HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1307 -,.~ ."'-'-~~:\~:",,:"~-i"'T- "_,",T~~?,-'-~::_~:'~~.'''':~ '-~~)'7",~'---:-"""~'"'"T.'?;-""-~'''''-'---'':~~~-~~ .;' 207 l-~~. ! t 1 '-- I1J)UI BlVD 'AmIa. toMPAIY 10 . WILLIAM .. WAHlB. THIS I~DI"UU, Made tile 14 cJq of KaJ' ' A.. D. 1t 80. ., tbe lNDI4N RIVER rAlUlS COMPANY. . corporatJola orpalltd ..d ulattaa vader UIe .... of the Stale or noricla, llUt1 of the Ilnt part. 10 .11Un W~ Wanl ~ tII. CoIllll7 or '.,Itte aDd State or ~eDD.,l ftnia &IUt7 of tlIe aeeoad put. WITNE88IlTH. T_t t1!e NkI partT or th. tint ...... for aDd .. eciulderaUoa or Ute _ of One J tJ,. .00) .'. DOu.AR8. kwflll IDOla., .. tile Ualled Statee,... other ........ -Weratlou, 10 It I. baDcJ. paid ., the .... DIrt1 or tile Hcoa4 P&I't. a. or Ilet!H'8 .... ..,eatlq aDd 4el1yeQ' ,')f thtae p_", ud th. ~pt wllereot .. II.... "'~aowledpd. II.a4 PQ.... IIarpIDed. &old. nleued. eoa~ aDd c:odnDed, aDd" UaeM "~ala *- ......b' pUt. llucalll, ..0. nt_. mil"" Ull -ana IIIlIo the ,Ml4 ,.n, or '~e .... part u4 ilia ... aM .......... .. .ee almp" all tile lad 'a'l!htJ. Coua.,. aI'lorI4a, I <<-rlWUfOll?n::r.ot 10. 'ine (9). 1n Blook Bo. lort7-TwO (42) lnth./6!"'ero, norida, a8 Ithe I..e 18 delipated on th.. plat of Indlan RiTer 'al'll8 80mPBDJ'1 eu'bdlT18ion, reoord-eel in ~he ottioe ot the glerk ot th.eiroult Gourt in and tor .alel eount,. . i, BBST~IO!IO.S. " !.The purohae.r muet olear hie tot of all underbrush or un4eaireb1e ,rowth wltbin 90 daJa trom flate of purohaae, and in the eTent of hie not oompl,lnc wlth th18, the lompany shall haft the ~lshtto do 8Uoh olearlng at a ooat not to exo..el 110.00 per let and oharse eame to purohaser.; e. That thlpuroha.lr. wl11.,.ithin on8,Iar trOll date Bet, orouale to have Bet out, at least ~VI ornamental trees on the lot, and at lla.t two ornamenta1treee between the 8idewalk anel 1 purb Uae,t whioh will be oared for b, thl 'ompen, at 8: nomlne1 ooat. 1n the event that parohaa~ er 18 not on the pounel. ' . . .' , 8. that all bui1dtnsa ereoted mu.t tirst Gomp1, with the reatriot10ns with reterenoe to p1aoe- , tent of bu1141ng on the lot, and that no r..l4enoe shall be plaoeel oloser to the lot line than i thirty(80) ,eet. and no bui14iD,e .hall be-ereoted *'thin thl reatrlot.4 dietrlot whioh In- ! I taU all esp.nUtue of lea. than 1600.00, without epeola1 perm18elon ot the 'oIlP8D7. '. . : All bulldlql. ino1u411l8 roots shall be paint,el within 90 d.". trom OOllplet10D.~' : ! Thi8 oontraot app11e. on1, to lot. 1n thl reatriotld el18triot in the olt, of Vero. al 1. ~ ehewn on the Company'. plat ot'the Vero townsite. -. ! i' I . .ub~eot to all taxes and ditoh ase,sementl or anr spl01a1 aseesBmente it anr be levied I for th~.;...~_~~:~:2:~.. :~~~~d.... :::::~!~~~'::..__. p --r'--_.~",".""w TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 'rUE SAlIB.toa-uter wltll ai, the ~tameD" and appurteBaDCM tlltUUDlO beloqlq. nDlO tile aa14 part)' or tile _d- part and his lIelra.&lId aaaflU 10 f" .lmpt. forner., '. ". , .&ad the .... pal17 Of tINt Irst part. tor ItMlf' aa4 Ita -_IOn. cS.oN' here., COTftWlt wltll aai4 part)' of tIl. aeeood pe.rt. his IIeIn. leal repre.a..tIY... &lid....... that It Is '''(NcIlb., aeked Of.Ntd laad Ia fee .Impl.; that It W full pcnrer ud "wful r1&ht to ClOIlY.' Ml4 JaIld Ia f.. lIlIDple. .. aforeaal4; that It .....1 be 'awfol .. Ml4 paI1J Of the HeODd part. his heln. lepl repnlNll"Uy", 04 au\p>> at ai, t'- ~bl, ... quleU, to eDler llpoa. hol4. GeeIlP'. aad eIIJo7 laid 1aIl4; that aid laad .. free from all eDcumbJ'Uleell; that It wUl .... Ada l'lutIler _urucei \0 perfect the fee e1mple dUe to aakI IaIUl U CDa7 reuooabl)" be required. and that It don !I.~ .aU, ..-arrut ... UUe 10 NkI Iud. ... .", delead tile UIi!'. aplall tile "wful clalmll or all penou w~nr. JN WJTNB88 WHEREOF. tile JUt7 Of IIle Int part. oa the dB, u4 ,tV Int alloYe ..-r1lleD. lIacI caused lis __ to be "ped aad ,.. corporate IMJ to '" alll1ed to thtse ......ta by I" Preatdeat &ad Ita 8ec:retar)'. wbleb olllftn han Heta d1l" authorlsed and empOwHed IIy reao\utloll of the Boanl of D1rectora or the 'NDIAN RIVER FAJU18 COKP"-""Y. part)" of tile QrIt pan berftn. to ellecule and deltYH tIIIlI deed. . Indian Hi Tar I'ara. Co.. B7 (eo.. Seal) I i I A'~,,- ! I WARRANTY:DEED 11 ,[ Herman J. leuoh Ita PresIHDt. Blped..-led aDd HIlYered Ia prseD~ of us: .... ~.. ....,. hp'p... ................... .......... ...' ~...o.,..a,.JS9~............... ............. Gbarle. Dunoan I.. 8ecret&l7. (&0; l~ a, Stamp. oanoe11eel) STATE OJ' IOWA.. } COUNTY or 8CO'IT. IL I.... oIIeer 41117 antllorlu4 10 take aetDOWledlDlfllla tD 4ftdt. do lIere" ftrUfJ' tIIat OIl thta 4&, p"POIUIJ:, appnred before ' ~ BIrman J. I.uoh aDd Char1e. lunoen 10 me wen IuIowa u tbe Prt.tdeat &lid 8ec:relar7. nwpecUTeI,. Of tile IDdiaa 'Unr ........ Compo,. lIIe COrporaUOa deKrlbed ID tile f~ ......... and tile, aeteowledp4 Wort _ tIIat tIaeF were dul)" aut.llorlaed '7 _d eorpontlo. to ueeute. the toncolq c1ftd oa ,............ to.... llli_'" ails I" -.t tbereIo. tIIat... _I alIlxed tIIereto.. tile eor-porat. _, of Iald corporaUoo. and that aaJd .... ... a_led ., ..... COI'pOr&tIoa for tile parpoMa tIIereIa e1preeM4. ud the7 anera", ac:koowledeed tile encuUoD tllereof to lie tIIeIr tree lid &lid .... .. altCll oIIken. fot the _ aad ~ tlterela _UoII", u4 that tile aid IDslrumeDt .. tile act aDd deed of aakI oorporaUoa. IN WITHE88. WHEREOP'. I haye bereulo alllsed .., __ &lid oIIctaI ..... tIIIa Ird cia, of ~ ' 11 80 . . at tile CIl, Of Day. port. Coua., aM 8lalli afornald. (IOTARt SEAL) hanoes E. Plath NotaJy Public Ia aDd for Ikott Count,. JOWL II, CommluIoo ellplree Jut7 4th. 1921. B'l'ATB or I'LORmA.. } COt.JH'n or 81'. LUCIE. ' BB IT aEIIEJUWlED. Tbat 011 tIIIlI l'th I. 0 P.. O. 111re4 foreCOlq Dee4 ID ... P1iblle RecorIb of .... CoIIa17. m WI'I'HaI8 WH~r. I 1Ia" IlorMaIo ... .., ....... tIIe.-l of II&Id CoIIrt. Uae .., au ;ear allo;)y. .rlttee. dq of 1Ia, A.. D. 1. 20, 0eIk Of tile C1relll~ Court Ia aDd for Ml4 Colla., lIa,.e dul)" recorded tII. 1 CCT. Of. BEAL.) .................. .:r....o... .'1.4~..4.............. . (BEAL) .p CI4IItt arealt Coart. B7 .. .(W..fk... JI. ..... !ro/.-l.............. .Depul1 Clerk . ~~ ~C O~ ~l. () ~ ~Q" . . --~~-."-" ~'bd~A~ l. _'._ . I't'f;'- ___X"':-:" .L .' ~.!'f'Mr... t .-~---,-....'.EL:'>~'f "~_______._.__ , :'. ::,~'-',~\~~1fI:'t1~~f~~