HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER - MINOR ADJUSTMENT TO SITE PLANBO RD OIL COUNTY COM GUMMONERS . September 22, 2014 Abraham Chabab, Inc. Abraham Chabab 5428 NW Edgewater Avenue Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 Subject: Project File.Nun4ber: Dear Mr. Chabab: iPLAHMM -D[EVELOPMENT S EWCIES D[EPAkTPv EMT Ppainning Division Grace Emmanuel Church — Minor Adjustment to Minor Site Plan SPMN 420144754 Please find. attached unrecorded Draft .PDS Order No. 14-043 granting Minor Adjustment to Minor Site Plan approval for Grace Emmanuel Church. A fully executed and recorded Order should be provided. to you. within the next 30. days. Please review this Order thoroughly, . including all conditions of approval that must be satisfied. I haveenclosed the approved site plan for your records. This -approval does not in any Way constitute authorization to begin constryction..Prior to. the commencement of any construction on this property; an application for specific'building.permits must be obtained from this department. Building permit applications may be submitted at any time following the receipt of this notice. For specific information on the. composition of these submissions, including applicable fees; please contact the Building and Zoning Division at (772) . 462-1687. Please feel free contact me at (772) 462-1.580 if you -have any questions.. _Sipcerely,- Jeffrey Johnson Senior Planner cc:. Pastor Chess Samuel — 707 Kitterman Road, PSL, FL 34952 (with plans) Carl Peterson, Building Official (w/o plans) Lydia Galbraith, Planning Technician (with plans) DRC Members (With plans) CHRIS DZADOVSKY, District No. I e TOD MOWERY, District No. 2 o PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 o FRANNIE HUTCHINSON,. District No. 4 o KIM JOHNSON, District No. 5 CountyAdministrator = Faye W. Outlaw, MPA, ICMA-CM Website: www.stlucieco.ciov 2300 Virginia Avenue - Fort Pierce, FL. 34982=5652 Phone (772).462-282-2 FAX (772) 462-1581 1 2 3 4 5 6 41 42 43 44 45 46 S P M Nl 420144754 WHEREAS, the St. Lucie County Planning & Development Services Director has reviewed the request fora Minor Adjustment to a Minor Site Plan submitted by Abraham Chabab, Inc. on behalf of Grace Emmanuel Church and made the following determinations: 1. Grace Emmanuel Church has proposed five (5) temporary portable buildings totaling 4,320 square feet to be utilized in conjunction with church activities. The subject 4.8 acre property is located at 707 Kitterman Road- The Future Land Use is RU (Residential Urban — 5 du/acre) and the Zoning District is RF (Religious Facilities). 2. On May 15, 2001, through Resolution No. 01-019, the Board of County Commissioners approved a change in zoning from RS-2 (Residential, Single Family — 2 du/acre) to RF (Religious Facilities). 3. On March 25, 2004, through CD Order 04-005, the St. Lucie County Community Development Director granted Minor Site Plan approval for place of worship consisting of a 12,000 s.f. building. 4. On September 29, 2009, through GM Order 09-019, the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director granted a Minor Adjustment to a Minor Site Plan for a 4,528 s.f. addition to the existing principal structure. A building permit for the addition was not acquired and the Order expired on September 29, 2011. 5. The Development Review Committee has reviewed the Minor Adjustment to Minor Site Plan for the proposed project pursuant to Section 11.02.03 and found it to meet technical requirements of Section 11.02.07 of the Land Development Code and to be consistent with the general purpose, goals, objectives, and standards of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. 6. Planning staff has performed a detailed analysis of the project and determined it to be consistent with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan. The analysis is found in the Planning and Development Services Department Memorandum entitled Grace Emmanuel Church - Minor Adjustment to Minor Site Plan dated September 19, 2014. 7. The proposed improvements will not have an undue adverse effect on adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, or other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare. 8. All reasonable steps have been taken to minimize any adverse effect of the proposed project File No.:SPMN 420144754 PDS Order 14-043 September 19, 2014 Page: 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 s 9 10 11 12 13 on the immediate vicinity through building design, site design, landscaping, and screening. 9. The project will be constructed, arranged, and operated so as not to interfere with the development and use of neighboring property, in accordance with applicable district regulations. 10. The property is served by City of Port St. Lucie Utilities water and wastewater. 11. The applicant has applied for and received a Certificate of Capacity, a copy of which is attached to this order as Exhibit A, as required under Chapter V, St. Lucie County Land Development Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE BT ORDERED: A. Pursuant to Section 11.02.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the Minor Adjustment to Minor Site Plan known as Grace Emmanuel Church is hereby approved as shown on the Minor Adjustment to Minor Site Plan drawings prepared by Abraham Chabab, Inc. dated September 10, 2014 and received by the St. Lucie County Planning & Development Services Department on September 19, 2014 for the property described in Paragraph B subject to the MIU. Fn, g'�condi if o'n=°T91 1. The fiveV(5')Ve'rTr&rra0Try portable buildings shall be removed from the property by • ep em _ er r9�-2=-01'9:� ''property owner may request an extension not to exceed q1t pF&-) y� from the Planning and Development Services Director if additional time is needed to obtain site -plan and building permit approval for a building addition to the principal structure and no nuisance complaints have been filed with the Code Enforcement Division from property owners within 500 feet. 2. The five (5) temporary portable buildings shall bulizedo ureh'�aetiv fies"ot" '' There shall be no educational services (grades K to 12) or day care facilities conducted within the portable buildings unless the site plan is amended and a Conditional Use Permit is granted by the Board of County Commissioners for said use. 3. Frio r toll e7igs"9a-ie"eyo'ffany�buildingkp-Feraitothe property owner shall establish a cash security fund, or provide the County with a performance bond to secure the costs of removing and disposing the five (5) temporary portable buildings from the property in the event the owner fails to remove the structures. Type and amount of security provided shall be reviewed and approved by the County Attorney. Within 60 days after the issuance of a certificate of occupancythe following aesthetic enhancements to the portable buildings shall be compete: a. The exterior color shall be painted to match the color of the existing principal building; and b. Window shutters and lattice skirting shall be installedto screen the base. File No.:SPMN 420144754 September 19, 2014 PDS Order 14-043 Page: 2 I 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 5. 1RaJvr o.the-isssua,n.ce,,p.f asce�r-tificate;of,1occup:anay for any portable building, the on - site landscaping shall be brought into compliance with the previous approved landscape plan on file with the Environmental Resources Department. 6. Rionfor any portable building, a continuous hedge consisting of wax myrtles (4 foot high at the time of planting and spaced 3 foot on center) shall be installed on the west side of the building (in an east -west direction between the parking lot and existing principal structure to provide additional screening from the Kitterman Road right-of-way. B. The property on which this Minor Adjustment to Minor Site Plan approval is being granted is described as follows: SITE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The NORTH '/z of LOT 4, BLOCK 3 OF MODEL LAND COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHWEST % OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 4, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS AND EXCEPTING ROAD RIGHT- OF-WAY. SITE ACERAGE, TAX IDENTIFIFICATION NUMBER AND ADDRESS: Site Acreage: 4.8 acres (more or less) Tax I D#: 3415-501-0041-000-0 Address: 707 Kitterman Road C. The approvals granted by this administrative order shall expire on September 19, 2015, unless building permits are issued or an extension is granted in accordance with the provisions of Section 11.02.06 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. D. The developer is advised as part of this Minor Adjustment to Minor Site Plan approval for Grace Emmanuel Church, including any successors in interest, the developer shall obtain all applicable development permits and construction authorizations from the appropriate State and Federal and local regulatory agencies including, but not limited to, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and South Florida Water Management District, and the St. Lucie County Environmental Resources and Building Departments prior to the commencement of any development activities on the property described in Part B. Issuance of this permit by the County does not in any way create any rights on the part of the developer to obtain a permit from a state or federal agency and does not create any liability on the part of the County for issuance of this permit if the developer fails to obtain requisite approvals or fulfill the.obligations imposed by a state or federal agency or undertake actions that may result in a violation of state or federal law. E. A copy of this Order shall be attached to the site plan drawings described in Part A, which plan shall be placed on file with the St. Lucie County Planning & Development Services File No.:SPMN 420144754 PDS Order 14-043 September 19, 2014 Page: 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Director and mailed, return receipt requested to the developer and agent of record as identified on the site plan applications. F. The Certificate of Capacity, attached as Exhibit A, shall be valid for the same period as this order. If this order expires or otherwise terminates, the Certificate of Capacity shall automatically terminate. G. This order shall be recorded in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. ORDER effective this 19th day of September, 2014. File No.:SPMN 420144754 September 19, 2014 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA . /5/Uj-- BY Mark Satterlee, AICP APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: M County Attorney PDS Order 14-043 Page: 4 A, A H�� -2300 Wginia Avenue Ft.,Pier6e,.FL 34982 CERTWICATE 6" PAWY '(772)-462-2822 DateM 1 Certificate N0 This document certifies that coneurre4cy will. bemet and that adequate publiefacifity capacity.exists to maintain the standards -for level . 9 of serwee asad ad. opted'in the St Lucie . Codnty Comiiprehe.nsdve Plan for:* t RN -�024 5 ;7 1. T�pe of.de'velopn en U Number of tqUarefeet� Number. of units 'Al 2., Piroperty'legal-ddscrlptlon & 76xll) no'. - 3, Approval: 'Building Permit - N',,I Letter Resolution No. 4. Subject t*b the following conditions for Concurrency:- Owner's name Address Y M Mom, i-E-A 6. Certificate'Expiraflon Date The certificate of capacity shall be valid for the same period of time as the Development Order. Section'5.08.04(B.), St.. Lude County Land Development Code. This C6r'tificat.e of Capacity is transferable only to quent.own. rs,o subse f the parcel, arcel. and is � subject to the same ... e terms, conditions and: expiration date' listed herein. The expiration date- can. be'extended only'under the same terms and conditions as the underlying de'velopm eint orderissued with this certificate, or for subsequent development order(s)UPtied for the same prq�rty, use.and -size as described herein'.: Signed Signed Concurrency Revi6w by: