HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1171 :'""''''~7~::-~''~'~-'.~'?'""-'''~~:~~-:~-~7'Y~'~1':~~_~.-: ;'.-:-_~T~':-~""_:".7~: ,~-e ,;,--r--!', ':':':";'~":-.-;;',P'~-,".~:""7~7 '",."": .?:=>~.r:,T. t'Il;,. ':- ":.."'"'\':~ ...'"~. ,- .~,: '" ~: . <-~'!'".!"-.,,: ,~ .'~7._ . -'i1 ,I)- .----.: fl. Ii i I I I I I ! . j 'I- .. I WARRANTYS-DEED ". to 1J14i.. ab., '.N'.a""~F At 't 11I_' '1B11IQun... ~ tile 81., _ of Maroll '. A. 11. 1. 1. _ tM INDJANBlyQ rAUUS COli PANT. . corporau. C!QWIed ..... alaUq ....,aM.... of lH'State of ftMMa. J6rt1 of tile ant pUt. to A. >>. out ' - of tile COutr-of look l-.lad - nd 8Cate oC . . U1S1lo11i ~ of tbI Meoa4 part. W1'l'HB88ImI. nat tbe .... JNtr of ... a.,t ~ f.... .. CCIMItw&tIoa of aM __ at OM' (..00) _ DOu.AU,..".... ~ .. aM Ualte4 ....... .... ....... .......Uou. to It .. .... ~ ~lH ... tam., tile .... put. IIt.Or Won'" ......~ .... -"'IYW)' of tIMM .,..... u.. u.e ncelJt "Iltr_ .. b..b, uuow....... MIl arutfCI. kqaIa"- 101" rei..... _1'17'4 ... ~ nd _ .... .......ta ... IMnIlF PUt. IIuIaIa. ..u. ftl.... _"" ... -ana ..10 tile .... 1*1'lf of tIle.-M put ... .,. ...,. ........... .. _.... aU tbe ..... .. It. .....~. eou". norw.. deIaI~.. tono..:... . - '.. _ . -the .~.t ~.n'(io) ~J..'of, th....' b~_(eO) &01'.' Of'I'&ot,"D(10 '.OUOII t.hl'.. (as) _ to!llulllp thll't,..thl". ($8) 80uth, Bange thlI'V-DlD. (19) ~ Ba,t, .. the ..1 '1. dl'1811ate4 on the 1.., genlrU plat of lands of the Indian Bl....r i J'anaOoap.. filet in the offloe of the OlNk of 1.u. 011'0111' Oourt of Saint L I.uole 001Ult7. - fto1'ida. . S.bjeot to all taes aDd dl ~h u.....nt, 01' &n7 speoial a,.e._nt, If _ ,be l....led ~Ol' the "1&1' 1919 and all Rb..qulnt tax.. and a......nt.. (tJ,.80 I.B. .taap, 08D0.ll.d.) o ExUJt. Ilowtl'et'. Ule rlcJat of ...,. for ""Ie_ ra&da" drala... euaIa. and dll~ ..1lIo1nl OD tIN plat of NJcIlaada .... It7 the pulJ' of tIat- 1m part. . - TO IL\ VB AND TO HOLD THE BAllE, lopUler ,.-tlll aU tile IMrMltameata aM appartma_ tIl.mmlo "loD&1q, ulo llIe ....4 pUt, of tIM ..... part and ilia hem aa4 usIpa ID ,.. aim"" for_. . .b4 aM ..... "rft ell tile ant FUt. for IlMlf &all Ita _.n. doe. herelt7 CU1'_t willi uH ~ of tilt MCOD4 put. ltJa IatIn. ..... ~Wh.. aa4....... llIallt Ia 1adef.....17 MlMd of..... .... .. f.. .......: tIa&t I~ Iaa3 f1l11 poy... aM ....rul rtpt to ~ .... Iud .. filii abapl.. .. aforeIa1.: ..at It ..... be I&wr.d f...... partT of tile .-. part. bIa ........ IecaJ ~tati1'.. ucJ . ..... at aU u..a ~ aIIlI 411letlJ 10 eater .polI"....... -Pl. ... -.Jay ..... ....: lIlal aal4 .... .. tret from all _~: tUllt W1U..u.... futIatr _~ 10 ""eel,tM fet .......uu. 10 .... .... .. 11I&7 ~W7 .. reqll1rM. aacJ tIaat It "'- ,~ h1I7 warraat tilt Utle 10 .... ..... ... wUI ..,.. tJIe ..... ...... tM I&wf1ll c:1alma of aU ..rwu wbotaloner. , IN W1TNE88 WHDEOr. tile ...-t7 of tilt ant ...... OIl tile ..,...,., Int *"a wrtu., .... eaued Ua _ 10 .. aIped aDII ltIi 4lOf1IQI'ata M[aJ 10 lie .lIu4 to ... ..-ta It7 Ita Pr_deat ... Ita 8ecnIar)'. wllldl o:ec.ra lIan beea '.1, ..tIaorlUd aad empcnrencJ _ nMIl1Uo1a ell tile Boa'" of DIreeton of tM INDIAH BlVCR FA1U18 COMPANY. part)' of tIla ant put !lena.. 10 uecal. ..............1111...... . sJn41'8Il 11"'11' 1'... OoaJlQ7 . ~ T I Bel'''' J. zeuoJl 8I&aef. .-led ... dellftred .. p~_ of u: ......G....b~U........................... ... ..... ~A.~. .t.q,,'-........ ................... Ita PrMldeaL Oharl.. DaDou Ita 8eaetarJ'" ITA,.. or IOWA. } cotJJft'i or 80011'... ... .. ..oeew all' uthorbe4 to taka as-I....eata 10 ...... do llerd)' eertlf1 llIat 0& thla _ ~:, ...-red before 1M, . ..~ J.. z..a .... Ohar1.. DllDo_ to .. wtlI JQIcnra .. tilt .~ iM 8ecntarF. ............,. of uM radJaa JUnr .1'anIia CoafNUl1. tile eorporallGa '-rtNd ID tile fohtolq ........ u4lbeJ' ut........ Won .. tIla& IlM7 were cJaJ, a\lthorlM4 '" _eAl4 -.orauoa. 10 aeeate tile f..... dee4 0& au 1MIIalt. aM to ... l4a .... nd db au ... ...,..., tIla& tile ....ax.. UMnIO .. till -.orate ... .. M1cI eorvoratloe. ... that ... ....... __tell '" .... eortonlloa fW till ..,... tIatnIa ~... ....,. -.11, aet_Itdced tilt aeeaUoa tIle~. "... let.. . lie ~ fret Mt u4.... .. Ada oIIcen. for tilt __ ....."... tMru -tleMIt. ~ tIaat the .... ~t II tilt ~ ......... of .... -.oraUc&. '. .- IN WlTNE88 WBBIlICOr. I kn IItrMaIO duA .., .... ... olldal ..... W. 81._ 1Iazah 11 1. at aM.CItJ' ell 'PaY.. port. CoIIJllf ... Slate arore.lL >>1'_0.'.. naUa HolarT .....te fa aM for Seott Con&'. Iowa; (lotli1'7 Ileal) II, C--....... u,.,.1Ia17 ... 1,. ,9," f-4f;<:) ,,; _ .,!i. ~ ,l ~ p. ~...;.~. I' } ITAU or J'LOBlDA. .} COUIft'Y or n'. U1Cd. .. rrB-RlmRRRn, TIlat _ tIaIa 8'h -J. Ie CJ.&DUD tor.... Deed .. the h.uo a-1II of .... CoIIJltr. IN 1fl'I'NB8I ~. I kn __10 lit ., ....... lilt... of aaJd c.n. tile ~ ... ,.... .-. "rltlaa. .., of Ma7 . A. D. Ill. _. CJedl of tM'~ ColUt .. ... for .... Coulf ltan dllJ1 r_nJe4 .... OJ1I.dIIl~ . ~ 0110 OJ/if .1.. .a.-.. W.ftllaft... ........... ... ....... ...... ..(IIIAL) . ~ Cl-' CImdt Cout. .'" .................W~.....~.- ..... '- I i i I i [ o (ot.. Ot.. 8M1) '. . --- . . ,', .:-.J:~il~lti~ff~~