HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1344 ,-- "'-'~~_:-.1~.-y_, _ '"l..-.._~:~~-.f.;'!'F .___.~~, .,,:",,",... 'i- '-"__r."'_. T"-,. ' ~ "~'.' ~,.-----:- .,~ "',. ._,.f~,,,'" '.-"".~ ~~~.....q:_r.! !_, . l,ll ~. ~~ _~.~~~ ~ 244 [ ..... - WARRANTY DEED l] to ..uDlit' ~nVJR 'i~ll~ QQ)l1AHY .mlJlI T.llRO~ HlJIMRISOR 'IBIS IJDUYUU. ..... tII. 18th da1 of lWle A. D. 1. 20, -, tile INDUH JUVEa I'AIUUI COMPANY, . oorporal.loa orpalze4 aIlCI qlatlq 04... tM .... of ... 81&.. of FIorldl, lIUC1 01 'Ile lint JUt. to John LeRoy Hutohieon or Ut. Oou~ or saiDt Luoie ... state oC nor Ida puV 01 Uae --.c JUt. WITNJ:SUTR. nat ... aal4 JIUt1 01 tile am put. for... Ia COIlIlI4weUoa or "'... of . One ( "'.(0) .... DOWa.. bwM .....,. .. ... UDlWd Stat.. Uit otIier- niaab!a -'dtritlou, to It .. Iwll,... bJ' tile NklIlUV of ... __ put. .t eM' w_ tIae ......... ad ihUye.,. of UatM ~ta, ..4 Ua. reeelpt w..not .. II""'J' acbo1r'e4ae4. ..... .....t... .......... .14. n'eued. -r.,-ed ... ClCItlInIled, aM b)' ..... preeea" cJoee 1lereIlJ' .....t, ......... ..... rei.... co..,q ==-= ;:'':n~ f&M'O:C ~:ttOrl~IrO~t- ~ -W:n~7M(ro~" ~ ~ha:4 Ji 17 ~t~~',";l~rlda, as the eame 1s designated on the plat ot Indian River 7arme Oompany's subdivi8ion. reoorded in the offioe ot the ,CDrk of the Oirou1~'Oourtin and for eaid,. Oounty. , RasmloTIOlfS.' . 1. The Purohaeer muet olear his lot 01811 und,.erbruah 01' und,.~airable Irowt~wlthln 90 d~e trom date of purohaae,and in the event of his not oo~71Dg with th1e, the Oompany ehal1 have the right to dO suoh olearing at a 008t not to exoeed .10.00 per lot and oharge same to the puroha8e~ U That the purohaser, will. with1n':'lQne year .11' om <<ate, 8et, or oause 60 have set out, at leaat five ornamental, trees on the lot, and 8111e8e., two ornamental trees between the iJidew~k and ourb line, whioh w111 be oared tor by the Company at a nominal oost, in the eyent that purohaser ie not on the sround. . . 3. That all bullcl1ngs ereoted, DlUBt tiret oomply with the restriotions with reterenoe to plaoe- ment of bull ding on the lot, and that no residenoe shall be plaoed oloser to the 10tl11ne than thirty( 30) teet, and no bui1dinge ahall'be ereoted within the restrloted distriotwhioh entail an exp~nd1ture ot leas than .600.00, without. Speoial p8l'mil1Bion 0'1 the ()ompany. All buildings inoluding I'OOf8, shall be painted within 90 c1~. from oompletion. !his Oontl'aot apPlies only to lots in the r8etrioted distriot in the town of Vero, as 18 shown by the Oomp8D7' s p18t of the Vero townBi te. . Sub3eot to all taxes and ditoh assessmente or any speoial assessments if 8D7 be levied for the year 1920 and all subsequent taxes and aBsessments. j "" -~1 . 1 ~~ --, - ~ -..; ~r A- r-.I:l. -w"''lIlJ .4_y-..':- ~MII+- ._1. "11. -~-- -- ------ r---- _aCl...._ ---.-~r"'~ , TO BA VB AND TO ROLD THE sAxB, toptIler ..tit all.... Ilere4IwiM... aa4 aplMlrtellall_ tltereanto Ilaloqlq. uto lbe Mid paft7 of the .-ct psrt aJI4 Iala hftn aDel aaaJ..- III fee aIm,l. foreYet. ' AIl4 Ute"" JIUlT of tIae lIm JUt. for ItMIt U4 I.. 1_1IO",.4oee ~re'" Ny_t wltIt' .... putJ' of the _4 DUt. ilia Iaeln, lccat repreMlllallna. aIlCI ualpa tltat It "la4eleul~lJ' M1Md of IaI4 .... .. fee almpIe; Utat It 1113 full powtr' aa4 ....h' rtpt 10 -nr 1&14 1&1I4 Ie fee 11m.... as aror.at4: lbat It IIaaU lie IawM for aal4 put, oIlbt.1eClOII4 ~ ilia lief... hPI re,,...tatIY-._1S ueIpa at aI,.... "~J' aII4 q1detlr to filter 11'-' boN.. -PT. ad ~ aakI ....; tIlIt aakI .... Is me Iroal ai, eDC1IlD1Ifaaca; U1at 't will .-Ite Rdl faJtIter _rucea to pelted the fee ....pit UUe 10 MY ...4 .. ~. ~be reqQlrecL aDd lbat It .s- "erell, flII1r ~t tile title to aaI4 ..... ... will def_ tIae _e ......t tIae IawM ~1aI8a of ai, penJOIII ..bom8oeY.... . U( WITNESS WHEREOF. tile JIUlT 01 tile ant part. _ lIIe ...,. U4 ,.... ant aIlo'r. wrtltd, ... ea1lM4 'te .... to lie "peel ... I" eorporale ... to lie alllxe4 to tII_ prang bJ' I" PrNldellt U4 I.. Secretaf)'. wlllcll o~ line bHa dill, aulbort&ed aDel _POWered lit raolaUoa of t1Ie Board 01 Dlrecton ofllle INDIAN IlIVER FA1U18 CO)(PAHY. IlUV of1lae ant put IIenlD. 10 execute u44e11y...lIIII..... B7 Indian River )Iems Co., SIp", .-Jed aDd 4e1Jnred III p,.._ of at: ....1.... .l"~~.fJl~.. ........... ........... .... ... .. ..QRAr.~~~. Rl1-!}c;....... ...... ..... .....1... lfeDl8n.~ J.-,Ieuoh Oharles Dunoan (60~ I. R. stamp, oano.l.~) 1.. PreaI4ellt. o! I 1 1 i ,] ~ , ;:: (Corp. Seal) I" Seeretar7, ..~ STAft or IOWA. } COUhTf . or 8C01'T. -. .. .. cMlctr claIT .utIlorIaed 10 take a~bo.led"'eDte 10 tleelk. do HnIlT .rUfF lbat _ U. _ ~, ......ed before .... Herman J. Zeuoh, aDt Ohar1es Dunoan 10 _ '..u bcrn u tIae J'rMtclest ... Secretar7. rapectJye1r. of tll. ..... Illnr ra.... ~, .... corporatlola 4eecrtbed III tile foreciDlIIa deed..... ..4 u.et ackao..1edpd before _ ~l Uaq were dalT .atllorl&ed bJ' .... corporaUola to a_Ie tile foreaolal deed 011 'ta behaII. aa4 fo .... Ita lI&IIle ..,4 IlIIIs ,.. ... ....reao. Ua&l tIae .-J llIIIsed ....... .. tile eorponte ... 01 .... corporatlOII. aa4 tIlat .... deed.... ~ bJ' .... COrporallOll for lIIe tIInIOIM UaereIa expreeM!l.... lIitJ' MftI'aIJJ' acbcnr'e4l*1 tIae enc1ItIOII lJIereol to .. tIaeIr free aet ... 4ee4 .. Rdl olllcen, for tU .... 'a114 PlIJ1)OICIe Utereta IDIIitloM4. aa4 UI&l tile aaI4 ~t .. tile aet aII4 deed 01 .... corporatloL . , IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, 1 baye Mreaalo aIlIsed a17.... ... oIIeI&1 ..... UaII 18~-: ": cIar 01 June 11 20, at ... all of Day. port, Coull ... 8lale atw..s4. t Oharlee Gr ilk ~ PllbUe .. aa4 for Scott Coull. IOWL IfJ' CommIuIoa expm. July 4th. 1921. -1 (NOTARY 3lUL) lTAD 01' n.oRmA, } COVN'rt or 8'l'. WC1B. BB rt tDIPRRRRIl, TIIat 011 W. J, P. O. Blued fortIoIq Dee4 .. tile PltWle a-rda 01 .... COIIIIt1. IH W1'l'HBSI WBDEOr. I Ita" "'reaalo Nt 181 .... .... tM 1M! 01 aaI4 Coart, tIae 4a7 aa4 ,., .&Ior. wrtltell. ~ 2lat de7 ~ Ausust .A. D. 1'20. CIeIk of tIae etrm~ Court .. ... for .... Coaa17 ltan niT ncorde4 tile ~ ~~, :t (Of. OT. SI,AL). ..,.......E. ..0... .El.4za4........................ (BBAL) .. ......~.~.4d.: CWO I aaoollO V EIiIFIEO !. .~ ~ j , ' - :," ~"'~l{~tIC~.~~