HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1217 -_P""--~'~l'" ..rJ.. . ~'. .~-. ....'!:.:;,-'l!- -.~~~"'"i~~,.....,-:-..._~~ _............ JII.!.~._.~ ;~11_1:l_~ ~"''lo' ... --; _~,~.<<~,,-~~...",:"~-" - ',":: ~'"":'.._ '- . ., '..~,.,,?,.,..- '~,'" ~.~. !l\--~_~~ 117 I I i} ; '.JV..ci : t: '/~ ~. e ~ t -:.W~BR;A~TY~ DEED fJ to I~!A" ~IVER JI.Rllq OOlW~ .' WI,r.!.!.. .It. RT'@U.&I 'lBJ81~J~... .....01. 8d. ..,- Gt . Ka7 A. Do Itlt II; tbe lHDl.ut'aMR..AlUIa COMPANY. a corpol'atloll Orautaeclall4 '.:.~ \lQ4er ~ law. ot tII. Statf 01 J1OrWa. pan, 01 tile 1m part. to . .il.'11.. L. Blew of tilt 00ua11 of Kaooup1D aDd Statf Gt Ill1~ol. pan, oIt1at MCOII4 put. . W1THE8SI:i'R. TIlat tile ..14 part, 01 tII. ant put. lot... .. ~~ 01 Ole MIa 01 One '(,~~OO) .OOLLoW, ..willi ~e:r i.. tM Valltd ~teI, ~ ~er, ........ -.ItltraUou, to it ..baud.... b, tile .... part, Of tII. ..... &Ut. iu or Wore ... ellH&llq ... Celt,", .01 .... ......... aU 01, receipt wbe*, Ia II'" aekl101rled&ed. ... anattI. ~ aold. "I..... -...,e4 aM """ttt. u4." tII" JrMMII Mea IttrebJ 11'Ut.......... Mil. rei..... cOan7 aM CCMIIna u" 1M ... ..,., 01 ... I<<Oad part U4. JaIl II" .... UIIp, .. t.. a1a,le all tII. IaJullaSt. La..:. Cou.,. J'torl4a. :t:r~~rr::l >(9) in Blookollo~ Blne'tee~(19) ~ tbe town ot Vero,J1orida, a. the ..... 1. d..lgnatef. on the plat ot suob town. reooraed in tbe ottlo. ot the Olerk ot the 01roult Oourt ln aDd tor, 8aid Oount;r.. :. , REST~~~~~l t~<-e_L. ~c/ 1 ~ !h. purohaser IIU8t olear hie lot ot. al1"UDA..lrable growtb wi thln 90 da)'8 trOll date ot puroha.e, ud l,n the. ev.nt ot h1s not OOllpl)'iDg wi tb this. tbe OOllpaD)' shall ba,.e tbe rigbtto 40 suob olearing at 8'00St not to .zoeed $10.00 per lot ud oharge .ame to tb. puroha.el'.. . . . . ' 2. That ~b. purobasu.w1ll.withlnone 7.ar trOll date.set or oaUBe to have set o~t, at lea8t tiTe ornamental tree. on the lot.and at least two ornamental trees between the slae- walk ana oUl'b lin...hlob w111 be oared tor b)' the OOllpan, at 8 nOllinal cost.in ,the eTent that purohasu is not on, tbe sroun4~ . . 3. ~hat all b~ila1~. ereotedillust ~irstoollpl;r with the r8str10tion. wItb *eterenoe to plaQ.llent of buUd1D8 on the ot.and ~hat no resideno. shall b. plaoea oloser to the lot lin. than thirty (30) tee.t.and,no buildings Sh. al1.be .reoted within the restriot.d d1.. triot WhlOh entail an expenditure of 1.8s th~ '600.00.wlthout speoial permission of the Oompan;r. A11bUildlDg8,lnoluding roofs, shall be,painted within 90 da)'8 from oOllpletion. . This. Oontraot "applie. only to lots ln "the restrioted dletrlot 1n the town of Vero a. ls shown on the COII~.'S.P lat of theV.ro townsite. . .....................-.w.... ...........---..ud ..., ~11 ....._L - T 1W..1Ilo4I6.........--...........~.., ~. ..,., TO HAVE A."R> TO HOLD THE SAllE. toptller wltll all tb. hendlt&mellla &lid .PP9r1tDallca th'reIlllto lleloqlq. llIIto tbe AId ..,., 01 the .......,.rt aIU! hla ....n &lid UIfpa, iii fee .lmpl. for eyer. 'AIKl tile .... ..,., of the Int part,. for~ ltNIt 04 i.. .aeca IOn, dots IIen~ C01'eIlOt wIth aaJd parl7 01 tile atCCIII4I P&rt. b1s ........ ..... ~..Una. ..4....... that It .. bl4efeulbl1 Iebe4 of AId IaIl4 I. fee "Dlple: that It ba3 full power &rl4I lawful' rl&bt to CIOIIftJ' MJ4 Iaa4 III fee ....... .. atoraakI: that It alia" h lawful for.... Pllrt7 at ... MCOIllI part. ilia hdrs. 1...1 l'eIJJ"tlMa"U", &ad ueI&IIll at all tIIIMa ~&IId ,1lI"" to eater -DOll. lIoN. OCCUPY. ucI eQJo7 NJ4 IW: tut ..14 Iu4 Ia tr_ rr_ aU _lIDItlructe; tllat It will make ndl further. _raaceI to perfect 1M fee llImpla UUe to .... IaacI .. mq .......17 lie rtqaln4. llIl4 tut, It does Ia.-, tall, 1rVrUtUle Utle to...Id.....~ will..,... the _....... the !,awful daIma oIlllpenoaa wllomloner. IN W1TNE88 WHEREOF, the Pllrt7 ot tile Int put. 011 the day &lid )'fSJ' am alloY. .wrttleJI. ... eaaed Ita ._ to lie alpecl aDd Ita eorporate IMI to be alhel to theM p_ta .,1tI Pralct..t ..II Ita 8eeretar7, wlalch ome.n hne beeIl .11" allthorlud llIl4 -.powe,*, ~'l'eIOIlluo. at the Board at D1~ 01 the Uf"1A.~ RIVER FAJUIS COKPA1"lY. parlJ' of tII. lint part berd... to u~e &llddelln~tlalac1ea4. .'(8ubJeot' to all )UDUU RIVER PAlUIB ooliPABY (Corp. Ileal) > (taxes alid d1toh) , . , (as8e8~ents 01' tB7 Berman J. Z,uob, IJIpIlll..-Ied... del"tJ'~" P"-- oIUf&n7 speoial ... ... ........JhJ~r.9.QQ.l)...........;........ ~'nt.lt 8D7 b. Obarle. Dunoan. lie 8eerelar7 O.B. Sobrua ' levied 'or the J ' . ... ................................................t'.ar 1919. and (6Otf.,.I.R.StallP oancelled) fall subseauent 81'ATB OF IOWA. } IlL (taz.e and a..e.t, COt1NTY OJ" 8CO'1T. It, , .. .. olk*r du17 allthort&ed to take adtl101l~eJI'f. to 4ftlb. do h --rtltT llIa1 oe tJlIa .., pe~, appeared before ... Berman j. Zeuob ... Charles Dunoan. to tilt wen "0... .. UIt PnaJ4eet &lid 8aeretar7. reapecUnl,. Gt tII. lod... RlYtr Farma CcIaIlNlIl7. tile corporaUoa dHertbed III tile foncaIq d......;. ... thq aekl101rlf4ae4 "'ore tilt tIaat tIIe1 wen "'1, aw.ort.ud ., ..14 corporaUoa to eucate tile. forecotq deed oe IIIIMUU. UIcI fo.... 11a.... ucI aJIs tta..... tMreto. tUt 01. .-I..elI tIIeretq.1a ... eorporaJe aeaJ of.... corporatJoa. &lid lIlat .... ....... ..enw ., ..... CIOrlJOfll. 'U4 UoII for t-. IN~ .... aprwMd. &11II ttaq "Tlrall, .eUo-.ledred tile eueuUoa thereof to .. tII. tree ad ... deed .. ... 0IIken. for 1M ... ..d...."... tIIeftbI _Uoae4. ... lIlat .... .... ....Lrumeal .. tile ad aII4 deed Gt....~ . . .... ". IN W1TNE88 WRBRBOF. I la... Mfe!Ullo ...... .., .... ... ollclal .-I. tIaIa M ., It 19 at UIt CI., of o.'lIIl/Ort. CowIl1 aM State aforeMW. > , Pranoe. B. Platb KotU, PublJe .. aDd for Sc<<t Cout7, IcnrL ." CGmmlaaIo. upra Jul7 4th; 1921 Ita l'rMldenL 4 u,or (Botar7 8.al) f' , 81'ATB 0,. .wRlD~ -, .} COOH'lT OF ST. LUCm , DB IT _RU,"-",,_Il!I\ T1aal 011 U11a .. P. O. BLDRBJ). foreaalq DH4 Ie tile hllllo JheonIa at .... eouaIT. IN WJTNUS ~,., I ~y~ "l.:t1Ialo ..t IDJ' I&aJl!I .... tIat.-l 01 aakI Coart. lbe U, ~ ,ear alloY. wrlU... .....,...........~ ~.. ~~. .~!~~.,....,.......,. . (SEAL) fl Clm Clmalt Court. S, .'l: 1.1~:-!.,'."'f.;;'1. fro ..!... .~-9. :0.-!.~f';..j.{, .DepGt, Clm 14tb .., OC OotobeJ' A. D. It 19 CluIl Gt tloe Clmd~ ~ .. ... for .... Count, un d817 r<<orded tile (Ot. Ot. Seal) ~. " ~ ~~' 4