HomeMy WebLinkAboutAFFIDAVIT OF REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCEBOARD 01? COUx Y C01d14fjSgj0Nrft$ "00 VMG MIA AIVENiTIS, ft, L'T,EIRCE, VL 34981 Rf I,�r 1 MI�o lResideat121 Swlmrding Fools, Spa, and Hot Tub Safeq Act AFFIDAVIT OF REQUIRFNt , ENT COMPLIANCE T (We) acknawledgo that a new : wimm, in& pool, apa, or hot tub will be constructed or installed at _ � _ e , _,, and hereirtaffirrn that one of ttw follpwint, methods will be p AM0 print Street Mdrixs) used to meet the regWramtrits of0opter115, Fbrlda Statutes. Ic a initial the methods Ad far our got . The pool will be isolates fmm accom to the horse by an ancldsure thar, meets the poat harrier regvire ngats of __ZFlorida 5f8tUtt: 515:29; The pal will be agslipp ed with :. a approved saraty pool covet that complies with AS'Z'M F13.16-Pi (Standard P"formhnce Speclfieati ans for ;afbty Covers for Swimming Pools, Specs, and Hot Tubs); All doors and windows oroviding dlrecc access from tite bame to the pool will be aqulpped se th ap exit alem ,hat has a minimurn sound p'essure Mtins of 85 decibels at 10 feet; All doors providing df, :;ct access from the homy to the pool will be equipped with seli`tlosin;, aclt-latcft[nE devises with release, ma ;hanisms place: no lower than Sri" abave the floor or desk. X uixtlerstand that not hAving one of the above Installed at the time ogfinal inspection, or when the pool is completed for contract purpols,as, w311 tonstatute a'violation of Chapter 515, I+.S,, and iuill be consid. ared as tommitting a ftntsdemean it of the second dcgrte, punishable by fides up to 5500-OD andlor up to 50 days In fail as establUbed in chapter 77:5,F.S. I understand that the St Lucie 0,anty Building Iinspestioris Dq2 rtme:nt assumes no lial.)% y for the final inspection of One, of tVa abol e'protective devices, or the Jack Of ctt intenance, or the removal of such after the svriT�,MIng pool has beet. finalized. , X, the contractor, agree to iinitruct the ownet' of the proper list and t olatenance of such safety device. +CQNTRA CTOIt,IS NG—I ATURS >�it?TAt�Y PUI�LTC, STATE OF FL. AS TO CONT&4,CTop, / PERSbNA,LLYKNOWN V PRODUCED ID - TYPE ..Ilm.i aed"11ke lul"I 7'fiTS igA3t tifiiS"� gl at' v N :t NNy • t -�,kyiNhWb [(�1�Arjm V O N -_ Q \/ a. TO N � .`p Z O^Off ]L d O. W N N o H ` . a 'act _ W y ltifJT Y i?Tr?i.IC, �►i'1� 41? f L. tz o o's as xo e�Vr'1vIxF s ;, 0'a PERSONALLY Y KNOwN. z m t1> — ,,,`1111f/,/, TYPE T S PE 1c RU3f`Ntl4;, ttl9P�tiUi,hAPLit»�,YTGtiS E6 3owd . ao �15M J.s 81C;t7;ab;,rr o+,,,,,' AND A1K UU1NDITWINERS, YENCEJ. E" I U., not otherwise included with this buildmg nerrnit application. St. Lucie County makes no representat -' . uiat its granting of a permit will authorize the YG....it holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Homeowner As�SociaticrL rules, bylaws or any covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Homeowner's Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures (all types), swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms, utility substations & accessory uses to another non- residential use. NOTICE TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IF IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST THAT IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT: AS A CONDITION OF ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, YOU PROMISE IN GOOD FAITH TO DELIVER A COPY OF THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW NOTICE TO THE PERSON WHOSE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I—M AC-A-r_I-I The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this of/�'� day of A-V6 20 by Cl El14t✓3 WY+SE12 who is personally known ✓or has produced 1 as identification. Signature of Notary KATHI P. JENKINS Notary Public - State of Florida Commission No. '-1*p4Dmm. Expires Apr 12, 2014 =;? Commission # DD 963673 mW Bonded Through National Notary Assn. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF j3#1_V 1 &? 04 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a day of UCH , 20 1 t , by 1 EI AW) Wf+SEYL who is personally known ✓ or has produced as identification. Signature of Not *,� KATHI P. JENKINS a Commission No. �`'� ��' Notary �5b1�} State of Florida •? My Comm. Expires Apr 12, 2014 Commission #E DD 963673 ' . �i "'•, Bonded Through National Notary Assn. ff NOTE: TWO (2) SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. EACH SIGNATURE MUST E F AMp THIS BUILDING PERMIT AS AN OWNER/BUILDER, THE OWNER MUST PERSONALLY APPEAR TO SIGN THIS APPLICATION IN THE OFFICE LISTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS APPLICATION. OWNER BUILDER AFFIDAVIT WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL OWNER/BUILDER APPLICANTS. For specific instructions see appropriate permit checklist. ` OFFICE USE ONLY SEC,TION TOWNSHIP Z 1. �� LAND USE LOT CVG % ZONING FLOOD ZONE FIRM MAP # ISTFLR ELV OCCUP TYPE MAXO CONST TYPE SEWER SPRINKLERS WATER LOT OF REC Hefore l/1990 KOTREC 990 LOT SPLIT REQUm® REPORT HABITABLE RADON CODE �� AREA FEE LIBRARY PUBLICBM PUBIC BLD IMPACT IMPACT FEE BRACT FEE CORRECTION FEE GENERAL SCHOOL ROAD CREDIT Y IlVIPACT BRACT — FEE FEE FIRE/EMS DRIVEWAY Y N DRIVEWAY IMPACT REQUIRED FEE FEE SPECIFY MECHANIC ROOF NON -CONFORMING SUBS ELECTRIC GAS LOT OF RECORD REQUIRED PLUMBING FEES DATE SENT TO ADDRESSING: I I MAP NO. TAZ NO. # OF FLRS STORMWATER LOT SPLIT APPROVED PERMIT FEE PARKS IMPACT FEE N ILAW ENF IMPACT FEE ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE FEE MISCELLANEOUS FEES REVIEWS I GAUNTER I REVIEW I SUPERVISOR I VIEW I REVIEW N I REVIEW . I REVIEW