HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1283 I [.~....' It ~'.;.... ~ f ~""__'::_I:"".T__' -.-" _.,....:'-::~-.---.T"'-----..;--"";'!"'""".......,_~~~~~~~-~~'.. ~ ;' 183 I I I I I I ! i I I .... flUV 01 tIM ~ put. .t or Wore ... -.J'" .... ...Inl)' of tMM pr-.t8. ... ... receipt w)lueof I. ...,.., aell101rleda4. i .... '.....ttcL .....pIa... MId. releued. -ftJ*I AM _AnaM. u41l, UIeM ._te, dote ""'7 ....t, ..,..... MIl. nt...... _.., j ... ClOdla ..to ~ I&I4putt,of ... ... part 1M llII'tln 1M UIIpt... f.. ...... ~I ~ lud-Ia I5t. L....:e Coull. n4Mida" I . cMerlbe4 u fQ\1on: Lot No. One (1). :l1\->>look No. Thirt;y-eeven (3'1) in the OU,. o~ Vero. . i flOrida, ae tbe 88118.ie designated on the. plat of BUob oit,., z,o...oorded in the offiae ot tbe Olerk of tbe Ciroult Cout in and for said Cou:ntJ. , .., RB8~IC!IONS. ' " , 1. 1be purohaeer must olear biB lot of all underb~ab or, undesirable growth wUhln90 d87e from dateo:f purohaee. and 1ntbe event of bis not oo~ w1thth:ls. the Compe.!'lY shC111 . bave the right to do Rob alearing at a oost not to exoeed'tlO"OO !per lot and oharge same to the ~obaeer. . .. . . 2. Thattbe purohaeer Will. within one year from date set or oause to bave set out. at least five ornamental treee on the lot. and at least two ornamental trees between the.eideWalk and oub line. wblob will be oared for by tbe Go~ at a nominal oost. in the event tbat pur- ohaeer .is not on tbe ground.. . 3. Thata11 bUildings ereoted. must first oomply witb the restriotione with reference to plaoement of building on the lot, and tbat no residenoe eba11 be plaoed 010eer to the lot line' tba1\tblrt1 (30) feet. and no bu.11dmgs shall be ereoted within tbe restrioted dietriot whiGh 8lj.a11 entail an expend! ture of less tban $2000.00. without epeoial permission ot tbe Oompa,ni. .. All bUildings,inoluding roofs, shall be painted within 90 da1s :from oompletion. !h1.s oontraot applies on1;r to lots in the restrioted distrlot in the City of Vero. as is shown on theC,oDJp8J17IB plat of tbe Vero townsite. " SubJeot to all ditoh assessments or &n7. sP89ial assessments it, any lie leVied for the 1ear 1919 aIId aJ.l SUbsequent taxes and assessments., WARRANTY DEED .. IIDUB BlVD ,JJUIB 'OOKPAlfY (.;.r - '1818 DDIITt1Uo Made tit. ,th .., Gt Ilovember A. 0...1'. b,IM lNDUN IUVBJl JPA1UI8 COWPANY. a eorponUoa orpaJ'" ... ealltlaC ...... 1M law. ., u.. 8lale Gt norwa. ~ Gt 'be ant ..rt. . to ., I. J. Graham ' of the COUl1 or Saint Luoie UI4 stat. 01 norida ..117 01 the --.4 part. . , . WlTNB88BTH. TIlat the .... 1'Ut7. of the ant put. tor. &IIlI .. couNendoa of tIM Mil of .. One (.1.00) - - - DOLLUl8. IIwf1ll _., ... 1M l1ll1ted ~c.. ... other fIl_* ~ttau. to It .. .... paI4 b1 Ole 1.,J. GRJlUJ.I. .1 ~ - -.,~..1lQ --......~~ a.. 6...4 r- L. _ . ~ -~....:I_..._- __.... __ ... .A.r-...... .l.....~ -4-.MA~"" ....~ ......t7-""'-,()I: TO HAVB AND TO HOLD THB 8.Uli:. tocetMr wlUlI1l tJa. berNI'-II1I .... .ppvrteDalleea tJatreaato IItloqlq. 1lIIto tJae aa1d ..,., ,of 1M -* part ... bls btl... anll &IIIIcM III fee simple fort"'. Ail4I Ole 1&14 I'Ut7 of the Ant part. for ItNlf ..II Ita a_ --. 40s Iaereb1 CO\'eIWlt wltJa .... partT of tile MCOII4 part. bI. beln. letIIlI r.......t&tI"... &ad auIpa thet It II ladeI..sbl)' MI. Gt MI4 .... Ia fee ".ple: tJaat It b&3 f\lll po1l'", ... bwtul r11hl to -Ye)' 1&14 .... III fM "'pl.. .. .ror-t4: Ulat It _n.. 1a1l'faI for..... party of Ole ~ part. Il~ '@in. Iepl npr_III1U"... ... auIpa ....U Umee peaeea1lJ7 ... ,IIItt1T to tIIter Ilpoa.lIoW, -PJ'. ... eIlJoJ' 1&14 ....: tbat aa111 IaD4 .. free froIIl III tIIC1I.......~: tIlal It WIll ~e RdI flIrtIaer _....eea to perfect the fee ........ tiU. to 1&14 Iaa4 .. IU7 .......1IJ7 lie rel1t11..... &ad tJaat It doN herell1 tull1 wunat 1M UU. toa14 ..... ... 1rIU,...tIIII tile _ qUut tJa. lawfaI e1alllla of IlII ~ w~.... . JH WlTHE88 WHERlCOr. th. P&rt1 ofth. ant pan:. oa tile .., u4 ,.... int aIIoTe wrtttee. bad QtIHd Ita _ to lie a1pe4 &all Ita eorporat. .... to .. albel to tJaeM PrtMllta ., Ita Preel4eat ... Ita 8ecre1ar7. wlllda oll\cera un ... d.l, ..IlJaorUed aDd empcnrerod ., reeot.ttoa of the Boanl of DIreCltoI'l Gt Ole INDIAN BlVD FAIlII8 COKPA."iY. ..,., of the Ant part laeuIa. to aente ... deIJnr tIala deetL . s, Indian River Parm8 Co.. , (Corp. Seal) Herman J. Zeuoh (60; I. R. Starpp. I" Pnak!eDL SIp", .-JeI... del"erflllll PI'e!Ie_ Gt u: ,oanoelled) Ohar1 Duncan .....~'..:.".i:~.........................'..Tbe purobaee:t agree8 to 8t:rt the · lte 8ftrolal)'. ... ....!... .t.. ............,..................... ....building of a bouse to oost not less than, e~ .Ou W1 ~n1n mne1i7 ClB18 nom Clau ' STAn: or IOWA. } .. hereof. and oo,lete 8ame w1 thin a reason- ',' COUNTY or 8CO'lT. able l~~h of 1mB. ~ , I. ilia OCIcet ..., a.tIIorII~ to tU. __INpuDlt to 40 ler." certIf7 tJaat 08 WI .., ~:1 .ppearecl Wore me. Herman J. Zeuob ... Charles lhmoan to" we\l bo1ril .. IMPre!ddtot UId Seenlu7. rIQedIf..,. Gt tJie ...... lUfer ..... c-pu" 1M eortMJratlaa dwcrl1Md .. the fotqoIq 4eed... .. &ad ..., aekaoykdpd w.. _ .... 01., we... c1a17 ..UIorbed, ., .... corpontIoa to alCllte the foreaolq dee4 .. Ita beIIaJI. UId to lIP Ita __ aDd atk Ita ... tMnto. Ulat 1M .... aau4 UaenCo .. 1M eorponte .-J or MId ,eOrPOraUOe. lUId that .... .... ... alfttld ., .... corponUola to!' Uat ........ tlaenIa a~ -.s tIIe7 MftJ'I1I7 act_lelpd the u_UOII tMreof to .. tIIetr free aet ... .... .. _Il olIIceI'I. for ... ... ... ~ tJaereta -ttout. ... tJaat 1M 1&14 ~t .. the act u4 deed, Gt 1&14 eorpontlolL , . 'JH WJT!\"ES8 WHEIU!lOJP. . Ita" "mmto albe4 ., aaea ... 0"" .... UIII November 1. 1'. at 1M C117 Gt Day. port, CoaIIl1 ... 8Cate afor.al4. 4th 4&7 of Wotal'7 8eaJ.) hanoes E. Platb Notal)' PallJle.. aDd for Scott Coua17. JOWL W, CommbaJoa _plree Ju1;r 4th. 1921. BrATS op n.oRIDA. } COUNTY or ST. WCUL 8Jl1T IlBJiIEKBDBD. 'Rat 08 WI ~ P. O. Bldred forfsOiq Deed fa 1M Pa>>Ic a_.. 011&14 COU17. 1M ..ft811 WIDIlIlOr, . .." ....... ... .., ....... tIae... of MId Cout, 1M .., ... )'eLl' .... 1rrl~ ................... .l~..~! ,. ~~~4.............. (8&AL) C1t11t Clmdt Covrt. ... . ........ ?'If,o../.. .~<I:..dyM.J.._ ..... 13th .., ell, llaroh A. D. 1. 20. CIerIt .,... etmd~ ColIn Ia &all for .... CoaII17 Ita" 41117 nconled the (Ct. ,ot. 8ea1) ~ecord \" , ertled , . :, ~', ,~<:,,~::f~i.~I!~fl