HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1215 ~. -- ~~T'."'~~~~"'O~f_~P.,-_..~,-~"r~~~. ,"'-", _ ."'P,_.- '-~~~" 'J. .__ ~_:..~ -.~~_:_:~~ ~"'ff",:7~" '";. "_--:-~"~;' roo ~"~,~~_ ~.~f" _;~~~~~~~P\"_""",~plV~~~~J:~~l~., ._~.~ /~ .: ." Jt ~~~~~ I I I I I I l , I ! i I . I ! I t ( I I U -~ - """"9~ -- ~....""'" ~ ,.-..c . '~- WARRANtY'iDEE,D , . .. ,,'tit $11' ,l .. ,1>>41.as.,.~ .~ QA". ., .u~.". 8~1V".~ ".11 DDJmQ, Xade tU . 3rt, , da1 of . OotobeZ'.~ A. D. It It ., lIIe . INDIAN JUVD r~8. COMP~'. a eorfOl'aUOll~,'" ~1ItIaI...., .... ..... Gt Ole stall of ftorIU. partJ' of th. ant ...... to j],b"tSobQMD , of tile CotIla~ OC . . 8a1nt Luole ... 8U.te or '.lorlb ' ..,., " Ole _. put. " WITNB8IImJ. TMt tM ... ,.n, .. Ole ..,.. ...... lor... .. ~ 01 tM ... or One Cl1.00) ., OO'''~R' lawllt1 ...., .. .... Ualtet 8C&Ice. ... oUI" ........ eGIUII4tnUoIla. to It Ia ... .... ., tIl. . ~ - " -' . . . . .... taIV. oC tile ..... ...... et .. Won UIo .~ M4. ~ Gt ..... ,....... aa4 tit. reeelJt .wllenor .........,. _1I01r~ ... pea.... ........... _4,; NI..... ClOIl~""." --..... at '" ..... .....ta .. IlweIIy ...... ......... ..... reI-. _n1 u4 ~ uto '" .... (Iar'l or, Ule ~ ~ willi ..... .. ......... .. ~ IINI. III tIl. INI4 .. 8L L.":' 00ul1. ~,[I4a. deacrlWufollon:Lotelto.Jlve. Biz a. s.ven(f). 6. It ~J in ~loo~ No. 'O~t;r-OD.'("lJ. in tbe 0,1 t;r ot V.ro .'101'148 .a8 tbe 8ame 18 4.81811ated on' the p1a' ot euob town. reoor4ld in tbe offioe of the 01erk of the 01rouit Oourt ln an4 for sald Count,. ;. . . RBSfRICtIOBB., 1. the purohesel' 1IU8t olear bie lot of all un4erbruab or uM..elrable growth wlthin 90 da7s f'rom lateot..purohaee. an4'1ntbe .Tent of bie not oOJipl71l18, \lith' th18.' the C~pan7 8ha\1...~n th~ rlghtto doeuob,ol.arlng at a ooat D6t~'o ezoeed $10.00,per lot and oherge s..e to~ohaser. 2. That the purohaser 1r11l, wlthln,one ;r8ar trOll 4a~e. eet or oause to bev. set ou~. at least fln.ornam.ntal tree., on tbe lot..and at least two om8llental.tre.s between'tbe 8idewa1k an4 ourb 11ne. wh10h w111 be oared tor b;r the Company at a nqmlnal oost, in the event that puro~ser ls not on .the groun4. ,. '. '. 3. That all buildings ereoted. mU8t flrst oompl;r with th. re8triotlons with referenoe to plaoe- ment ot bUilding on the lot, and that no residenoe shall be plaoed o1oser to the lot Un. tban thlrt7 (30) fe.t. an4 no bU1lding8 8ba11 be ereoted witbin the restrioted 11Btr10t wh10b entail an expeQ41ture otle.. t~$600.00.' without speola1 peraleelon bftbe Campan7. All buildings in- olud1ng roofa aba11 be painted within 90 da7sf'roll oOllpleUoa. Tbis oontract applies onl;r to . lots In the restr10ted d18tr10t in the Town of Vero. as 1s 8bo*D on the Compan;r'8 plat of the Vero townsl te. . BubJeot to all d1tob aSBessments or any speoial asse8saent If an;r be~l.'Yled for the 1919 and all subs.quent taxe8 and asaeBsments. ~eept.lacnreftr. tIat I1&Iat OIw., tew ~Ic ...... drat.... ~ ... dlk.... .. aIaowa OD tIte ,lat of ..14 ..... awl. ., tile part, 01 Ute ant part. - ,'to HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAKI:. toptIaer lFIt1l 111 tile htredltamtllta ... a,part-.-. tIlrrftllto beloq\Jl& .lIto tbe .... pu1J of tile IIeOOIIC' part Ut4 hie IIdn aa4 uaIpa IJ1 tee alm,le tor ....r. '~U1. aaId lI&I17 of Ute am part. torlbeu aB4ll1a_--. to. Ilen'J' eonuat ..ltII .... putJ' of the ~ P&rt. Illa ....... ..... rep.--IaU..... ..4 &MIcU ~ It .. lJ14eteulbl)" eel.... of MId I.... IJ1 tN all.ple: Ua.t It haa tu1l poyer .... IIwhl rI&IIt to -"7.... ..... .. tee ....'1.. .. at~; tIaat It .-wI lie IaYtllJ for.... pu1J ot Ole --' ..... II" ldr-. Iep) n,rfMataUv... ... ..... at.all U- """'J' ... Clllletl1 to eater II.... boW. oee1I'J'. ... eeJo1 .... lau4; that .... If.II4 Is tree fnlIIl 111 _Wucel; tIaat It 1rI1l make ndt turtltet ~ to put<<t 1M t.. a1lIIpI. UU. to aaI4 la.. .. IIlaJ' -'17 lie 'equlred. aa4 tIaat It doa herMJ' flaU1 ........t tIte Uu. to .... ..... ... "'U del... 1M __ apIut tIl. 1a1rf1l1 c1alma of a1l ptnotlS w~er. ' , IN WlTNE88. WlUiaEOJ'. Ute ~ 01 Ute Int ..... oa Ute daJ'....,-.... Cbst aboYe wrlU,.., lIa4 euaed Ita ___ to be alped au Ita ~ au! to lie ae... to t.... pr~ IlJ' Ita Preal4eat aad Ita Seental7. wllfeh oAeen bave lIMa 4ub' auUlorlled ... .eaJ01rore4 ~ naoIllUoe of Uae Boanl of Dtrecton of tile lHDlA.lf RIVER FAIUlS COKPANY. lI&I17 of tile ant part lIereID. to ueeute aJUI deU", tIaIa ..... 8J' Indian Bi vel' F81"II.8 CO. (Corp. Seal) Hel'll8Jl J. Zeuob . 8....... Mal.. aD4 deUTK" III pnMlI~ Gt u: Charles I>ancan Ita PrealdeDt. ........ ...T....J.:..J!o>>p......... ................ III 8eeretuJ'. ... .......... .Q.~. >>.,. .~ht".a,....... ...... ........ ;year " i 181,60 I. R. Stam~s& oanoelled) 8TATB'OJ'IOWA. } 0011HT1' OJ' 8COTT. .. r. .. oIIloer 41tl1 &lJtIaor1&e4 to take ackl101rle4&mell1l to 4eede. do lIem, certIIJ' that 00 tIl.. 4aJ' perwaal:, a,~e4 betort' .... Berman J. Zeuob ... CbarleB Dunoan to me .... tIIlnI1l .. tIae PnIIdat aM 8eetetar')'. n....dlnl'. Gt 01. la4Iu Rl\'er Fanaa C-PUJ'. .... eorJlOratIoa deec:rlbed .. tlIe ~ ............ ..., adl_le4&e4 llefore.. tlIat U18J' weN "I, alltlaotUe4 '" a&I4 ~ to execute tile for~ deed oia Ita IItIaaIt. ... to .... Ita aame ... ... Ita .... IMrelo, U1al Ole .... ails.. Uaento ta tile eorpont. .... of .... corporatlott. aJUI that . .... .... ... u..e4 ., .... eortOnUOll for Ute PlU'PCIMa UIenIa uPJWMd, Ut4 t.." MfenllJ'aekDo1rledced tile ueeuUotl tlItnof to lie UIaIr 11'.. act aM .... u 1.11 olIcft'lt. for tM _ aD4..~ U1em. _doA'" ad that tlIe .... lutl'Ullleat II tile ad ... deed of .... eot'lIORUoL - IN W11'NE88 WHEJmOF. 1 lav. lIenuto ..... ., ..IDe ... o-.elal ..... tIaIe 31'4 de, or 00 tob er 1119, .. at tM Cll1 of Dan. port. Cooatj- aU Stall atorMald. Wran08s B. P1atb HotarJ' Public.. aDd for Scott Coullt,. IOWL M, CommIIaIoa apt.... Ju17 41lb. 1981. 8TATE or J'l.ORIDA. } OOUH'IT or 8'l'. LUCIE. ' 88 IT IlEMEIIBDBD. Tlaat oa ~ .. P. C. -Bldre4 toreaolq Deed .. ... Pulllki'WMonla of _14 Conl1. 1M WITH" WBDmr, I "q ......to Nt ., IIu4 ... Ute.... 01 aaJ4 Cout. Ute 4aJ' u4 ,.... allon wrlUe&. 9tb cIa,r Gt Ootober A. D. 1.19 ClerIt' Gt tH Clreal~ Coart I. ... for l!&I4 Count, un 4ulJ' recorded tile (C1'. ..cT. SUL) ......... .1>>....0... .~t.4........................ (81CAL) :%: Clrealt Court. B1 ......c.I..-.ttf..d....X-:.../7':'.f;-.~;:...DeJ1GtF Clerk ~~o~ ~O '" ~1I/~/~O , ',' " "..; :S::J~~.~~1t.l~~: -1 l1Ci ~.. /' / '/ v , I I J I I