HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1253 r'--~'.,:"": "~,,::,-,..,,.,,.,,-, . ,. , '"!"I';"" ~,'" ,-- "'.' ,"" ,-~, Jl' ( (.t.. t f ~ l , ( '7"", T..,"';!.._...,d::_~ ....:-. ,~.t'C"~:'~:"'-'::':,~~"-.r.v'--:",::.~,_~_;I'-~~_'~ ... ". :_':?, ~. . . ";'" '_~ - ......~~.....~~,~J"'".'., - ;d":"."~ :..;~""I:, "'1.' ... , , -'--.~.,-<"""--'--'. ... , ; < :I.G3 V\tARR~N1X~,OEED I ! tUl .~ I IQUH ,RI~, .pue, qQUP.atfY W;P'!lU)8. 'I1f Ana .&JUt 118.__ I '1ll11llmUT1JU. IIa4t ~. 6th dIl. Gt Jauer . ... 1>. 1,10- 'r Uroe t INOlAN RJVq 'A1U,l8 COJlP.4NY;.. eorvora~, orpalH4 ... .alet......., ~ .... 01 '" Statt of........ ..,., Gt 'M 1m JUt. I to '11.art il.tlia;rer- and Loot!1 KltTha,.rot 1M cmal1 of, a.1i1tLuo1e . ! . uucat..! 11 or14a "w · · ..,., Gt u., MClCI!t4 put. , II ,WITNJ:88ftB. T1lat U:ti .... ....., oi '" ~ ..... Jot.... Ia ~ of tM .w oi . . O~~ (.1;,90),. ,.,. D9~..wflt';'~ ~ eM 11..... 8U.", Gtkt ftI...* _Rat..... to'ltla.... ~., tJlto I uJ4 JUtr " tU It<<OII4 AA at, or .1Mfore tH ..._~... ad .eIR.., Gt ...... PnNIlte. MIl 01. reed" wHra .. .....,. aek~I""'" , W cna.... ........... ... n,~ COGnn4 - ~ &lIIS ~r....... "....ca dote .., PUt. ~,.MU. lei..... CIOIIY., . ! ~r: ~~, -roMo~ USn':ol\M:\~:rI1~.' n~.alJ.~~~~J:.l'i::a;~h~l tlon , 'lto'\he OU, ,of Vero.,lor1da. as tbe s..e18 ledpatllon tbe plat r"oordel1n tbe otfloe of \ tbe Olerk of t)le Oirouit Oourt in and for ..id Oount;r. ' . . : I . , ' U8TlUO'l'IOD. '.' .. , 'i Jl. The. puroba.er mu.t Olear. bl1 10.t. of all un. lerbrueb or unde.ir.ble. .growtb within 6 montb. : . from .d,a te of puroha.e. and ln "he enn" of bil not 001l{>171118 w1 ~b "hil. tbe tompan, shall ba".: . I tbe r1sbt to' do .uob oleariq at . oOlt not to ezolld '10.00 Plr lot and obarge lame to tbe ; lpuroba.er. ' . . ,. ." ,.' , ,8. tbat the puroba.er. will. Within one liar trom dati. .et or oauel to bave Sit ou'\.' at le88~ l~ive ornamental tree. on the lot, *01 atl.alt three ornamental tree.'b.tweln tbe 111ewalk ' ",ani ourb 11n8 ~ whiob will be oarel for b, the OomPaD1 at a nominal oost. in tbe event that puroha.lr Is not on' the srounl. . . . . .' . l'a.That all buildings ereoted.. .mU.ltfirlt oompl, withth. re.tr1otionl witb referenoe to P1a.~e~ mentof building on the lot. and that no re.ilenoe Iball be plaoed oloser to the lot 11ne than :twent,'(IO} feet. ani no building, ,hall be ereotel 1n'Olo.ola Park ~dditlon wbiob entail an! 'j-eZPln41ture.of of lesl tb8n.t20OO.OO.;witbout s~eoial permielion of tbe Oompany. jll building. 1nolu41os ro.ofl. .ball be painted within 90 d8J'I from oompletion.. -; , , I SubJeot to all taxe. and 41toh aSSIBement. or aDl epeoial aqeeeaments it any be levlel for t ltbe lear 1920.,nl all Bub..quent taxi. and as.llaments. ~ . I , I '~ _nero tM r1&ht of Wa)" 1M p)lle f'OlIdt. 4raI.... eaulI. Ull dl~ U.1rll OR llle plat of t&I4 laIida made" Ut. p&rtJ' 01 ....am part. , TO HAVS A.om TO HOLD TliE a.uu:. tocelJlel' :wllll all ....' IwrHltuwllta Uld a,perteau_ lll.reunto belooalq. uato tile AId JUt1 of tbe MCOelt ~rt and bII ..~... Uld U8!pa la 1M .lmpl. tor~. ;','~ " . - .' ~ llle IIJ4 IIUt1 of ... Ilnt part. Jot ItMII 11I4 Ita .... --. .- lien" CO\"tDaD' Wtlll .... part, 01 01. ~ put. bII ~.... I.... NPnMD'.atlfttsaDll........ U1at It lalradeleulbl1 MI* 01 uI4 .... Ita 1M .IDa,l.: tIlJllt W fII1l PO.. aDd lawflt,rI&llt to COGft, ..... IatI4 Ita fee ...... u atorwaid: UIat It aUll lie lawtal tor.... JUt1 of tIM __. part. bII ..d.... I.... npreaeataUna. aDd auI&U ~ aU u.. ~ ... Quletlr to _tal' U,.. 1IoW. Cleft". aIId eDJo1 aaItI ....: that uId .... Ia free flua all eae1llllbrueee; tIIat I' 1rIU _e ..cia fluUIu ...~ to perfect ... fee almple UUe to aaI4 IaD4 u III&J' l'MHMa~l, .. r-eq..... ... UI&l It .. 11.., fit., :wura.\Ule 00. to laid ...... aII4I wUI .If_ 1M.... apIul.... ~wf1ll clabu 01 all perwu w~nf. " . IN WITNESS WHEIl~F. llle lIoUV 01 tH .rat put. - 1M "r IUl4 ,... ant alloY. wrtttee. Ud ~ Ita .... to lie a1ped ... Ita corporate .... ~ .. ..... to .... ,_Lt ., ILt ~cSe. IUl4 ILt 8eeretaf1. widell ollken ban beeR .alr autllol'l$cd &Ad ..,ow'" 111 ..-luUola ef tJae Boaf'4 of ~ oIUIe INDIAN RIVER FAIUI8 COKPAHY. pariT 01 01.....' part ........ ~ tl[tlt1ite aIId .elI...... tMa ..... . In41an In ver 'arml 00. s, (Corp. Seal) Berman' J. Zeuok. Pl'ea14ellL .......-led aII4I deUnrtll fa ,rtMIlee Gt u: .. ,...... ~,.. A...RAPJ)..................... ...... . lbaries >>unO~JII.Becnt&r1.." ~~4:..i:-'"'''''''''''''''''''' I~ I: R. at...v, .BnoBIlel) 1. ... olDctf' tIIIJ1 a.Uaorbed t6 ~ ~1~QtI to 4eedI. do -My eertll1 tllal _ UIIa dU penmat:, .~ed before ... Berman J. Zeuoh. .... Cbarles Dunoan to .. 1rtlI bo1rIa .. 1M ~t eat ~, ....,.eUftIJ'. Gt 01. Ja4Iaa KI,er J'aftM Com,..r. IJIe ClOfJlOnUoIl deHritled lit Ule IoreailQa ......... u4..., __...... ..,.... tNt. tIlq 1nI'e 41a11 auUlorbe4 II)' aaId ClOI'POf'&.Uoa to ~ecuta Ole fonfOlq .. _ It. ~ aM to .... Ita .... aIId alll& Ita ... u.anw. tballJle .... ~ed tlamIto .. lh -.om. .... 01 ,.... CCII'pOrat'" ... tbat .... .... wiu _en. . M4 ., eaSIl. CIOrfOI'&Uoa Iar ... flP.'voeea... ...... qpr-.d. alii tIlt1 MftftII, aeaaowledce4 Ole aecutloll U1ereol to .. "* ..... let ... .... .. ... ollcefl. ,... lh ...,.... ~ Uaerela ...."..... ... tIIal tile aaI. ....tnImeIlt .. llle ad &Dd deed Gt'" ~ , ' IN WITNB88 WHDEOP. I ba,. ..~ ,...... ..,.... ... oIIdaI ..... w.. Janu&rl ueo, ..... ca.,. 9t Dan. JOlt. Cout1aa11 Stata aforaaI4. 6tb da1 of (lIotarl Seal) hanoel B. Platb XotaIT f'aWIe fa &lI' for Scott c-.l1. Iowa. "'("_"'I~ aplrw/ Jul, .tb. 1921. STATIC-OJ' ft.ORlDA. } C011N'IT OJ' 8'1'. LUCDL P JT"tnlRllRRDIm. 'I1Iat OIl UIIa I, . P.C. Ilued,. ror...-. DIet fa ... ....... .... oIlIJ4 Coat1. IN 1fI1'NCiII WJlBUOI'. I IIAft Ittnuto ... .11I7 ..... ... UIe.... 01 aaI4 eo.rt. 1M .." ... reu alloY'. wrtl"," ....................J?... JJA. Jlllr.a............. (8&&L) ) _ Clertt Clrcalt CoIIrt. /' ...[, 'J. s, ....~..I..r.!-..("M';...,!.........~;..De..., Clen nit __ oC Januarl A. I). II 20 . ~ Gt 1M CIrclIr. Cotut fa ... for .... eout, ban cIaa, I'eeorded u.. ,(Ot. gt.. ~'41,>" .. ..,;- .......It.t,: '-"1: () V. "I' '/,;co: '~ '/), , " ,: '>>'~ftt~l!RlItl