HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1288 . - <-,:~~,~~}.'1tj~~f t': 1.88 [ I .WARRANTY-DEED ....1 ,. ...... J.J:ld IBDUlf RIVlm JlJ.1UI8 OOllPlJIY .. WILLIAM O. OlU>WJ.Y. 'IIIIS DDBlmJU. ..... ~t 28tb . ' . .., Gt . ~ ' A. D.l1 20. . '01. INDUH BIVBIl "AlUI' COIIPANY. . oorporau. 0I'IUIMli &ad u......... .... ...... Gt tH "Ie Gt ".,.... ..,., Gt tu ant part. to Wl1li.. O. Orclwa;r . of 1M Ooot, of Oxford ' .. lha&e Gt . ),(alne pan, Gt .... ..... part. WITNJ:88C'l'B. 'fila' tH .... JUV Gt Ute ..... JUt. fUr UI4 .. --w.nu. .. Ole ... ., One, (.l..OO)--....OO,UII....wM....,.. 1M VlIJte4 ....aIti oUlwftl..... ~UoIlI. to It.. .........., 01. .... JUtt 01 Ute MCOM JUt. at or Wore ... euea!'" ... 4eUnry Gt ..... ~u..'" tM neelpt w...nor .. II.,. &Cbowl...... ! .... ....t... ..,....et. lIol4. rei...... -ftfM ... -arIM4. UI4.' ua.. ~II .... ....., 1ftIlt. ..,..... Mll. rei..... -", , : aM eodna..to Ole .... ~ on~ .... ~ .. ... ... UI4~" he ~ 111 tH ~ fa It. ~. CGu.,. no~_ . j 4elerlbtt..c.uonILot.lfO. Twelve (121 1Jl Blook 110. TweJit;r..elght U~8) in the 01t;rof Voro . i llorida. as the BaIne 18 designated on _ ,the plat of noh, oU;r. 1'eoorded in the o:tfloe of the: ' ! Olerk of the ()irou1 t Oourt in and .for said COlUlt;r., , , .' I . · .'. ,BB8TRIOTIOllS. . .. il. The purohaser must olear bis lot of aUunderbruBh or undesirable growth witbin 90dar' , ! ~om date of purohase. an4intbe event of his not oomplJing WU.h tbis. tbe Oo~ ebal bave I tbe :rlpt to do suoh ole~ing at a OOBt not to ,exceed '10.00 per lot aiu(.obargo same to the : [ purohaaer. ' , . ; 2. That tbopurohaBer. will. within one lear frOlll date Bet. or oause to have Bet out. at least i five ornamental t:reeB ontbe lot. and al least two ornamental tree8 between the 8idewalk and . i oub line.whlob will be oared tor b;r the COIJlP8D7 at a nominal oost. In the ,event that pur-' lohsser i8 not. on the ground. " ~ 3. That aU buildings ereoted. muet :first oompl;y wi ththe restriotions with referenoe to plUG- iMDt o~ building on the lot. and tbat no reBidenoe Shall be plaoed oloser to the lot line than . thi,rt)r (30) :teet.. and,AQ building., Bhall be ereoted wi thin the restrioted 41sti"lot whioh. en- , ;tall an expenditu:tecJ!)3han 12000.00 without apeoial permission of the OOJDll8l17. All buildings, iinoluding roots. Bhallbe painted within 90 481s from oomple'W10n. . . !' ' This oontraot a~lies onl.7 to lots in the reBtriclteddiBtriot 1n the Oit;y of Vero, as 18 i8hown on tbe Oompany splat of the Vero townsite. , i SUb~eot to all ~e8 and ditoh asse8sments .~ an;y apeOlal'as8eBBm9nt~ If an;y be levied ifor the ;year 1920 and all SUbsequent taxes and a8sesSII18nts.' . ~ ..- --.~ -4 --'" ~ v~l:.. - ~ "'IP"'~r - ~p.A .AI ~IIJ ~__.,...__&,..~.....~.... .... ~.A~ _h.. ... 1. , 'fO RAft .Ah"D TO BOLD TBB BAMB. tocedMr wlUl 111 tM beredl~ta UI4 a~ thllrftato "10D&ID.r. ..to the MI4 , ..,., of 1M --* pert aa4 bIs btlraaa4 e.u1pa ID fee elmp" fDr....r. , AB4 the .... PiIrl1 of the ant part. for I...., u4 Ita 1UftW.n. doie ....,. tcnaQI with AI4 lIU11 of the .... P&rt" bla beIra. I.... ...._I&U,... 1UI4...... tbat It .. lacJeteullll1lelud Gt AI4 .... .. fee "'ple; that It Ila.3 flIIl power ... tawflll rtcbt to eoat)' ... .... .. fee allllple. .. ~: that It aball .. 1a1rflll ,.... JUtt 01 the -.l part. ... ....... IepI re~IaU,.... aM ....... at 111 u.. ~),. aM ll1lletI,. to ..... RpolI. Iloid. 0CCtIP1, aa4 ecJoJ.... ....; tbat MI4 .... .. tree from 111 _bnac:u; tIIU II 1riI1 -':e IAIda fIu1Iaer &uuruees to perlect tbe fee ...... UUe to .... I'" .. IDQ' ~ .. rellRInd. u4 that It doea !let'" flIII7 warrut Ole Utle to AI4 ~ ... 1riII .er.. tH _. aplut the 1&.,.1 daIaa Gt aU penou wbDlDMner. IN Wl'I'HI3I WBDmJ'. tH ..,., ol 1M .... part"OD the .., ea4 year Int UoY. 1rdUell, ... caued III same to .. ...... ... Ita eorponte aeaI to .. aiIlse4 to'.... ,_ta ." III PrMI"lIt u4 Ita 8eerelar7. w1llda olken MYe '- '111, &lItborIsed ... _pow.. ., rwoaRUoa of tM Boanl Gt DIreetora of 1M INDIAN JlIVEIl FA1Ul8 COMPANY. puf7 Gt Ole Int put IIerebl. to nente ... .eIk,'........... B1 In41anR1ver Farms COIIIp8DY (CoJp. Bell) Hernam J. Zeuob III PrMI4eIlL ...... ..... ... dellnre4 ID pr.e_ of ue: .. ...... ... ~,. .A,.. J:P.PR......................... Oharles, Dunoan _ . Ita 8eerttar1. ($1.00 I.R.stamps. oanoelled) ... ...........9.~..~~..~9~...............'........ . &TAU or 1011',," .} COUNTT or 8C01T. ... I. .. ome.r ..., aldlaorbe& to take eebo1rleQalGta to 4ee4a. do ...., -uf7 tIIU _ W. da1 ~I appe&re4 before .... ne1'1llBD J. Zeuoh ... Charles Dunoan to _ ...1 bo1ra .. 1M Pree14eet u4 8eeretarJ'. reei*UftI1. Of lIIe JII4Ia!l Rh'tr hrarI Comp&ll)', 1M eorponUoa deKrllle4 .. the fClft&Olq ....... aM tIIe1 actli01rWpd Wore _ tbat tbq _n 4IIIy alltborbe4 ., IIJ4 ~ to aeellUt tile fon&OlDa 4_ oa IIIIIeUlI. ... to aID Ita __ u4 ails III .... tIaento. thai the 1M! alIIse4 ...... .. 1M eorponte aeaI of .... corpontlOD. ..4 tbat ..w .... w.. aeeutecl ., NJ4 eorporatloa fUr the ,."... 01... espnae4. ucl tbeT HftftII1 acUorrl"'-e4 UIe aeeatloD thereof to be UIeIr frM act UI4 .... .. aadI oIleere. for the .. ud ~. t1IereIa ~ ... tbat 1M uklllIIu-t .. the act ... 4eed Gt ... eorporatIoa. IN wri'HE88 WHJ:JlEOp. I ,.,.. bI.....to dlu4 .,'.... . UI4 otIeIal IMl. .... 28th da,. Of J'ebruar;y u20. at the cat, Gt Dana port. Coaat1U14 8Cata aron.w. hanoes E. Plath NoCar1 PPIIo IDud for 8cott CoaalJ'. I_L (liotar;r Seal) II, ComrRIMiora aptrea Jul1r 6tll. 1921. &TAU or rLOlUDA. } COUNTT or &T. LUCIa .. IT P}l!ID!IIAR1IIlI), TIaat OD tbJe I. P. o. Eldred for..... DH4 .. oM ...111.. __. of .... Cout,. DC ~ WBRIDOr, I "ft IIerIu&o lit ., IwI4 UI4 Ole.... Of AI4 CcMn1, tH taTllII4 ,ear ~ 1rdU- .... ......... ..~t..R,.. ~UlU\... .... .... ...... .(SUL) '" . ct.t CIn:ldt CoIIrt.. ~ ';i; ':h'" "L" " ' i," k-..~ ., ........ ....d...w.... . ,..... 7..'l........- .... 18tb .., of llarob A. D. l' 20. CIettl ., Ole ctrnl~ Covt .. u4 for .. COaalJ' Mft 4uI7 recon1e4 tbe (Ct. Ot. Seal). . '~'eA c\ ,,! t' ,"{teeo" j I .......--...,~-~~~~-.....---..""'"'--~,...-.....----'""'-'"'...._~-_..~---~ ..-" .~~ .,.... . r:: ..... ''':'-,' . r <i J ! t i i I i . I I 11\ i '"' J ; .~1 1 . p U )