HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT 3-16-18plonaung & Dsvelopment SerWces -Bidiffing &Code -Regulation Division 2300Yr0inia Ave Fort dfleM FL 34982 772-482-2172 Fax 772-"2-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE.TREATMlENT C®NSTRUMON! SOILTREATMENT PERMIT #: 5 y,7 ' o` JOB ADDRESS: �� I` �= �Tw(tl at-Z �tsc1 qe L BuiwER/CONIRACTOR: PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: x, c PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: We, the undersigned, hereby that we have pretreated the above desaitiel conshud im for subterranean terntites in accordanoe veth the standards of thhe National let Control Association, Square feet if area treated: Chemicals used:'�5's k Permtage of solution: 4 (5 d Total gallons used: Date of Treatment:. /6 Time of Treament: Footing 1 Treeatment Re -Treat Driveway 1e Treatment _Re -Treat Outer 1Treatment Re -Treat Stab _�� Tr�httent fte-Tint Fools erimeter 1 Treatment Re -Treat for gat won Signature of Eaferminafior Date Note: 7here mustbe a completed farm foreaod ragtd►ad bwbmntarm-fraa6nenf and €fig lvrm mcitbe cn dre job sfte to bepldtad up by theInspedarat Me ofea& kgwdion or thesdiedrrled laWsWon w1fffall anda re-1nWezffbn fee charged FBCaCC2.6CWfidafe4fPA* ffveTredfWwtforpreaenlionoft MZWM AweatherregsAfntjobbpaWfigbaard shall bepmvided tnrereW dye &1& TreabnentCerllAcatesas eadrm gLffnad pmtediry &wtmentlscvmpleted, ptmvldfng a copyforthe person tfie pwinftisissued to and anob'k rc»pyforthe&fdV penaftfIe . The 7}eabnent CaM ate sWl provide [he prodad used, Idenffly of Me aW ator, bme and date offhe-ftwtmen f -Me toaffon, area treated dtanfral used, perantmnaendaffen andnurmberefgallans rimed, to estabYMa vmfAable record of pwUm a bee6nent Ifthes»Il dremfca/banfermEtliod f+vriei�ttlb3 prevention rs user/, Ana/ exle�fer 6 itentshal! be c aWfet ed prfer to final brdldfng approval. 5t Lade County requires for the final inspection for CO, a•Pe rawnent Sticker 1z to placed on the electrical panel boor cover, itsfng all the treabnents and dames of applications.