HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1286 i' 186 WARRANTY DEED lJ lOW RIVER Ji'AIUIS OOMPANY to JlUU) SAtmIRS. nil DDUftU. ..... ". '1tb - da1 01 Ootobe~ A. D. l' 1.9'. ., UIe INDIAN "VA FAJUQJ C01lP~. . eorponUoD 0I'IUln4 UI4 a........... 1M Ja... 01 UIe ~ 01 ftoJWa. JIlUt7 of 'b.' ant part. to )Ired Sander80t tM 00ul1 01 Saint'Luoie ' ... BtaW Gt J'lorida IIUC7 Gt 1M .... put. Wl'1WS88BTH. nit UIe .... ..,.; Gt a. IlfIt tart. llDr UI4 .. -w..uoa.ot a. _ 01 One ($1.00). ... "DO~ Iawr.11DOUJ' .. ~ 11aIW4 ...... ...otIlw ~ CltIUI4entlou. to It" 1Iaal.... ., tH .... pub' oC UIe iIeeoD4 part. at or Won 1M' ........ ... deify..., 01 tMM ,..-u,... 1M ncetpt wlaeftOl Ia h'"'T aeIlDowledpd. MIl p..l'" .......... 801" reI..... _,-end ua ---... u4., tIMM fI'MOtI doee '*"' put, ......... MIl, m..... -"7 u4 -ana ..to ... MJ4 pertJ '" ....... ,art... ... ...,. ... .....,.,.. f.. Ibllpl. aU the lad .. lit. ......:. 00IJal1. ftlrIda. ! _ ~rfW" CoU..-l Lot No. Seven. ('1) in' Blook No. JortJ'-two (42) in theOi t;r' of Vero. :norida~ I a8 the same i8 designated on the plat of suob 01'1. reoo~ed in the offioe of the Olerk of th. 'j Oirouit Oourt in and for sa14 Oount7. ',' t '.., RlSTllIO!IOll8 . 11: 1. The 1ur0ba"I'~'JDIlat _ olear hi,810t ot all underbruSh or 1mde Bira.ble 8'fowtb. wi tbin 90 elqs : from elate ot purobase. anel in tbe event of bi8 not oomplYing with tbi,. tbe.OOIllp8D7 8hal1 bavt I the rlght to do suoh olear1n8 at a cost, not to exoeect ,1().OO per lot'and oharge same to the :.'. purohaser. . . .'. , \2. That the purohaaer. will. witbin one year from date. aet. or oause to have set out. at Ileaat five ornamental tree8 on the lot. and at leaat two ornamental tree8 "tween the side- . lwalk and ourb line. whiob will be o.red for bJ' tbe Oom~. at a nonina1 cost in the event I tbat purohaser is'not on the sround. ". '.... 13. !bat all bu11din8B ereoted JDIlut first oomp17 with the restrlot1ona witb, referenoeto pUoe- ! Ibent:-of:buiJ.eling on the lot., and tbat no residenoe shall be placed oloaerto tbe lot line than j thirt;r (30) ~. eet. and no' building, shall be ereoted withln the restrloted distriot whlob en- , 1 tail an expenditure of less tban '600.00. witbout s1>80181 permission of the Oompany. All. lbuildinga. 1noluglng roofs. shall bepa1ntedw1thln 90 da)'a from oOlllpletion. I ' Thia oontract aVPl1ee 0n17 to lotsln the restrioted distriot in the oit7 of Vero,ts is ! shown on the OompanJ s plat of the Vero town.ite. . . . - I. Sub3eot to all ditoh assessmenta or an)' special assessments 1f aD7 be levied for ,tbe .. 7~ar llt~ ~~r aM.~a~--1~J,."~;' apus~~. ~"""- N~--..A"""''''' Ii.. ~"'._I"".oI. ...). ~ _........_-~ - . - i ; I I . TO BAft A!\I"D TO HOLD Tm:8A)IB, "UIe, wttIl all t" tme4ltamftta .... appart..-_ tIIereuato IIeloqlq. Dto tII. MId ~ of the .-.. part ... bit. lIeln u4 aaal&U '" f..'lmpl. forenr. ADd tII. ..it pan, of tile Ant put. forltltlf aIId Ita _--. ~ IaeftllF COT_t 1rItII ...d ..117 of tH MCODd pert. bit ....... 1..... ~W1"'" a.. uaJpa tbat It .. lDder~lT aebe4 Gt.... Iud fa ree IlIapl.: tlIat It Ila3 flall POWII' u4 tawM rlpl to -ft1.... Iud III fee IImple... ...~: tIaat It ""'1 lie ta1rflal for.... perf7 01 tIIe.-. part. ~ ll......leaaJ rep_taU,... and ....... at aU tIIIl.. ~11 ... quietly to filt., _. hold. ClCC'lP1. ... eDjo)' .... IUd: tbat .... Iud ta me r.- 111 eD_bruu.: tbat It 11111 DIU. neb flIrtMr ~cee to ttrfed 1M r.. IImpl. Un. to .... Jaad .. -,- ......1111 lie reIllllre4. ... tbat It dote 'a'" flall1 ~t the UtIe to .... IaD4. ... 1rIU WeIIcI ~ _, ...... Uae IawM e...... Gt all ~ wlaomaoe'tll', . IH W1TNBS8 WIIEIlEOF., tII. oart1 oC tJa4llJat tart. oa Uaedayalld Tear Int abon wrlttee. Iaad ealIMCIltI _ to .. lip" alI4 Ita corporate _t to tie .lIsed to u... plUellta ., ... Prelldeat... Ita SeeretaI7. wlalda ollka'a ban" .... dlllT aatlaorl&ed &D4 _powered ., reeoIlIUOIl 01 tile Bo&nI of Dlreetors Gt UIe INDIAN RIVER FAJU18 COVAHY. 1lU1.1 Gt tile ~ part _...... to exent. '.......YWWa..... , s, Indian H~verJ'arms eo.. (Corp. 8ee1) 1 111 PresldaL i i I i ! Herman J. Zeuob BIped. ...... ... deUnn4 .. p..-aee Gt .: .............. .,.~. .~.~. .l9P>>..................... Oharles Dunoan (60; I.R.Stamp, oanoellec1) 111 8eeNtu1. ... ..... ~........ .Q,..JJ.... ~ts.qltr.9l9....... .... ....... STAU OF IOWA. } COUNTY OF 809'1T, .. I. .. oIIeI1' d1Jl1 a.tIIorbed to tat. acbowle4paea1l to 4eed8. cto lIenII1 ..uI1 UIat .. WI .., ~:, appeared Wore me, Herman J. Zeuob ... Oharles Danoan ' to _ ...n kII01r1l .. ~ Praldeot UcI ~. naJ*tlnl1. 01 ... lDdlaa IUYII' ...... co....,.. 1M coQOntloa ~rIW III the foreaaCq ......... ... tIMJ' ad_1tQtd laefors _ tllat tbeJ'..... Ul, alltllorke4 ., .... corpontIoD to aecute tII. I~ deed Oillta IleUlI. ... to alp III .... ... .ax III ... ~ tJlat 1M ....ax.. tMnto Ie tM corporate .... of .... coJ1lOl'lllOD. UI4 U1at .... .... WU........ .,. I&l4 corporatJOll for tile pupoeea 01.... expr-.d.... u.., Mftnll, Mb01rI.... the exentloa tIaenol to lit tJaeIr free Ut ad .... .. nth oIIcere, lor tM ... ad ptIllIOlMI OMnIa _tJODed. UI4 tbat tM 11&I4 lutrasat Ie tile act ad deed 01 .... corpor&doL IN WI'l'NE88 WHEREOF. 1 IIan henaato allsed 11I1 .... ... olllelal .... tIda '1th ta, of Ootober It 19. at ... CIt1 of Dan.port. C-l1 ... ~ aror-w. J'ranoes B. . Platb Hotar1 Pv1lUc Ia .... for SCOtt CoIUllJ'. 1000L IIy ComaIaIoIl apt,. Ju1;r t/.. 1921. (Botar7 Se&1) &TAU OF PI.OBIDA. } COVN'1'l OF ST. LOOI& BB IT ~ftI2IlIlU&D. TIIat oa WI ~ P. O. Eldred lor...... DNt Ia ... J4.1tI1e a-nIt Gt d eoaal1. IN WITHSI8 WIIDKOJ', I ..,.. Mrtuto Nt 11I1 .... ... 0Ie.-l Gt .... Ceut. tile .., ... ,., Uoft wrtUeL ..... .......... RI\,..Q.,. .ilAJ:.4..... ...... ...... ,(lEAL) , '..p "7 Clerk Ctmdt Co.rt. ... ....tZ...<..a./....(~...<;;;I.~ ..... 16tb da1 of >>aroh A. D. It 20 t Clerk of 1M Clrcal~ Oout .. ... for .... Cool1 IllY. dal1 recorded tile (o~. ~T. SB.6.L) ,...~i. " . , --j A '\1~...\e4 1tpr"~ i I ! i I I I I I ! j I t.....;... '>a~ .. , -,~'4 . -, _..~...~_~~~....._....--_~ .... ._._;.._._..._--~.~....... , I --'~~~-,::':,.;"':_:,~.;,:::;"i<,.~ .or l> . ..., ,~_:':~?~l~~~ tt~~~~q$f~~ . . j, ~::~ fif~v~"t.....r-~.w2--,... ....cJ.~4: ?;'i.~ ~ . : .-.".. ~~ .::~~~t~~fSr~~~{~