HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1228 ~ 128 , 17..... ~.( L ( " :' ': :;,:':'d}.r~..~~~ ~. -.~~~-;::----_.,-- ,<--,-:.;_~~-::~ '7 ~'~~"r;-"'~~~~,", ~::.~"'~: _ ~.or...._ - ,- . - . '- ~ -..-_'II~'" ....., -- - WARRANTY DEED I I I tNDtAI RIVBR PA1UCS OOIlPUY to KARY B. t!LBI 'IJIJI DDUT11U, Made 01. 26th cJq oC Septemb8l' A. Do 1119 '" the INDIAN RIVBR FARKe COJlPAHY. a eorDORUoD orpalH4 ... alatlq a*r tH laWI of the State oC ~rt4e. ~ of tile Int part. to. lIal';r B. T;rlel'. of tit. Cout:J' Gt OlQ'abop ... itat. Gt '. Ohi 0 P&rt7 of tll..<<oa4 part. W1TN1C88ZTB.' Tllat tbe aal4 ~ or tit. .... ..... for'" Ie eouW..uoa Gt 01. ... Gt One (.1.00) DOLLAJUJ. IawMmoaqta. 1M Val... BtatIa..... oUter Tal..... _IclenU~ to It .. ..... ~ b7 Ill. "4 ,Nt, Of tile .... put. at or before the ........ aa4 deltni)' oc..... ......." ... UIe reeeltt wllereof Ie ...,.., eeuowledPd. .... II'Ult'" krpJa"'. 1014. reI..... -'eTed ... cataInlMd. aa4 '" IlleM p....1I doll 11""7 1I'Ult, IIarpIa. MIl. ftl.... -ft7 aA4 eoIlAna uto 01. .... pan, of tbe IftlOed put .., ~. lIe1n aM ........ .. fee IlIDp" .n 01. Iaa4 .. at. LIt..:. CouIll1. Jl!ortda. 4teorlllt4 II foil",: " . _. Lot No Thirt,.two (32). in Blook No. 10I't;r-n1ne (4~) in the Oity ot Vel'o. .10r1da,88 the s8meis designated on the Plat of suoh Cit~ l'eoord.din tbe oftioe of tbe Clerk ot the Clro~1tOourt 1n and tor sai~ Oounty. ~ REa~IOi'i:01f3. I ! I 1 I I , I I I I j' I I ! i I I I ! j ! I j 1. The p~obas.r must olear" hi8 lot ot all under,bl'u8h or unddil'abl. grewth wi tbin 90 d818 ; from d~te ot purobase, and in the event of his not oomPly1ns ~ith thiS. the CompaD7 ahall . have tbe rlghtto do 8uoh olearing at a cost not to exoeed ,10.00 per lot and oharge S8me to the purchaser. . 2. !hat the purchaser, will. withIn one lear from 4ato, set or cause to have set out, at least five ornamental tree8 on the ~ot. and at least two ornamental trees between the slde- walk and curb 11n8" whl,ph will be oared for by the Comp8D7 at & nominal cost, in the event that purcha8er i8 notontlhe @%ound. . 3. !hat all buUdings ereoted. muat",f1rst oompl7witb the restriot1ons wlth zeference to . plaoement ot bUlldinf on the lot. and that JlO residenoe'shall be Plaoed olO8e. to the lot . line thantbirt;r (30 teet. and no buildIngs shall be ereote~ wlt}in,the re~trlote\l distriot whicb entail an expend! ture ot less than .600.00, without speoial. permis8iOn of the OompaD7. All building8, includingtoOfs, sball be painted wlthln90d87s from oomPletion. . ; This oontraot applies on17 to lot. in the restrlotad distrlot In the town ot Vero,as 18 Shown on t~~~&.~ib~~~BBI-.\I.- ............___.............................,......-* ''1'0 IUVE AND TO HOLD THB SAllS, toptllet wttlt all the hredttameata u4 appartuaaeea tiler_to "I~II& VlIto the AId ~ of the ~ part and his lIe1n u4 ADICDlIII fee .lmpl. forner. " ' AJICI the .... ~ of the arst PII1. for ttMlt u4 Ita nee...on. ~ bfre", ~_t. wtUl..... .PRt:J' of Ole S<<OD4 P&rt. Ials lIeln. 1ep1 r._tall'"- aad .......that It II tlldefeaalbl7 MIIH Gt laid Iud Ia tee Ifmpl.: that " ha3 hil JOweraacl la1l'f1l1 rlcht to _.,.,.......... fee ...pl..'.. atoreuW: tIIat It....1 .. 1a1l'taI tor MId paft7 of the IHOII4 put.1aIa 11...1.... repr_taU",lIId ....... at 111 U- pe&<<ahl7 aa4 cauSetJ1 to eeter vpoa, IaoId. CM:Cllp,. aM ftJ01 AId Iud: that AId 1aIId.. tree troIII 111 eecum..-..-.; tllat It wtll ..... ndl f8rther IMuaat.. to perfect the fee a1mpl. uue to MId laa4 .. .., rMMDalll7 .. "'Cllllnd. lad that It does 'a~ f\IllJr warraat tile UU. to I&kl I&ad. aU wtll detflld the __ ....... the 1a1rfll1 claims oC all penou w~.... IN WlTKB88 "'HEJlEOP. tit. ~ of tM Int part. OIl tile..., lad ,MI' Int aIlcw. wrtu-. .... eaUMd III __ to .. a1pec1 aDd IW eorporala eaJ to .., .lIb'" to "'- ,_" b7 Ita Puslt$nt aad Ita 8eentalT. wllleb ollee... lI"'e Ilea duS, IIUtIIorbell ... -ponrad .,. rwoI.uo. of tit. Board of Dlrecton of the INDIAN RIVER Flf; COMPANY. ..,., of III. ant p.qt berela. to u_te 11II4 dellnr w......', t Subjeot to al ' , . (Corp. Sell) dl toh a88e88- lII>>tu RIVKR rA.lWS 00 , menta or 8D7 tB7 Herman J. Zeuoh 8I&ud. -.led ... dellTered .. preeeace of -I speoial &81eS8 ........~.~...~~!..F.9RR........................ ;:n~:Vf:d ~r Charles Duno.. ........Q.~..~.~..~.qJf~.~r................. ~b. year 1919 ) 111 PreeIdtllL Ita 8eeretar:r. , i I I i I I , i I I STATE OF IOWA. } quent taxes and cotnltn OF 8C01T: ...' , &asessments. .) I. .. otIIcn 4vJ)' ntJM1rtu4 to take ~I"""" to deeda. do laerell1 certlf)' that OD wa _ f"rsout:, appeared lIetore ' ... Berman J. Zeuob ... Obarles aUJ10an to me weD ~ .. UIe PlwWeet aad IleentalT. reepecttyel1. Of ... ID4Itaa Rlnl' ..... c-JIU)". tile eorponUoa dlKrl... Ia the foreptq deed........ thq acltlO1rleQed Wore.. tIIat ~ ...,. duI, avtIlorb6d "'.... corporaIloa to eueute ... forqo(aa deed OIl ttlllellall.. ... to eta IW .... 11I4 db: IW eaJ ....rato. tIIat tH -.I allls.. tIItnto II tile eorponte ... 01 .... eorpo.--Uoe. ... that .... .... .... a_led b7 .... c:orporaUOll for the pvpoeee tlItnta espreued......., IM\'efIII1 acbotrled&ed u.. ueeetloll tllenl.'t to lie tIIeIf free ad ... .... .. neIl omeen. Cor tile _ 11II4 plIlpClMe. 01...... -tIoeed. ... that tile .... laatnmeDt .. Ute ad aJUl deed of .... eorporatIoL . . IN W1TNJ:IJ8 WHEREOF. I ..nlwreato a81x.. _ .... aMcilidal .... .... 26th .., of iJ,ptember It ,1"9 at the at1 01 DanallOrt. eout1 aMlItate ar....s4. (I.P.Seal) hanoe. .. Plath Hotar)' PIt.ue Ia aa4 tor 8eott CoallIT. IOWL (~l.R.'stlUDp oanoelled) K,c-mtuIo8esplree' Jul7 'tb. 1919. STAB OF n.oalDA. } COUNTY OF ST. WCI1L BID 1'1' 1I11i!111A11l_J!'l. 'I'IIat OIl UIII I. Po: C. BLDlUm. tor.... Dee4 ta ... PIt.. ~ of .... Cclut1, IN WI'TIfDI WBBIlIDO.. I ..n IIenuto Nt fIq .... ... tile eaJ 01 .... Ccut. tile cJq ... ,.., aIlcwe wrlttee. 24tb .., of November A.D.u1.9 elat Gt tile a~ Oout Ia aM for .... eout1 "ft dlI17 record'" Ill. (Ot. ot. Seal) ~Cb ~O "..~ ~/ ,(- /~() ..... :~.... .9.~..~~. ...... ... ....... ... ..... ....... .(8B.lL) -PI' Cia Ctmatt ColIn. - 7/"laA"f'~(L ..'JI...~.".t( ,(l v j' - CJ-o. -, ......t..... ..........................,..~........-r-t, ..-. c;"'~.:~ ~....- '1" 'lIT ... -, '< I 1 '''0' :! .. ;;1 ! I a.D: . ~l I " 1 n