HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHANGE OF CONTRACTORr_-j Planning & Development:Services Building & Code Regulations. Division 2300 Virginia Ave.. IF Fort -Pierce, FL 34982 (77.Z)462-1553` Fax 4b2-1578 CHANGE. OF CONTRACTOR Or Subcontractor or'Cancellation of°Permit Change of Contractor is to be completed by the property, owner, and the.new coniractorof record for the, current permit. A new permit application, must also be completed with. new contractor information; signature, and.transfer 'fee. Anew Notice of Comm encement must be 1"iled in the new" coritraGtor's :name for job. values greater than .$2,500 ($7 00 if A/C Chahke-out): A recorded copy must be submitted prior :to commencing, any work. Subcontractor changes can. -be completed' by the.general contractor: Absent extenuating circumstances, a cancellation of permit is to be execute,:d by both the owner and qualifier of record. Date: 5/8/17 Permit ,Number- r �'0�43U Site Addr`esst 116 ocean Estates brive Fort Pierce, FL.3.4049 t' Jt=YPX/1� State License SLC L cense4 / 9rej riginal General Contractor (or Subcontractor) Comet Electric.& Equipment; LLC State License ;EC13002784. SLC. License New General Contractor (or Subcontractor) Reason for Change 1lie Undersigned.does'hereby agree -to., ndemnif and hold haimless St.,Lucie County, its affcers,. agents, and.employees from a11:,costs,. fees or damages arising from any and all claims of action for any reason, which, may arise as-a.resuli of this' change of contitactor/subcontrae or or cancellation of permit, Apermit cannot he cancelled if work has been performed. SIGNATURE. OF. O R (or.:ownerabuilde w SIGNATURE OF NEW C,EN RAL CONTRACTOR PRINT NAME PRINT NAME Mark L.Urtz State.of Florida, County of St. Lucie County oilouring in lent was acknowled ' d efore'me this: .day of 12dj. b"0' e IVwho,rs personally know to me ors ho rs<pmduced_ as Signature of Notary 0 Date *Only signature required for f Re.rised 07/ 1/ xnt,% Notary Public State Of FlOrlda , Frances Dona a 1 21 Commission 092d�J� of�o� Expires0712712021 State of.Fiorida, County of St. Lucie County ilt�eyfollowing instrument was'aeknowledged before me this 8 ddy of . 20 %l. byA6lli%C� litJ✓ Z Is personaliykii to me, or who has roduee as na ure o otary Date .- � 0 arr Notary Public State of Florida Tonya Adkins My,commisslon.FF 207105 ,Expitea 63109120119, PERMIT # 1 1 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING.PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Mark Luttz/Comet Electric &.Equipment, LLC have agreed to"be. (Company Nair.0.1ndi-Aduat.Name) the Electrical Sub -contractor -for .Phoenix Companies (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor). For the,project located at 116. Ocean :Estates -"Drive "Fort Pierce FL 34049 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID # It is understood that, if there is any change ofstatus'regarding our participation with the :above mentioned project, the. Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County wilybe'advised'pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. VINTi2ACTOR —SIGNATURE G 6W� 'PijiNT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me.this 11?_day f ,20aby who is personally known _or has produced a J as identification. STAMP Si nnture.of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public }� �Y tvotary Public State at Florida Frances Donna • c MY Comm1sston GG o9,-0 cr�o� Expires0712712021 Revised 11/16/201 v Z'z SUB -CONTRACTOR Sf j3NATi7RE (Qualifier) Mark Lurtz PRINT NAME 160iEC13001784 COUNTY CERTIFICATION. NUMBER State.of Florida; County of _Palm, Beach 1-4 TheiLV foregoing instrument wassigned, before me this P day of A . who is personally krfpwn _2Lor:has r Notary P#blic otipava�. 4;r TOY! Public State of Flo ox _ rya Adkins nda fAo4� MYGornmiastonF lrea F207705 �kP03/09[20t9 STAMP