HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERF_ ^z' THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT T-TTCIE COUNTY FILE # 4495233 OR BOCY ,�_196 PAGE 1145, Recorded 1 ;6/2018 12:22:00 PM Permit No. 1712-0312 State of Florida, County of St. Lucie NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Property Tax ID No. 4425-703-0015-000/3 RECEIVED OCT 26 2018 5T, W.Glq county, Pl rmitting The Undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accords Chapter 713. Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. .402 Legal Description of property and address if available 3034 NW Radcliffe WAY RIVERBEND (PB 67-36)- LOT General description of improvements Installation of 300' LN FT. of 4'High aluminum fence with 3 gates (Self Standard Pacific Of Florida Address 15360 Safranca PKWY Irvine, CA 92618 Interest in property: OWNER Fee Simple Title holder (if other than owner) Address Contractor Universal World Construction Address 5500 NW 74 Avenue Surety Address Amount of Bond 8,085.00 bender Address w Pllonc # (305) 477-71 Q z 1'_ Fax it — (305) 477-7192 � U ^ Phone # O U Cn Fax #, c� cn F=• F-- O m Phone # Fax # Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (a) 7., Florida Statues: Name Phonc # Address In addition to himself, owner designates Phone # Fax # Fax # of CD N�y 5 `� m a 0 to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration date of notice of commencement Is one year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified. WARNING TO OWNER: AN1' PAYMVNTS MADI: B1''l'llf: OWNER AFTI:R'riii; FNPIRA'I'ION OF TIII. NOI1C'I. OF COMMENCEMENT ARE C'ONSIDIiRIiD IMPROPER PAYM04"I'S UNINA C'11.713.13. F.S.. AND CAN RES11I:r IN YOOR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMIiNI'S TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF CO;►1 MENCEM ENT M CST BF: RECORDED ASD POSTED ON THE JOB S111 I: BEFORF. T1I IF FIRST INSPF.CT10\. 11- YOU IN'1'IiN D TOOBTAIN FINANCING. CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER Oft AN A'ITORNFY IIITORF. COMMENCING WORK OR RIiCORDING YOUR NOTIC'I'. OF COMML•'NC'MIiNr. Own Lcssca or wncr's or Lessee's Aut nzcd Ofriccr/l)ireeturlPartner/:\iunagcr/ Signature C L 1 j Sign atory'sTille/Ocoee State of Florida, County of /GE 11-I � 9 lC �-) I' f A owledged before me this 7_� : . day of UG(Z'� k' 2U( , by �3� 1 l� who is . personally known to me or who has produced as identi� ton. 10" fill l C u Cj c�c)CL���—>✓c`i`' �tD'0E;oN. Sig ature of Notary Type or Print Name of Notary `�SSFe�It1a,1RFs,• Tit e: Notary Public Commission Number ' �pAli3l3 0 ! p k 0/pi Qonded�yo q1 9 •. Y PU brio : • pQ `\!� �PI 118f l l I ► 51 `\`\