HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOWES PROJECT PROFILE REPORT, Lowe's Project Profile Report LOWE'NS] Project Type: Interiors Customer: Orr, Wayne Project Subtype: Kitchens Customer Phone: (772) 532-4119` Store: 240 Employee: Hershberger, Joseph Project ID: 6301208 Print Date: 12/6/17 2:49 Pf General Kitchen Shape"IESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Shape ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS Pe Kitchen Style REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT Traditional DEC 0 7 2017 MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO Budget COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. S25,000 - $30,000 r'� "r, , 1 Installation Notes: ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY THE Kitchen cabinets and counter top"master bath CONTRACTOR OR RECORD vanity"Faucet*mirror'*guest/main bath va nity'Faucet*mirror' Structural I- 1-11-t- Y_ l Notes:ST. LUCIE COUINTY BLIL REVUWED FOR COAZL] OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE IMADE. Notes: ON Cut out window sill inside and outside, also patch outside to finish. Install kitchen cabinets and cabinet hardware" "MB***'Install of vanity Backsplash Notes: Kitchen" Mosaic Tile with Schluter trim,for where tile and window meet Countertops Notes: Kitchen* *Counter top company to install counter tops""^MB & GB**'*GC Install of counter tops that are SOS but not matching kitchen(through US marble through plumbing department) Flooring Notes: "Will be done throughout house before we start job per customer" Page 1 at 3 File Copy F ., Notes: Install Range, Dishwasher, Refrigerator, OTR Notes: Notes: Millwork Paint "'IVIB""*All patch work behind old mirror and from moving light up"GB"Paint filler piece that will be used to keep cabinet in Guest bathroom off wall 112"(GC will have to paint to match cabinet, color is pr-fabricated stock vanity and they don't sell fillers) Lighting Notes: MB & GB" "Install vanity lights in each bathroom Plumbing Notes: Notes: Kitchen" Install 2 new shut offs and new drain work under sink, Run new water line to fridge"""MB" "Install 2 new shut offs and new drain`""GB""Install 2 new shut offs and new drain Window Treatments Electrical Notes: Kitchen'" Update all electrical including adding 3 outlets, Run new circuit to microwave"''MB & GB"' -Move vanity light box up about 6" and make sure they are centered over vanity Other Notes: Page 2 of 3 V -Y, al qy W3012OUTT ul-I WR3712BUTT 1P Pao F C-� -4. Ak*) All dimensions sizx designations This is an original design I given are sub;cct to verification oil 1101 be released or copied unless job site and adjustment to fit job applicable fee has been pnia or job, conditions. 2order placed, 020 lorr wayne psi Designtd* IJ/61210,17 printed: III] SQ017 wing #; 11 No Scait:. All dimemians-sive designations given are subjectto verification On Job ,site atid adjustmnt to fit job - condldon�. Orr .... . ........ . .... A4 This IS an Original design ind must not be released ar copicd;dnicss applicable fi�c has been paid or job order placed. 2020 a . I 'All Dcsigncd: Printed, I MR2017 wing, P: 11 No Seale, fAll dire-Isions sivc designations, 'i given are subject to verification on j' Ob site and adju.Srmem to fi.tjob +.,ondidons. OIT Nvayne Ps This is nit original design and must not be rulcascd or copied unless - ft PPlicablc fcc has been paid or job order placed. 202' 1 De,ligricd: 11W2017 Printcd.', I I t 1 1/20 17 44� Z—gp- 1170 —S...