HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1181 . ""-.. . .>~-... " ~ ''"':' ....... ...... ".. ~.~...."",","'.. .... ".' " 81 ~ -I WARRANTY 'DEED , .... . . I I,uH~h 'JT.~ '0%'11I" OPQAUY lo.A, w. lo~. 'I'IlII.llfDanvu. Ma4e tlM '. ~l$th dq of lIa7' . It. D. It 1$ .1Ir tn INDIAN RlftR FAIUI8 OOJIIP.ANT. . (Orporat.IoGorpaJae4 u4 qlltlq ....r ~ Ia". or U1e 8ta'- of ~ JUt7 of tla. Ilrtt part. to .A. W. Yo~ . . . Or tIat eou., " Balnt Luole .... 8ta'- of 1\." J1orl4a. pa,., of tll..'eoa4 put. _ WITNE68in'B. TIlIt till .... '*"'. of U1. 1rIIll*t. .f(ar'" Sa e-........... of ~ .. " One. (11.00) I)()~ I&wflll ....., .. UIe UIllte4 fSUtet, ... 'GUlN qJ!I&bIe _......~ to It .. .... paI4 11, tile .... ~ Gt Uae -' put. at or Wore UIe .-I1q ... cJelh~ of u.. ~tt. ... tile receiPt wile... .. liar" acUowlecl&e<<. W pul'" ~ed. .... ~~ eclII""" .... -an:a.d. ....., t~ .-.-_1& .,.. ......, '1ftIlI. ""'1, MU. rel~ CIOIln, ad COI!lml _to Uae ..... fUi7 of.1IM HeIIM paJl ... ilia Iltlra ... uaIpI.,. f........ aU U1.. ......... It. LIt,.:. CQ\aa.,. Flori' <<tiert.... "rlSIrJo. Six (G) In Blook He>. fhlrt7 (30) in ,the town of Voro, ~or14a, ae the .88t\.18deB~gnated on the Plat -ot suoh town, reoorded Inthe ottioe ot the Oluk of the 01roult'Courtln and tor 8014 Oount7. RESTRIOnOHS. . 1. The purohaser 1llU8t olelU' )1i8--1.0," ot &11 Underbru8h orundesirabl.e growth within 90 da18 frOIl. date. ot ))Utohase, and In tbe .nnt of. h18 ne>t oomp171nswl th thls, the Compan7 shall have the rlgbt .,. do noh alearing at a oost not to exoeed '10.00 Pt1' lot and oharge Bame to the purohaser. . . . . . . . 2. That the purohaser, will, within one 7ear from date, set oroause to have set out, at leaet tive ornamental trees on the loti and at leust two ornamental trees betwren the side- walkend ourb line, whIoh will be oared for by the Company at a nominal oost. n the event thatpurohaser i8 not on the ground. . . . 3. That all buildings ereoted. JlUBt first oomply with the re8triotion8 with reterenoe to plaeoment of ~uilding on the lot, and that no resldenoe eball be plaoed oloser to the lot 11ne than thirty (30)teet~ -and no bulldi~8 shall be ereoted within thereetrloted distrlot wh10hentail an expend! ture ot le.. than t600.00, w1 thout epe01alpt1'lilssion of the Company. All buildin.gs, lnoludlng roots, shall be painted_within 90 days ~om oompletion. !bis oontraot appliee only to lotB Inthe restrioted distriot in the town of Vtro, 88 shown onth. Oo.paDJ's plat ot the Vero town.lte.. - - . SubJeot to all taxes and 41toh a8BesBments~ or'anyspeolal assessments, it any be levied tor the year 1919.. i ~~ . (50r/ :to · B. Stamp oan. oeledf.. - ............... ....,.. __ .......fll ~f""""" llr .. ......._......_..... *-W~..... .......,.". .........,... ubsequent taxes ani. a.seBsments. .. _ TO HAVB AND TO HOLt) THB 8AlIB. toptIler wtlb all lb. hertdl'-ta ... a,puteDallC4la tIltrftllto lIe1~ uto .be aakl l'Ut7 of the MCGBlt pert ... hla ~elrs-'" UIlpa III fee aIm,l. fouTel'. ... U1. .... partJ' of tile Irst part. for.....f aMlla a_-."- he...., eoYeu.~ .ltIl .... part1 of lbl. -<< P&rt. hls beIrt, lecal rtp.-taUYW, ata4...spa Ulat It .. Iatlefeui1llJ" adIed of Ia14 Iud .. fee "lIlple; Chat II Il~ tull po...r ... I.wflll ript to _.., .... .... .. fee ....... .. afor~; tbt It Pall -.e lawful for.... puff of tile MCODlI part. ... hflnt. l.pI repreMlltaUYW, aa4 ....... at aU tIaN pellnU17 U4 ..1el17 to eater .poIl. hoW. -W. aad etiJoJ aaI4l ....; thai akI lud .. C"" from all eaelllD1Iraaca; lIlat It wUllDa1t. ItIdl fllrUler _...... to perfect tile fee aImple dUe to aaI4l Iud .. IIIa1 ....-b11 be' required, u4 Chal It 40M henll1 fItllT warraal ~ dUe to .... ..... ... wm .el... lIla _. aplaat Uae ....fill cla1ma of all pe.--a who~.... . IN WITNE88 WH&lU~Qr. tlM ~ of In ..... part. 011 the 4&,.... Tear 1"'1 .,.e wriUea. Ila4 willed Ita ___ to lie alped ... Ita eor,orate _I to .. d1xed to .... p.-ta 1Ir Ita ~4eat .... Ita s.erelarJ'. wIaJdl ollleers hat-e IIeeo .al, aa~ aM _powered ., nIOI~ of Uae 80&.. of DIndors of lb. INDIAN RlVEa FAIUIS COMPANY. partj' of tile ant part hereID. to u~ale ... dellTel' WI deed.. . . . . ., B1 Indian 81 ver J'amB Company. (Corp. S1a1) 8Iped. Maled ... ISeUnr" lJl ,.--_ 01 III: , .9.. ..~A'A~'.:a..~JI.. ..-...;........... ................ .Q.. . JJ..\. .~R~........... ................ ......... Berman J. Zeuoh. Ita PreaklftlL Cbarles Dunoan, Ita 8eeretal7. " STAU 0,. IOWA, } COUHT1' or 8COT'I'. ... .. .. oIkltr -ftlT aatIlorInf to lake acbowltQtaeDta to ....... do here1Ir eerUf7 Ulat 011 tIlJa .., penoul:T appeared Wore ... B.~ J. Zeuoh ... $harleB >>u:noan to _ well no.-a .. UIe PreIl_t ... 8ecnWT. nepecUnl,. of lb' i..... at". Fa.... C-llU1. tile ~rporaUoll deRrtbed III tile t...... .....:..; aac1 tIIeT adlllowled&t4 ..fore _ lhat ...,. ..... cIaIT Iltllhort&e4 ., .... eorporaUoa to execu'- tile foreplq'eed . 011 Ita heIlaIf. ... to .... I&a ..... aM aJIs Ita .... tIlereCo. .tIaJl au ... albed UlereCo .. ... corporate Ma1 of IIIIcI eorporalJoa, ... lIaat .... ..... .... euetlUd br. .... ~ for UIe ....,... tMrela eu..-.l. aa4 1Ile, .......-.111 aekB01rleo4&ed tbe u_tloD tlMreot to .. UleIr fret ad aac1 diet .. ... olIIctra, for tile _ ... JIIrpcMIee tIlenIa ....lIotlecI, ... ",l tilt .... IIlatl1lJlleGl .. tile aet ... deed of .... ClOI"JOI'a1Soa. IN WITHE88 WIIBIlIlO". I han "rQIdO ails.. ..,-..... aM.oaklaJ .... w.19th daT of Ke7 U ~ 9 at Uae Clt1 01 Dano port. Cou., ... Stale af~ (Sea1) hanoe. B. Plath, HotarT Pallll... aa' for Scott CouatT.I_L KT CGGmIsaloa uplne JUl7 4th, 1919. , STAU 0,. PLORlDA, } OOUHT1' 0,. ST. weill. . .. IT AJ!III9IRRRIrt), TIlat oia thIa I. P. c.na.rea., . . for.... Deed .. U1e PlIhUe a-da of .... Codt1. IN WJTNa8 'WBE8IlCW. I UTI IleAIdlCo Nt .., .... aac1 U1e... of .... eo.rt. UIe 4u aacI TfU a1IoYe wrtUta. ~... ~,.. ~....~;t,g."I\..,..................,...... . (SEAL) Cleltt Clmdt Court. /' . i) ) Dr ....:f.:{.(.,.-Id~...,"d...K).l.<.~~1t;l;',:.Dtpw., Clerk 24th .."" Clm ., tile Cl~ Court .. ... for aaI4l eou., ban 4alT iecorded lbe May It. D. Itl9 ~; i r CCt. Ot. Beal) RECORD VERIFIED - : ,,'.~-.~-:~?~~ftt~i~tlf