HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1167 : -'""Y- . _"!"_ ;'\;,~fT"'" "H. T _.'1_~..'-~'f,III'~~. '!~~.I!.~~" ~ [-J{ ~ .UI'~r.r!.1'1'l''t~1~ Piy- II ) fI)fV~.41JXl ,,'......"'11;_ All, 1. ~ ._fT- t.lrfIZ! r:rl ~~~"""~f'"--IP<l'W f r. y...<<~~.U7r~,~f~.........._ _ 67 . I~ I I I WARRANTY DEED tJIl'1.. It..,,, '.1"" 00.. '. .. J.oaDa 1.110' Bv.'oJa1'OJl THIS DDIlJTtlU. Made u.. a'th Ik1 oDeoubel' " .A. D. 1118 ., u.. . INDIAN BIVQ FAaKlt ,COllPANY. a llOI'poratlola otpalJe4 .... UIaUq "'tr u.. "WI of till ~te of I'lorI4a, JaJt1 ot tile lI'IIt pan" to John Le1l07 B1a~h1IOJl of till Coa~ of aatat Lu1. ... Stall of >>lorU.a lIUV of tII..__d part. ~. . ~ WlTNB881lb,'-nat tlIt laid tutJ'.of UIe lI'IIt ...... for.Dd III ~ of tII. _ 01 , OIl, (tl.OO) 1lOLLAlL8, la.-fllJ QIOllq III ... Ultl~ 8tatee,aM otlIer ftIN~" _w.raUou, to It la bul(..... ., till I IIIcl MrtT of thl Mco.4 pan" at or WoN ... ......... ... 4eU"eI'1 of tlIeIe "....ti, aM UIe reeelpt wlMNOI .. b.., atkllowl..... ' lIa4 .....1... ........et. 1014. rel~h. COlly.'" ... ~ ...., ..... .......u doea ......, PUs. ~~. ...1..... -"F 1. . ~=': ::::..~Q.IlIf6:'OBe.."i\.r'(Yt.lr-11rmA~ .lrIf.'.dI' !to' .,t;M'tI'mot leisht (8JO.0.ola Put Ho_el~..a a4dU10n ~o ~he twm ot V'~~he .... il 4..18Da~ed , on the plat reoorde4 1n "th~ oftioe ot the Ol.l'k of the 011'01111;' Oou~ 1n _d tor .a14 Oout,. \ - . . -, ." B B S,' B I 0 '. I 0 . 8. ". - _ . . _ . : 1. !h. puroh&8.r auet ol.ar hie 101; ot all 1m~'rbl'Uah 01" -4.e1I'able powtJl wi thin 6 iIontha : I fro. date..ot pUohale, _4 1nthe ..,ent of h1e not. oODlpl,inS With th1e, the. OOmpa.DJ lball haY. I the right w 40. noh ol.ulq a~ a oo.t not to uo..... flO.OO per ;a.ot ad ollar,. .... w the : . PUl'Ohaae~1 ,.... . '. '.' 12. that the puobutr wUl. wi thin on."u b_ date, 8et or O&u. to ha-t. ..t out. a~ l.an l ti.... onlMntal we.. OD~beJot ad at le...t thl'.e OI'D"'lltal tl"" be."1l the eid.walk ant 10Ul'b line, _ioh WUl be oar -tor b7th. OOIl})8D7 at a Ilollinal ooet,'1n th. ..,tllt that pu- i ohuer 18 not on the pound. . . . . _ . . . ; I. that &11 b1l11d1q8 .I'eoted, IlU8t tir.t oo.pl., with the restriotion. .i th r.~ereno.w plao'- IUllt of buUding on the lot,_d that no re81deno. .hall lie ~ao"doto.tr ,1;0 the lot lin. thazl I twent, (20) ta.'. and no builtin,. ahall be .reot.d 1n O.o.ola Put ~441 tlon whioh entail an I ! apendi tv. o~ le.. tha taoo.OO 11:1. thout '''01&1 ,.ra1..iOll of the OOllJlID7. ~l buildinge : !1nol1ld1ng ~oo:(., lIhall be painted within 80 dap :trOll ooapl.Uon. . l ... ; 3ubleot to all dUoh .........,. or ID7 .peo1al ....8...llt if &Il7 be l'Tled ~or the ".1' tll18 ad all ollbaequtn1; taxe. and .........nts. - . (tl.OO I.B. .t8IMI' olnoeU.d) I . ~ ...... '::T 1\ n. .... ,f Waf k~ _ 11\'11 1 ..- "'r'~.. --. -..A"'~ .. A.._ _ MI, ,1M .II ..AI ,... V'"flh II, Ill, ~,.., I -I [. j TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TilE SAKE, toptMr wltII &lUlle Ilencll~ta aDd apPlIrteIIufls tIIerftDto lMloqlq, vata lbe aaId JUtF of tile MCOIIIt part and II" lIelrs aIld -leu III fee IImpl. tou"r. .ADd UIe .... lNU1-F of ... Ant part. I. IbeIf aDd lit ACCeSaora. ._ beNlIF to,,_t 1!'ltll .... part)' of lbe aeeoH pc.rt. ilia ....... lqak re,_WIY... &Ad UIIICU tJaat It .. ladefeullllF eebed of .... .... III lee IImpl.; Uaat It ~ tull powe, aIld lawfllJ rl&IIt to -TeF IaJlI .... III tee ....1.. .. alorN&ld; tlIat II NIlI .. "wfllJ for.... PIIV of the aet'OIld part. .Ia belrs. 1..-1 ft,nMlltaUyM. &ad ........ at &II U-.-..a,..... ,ulet'" to Rtar .poII. IIoId. _.,.. ..... IIlJo7 .... 1aD4; tJaal aaId .... II free from aU eIltalllllraacea; tJaal It wUJ lUke Ada tutlIer.._ ta perfeta tlIe tee IImple Uu. to ....-11... .. IDaF -lIlT be required, IIld _tllat II doe& henb)" flIIlF warrut tlIt UU. to .... ..... aM will HlU4 Ule __ qaIaat tbe Iawflal ttaJma 01 all peraou w--...r. IN WITNESS ~EOF. the part,. of au Int put. oa ... .., aad Fear Int a,". wrltt-. ... eallHd Ita _ to lie ,Iped aDd Ita eorvorate IMI 10 .. &lIIxtd to ~ p~ lIF U. Pr&lclut aad .ta Seenlal7. wlllda ollcen han beea dilly autllorbed aad -pow..... ., neoIutloa of the Boanl of ottectors of au INDIAN RIVER FA. RU~ANY-IIiNU' of Ute !I1K..JUt.J!!'!.~J9- ueeute aacI cleUnr tbIa deed. . an _lTel' 'a~ g~ . - - .. (Corp. 8e8I) - Be1'aUl J. 1e11oh .. Siped. lMIecI aDd dettnred III preeeaee of aa: ..... G...Bzo.ok1l.11.. ............. ............ '" .. .-..a...K.. ..au_ .......... ..:.... .......... lbl Prea1.aL Oharle8 Dunoan Ita 8eereta17. STATIl OF IOWA. } COUNTY or 8CO'IT, ... J. &A otIeu cllllF aaUIodu4 to take aekHwl.....ea.. to ... do beubl cerU4 l1Iat _ tlala cIa7 ~..-.l:, .ppn.rtd Iwfore me, 'a.nan J. ZellOh aM Ohal'l.. Duno_ to - wen bowa II the Preeldal aDd s.cr.tarJ'. r.-pecUyeq. of tII. ID4Jaa lUyer '1"armI CollI...,.. tlIe toJ1lOratloa deKribed la the forepIq ......... aDd t.., IIdlllOw1e4p4 IIetore _ l1Iat tIIq wert clal,. authorlaed ., .... corporaUoa to ueeute tll. torqoIq deed - Ita IMIlaIf. ... to -'CD Ita _ ... alb hi MIl dlIrato, tlIat tlIe MIl.... ~ .. tlIe CIOrporate ,aI of 8&lcl torporatloD. &lid tJaat .... .... Will uecate4I .,. .... eorporatloli tDf tlIe perpoaea Ulenla u"..... u4 tlIq aneratIT ad:llOwledced. tile neeutlOll tbereol to .. tlIeJr ,.... act ... .... II IlICIl 01lceN. fOl' tlIe _ ... ~ ........ ....tloMcJ. aDd "'t ... .... lutnuaeal .. tbe ad ... deed 01 .... corporaUoa. IN WlTHE88 WHEREOF. I Uye .......to .... .,..... ... oIIeJa1 .... llIlI "tIl cia,. of Deoeaber lil8. . at au CllF of Daneport, Cou~ ... Stale al...... haoe. I. Platlt 'Ot.7 S'al. NolaJ7 ...lIIle III .ad for Scott Couat,.. Iowa. iii,. CoauaIaaIoa nplr.lal, "th, 1181 . 8UD or FLORIDA. } COUNTY OF ST. UlCJB. .. IT 8EKBK~. nat oa tlala ItIa I, P. O. Blaz.4 foretioIq Deed .. tlIe ...~Ue a-na. of .... CoulF. IN Wl'rHa8 WBEIlI:Or. I ..... ......to let ., 1Iu4", tlIe... of .... CoItrt. ... _ &ad Fear alloy. writ.... cIa7 01 Mq A. I). 1. 11 ClerIE 01 1M Clmal! Court .. u4 '01' .... CoulF haYI d1!lF rf.t'Onled the [l (Ot. 01;. 8.at) ..... .. ;p "("~\.I1Aze4" . .. ., . .. . ...... '" '. .. ... (SEAL) \ <~ Clertt Orall eo.trt. - ..............~ .~;~..!.~~;b..DetelF Clerk IlfCORD . ~€.ftIFIt:O .1-