DDU"lCU. ..... ". , 19th .., of Maroh A. D. 1.19 ., tM JNJ>JAN ,lUVUrAUI COMPANY. . cor,onUaa 0I1UIlIttJtt1 ~_1ifIK __ a.i ta.. of ". Staa. ot J1orl4a. tut1 (Ii tbe ant put. ..William R. Town ~nd V. Wanonah toWII..~Vt\.tOoub'of Ingham ...~ot. .lUoblgan ,.-.. PArtrolUleMC0D4JUt. W1THB8UTR. TIlat ........ Parl1 (II '" ..... ..... ,...... .. ~ of ,.. ... 01 One (11.00) . '. DOLLAIl8,tawM .oaq .. - tile Ual... etatee. ... ~ ftI..... ~ to It .. .... peJcI ., tbe .... IMU'b' 01 tM -.. put. at or."'" tM ....... ... ...IT." 01 u.. 'rtIfIltt. ... tM receipt wllenol .. '-*1 _.owled_ ! := ==-=r:~~~~:m= ~:''=!f~~,=;r-r~~~It~J;T~- . I the to~~~=:~JIorf8~ ~: th: :k:~~l:o!e:t~:t 'o~St~.~ ;latr~eog~X:a..tg'tM ~ttic~o~~to II the Cl~rkot the Cirouit vourt ln and tors81d oount)'. . . , RES TR 1 CT lOB S. . . ..' I 1 The ))urohaser lIlUst olear bis lot of all un4erb!'uoh or undesirable growth within 60 days trom dateot purob.ase, and ln theevont o. t his, not com:p171~ with t.h18, the. Compeny shall have " the right to do suoh olearing.at a oost not to exceed '10.00 per lot and oharge same to the' purchaser... .... , I 2. 'That thepurchasor will, within one year from date, eet orcauee_ to have Bet out, at least I tiveornamen.tol treea. on the lot 1dat least three ornamentalt!'.ee. 8 between tbe sidewalk anl I -ourb 11ne, which w11l be cored ~o the Company -at a nominal cost ln the ovent that purchaser 1e not on the ground. _.' . - , I 3. That allbulldingsereoted, must first oomply 1fith the restriotions wllh referenct' to plaoementof building on the lot, and that no re8i~enoe8hall be plaoed oloser to the lot I. lIne than twanty (20) feet and no bul1dlD8S shall be erected in.Osoeola ~ark ad~l~ion which entail en expenditure ot les8 ttsn $600.00 without speoial permission of the company. All I buildings, inoludine roota shall be pP-inted wI thin 90 days frO/ii cOI~!Jlotion. .. I SUbJeot to all taxes nndditoh ass6ssmentscr any speciel assessments 1t any be levied for I the year 1919 and all subsequent taxes and a8seB8men~s. I I ! ! ~ifty cents I.R. Stamp canoelled. . . Bleept, Iacnr........ tM. rlPt of wq tor 111I"'10 ro.acb.. dnfDIp eaaab, u<< d1tdl8 aa .... _ ... .lat 01 ...... I.... ..... ., tJle party of tII. ant put. , . -, TO BA VB ~ TO BOLD THB 8AJIB. topther wftll I&IJ tM ileredI'-a" aIIII IP&MIrteMaet8 Uaemmto lIelclqloa. lUlto tII. .... tut1 01 tM -" put'" ... laelra'" auIpa la fee aim.!. torner. AJI4 tile.... putJ-oI tM Int ..n. for u..u u4 Ita _-. __ lien" en_t wi" .... put)' 01 tM ..-. P&rt. .... IaeItI. leCal ....,..tatme, ........... tIsot It .. ....reun.JT MIM4 01 ......... la fee .laple: Uaat It llU tlJll power ID4 la.flIl rtcIat to eoIlftY .... I&D4 lit t.. atlllpl.. aa atoreel\I4: dlat It .....1 lie 1a1rflll for.... party 01 tM NCOIMl (IlI.tt. ,.. "no ..... .-e...-taU", ID4 ..... at all t'" ~ lUId ..1et17 to sm .... .... _pt. ... -.107 .... ....: dlat laid IaaC .. frM rr- all eee1llD~: tllat It ril sake ncIa f\artIaet......... to perf_ tilt f.. 11m". UUe to .... .... aa maJ' reuou.'T Ile reqalnd. ... tIaat It doN h"" taJb' wUrut ... Utle to .... ..... ... wtll ..,... tile .... ...... tH IawflaJ dalma 01 all pe.-- .1IomMeT.... IN WJTNB88 WBEREOr. tM pUt)' 01 ... IrIt JUt. _ tIae de, ....)'aI' Int a1lot'e .It<<... .... ea1lMd Ita iIaae to lie aiped ... Ita llOrporate 1M! to'" albed to u.- ...... It)' lte PreII...t... ... SeentaT)'. ylaJeb oIIeen un lIMe dalJ" utllorbed &ad empowered ., 1'.ohIUOll 01 the ~ 01 Dlrectora 01 tIae INDJAH RIVER FAIUI8 COIllPANYf ~ ." tM tnt put 1Ie~ to a_te ..Hellyer tilt...... . IUD AU RIVER FAllJ,{S CO?lPABY . B1 . (Corp. s.1) Reman J. Zeuch JlI PrMIdetIL Charles DUnoan J" 8eentarT. 8I&ud. ..... ... deI.....red Ia p,.... 01 _: ............. .0,... ~~nolDYall.... ......... ~...... ... ..... ...~,. ..Q.~~,.J~o~............... ..... i I I j i i I I . I i I I I I I I I I I STAft OF IOWA. } C01JHTY or 8CO'lT. ... . I. 'A olIctr dalJ" aatlaorlal4 to take lcUowltdCaell.. to .... do ~ -utJ Uaat _ .... dq ~ appeUecl Wore ... orman J. Zeuoh ... Charles Dunoan . to .. ".n ~ ..tile PreeldtItt ... ~, reapedkelJ". of tile ...... RITer ran. eo.,u". tile 1lO~ ~... Ia tile r.... ......... ... "'" aebo'Wle4p4 Wor. .. dial tlMT.... "IT alItIaorbed ., ..w --.oratIeIl to aecete tile foreplq deed oa I" lIeI&alf, ... to.... 1tI_..4 dIs Ita'" tIlInto. tJtat tIM.... aIIn4 tIltnCo II tM eorjcnIe", 01.... eorporaUoD..... tIaat .... 4he4 hi eueatell '" ..WllOrPOl1ltloa tor Ute JalPOlM tMreIa. apr...... ... tlaeT ....erallT acts_I"'" tIatI .-uo. tMnoI to .. ".... tree ad ... .... .. neIa ome.ra. for tM _ ...,.,... ...,... ...~ 11I4 tIaat tlIII .... ~ t. tM ad ... deed of .... eorporaUojL . IN W1T1fE88 WHEREOF. 1 un .......... dsell _ ... ... oIktaI Mal. tM. 19t11.. a. ;. dq 01 -.JlIat~h u19 . at III. Ct" ot ~ya,.n. Clout1... 1tat.af...s4. Pranoi" X. Plath (I. .P. Seal) NoCaIJ' PPUc .. ... tor Beott Coo". JOWL II)' ~WII-"'''''''' July 4th, 1921 "Aft or J'LORJDA. } OQUH'I'I' 0" 8'1'. LUCJ& .. . .B IT 1t__ulnq). TIaat _ W. 3rd f. P. . 0 . BlUed . fonpIq DM4 itUae hwte ..... of .... CoaaQt. IN Wl'l'HDIII WDalDOr. I' M,........... Mt .. ..... ... tM'" 01 .... eom. tile tIT ... ..... don W11lt-. (Ct~Ot~ 8eal) .......(]~~.J'%:J;:;~ii~) .. ...:..0:....... ........... ....................- co.. REOORD VERIFIED .., ., April A. D. 1'19 Cleft of file ~ Coart Ia ... tOr .... Coot)' Iaan dalT nllOnIed III. I t I o I , J j f '.1.~. 1 I, p . - o '- ..,-'-':~..\i~lllt~li~l~