HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1225 t~-";5Y~~r~)~~1~~~V~~~;~'~r~~~J,:"~ ~!',:, 1)1 '",W" ,.~~,..""..,. p,,,,,,< """"~"""'"'V-:-"T~l\,~ ,'" . , -:;:! \': ". ~ . I t w tunqn RIVXR ,~. p~AIfY PAUL }iIRT.~ . ."':, i .~ .:.. 'lRII DD.ncu. ..... ~. 'lit .., Gt Ootober A. 0.1' 19' ., tbe INDUHRlVD r.uuq .COMPANY". corpcmtloD oqaalMd all' ulR", _,,'er Ole laft of ~. &taw 01 FIo...... pan, Gt the ant part. to, Paul H181e 01 tb. eo..." of Saint Luo1e "'lha&e 01 nor1h pan, 01 ~ .-. ""' W1TNl:8UTB~.r9P'- ~ pan, ot.~ a'f'll'~~ .~ ~ Ole... ot , .e ftl.OO) A . ~~l&~~.""'th"11arw-<8t&_... c:..,.....,~ eoaaIlIeraUou. to It Ia ......paJd bJ' the , .... JUV Gt tlM ___ part. at or ...,.. tile ......... ... deU"" Gt UWIM ...-" aa4 01. rllceIpt W"reaI .. benbJ' adlllOWle4.... ... .,...... ..,....~ 110I" rtllUell. coa,.,.. 'it' eoaInlled. aU bJ' ... ".....11 dote be....,. ....t. ....... "'1. rei.... ~"' : ... ClCldnl ..to Ule aaR MIV oUbe ..... aM. ~ IleIlJI &Ild..I~...he ~.llI1 the ~ Ia 8t. .....:. ~, J'IorIdt.. ; .s-r1beCuto:lofti 1iO'1I0. TWOUSI . B1.ook no. ,Orliy-rour '"' in ~b, olt;r of vel'~8' Flor1da.: '8 121e 8ame 18 de8ignated on tbe plat of suob town. reoorded in the offioe of the !erk of t~e Clrouit Court. p ana. for 8ald CountJ'. , ;;~i .. - - - - - -' - R B S T R X 0 T I 0 H S .. - - - - - !l. The puroJ:aa8or must olear bi8 lot ot all Underbrusl1 or wideairable growth within 90 da18 trom iute of puroba.e. ana. in the ..,ent of hia not ooiDplnn:g~.lth th1s. the ComPaDJ shall bave the! :r1~t to a.~ auoholear1Dg at a ooat not to ezo.ef.' 110.00 per lot and oharge same to the purobuer. l2. Th~t!~b. puroba8e~. ~lll.' wlthlQ one l.a~ tro. ate. set or oause to have aet out. at lea8~ . it1ve olll8Mntal trees on tll"e lot. anAat~l.a.t' two ornamental tret8 between the sidewalk and i \ourb lIJie. .hloh w111 be oot'ed tor b;r the Oompany at a nominal 008t. intbe event that purohaser 118 .';oot' on the groUD4. . . , : . ~~'l\et all bull41ngaereotld,muat tlret 'oomply wUhthe reatriction8 with reterenoe t()placa- . ,..nt~qt buildl~ on tbe lot, and tbatno residenoe 8hall be plaoed 0108er to the lot line than '!\h.1r....tt (30) feet. an.d no bu11d1~8 ahall be ereoted witbin the restrioted distriot whioh entail ..' an ezpenA1ture of Id less tban $600.00. without speolal pem188ion ot the ComJlany. All buildings, . 1noluding' root.. -shall be painted w1 th1n 90 da78 tromoomplat1on.' I > !biB oontl'ao", applin 'onlJ' to lots in the reatrioted d18tr10t 1n the town of Vero. as ia [8bown ontbe ,0011_111'8 plat of tbe Vero Towns1te. , I SubJeot to all ditob aaaessments or any speoial auaeS8ments. if any be levied for the year '11919 and all aubseCluent taxes and assessments. . ~ lIcnrll'l'er', lJIe rip! Gt wai 101' 1111..10 .......lb'aIa... caul.. all' dltdlM U ... lID tbe plat of N14 laDU awl. bJ' lJIe ..,., of ~. Irst part. . TO IL\"S.AND TO BOLD TBB 8AMB. toPtMl' .101 -'I tIl. beredttaaMllII aa4 apPllrt~IWlCft thereullto be1GqI... lIato tbe iald ' pan, of the --* psrl ... bJa beer..aDd ualau III fee aIIIIpl. forner. AM Ole aid pan, of tile ant part. for ltaelf aacl III all_ --. cloM ben" ccneaaat wIlli aaId party of the Mcoad P&rt. bI. ...... I.... repreeetllaUYeIo aa4....... that It .. Iadefeun.l1 Mlsed 01 N14 .... Ia fee alJllple; ...t It ~ 11111 pow", aM la..tu1 tlPt to _"7 .... .... III lee ....... as aron..w; tl!at It ....1 .. lawful for......,., 01 tIle.MeOIIlI ...... bla 1Ie1n. kpJ nPI'MMtaUwea, aad ...... at all ..... ..-.a, ... q1lletJ, to ..III' 1IllOII. boI4. ~P1. aIMl -.Jor aaId Iud; that aid Iud b free from 111 ~; UIat K wDJ -.1Ie Mdt f'llrtber ...uaacea to perfect tilt fee ....91. Utle to N14 IaIId as _, ~, be required. aDd Ulat It doea 'beftII1 full, warraat tII. UU. to ... ...... ... 1rIU def... the _e qalut the la.rul elalaa at 111 pe~ w~. : . 1M WITN~ WBEBJ:OJ'. Ole llU" Gt Ole arat part. OR tbt ., ... ,ear arat alloY. wrlUea. bad eaued Ita __ to .. alped ... au ~e aMI to ...... to th_ p..-b ., Ita Preal4e1lt arul Ita 8eerelar7. ..1I1eb otIIea:a bue beera dlll7 authorbed aad -.owere4 . ..-llIUoa at "-. Boa'" of DtleeWra of tbe IMDIAH RIVER FARMS COMPANY. part,Of Ole arat JUt llerel.. to ueeule ,. delh'er tIlIII deecI.. S, Ind1an H1 ver Fal'lll8 00.. (Corp. Seal) t .' . .':r., ;~:.. ~ ~ . -. I . l ., i i I i i I 1 i ! i i I . I 1 j. I ; i 1 t i' I i i , i i I. I i i , 1 t ' i 1 . .-~':-::Y':.~-.'" ,,,.,..~.~;-:v~--:r..,..~':............ .~J.:_.~ A._ 'Y' -1 )~:)V~,.I.:lJJ... ~'_ '~:-"~ ~""'?"~.~-. ,.. 125 ;.._ _.' Hol'" J' W-ARRANTY DEED l :;J;: - , \ };. I;'~J ~ .-. , . r fr ,"" "', ~. aermanJ. ZeuOhl __. ta n_deIIt. . Charles Dunoan Japed. aMI" aDd del""" .1Il ,reMDee Gt \Ill: . ", ......... ...... .....~.. .A...EQPp... .~'......,..... ... ............... ....0... B....SOhJ:uID.............. fta~. , f/I.z\S'D'p' Ii!-. kH~,(!~,/v~'-J.,) ~"'8'I'4TIl or IOWA. } coJhrrT OJ' 8COT1'. .. J. ...., 4IuI1 aatIIotl&ell to take aekllOWI.....eata to ..... do bem., Cltrtll1 that _ Wa ..., ~:" Appeared before .., , . Berman J. Znoh ... Charles Dunoan to me well bo'n .. tile ......_t ... 8eeretarT. retpedl...,. Gt Ole 1..... RI,er ra... CompallJ'. tbe c;orporatloa ~1Md .. tile toncoIaa ......... aad ..., MUcnrJed&1t4 Wore _ Ulat Ole, wan ...., euUlorl&e4.., .... corporatloa to ueeute the loreaolal ... OD Ita .-au. ... to .... It, .... ... ... Ita .... UIento. that 1M .... aJIud Uaereto .. the eol'llOnle .... ~ aaId COI')IOJ'aUoa. aa4 ...t .... .... ... u~ . .... ~ for t1Ie ~ 01.... a.I'MNd......., MYera1IJ' _DoYle4ced ~e ueeutloa tlltreof to .. tMIr me act ... .... .. AdI ..... tor .... _ ... ~ u.ereba _UOrMd. ... ~t ... aaId lDatnam..t.. the aet aM deed ciI .... -.oratIoa. ~.. '. ni WITHE88 WBBRBOJ', I ..,. .......to allull ., ..... aaj oIkle1 .... WI 18t ..., of Ootober l' 19. a& tlM Ct~ of Oa,..port. eo..." aM State at...... -~ . Pranoea B. Plath (lfota17 Seal) HoCatJ' PrI..1e Ia arut for Scott eova". IOWL IfI eo..tuIoIl apiI'M JulJ' "tb, 1921. " 8'l'AB or PLORIDA. } . COVNTY OJ' 8'1'. LUC1JC. BZ IT BaIB1f8ZllBD. TIlat oa tIab 8th ., of lfoyember A. D. 1.19. r. 1>~. 0.B14l'8f. C1edt Gt Ute Ctrnl~ Court .. aM for .... eoaa,,1ian dill, reeo..... tile ...... DeelIla 1M ....... a-r.Ie of ... COa". . . 1HW11'K" 1JJIBUlOr, I "ft ___ Nt ., ..... aM tlM aMI ot .... CODrt. tH .., .... ,~ a""'. wrltteiL ....... ..R., ..0... JP.4~e4... ...................; . (IlEAL) _ Clerlt CtmIIt Oout. s, ..:~.:.'d;;."'~r:d.P .~ /"- I i (ot..9t. "peal) " -00' 'f4J If. . eltl"'/~O " ; i I . I i I { , , .' : ,"{~.<f~~~}ll€il;?~