HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1320 ~"'''''~~''''T"""'''""",-.- ~ -. -..----.......----.-""i~~_:_-;""~<"'"--~. :",.,.--'l:"'~~~"~T'~-~""""". ~ ~"'r. ~ -_-f"",--.,..1........---..,-.---.-~ "'r'-_~ ~ ; ... _~ .~ WARRANTY DEED ;' \ J IJIDT." ~~na ~~ OO~ ,'10 Loot II. BAIRD 'f81S IOlneD, ..ade Uae 18th., ,..., of Way A. Do 1,20 ., t... IHD1AN RlVQ P....S COMPANY. . corporau. oqaalled ... a..... u4u tlIe Ia.. 01 tlte ltala 01 ftorWa, partf of tbe int part. 10 LU01- II.Baird of .tlte Coull of WaJ!le ... state 01 lU.ohigan . JUV 01 the MeOD4 part. W11'NB88I:1'B. That the .... paItJ' of Ule am JUt. rw... .. CODIhIttat!oll or Oat _ or One ( 11. 00) . ...'. DOLLARS. lawflll _q .. ... Valtt4 Slat... &lit oUt. ftI..... -*ratio... to It .. IwI4 paJ4 ., tile .aId partf or tile MCOD4 ..rt. It or "'ore tIM ~laC All deilYif)' or tlleN ,r8tIltt, u4 the receipt ....not Ia benb, Itbowled&ed. W ....tGd. ........ed..IOI.. n'eued. _ye,ecl aM c:ollInaecl. ...., ..... ,_Ia ~ bereb1 paIIt. Ilupla,HlI. nl....,_1'87 aM ___ lIIllo Oat aN JlUt1 or 1I~. IeC08t pan pel ~ btlrs ... ........ fa 'et afJllpla Ill:'" .... .. .. La":' 00lIIl.,. I1orkIa, , cleeeriW u (oIIon, Lot 110. "'a:n1;y (20) in Blook 80. Jlort1-nine. (49) in the oi1;1 of taro, :l1or1da, 68 the same 18 designated on the plat of Indian River Parma OOmp&n1'a subdlvialon re~ [oorded in t~e offioe of the 01erk,of,the 01rouit Oourt 1n.and for aaid Gount1. ~ " , . . RE8~IO'XO"S ~ ' " . · \1. The' purohaser .st olear his lot of all underbruah or undesirable growth wi thin 90 dq8 from. fdate o'!].JUrohale, and in the event of his not oompl71il8 with this, the OOlllpony shall have the ~rlght to dO' auoh olear-ing at a oost not to exoeed 110.00 per lot and oharge same to thepurohaser. :2. That the purohaser.. rill, within' one )'Gar :from date, 8et or oaU8e to have.et out, at least tfive ornamental trees on the lot, and at least two ornamental trees between the.aldewelk and ,ourb line, whioh will be oared for by the Com:pany at a nominal oost,' in the event that purohae- ,er, is not on the ground. . ,... '3. That all b~ldlngs ereoted, mu.t tiret oomly With the re8triotions with referenoe to plaoe- :ment of bu11dtngon the lot, and that no residenoe shall be plaoed 010S8r to the lot 11ne than ithirt1 (30) feet. and no buildings ehall be ereotedwithin 'the restrioted 4istriot nioh entail :an expenditure of less than 1600.00, Without apeo1a1 perml8e1on of the OompaD7. All building8, ,in41u41ng roo'!., shall be painted wi thin 90 days from oomp1etion. 1 This oontrao~ applies only to lots in the restrioted distriot in the town of Vero, as 18 :8hown on the COlllp8JlJfa plat of the Vero townsite. l 8ub~eot to all taxes end d1 tOh" a~B'e"-d;;;tt~:tf :n;h"l~~l...~f;or the ;year '1920 and all 'sub8equent taxes and assessmenta. . ! -~ -v -- .. 1 ~, ~...- ... ..... ..... - -- - --- ,--II -.. -- T -r.. '.If. --- , i I I I j I I ! { I i t - , ! TO RAVE AND TO BOLD THE &UlE. ~r with ai, th. hen4ltame1lla ... .'PlIrlellUeea lberRllto bel~ 1I1lto lbe ...4 ,...., 01 the '-* psrt and IIJa lid,. ud ..lpa 11l.'ee aim". fouyer. AII4 lbe aaJd pan, or Ute lIrtt JUt. for .....f ..4 'Ia _ aors. 40M MrebJ' __t ..tit u.I4 party of the' ~ ll&rt. Ills ,tin. I.... ......_W1n..... asalpa that It Is ladefeul1ll, MIIe4 of .... Iud In fee .lmple: that It bt3 filII power ... lawfill rlpt to -tel' eakI .... .. fee .-.1.. u earelll4: lII&t It ~ lie laWful ,. tIN ,...., of tile MCOlId part. his hel.... '.... npr_tatl...ee. u4 ........ at aU U- ~, ... qalHI, to eIlter IIpG1l, bold. -PT. ....eIlJoF u.I4 ....: that saW Iu4 Ia frefI from all eaculllbraaces; that 't ..., lUte ndI fUrther _...._ 10 perfeet ... fee slmple Utle to eakI Iaa4 u .., _bl, lie requIred. &ad that It 40elI "....., fUlIF ........t tile UUe 10 AId "'d. ... 1I1l' defead Oat eame qa1ut the Iawflll.elallDs or ai, ...- ..~er. ' IN WlTHES8 WRBREOF. Ule part, or tlte ant part, 011 the da, ad Fear ant alloY. .....ttee. laM e&1Iae4 tla _ to be .!pelt ud Ita corporate aNI 10 lie Ilbed to thMe, p.--Ia ., 'Ia l'neldeot aDd Its Seentar)'. .1aIcb olDefta lla1'tl .... ..., alIlhorbed ud empowered ., ftMIlIUoa of tlle BOanl or D1reeton1 of ... lND'A.'l RIVER FAIUIS COHPANY. ...~ of ... IrR ...rt lit...... 10 Recute &Dd 4e1lTel' tb.Ia..... Indian Bi'Yer :rarma 00., s, (Corp. Seal) .l-J'('..{" .erman J. Zeuoh 81pe4. .-led ... ~1I1'en4 .. 'reMIle8 of lIS: ..... .y.'1.'-. ;tA~.~~f.'~~....................... ... .... ..9.... .~.... .~.~h~.......:.. .......... ....:.. Its Pre&ldeDL I ill I ~ " Char1.. Dunoan Its 8ec:ntary. . Cl1.15O I. R. Stamp., wanoelleU STATS OJ' IOWA. } COUNT1' OJ' 8COT1'. ... L .. omcer 41117 aathorize4 to take aebcnrl.....1a to .... do ''"'''' nrt1t7 Ulat OIl UaIa dq pe.--.l:, apPt'&l'N before -. Herman J. Z.UGh ... Ohar1ea Dwloan to 1M well bowa u tM l'rakltat &Dd 8ec:ntarJ". nepeeCtteI,. of tit. JJl4Iaa Klnl' Pa.... CclmpulJ'. Ute corporatlclla 4elertbed In the ron.otq .......... ..4 na., lehow'edpd ,,*fore .. that tIM1 wen dll" l.tIaortaed b(' e&I4 ~ 10 ex_te tbe for..... deed 011 Ita ~f. ... 10 .... Ita IIIIIlt ... alIIs ,te .-l 'llenco. Ulat tIM .-l alIIstll UaenIo Is tile eortorala .-l or laid eorporatloD, aa4 that .... .... wU uectlted _ e&I4 corporation for tha PlIrpoMe ...,. RpreMed. &Dd ..., ienI'e1" aekncnrledpd the uecaUOD thereof to lie tIMIr free ad pel .... .. Hell olkerl. for Oat _ aa4 PlII'POMI tllereIa -tIoMd. pel that tile AId lut.nuDeal Is tile ad pel deed 01.... ~ IN WITNESS WRERBOF. I llan herelllllo Imxell .., Il&.e ... olklal .... tIlII 11&1' u 20'. At the at7 of Day_port, 00lIIll1 ... State afcmuW. lTanoes E. Plath . ..; 18th da, of ((/ ()-:ta.g'~LiJ,) STAU OF ft.ORlDA. } COUNT1' or ST. LVe1&. BB IT 8r:w~A_~. nat 011 lhIs I. ,. o. Blue' foreaolq Deed .. the PlIIIUo Recorda 01 .... Colla.,. IN WJTND18 WHERBOP. I ...... llenuao eel ., .... ... Oat... of aaId Coart, ... ..., ... ,ear doTe .....tt.. ......... .l~.. .Q~. .JA~~A............. ........ ..(SEAL) Clerk Omdt Co1Irt. .... // -~....,/. ~ .r..~~./- ,.,.1. n.-t- CI-o. .., ......e..'f.'~'."o ...........~./ ,......,. .............. ..~. HoUr}' Plablle .. ..4 for Scott CoaIII1. 10.... .., CommIsaIoD a..... Jul1 4th, 1921. ., :~ 81at dqof Claft of tile CfrcuI~ Coart .. &lid tor u.I4 CoG_t,. llaye chi" reconled tlte May A. D. 11 20 ~- ~~d .~ ., \~e,;.",. .~ t- ."1.. . ". H.. (Ot. 01. SIW't) :~ - -> /:- :'~Z::~#:c:.i9~~ #"'''~~~~;"~ , "... '-'~"'~'A'm~~~~".f.-~"",.- , .'., :,:- -,::-'::~f~1tt~~tf.1Jj~t>>;