HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1257 . .. . -..-'":~.::fY".",,--~:-.~~:;& I 'ui ~ . j I ' [J -, -~;!,_...-:--:"..~:. _.~-:",.,,~~~ ,"('.7:, '",'"", i"- "\ .".> 1.57 " ~~W~~~1iY{QJmD IQPUlI ~IVER lAmlS OOMPANY ,. ' i I . co . - -' '- " . ~!".. ~'. .' ~ . - . . .. .!'IIIS DD~ JW.' t.. 831'4 ' '.. ...,01 .Deoembll' ,Al 0.'1"'1 r,1lttlle INDIAN BlVD F~~,PAKT. a CIC;lJtlCln:Uoa 9f~,"',..t.yq.."".,u.Ja.. 01 tH~,- Qf~..,.,of........ llan. I to' Xate OOl1Ul1ttO.' W14ow' - Gt tM Coull or llaooup1n i "'Stat.Gt '111:1n01. ,JUVGtIMMOOlMIpart. " I "1TN~. 'Rat Ole AI!.tanT,'~ Ua.~"......,for,~.",.~OC ...~OC, , ' I 'One,(tl.oo) .,~~<la:wJlli.~~.~. \!~'''''''''f~~''~'''''.'~ to It............, Ute ! .... pait, at IM..-. ~ at Or ..,. ,1M ......' ....'.... 4.G\!iJ. ~."'G. Ii;...... . "..... Ualt..~. ,wlltnol ........., . ~adalo1r. I...... I ..,.. 1'IUltet. ~ IOI~ rei.... -ftJW....~, .,.~ PblIH~,""."" ....t,1IaqaIa. ..u..~,_fe)" t :me:r:'.~~~:, ~....m~('Ib'<~ ,JrcI:';~~t'fN Ir~,..~.~.'" J1wIda. t , '.,.. ~. .,' .... ,. ".. ., \ lin the oit7 Q~ ;Vei"o.,'loi1da~' aB~;the,'~i lsd."ijnat.d ontb. 'Plat' of, SUob oit,. r.oorded in I the oftioe ot th.. Clerk, o,t the 01rou1 t"OoUJ'tln' an~ 'tor . 8a1~ Co~t1. . " , . " '.:",,'.., ,-,....',.',.., ,.:b..:."..,' ",~RBsmIOfI01l8. ",< "..,~ _, '~ .' ~ :1. The purohaiaer must olear hi8 lot ~t all '~4e.bru8h orundesUabl,.e growtb within 99 d&fs !trom d. 0,". e 0:t.purohase.:.and4n. '-',\he"eY4mt';otbls: not oompl)tiD6_ with this. the Oomp8ll1 shall bave the right to do suoh olearing ata 008tnot,to exoeed 110.00 pel' lot and oharge same to the purohaser. ... ". .. . . . 8. Tlult the pl11'ohas8r. Will, within one year from date, set or oaue. to have set out, at leartt lv. ornamental tre.s on the lot, and at least two ornamental trees bet.e.nthe stdewalk and .. not on tbe ground. .. . , .. ... ". . · that all bUildings er.oted, must first oomPlY with the restriotions with referenoe to plao.- ent:ot building on the lot. an~tbat nb resid.noe 8hallbe plaoed olos.r to the lot line than ~hi.rtY (30) teet, and no buildin88 shall be ereoted Wi~hln the restrioted distriot whioh .ntail an expenditure of less than '600.00.Without sp.oial permission of the Oompany. All building,. fnOludingro.o.~s. shal. 1 be. . painted ".ithin 90 days trOm oompletj.on. This oon.traot applies only to otsin'the restrioted 4tatriot in the 01t; of Vero. as 1s shown on the Company's plat ot the ero 'townsite. SUbJeot "\0 all ditoh ~8se8Bments or &nf spodal assessments it all1 be' levied For the year 1919 sad all sUb8.qu~nttaxes and ass.ssmenta. I ! i I lCATB CONTRAT1'O Escepl. bow.nr. the rtalal of wa)" lor pulllle rMda. llralu.p caaaJa. ucI dltdl_ u IIho1ra OR Ut., plat or aaIcI .... 1Da4I. a.y the put)" ot tlIe ant ~.. .' , . " ..... . ' , . . , TO HAY!: AND TO HOLD THE SAJfE. tapUter 11101 111 Ole IaerMi~llta ud ap~ Uttnllato Mloqlq. 1IIIto tile aaJd ~ of tile .......rt... ... ...,. ... .-pi Ia fie lbaple ~or",. . AacI. the .... Inn, of 1M lni part. tOr I~t -' I-ta __ eon. .so. ......, u)nuUt wlUt AId 1IUtJ', of Ole. -.I Jl&rt. b.b ...... ... NPnealatlne. ... ....... - that It Ia 1Ddet~ iebecl at.... ... JD tee "lDple: tIlat It la&3 ~I. power. ud law~. rtalat to -,." .... ..... IS f&le ....... .. &f0l'eAW: u..&l it.~ ~ la1rfll1" tor u,l4 l'U'f:7 of.. . the ~ part. ilia Ia.... . Ie'" re~'ath... ud ....... at 111 u.... peaetUl)" ... ,~ to ,_te" II", IlOI4. ~F. u4... .... laM: lllat II&Id IaD4 fa ftee fNa aU __~: UIat k 1111I -.11. ... fUUter ~to "'ect tile tM slJDpl,. Utle to AId JaIltI .. ma, ~ .. rtqa1re4. aII4 Uaat.1t does ....,flIIJ)> ~t Ute utle to ,~~~ ~. ~~ ... .~...... tINt '-wtal. ekbu 01 ,all penGU.w....,.,. IN WlTHJ:8S WHEJtEOF. Ute part)' C)I Ute...... put. 0iIl&lie .., Ut4 FW am *"ewriu.. W ca....s Ita.... to be "pt4 ... III ~ "'to be a.mJ:eI to... .......ta lit ... treetdal.NId Ita SeeletawT. wlalda ollkfla a.n .... ~ utborlllel ud ' ::-.= t:.. 7::UoIa of,.... ~ 01 ~. 9t, die INDUH R1VE1l P~8. CO)IPAHY. "",. of. Ute....... put IIereta. to _eate . , ~, (C<<p. Seal) Indian River J'al'D18 Oomp&nf ...... eealeci ... dellTerellla .~aee of u: Beran J. Zeuoh 111 Pre.1deaL ..~,..At..F.Pl'P.................................. Oharles Dunoan III 8Mnlar7. ... Q...J(,.JI9.J.l.JiWA................................ (60 rJ I.R.Stamp. oanoeHsl) =~:>~.f IL - ...' g~~::a'Z::eIl~~leIloleDta to ~ 110 ~~r;re~~U:anda7 .-aI:1 ailpevt4 before to - ~I .... .. Uae Prea1deal ~~, reepecUftJ,.Gt tile I~ JUt'er FJ,nu CoIDpaa,. Uae ~ d8eriW Ia Ute fDrtcoIU ....,; ;,/1Iad ..., atkl101rledcedW.. 1M tIIat ~ w.... .1l1Il1 .,.UIorI&ed W aid COIJ/OratloD to uente tlIe toncolq deed .. · .....,. .... 10 ataa Ita ......~ dx IIB~. UaIftto. Uaat Uat .... ~ ~.Ia tM eorponte ... of .... CIOlPOrau., ad aut . ........... U-W. . ..1'1. .......CIOrpora. . UOII toI'. UN.. ,..,...... tNMa. ' .U..).""J4.. ...... *' In'eraIJ)" aQJIoyJednd the uecutJollUtereor to ::::" ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ror.~ ~ ......".... ~ ........ ... aut ... .... lutnuIIelal Ia tile ad ... \feed 1NWJ1'NK88 WIIEIlEOF. J 11m ~ ~!I!'T'" ....... ..... W. 28rd day 01 Deoember nit - ~ ~ ~ ~ Day."""" ~ aM Sf&le,.,...... 1a Pl th ,. .'... r~O.8 A. a NoWT Pulllle la aDd tor Scott ColmI1. IOWL (Kotal" Seal) II, eo-luloll aplre. July 4th. 1921. :o~':~~l' III rf Il&KDmDBr1, 'I1aat Olt WI 6th I, '. ?~'~. ,Bl~red , foreeotaa Deed Ia uie PQUe Il-* eI .... Oont,'. IN ~~ ~,. I ~." "'f~ ~ ID7 .... ~ 0Ie..-J ~ .... ~ ... _ "'leu ... 1rl'IUa. ' , J,,,_e r a.... Q,..m.~.:r~u~\. ......,...............(8BAL) V'r ''-' Clm arc.It Coart. lot, Ot. Seal) ~ ~ .' ....:.<M.u.J!r...... .,L,~._..... , . Cl( J'ebruar1 ... D. le20 ~ . ~ ~ CGart I. ... for aaJf CoIUIl7 baft ....b' recorded Ute .'" ~-..... ......'T~ .~- " ," " "," ~:, ~~~)t~I'~~jI~~~r~r~