HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEET MMMM �F .. .,.n .r : : _ may' �'ii.,., .a• �^ i■��i■'�■■�ifi■:■■ 1 a:_ �,• i�!,_ •ril• i",�ra_,IjT� mmwc.�OW-AM�IMEM Swim Motm �� — iFzr,'err_+�li�i[-'�ilE�ia3i■i■�i:i■:�i��� -=Kimt: r _ . ■■�■i■■■■■■■/■■■its■■■■/tt■ii■�i■■ - ■]i■■iitisi■■i■■i■i■0■■i■■■■■■ittisl■ ■i■l�■��■/■■r1■■�i/tsi■i■iti■tom■i!■■ ;: _ ■ii■iR!■t/i■■i■i■■i■ice■■■■1■■■■■i■■■■ - - ■iii■■t■■■■■s■e■■■■ice■■l�Iti�t■■i■■■■■■� „ •.: ■�i■■■<t■ii■t■■■■Eii■iit■i■i■i■■t!i■ . � _. - r .' .;•., ,: PERMIT WOHKSHEET Page 2 of MtT- = PERNUMB ? _..-.._..... .. . ._ _ - • SJte P - ttnn Debris and organic material moved The _ pocket peneWrnetertests are ro wn to - Psi Water drakiage:MUM Smfo Pad Other or check hemlb declare 100D lb,so$! f WM1P l testing. • — Festenrng tnultr w[tte finite �'�—' X X X t� Floor: Type Fastener:tas, LsnAth: o}n� r' tt . Walls: Type Fastener, lsrrgth: b*+a*g:" —'-- i?QCI�T PEIVEI'ROMEJ 7»i]NC�Nil=TROD Root; Type Fastener. Length:�� � For used home gauge; wfd%s ttran1zed medal ship I. Test the perimeter of the home at 6 locations - will be cesrfered lever the peak of themof and fastened Qh gahr_ 2_ Take the leading al the depth of tlnetooter. tuofmg nails at r on center on both sides of the centefte. _ - -- - 9. Urgtg SOD lb,Emr went%take the lowest -- reacft and round down to that increment. I understand a Properly Installed gasket Is a taquirernent of all now and used homes and that condensatlom mold;makiew,and bucided mardags waifs am a result of a poorly installed or no gasket being Installed_ I tindamtsnd a strip, X X _X of:tape win not serve as a gasket. E PROBE TEST lnstaflees Initials Two asket ' OFOO 1 instated - Tberesults of the torque Priebe test is Inch potmds or check- - Pg. Between Floors Yes here if you are dec ming S anchors witimm testing - - A test Between Walls Yes mowing 275 inch pounds or less will require 5 foot anchors: Bottom of ridgebeam Yes Nate: A state approved Metal arm systern Is being used and 4 ft anchors are allowed at-the sidewah logiiom i understand 5 R Wee Too - anchors are,requlad at all centetltne tie pok4p v*mrs the torque test readli9 Is 2?5 or less and where the mobile Florae manufaolurer may Tha bottomboard v gl be rw-b-d and/or taped. Yes . .-requfres anchors with g capacity, Siding on units is iinsteiied to mantftad sp ureft specifications- Y 4e $utalkeft inKlais Fm*1sce chimney Installed so as not to aI10W intruslors of rain water. Yes Oa ALL TESTS MUST BE PE 3F0 ETD A LtGII1SED tt3STALLEFi �Vl lanoous Installer Name _ Sydrting to be Installed. Yes Afo Date Tested Dryervent installed outside of skirting. Y�W _ i3ange downflow vent Instal<ed'outswe of sic WA Drain fines supported at 4 fobt irrtwWS- Y - Electttcal crossovers protected. Yes _ other: $nneot electrical con&xdors between multi-wide tariffs,but not to the main power otrtas. Thisltntaudes the bondErtg wire between tnult-wide uammPg Installer varlfies all informations given with U is permit Woxkshtet .Mmbing - is accurate and true based on the brnned all sewer drains to tin adding sewer tap or-septic tank Fa marsetfaetur s Ratio and or:Rule ISC-7 2 onnee#all po1abte water strppiy pipltig to an existing wafer meter,v►at�taps or other Installer signature Date dependent water supply syslems, Pg_-^�