HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONd iALL-APPUCABLE INEOMUST`BE CQIVIPLEIED FOR.APP..UCATLf7N.TU BE ACCEPTED; r pp - --I_dirmit.A r (ication ' Plannin"g and Deve/opriient Servrces Budding and Coate Requlat�on Div�s�on 23DD Virg�n�a Avenue,tFc�rt Preece FL 34982 ,, ,_ Phone.: (772);4621553. P5W (772) 4621578 ,CoM,-mjer-cia Residential xx�oi3ix ___ .. PERMIT API?LICAT..,ION FOR To w attho :end ofI Select from dropbox,, c11ck avo: in.e'. ,. �, e �•{� r iCq+ 10709 S Ocean Dr Lot #716 - -- .:Add'ress: r _ Legal Descnptio.h VENTUR5(00T $ECT10 , LO? 117 (OA'. fo -2605) PrapertY, ax 1DN�#/ 451'1805'-0117-000-5'. __ ___ _ _ ... _._ ....... Sde.;Plan Name: _ Block No, ?BroJed Names Setbacks t=ront _ Back:., Ri ht Side Left Sider — r-Moo ext h- meter, pedestal: / lnsfall 7.50 amR ineier combo` pack:mourifed ori':alumstrut stand (�HVAC Gas;Uik, I=.IGa1. s'Pipmg_ a 3. Electric. Q Rlumbipg Sprinklers Shutei-s aWindow_ s/Doors Generatq� � Rood- _, "Total Sq: Ft of Construction l -: S !FV of F�rstFloor, s - GostpfConstr_uction $ 1,450`00> Utilities Sewer=Septic 'BUil", gHelg{�'t,a, �QW�VER�)LESSEE.� �f4^;,;x�rp #- ` `;,' ? CONTRAGT4JR•., �- � x '` t 4; ��;� ` x ^' _y'� �' ,..Y„ ��,_ r.w{ � k��= _ �-, Narrre nary., Porter, - Name John°law. Address.107U1 �'S Ocean Dr Lot #716t Company . law's elecincal service iric Jensen Beach, ... _ .. -_. U. .State fl.-._. _. Address_ 518 nw,Pnmm st .. _ , Zip Code `3495T , ... Fax ';. City: >Pt slucie.' _.. t . Phone_iVo•229."6297 pCode = 349$3 Fax` , - ohnlaw5.1i58' a E-Mail J @ p1 Vim" w dill m fee simple Title,HolderYon next page ('if diffecent from tilg OwnerUsted above) State or County License ;z52'..._. 7f rrdlue:of conSEriution $2500or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement �s requ�ied DESIGNER/ENGINEER ; :Not APAR II/IORTGAGE'COMPANIfr, M Address" Address e! W AddressAddress " C -C Zlp Phone Zip i one: Ycertify tha t g,,a pgj St Lucte'Goun�y makes auodz�! -eige permit ,juill truM tu which S'n:con i4with any 'ljobl#:H 00deed for h iiqh_' stSn j4p Ith -�,-ofilther, I inconsideration(�eMjt ir d" gran Ingo Is,.r 0. ga!j '�qspperform.-t. e wor � ;.,9rjd-St-,; je-.�Co 't Amen men �s ur County sThe Rbuilding permit ica ions.aei Ire undergoing cont rrency,o,rev5I ' 'accessory strictures; sv immmg-pools;TqPM; W arto"t 'er r�o&-regidenfiifuse? . ' WOO: dft- Commencement may mulfinyourpaymg-'twice for — WARNIN.G;TP,PWN.ER.'�',.,�Yi6U'r ""faII --"'Rpcord'a,.,Nott.ce.� o d "d 'ont 0---ibbtite " J,rpprovemorits your property T pp9ft,&NdtiU!1�]6f o Men.q � m5p, 'If'Ou intendt"A der re the. first 'octiba'� 09 g,VoUr-:N6,tite-16 �s ,Signatu r of .,c Agent/:Lessee- Signat 1STATE .oF-'-'FLORIDA 'STATEOFAORIDA COUNTY OF COUNTY The qfg9p9gjp� gtj -t-',,w F, kp.qwfizd d b dbe ore,;ms ef�m m forgoing-,Iin�tr t e ip�qwa� ge, ItNi -2--d -day 0f" -Y f TOrwn,'A,cWOWW, (Name of 'nacknowledging Public Z'jState of Floridan)1 'pi re OK_6tW,., -_k f, Florida ) ;Personally JOROqdprod.1dentlica nProduced n: ComrniSsionNo_-�d9�I3 6 �3 IROIS-4w, T "REVI EM FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION ' <SEA ToATM'Ct MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW ,REVIEWREVIEWWVTE wpIEWAtVIM ,DATE-- COMPLETE .114 MAIS,