HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOS3tPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIR17 .COURT — TLUqlnl COUNTY FILE # 4-:§.,78:�76 OP. HOOK 4073 .PAGE 36,0 �STfj%M,�72/013/`2017 11:'.03:35. AM `THIS IS TO'CeRbOv THATUIS I' A TRUE AN 09RECT COPY. THE �0031 L OS Fl. H, C K yl; ..... ..... Or I Ott,, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The tniddrsijned:hcreby given notice that .improvement'willb be made (o,dertain real . pipperty. and in. accoidance with Chap* 713. Fwaidg,stgfutes the touo'-wing in , florin stion, . is ' '. pr6vid,6d.fftfitN)tJ66of c.onm,en6eneit 1.DESCRWrIOLLOFPROPEP(fag6ldosqripti6qand4treetaddtess)TAXFOLIO NUMBER.I 10 1-IJ — go 01-- GO 0-5 OVnt-UD SUBDIMON Via40CK TRA6i.- DT. BLDG_UNrr_ Easlt 4 of section 1. township- 34s RanMe 39E In g `N&W -of TUrnpike 'Feecier Road 2_GEMMaDE8CREM,0N0FDAPR0VEMEW; &tv 1 iti pellu'le 1 AJ "i 3.OWNER,INFORMATIQN: ; a: Name e C. interest in propero�_ S,-. US1..,. Suit .40�gj �P* 'S' L , FL 34.9�`2 d. Name and address of fens pie dtleholder (if odierthan 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE 80_60 -S.- US-1, Suite, 402, PS 5. SURETY'S NAME, -ADDRESS AM PHONE NUMEX 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS; AND PHONE NUAMEI 7.'P&scns within, the State of Florida designaie&Sy Owner upi John E NAME; ADDRESS '-AND PHONE 'NUMMEP-1. S. In additibit.th WmiWf or herself; OvVner desioates,the follb, 713.13..'(1)(b).,Florida Statutes: NAME,'ADDRZSS'AND.FHONE . NUMBER:_ '9..Exp4tim date of nodCc of ornmenceMent (the expiration i Owhees Authorized`ofrsttr/DirecterlPerinerfManager. State of Florida County of .Rt-, Tu r Le - The fbregoing-instrument�was a&nowledged before u. Matthew hvle Wvnne (Narne,of party on behalf of -whom instrurneawas (printed• Name of No*y,'Public) (Sipature. of, Under pensl6as of perjury, fereclare that I have re4 the foref belief ort 92325. Florida Statutes): Sapature(s).O(Ovvner(i)PF Owlici(WAt3thor"' By. P.V. I wynne veyelopjneyiL %_4ULP0LClL:.LtJtl AND BOND AMOUNT: wfioni'notices or other documents may be served ai,pr6vjdcJ*by Onhan'' a copy of the LienWiVotice as provided in Section i,s,l year korn the date of r&ordling unless,a diffeidiitdatE it Matthew. ty2e WVnneA Vize­'Pi-t-sident TriRtNarne. and Providt - Sipiatdry!s,TltjrjOfri6e Y4 day Of .20—J —7. (Tyiie dfauthodty.-. -c:ss, 0%vncr.:0ffiCcr. trustee, attorneyljn faqt) Pcisonally-Known_ffor produced the f0ll0wirL9 tJ:Pt'GfM::— I A.-KNISMIN ON GG 030145 and that the facts in it are. ,d Ofr icerloireCtor/FL4rWrM;T!agei'WtiiD Siggied Shove.: 553