HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1304 , .~~.,.,-~",:,..,.~-~""",.~~~ ( t J 20t :1 J 'J f{ ., J I ! 1 1 ;i :i ff l: I; ii Ij i I I !i i.: [: " ~ { " I i ! .i ] \ i' I I I I I I I 1 I i , I I ! ! , :~ "1 :J ~'i f.~ '1 ;.{ I I ! I J I I . I i t . . i I i, I I I i j I i I I I r I ~ i i I, I I : I I ! i I I I ! j I I ;i J +; :"-! ;J l-~ ~l '.. .. ,'-~ -~) n :i ;j :-i ::; <: , , ," I":,'.,! .:1 ! ! t:; b n rcl ,.l f~l ~~~i ~l <:1 " ~;'i n ~.~ Ii f\ ~l ~l ,yi ;1i rJ L l~.> f1 f It a.1 ~! , I I .., "';' ::.,7-.~- "'-'-.--...:'""""f.~.:,-,-"7"--'-:"F~",>:r<7 ~"~'~~-~;..'r'-?":":":,::,~~:-~~-~......,"'I""'~-.",,,,,"~~~"""""-~~7"""""~-~~! ","'_: ~-"":-;-.-, ",'-;rc'_.~"'~-'-~.-~.,1'::r..~:-;:~~""'-~.~~~,----:--"---~"'~. . . ., . :,.'":"'~ :':-~- . " WARRANTY"DEED fl .. l~ 4)1 D1ViR ,'A~llS OOlQl1\lJY 'a1tATlT.'F.~ o. \'O\'!T.1m ftJIlDUIVDt .... Ute 6th, .., of ' hbnar7 . A. D. 1120 _ \lie mDUN BIVQ,I'A1P18 COMPANY.. coQonUea oqaaIIM'" exllUq.... Uaeian of \lie state oC~ JUtr of .Ileant JUt. to Ohar1ell O. J.01r1er, or.... 00atJ.; Oook, ........ or Illinois. puV of Oat.......-to WJTK&tU'I'II. nat Uae .... 1*V 01 u..: ~ IUt. rw... .. ~T'''nUOill 01 tile... 01 One (~1.00) ....,. DO,~.A.","wf1Il ..... Ill.... UaIte4 --.... ~ ~.~ 10 It III........ .,. ... .... JaftJ of tM MClOIIll Jart.at Or Won '" ....Iq ... d....., of tIMM .....11I. .... Uae reeelpt .1Iertof .. Ilemrubo....... w .....w. ~. 10M. ...,...... ~T.,.. u4 ~ .... _ UaIM P......ta doH 1IWebT crut. ......... "'1. rei..... CIOilYe, ... --- uto ....... partJ 01 \lit .... tan... "- Wn ... ~ III fM ...... an Ute Iaa4 III It. ......:e Ooaaa,. l'Iertdl, lIeeerIW .. tvl...., .,.. ..' . , The East!en (10) Aoreaof ~raot TenC10), seotion Bighteen(18). township Thlrty-tbre~" CS3}, South. Range Tblrty-nlne (39), East, as'tlie eame . ' . 1s deslgnatedon the last generall'lat o:tlands of t.he ~nd1an River}larms Oonrpe.ny, filed in theotfloe of the 01erk of the CHroU1t ,'ourt of Saint Luoie OOUiltJ'. Florlda.' SubJeot to all t~:es and ditch assessments or any sp80ial assessments 1f any belev1ed for the year 1920, and all subsequent taxes and assessments. 1lIeett. ~. tile riIIIt 01.., f. PlI1lUe ...... ........ ..... aDd d1tcbee u IIlcnrB oa a. plat of aaSd ..... ......,. a. Put7 of ... am ...-to' . .. . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TI1J: SAKE, tottUau wItlI ail ...Mft4l....1a aM apperteMJIu. Uaflftato 1lt.......' 010 ae 'AId lI'UV If the -.....rt aad Ma lMIra,aad UIIpa III feellmp1. toreftr. ' AIIII tJae.... ...v of'" Intput, for ItMlf PlIu.~.... dc!ea ......1lJ- _t .1tIa iaW PlU1T 01 tile ~ Jt.rt. his .... '.... ~..... aM....... tbt It II bIc1et--"17 MIMoIl of. AM .... III .fee ala".; tbt 1&1113 tl&ll pOWw aM Ia.tl&l rlabt to -Ye, .... ~ .. feellJBple, u ~; dlat It ..... .. lawflal fw.... puV of tJM .-. part, ... Wn. ..... NP"Bftcatl..... aDd ..... at an .... .-bI,aM .....1' to .11' .JOII. bold. 0CftP1. ... -.JoT .... ....: tJaallllW ....11 tne fnim all ____: tJaal it will ..a HCIIi fln1JMr ~ to perfect Uae tee 1Im,ae uu. 10 .... .... .. ma)' -'I, .. ......red. aM tJaat 't '- !l""" M1J' 1hnUt Uae tide to..... ..... ... wll' W'" the _ ....... Uae lawflal .... of all ,.-- .___. .- 1M WITN1C88 WHERIlOr. Ute IUV of Uae ant part, _ .... 4&, ... )'ear ant. Uqye wrtttea. .... euH4 .Ia __ 10 .. aIped ad Ita ~e ... 10 lie ..... to t1MM pnlftla ., 'Ia ........t ... 'Ia 8tcntaIT. .... otIcen IIan ... ~ autJaortsed ucl -.ow... IIy rtMlIldIoa of the I10lanl of DItettora of Ute IHDlAH ,RIVER FABJi8 COlO'ANY. puV of ... ant J&rt laerebl. 10 aecute ucl deU1W W. ..... . . . . .. nmuu RI~ lPAlWS' OOlfPAllY ~ Herman J. Zeuoh IIa .........t. Oharles Danoan . IIa 8eaelar7. ... ......QA.JJ.,..~Al\~........................... (A4...^^ T" ) _~_uw _ RT '~t,~ oD~o9il.4 l ceor.. Sell) ~ ..... ... .deltnnclla .....eaee of _: ..... .......~A.A.A .R.QJlP... .... ..... ......~..'. .... ... STAft orlDWA, } COUNTr or 8CO'lT. .. I, .. ..., d1II1. uUaorI:ed 10 tate ~"""'Ia to .... do .... eertIf1 tIIal _ WlI _ ~, a.....ed Wore ... Herman J. Zeuoh .... Ohar1es Dunoan to 1M wen bon .. tIIe~t lAd ~. ~..,; of tJae I..... amr ...,.. CoaIJU7. tile ClOI'POfttJoa tMerlW .. Uae tonpIq ............ ~ _..,.WplIItfore _ tUt tMF were ...,. utlMlttMd .,. .... ~ to a.... a. fw... deed _ "'....." ... to .... Ita .... ud dIs Ita.... tbereCo. diet Uae .-J..... IJMnto .. tile ~ ... If .... eorponUoa. ... Uaat .... .... was a-w .,. .... eorporaUoe tor '" ~ UaenD 'apretNd, ... ..., tmlftI., .......... ... aecutIoa .Uaenof 10 .. t1IaIr me lid ... .... u ... olIeeri. for Ute ... ........... UaereIa aatIoMd. ... UIal tile ... ~t .. Uae act ... cIee4 or ... eoI'IOtadOL IN wrftnrsa WBBIUOOr. 111II" ......10 dull a)'.... ... oIldaIlIII. W. 6th::.',! UT or ...lrtb:rue.r)' 'u20 at tJae' CII1 01 DaTa'*" Coaaf;r....ate.,...... . . l'ranoos E. Plath Ifotuf "WJc .. ... tor Scott Coaal1. I_L (nOTARY 6EAL) , II)' ~.-- .,u. Ju1)' 4th, 1921 STA,.. 01' J'LORlDA, } OOVH'I'I' 01' 8'1'. LOODL .. IT _---.Rn, TIIat _ WlI 3rd .. P. O. Eldred fDnItlIIq DIet .. ... ..1IUo IteeonIa of MY ~I1. DC .. tnUIilt WIIaSOJ'. I .... ....... Nt ., .... ... dIe..l of .... eo..t. ... __ ... ,.... aIMw. wrltIaL ..,., April .... D. U 20 CIa of tile ~ Ooarl Sa ... fw .... COull .." daI1 r.-.. ~. (O~..O'i'. SEAL) ...l!...a.. .ll.ua4..........................;.......... (8I:AL) . CIertr CIrftIt Cout. /-7 &b ~ 11 f.1J. . ., ...~~............iC(./ ,.......~C1ertl I . Record Verfled