HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1300 / ~oo I I I I I '! i ! WARRANTY DEED 10 IW)UN lnn~ ,~~ QOUP~Y HRRU.&N J.. nUCHa TIllS DDurvU...... the 14th dq of iprll A. D. 11 80, ., tile . INDIAN IUVQ r.awa COMPANY. . corpontloa orpnJltIl &a4 qllUq1lll4e.. Uae law. 01 tIla state of rtorNa. lIUt7 of t'a ant part, 10 Ueman J.. leuoh 01 tIla Coull 01 Soott -' aa4 mate of Iowa .' -' tut7 of tI...acoll4 part. WlTHBlIU'I'R. ""l tII. .... JUtJ' 9! tIla am JUt. for ... .. ~ 01 Ual .- of One C tl. 00) · . . DOu.Au. lawful ~ Ia '" U~te4 ...... ... oUter ftl...... -wreraUou, to It III IwI4 .... ., tile , ' .... pari7 of Uae ..-. part, at Or Wore Uae -'lq ... ftlho...,. of UatM ........... ... neelpt w..nor II lie"" a~lIOWledp4. ! .... PUt'" ........... lOW. ..,..... _yeJed ... COIllnDed. aa4', u.- P........ doN ...., ..-.at. ..,..... leU. ..,..... CGaft1 1 . ::mc:r: =::~. 'f:t"'Rt ~t 'ltt~ Wo'r' 1': L~oar r:!io'Vr;y~r~:u rlt'r41~ 'h~"lfr;"0n':ro, ~Jlorlda, ae the 8ame i8 aesi~~ed on the plat of Indian River 'arme Company'. 8ubdlvision, re~ loorded in t~. offiae of the 01erk of the Citouit Court in and for said County. . '. RESTRICTIONS. !l. The puroha~e~muet Olear hie lot ot all underbrush or undesirable growth within 90 dafB from i ( ct h af: puaha. se, and In the event of hiB no t oom~l7ina wi th,th18, the Co.panT sha II have, the rlght to D1do suoh olearing 8t a oost not to exoeed ,10.00 per lot and oherge same to the purohaser. ;2.~hat the purohaaer, wl11, within one ;year from date, set or,oauee to hove set Qut. 8t least ifl., ornamental trees on the lot and at leaat two ornamental trees between the eidewalk and lourb line,'whioh will be oared for by the Gompany at . nominal oost, in the event that purohas- :er 1s not on the ground. . , . ;3. That all bul1dings ereote6, must first oompl;y with the restriotions with referenoe to plaoe- iment of bul1dingon the lot, and that no reeidenoe shall be plaaeed olOser to the lot line than Ithirt;y CaO) 'eet, an4 noX bul1dins~~8hall be ereoted within the restrioted di8triot whioh en- ita11 an expendi tue of le8. than fJQOO.OO without speoia1 permission of the lompan7. All build- !il18., inoluding roofs, shall be painted wl thin eo da;ys from oomp1etion. !hls oontraot applie8 'only to lot. in the restrioted dl.triot in the lit;y of Vero, as 18 shown 'n the tompan7'8 Plat lof the Vero Townsite. i ! 'ub3eot to all taxes and d1 toh assessmenta or any 8peoial 811essmenta If an7 be levied fC):r ithe year 1920 and all sub8equent taxes and asse8sments. ' =~~~- .-.~ -- ..." ~ ....-- ~~.. ~--'r-- .. ..,.,.,,- ~- .11I" ...._ -"'. INI.....'...~A TO HAVE ~'D TO HOLD THB BAKE, totM)aer with all tile hfl'ftJtameD" ... apput_ tlllreaDto beloqlq. uto tIla ...4 &iUt7 of ... ~ part and ilia 'Ilia ... uel... tD f~ t!mple for afti'. AD4 the .... paft7 of tile Int part. for ItaeIf u4 t.. -.on. 40M here" CO'l'_1 wltIl .... put, of tile ~ P&rt. ilia IItIn, ..... ~yes. ...d uaIpa tbat 't Ia IDc1efeMlbl7 letA4 of .... Iud Ie f~ a1mplt; that II h&.J filII power .... "will' rfpl to -f'i1.... .... .. f~ &bDpIe... ar-w; tbat It ...11 be lawflll for.... pII'tJ' of... HCoD4 part, ilia lIelra.1qal npreHD"Una. and ..s.u It aU U- ptUtUl, ... C11l1et17 to eater Ilpoa. 1loI4. ~PJ'. aa4 eaJo1 aal4 Iud: that I&l4 .... Ia frM from ~I eeCUDlllnDca; thaI It wit, .ua IIIdt fIIl1IIfl' &IlNnD~ 10 Pftfeet '" fee ilmpl. Utla to .... IaA4 .. m&1 _bl7 lie nqlll..... ... that It 40M 11""" full, warrut ... tlUelo aal4 1aDd. ... will def... the ADM aplut the "wflll cJIIma of all penou w~.... II( wiTNEss WHBREOF. the putT or .t111 Int part. oa the 4&,...,eu ant .~ ....u.. U4 ~lIIe4 ,.. DIme to lie atped aacI IIa coQOrate -' to .. a!bed to theM p,.... ., I" ......deJlt and I" 8eefttar1. wllldl oIIIcere "n 1Ieea dill, allUlortz8 &.DcI empowered ., reaotatloll 01 the DoanI of Dtrectors of the INDIAN RI\-sR FAIUI8 COMPANY. Pllit7 of the am put bereID. 10 aeeule aacI deUTer tIaII ~ B1 Indian Hi'VIr l'arm. 'ompan;y (Corp.. Seal) Herman J. Zeuoh BIp... -'ed ... 4el1nred III PnMDC8 of 111: Oharle. ~oan I.. PreaI4eDL ...........! e....t... Pap>>......................... ... ...........o....at..lo.bruID..............~W7.~I.(l..(! ';\ Dr, ' . ,) _lIP!..:. _ !:J. II. .-A.'_~~O'-'l.-(...c.,_.I') .;. '-,ll 1..1' .. 1~..J', A.J / - STATE or IOWA, } comrrr OP 8CO'IT. .. I, .. omc.r d1aI, aathorbecl to ..te actDowl....... to '-la. do II....., IlII1If)' Uaal oa ~ .., ~IWDaI:, appeared before me. Berman J. .euoh aa4 Oharl.. ~unoan to _ ..U IDIon .. the Prwtcleat &ad 8ftretarr. reaptdl1'el7, of tile IdIaD Rlyer ...rma c-PIII1. '" eorporatJoa 4eaerfMd .. tile torecutDc ..... ... u4 Ul41 adlllOW'e4pcI 1I8fore IIle tbal the,- wen chi" .atllorbe4 ., .... eorporaUola 10 aecu... tile foreplq deed OD '" btIWf. ... 10 .... Ita aame ud am. ,.. -' Uaereto. Uaal the -.J am.ed dMreto II '" ClOr)IOrate ... 01 .... eorporaUoa. aa4 that .... 4aed w.. a_led ., IBM corporatlOll for .... ~ tIlenta apr.... aacI Uaet eeftrlJl, aebowledced the uec:atloD "'reof to lie tIlelr frte ad .... 4aed .. auell ollScera, for tIae _ .... ~ UaenbI _tloD", ... tbat the aaI4I IDlItnmeal .. tile ad ID4 deed at .... eorporadoL . IN WITNE88 WHIlIlEOP. I iraTe hereaDto allb:ed IDJ' U_ .... olIIda1 .... UIII 14. th ~pril 11 20, at,tIle Ct17 at Day_port, C-I1 ... State aforMaId. I" 8eefttar1. da, of (lIot81'y Sell1) frano.. L Plath Nolar1 PlaNte tD..4 for Scott CoUDI1. 10WL 111 "--I-loa apI.... July 4th, 1921. STAft or FLORIDA. } COUNTY or 81'. LUCIB. BB IT 1laIBIOIBJlXD. Tllat oa UaIa r. .. 0:. .lared for.... Deed .. ... PlaNte a_nil 01 .... Coull. IN WJ'I'N'U8 wausor. I bn "'_10 .. ., ..... ... . UN ... of Ia1d Cout. ... .., ... ,.... don wttttell. 18th .., or Ka;y A. D. I' 20, elm of '" CLmd! Cout Ie ... for .... CotuI17 ban d1aI, r_rded tile .~ i I i I ...... .r.t.. ~,. .1l41:,"~................ ......... . (SEAL) . CIerft ClrnIt CouL _'-P rJ .' 111 ....:.~..Q-;-.:...Q(-F;.s....I1 Clerk COT. .OT. SB.lL) , ~. (\0 ~ .Vb $ ,~~ ." i l i i , i I I. I I :'fJ.~ n Iii 'J; '100),.-. .- .~..,.. ~~..:....-", .'. ...~ I l")!,Cr '. --~. .. .o,i~. . .. ..~:":"\~-~~~;7':;.;.:-,:.;~~._.~':.;~<':.~::;:~.~~~ .."..: __ .............---""'.'" . ~ ...-t,. "J~' ,,;...~~ )-1 t t j I ,'J : ~ . \ ., ~ ~ , ., 'i '( '< , 'I 'J :j i , ~ i . 0 ':' ':.',>t:?~IflJi;..;ff~