HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1361 I I, I I I I I , I I . I ,I I j i I I i i t 1 I I i I' I I I ! I J ,1 I i ! ~':." u \. [ i ~: I f ,,~~..: ..~~_...:>:--.,..:-~",,",,-""~'""::"""-~"~~-,:,", ..... '-',\"'N' K"" ""':,'-': "'T'''''~ ~ "'-"">;'. ~. .....~ -~ . 'l'" 261 .1- '. ' WARRANTY:tDEED llJD~1 RI~ l~ OOllP.ut i, to WILLIAM... KARU HBL8TROM . .-... . . , ... uia 1J!'MTUu. Made tile 26th '.' ...., or :. Ootobe~., A. Do It 20 II)' UIe IHDIAWSd't&a "AaIUJ COMPANY. . cwporatlola oreal.... ... uleUq ua4er '" laya 01 tU Statt oIl1ot1da. partJ 01 tlae lrat ..rt. 1o.i111oa Jlelatrom and Maria llel-'UOIl,' of Uae Cou'" of Rook I81a..... . . .h ,'.ite.' 'Y &-. .' · . .... State 01 IlUnoia .J' tlertr 01 tile MCCID4 Jal1. . WITHB8SIlTH. TIaat "e .... ...v 01 '" ~t .,.n. for aIIIl .. ClOIIaldentloa oC "e I1I1D of .' , Ont( .ttl.OO) D.OLL41l8. 1a,,1IaS ..., III 1M Uallt4 Sta.Ud ..... ftl..... coukIefatlo8t, 10 It ,. Iau4 .... _ tile MId ~ot tile ..... part, at or lIftore aM ....... lUIll 4elInQ- of tIaeM PI,,'" ... tile ....pt ...... IlJ ~ aetaow'", ... 1IUl", ..~ joW, reltuell. COllY~ ... codnaed. ... Ia, . tIaeIe ~Ia delta Ilenll)' If'UII. llaqala. ..u. rel-. -yeT ~ ~ .... ~ of, tIM lIeooM put .... ~........... aeaIp, III fel elIIlple all tIl. .... Ill..at. r....;. eou.I1. l'1orWIo. Lot. Ho. I1ve (6) and' 81x (6) 1~ BlookUo. .lve(6) 080eola'Park Home sites an Addition to 'the' 01ty ,of Vero " norlda, as the B8me it deslptedon the plat 1'eoo1'4ed in th. offioe i()t b Olerk of.'t'th. j).1l'o\11\Oaurtinand 'for _iel OountJ'.: ,.' . ..",_ , .. 'Ds!'moiION8 ! 1.The >>vohaser_st-"ole&r h1e lot of ,all tUlderbrush .o~ ,undeeirable' growth wi~1p six mQpths : fromdateotpurohaee, 'and in the event 0'1 his not ooJllt>l71ng with this, the o.ompaDl' shall ha.... the' right to dO suoh o18arina at a oost not to ,exceed ,10.00 per lot and ohnr,8$ same to the : ~~:~~~: purohn~thin one lear from date, eet or onuse to have s'et out, at least fiT be dr- ',",.1 nAlaental trefl."J~pn .tb:e lot ,and' at. least three ornamental trees bet.een the, sidewalk and our line,' .hioh~l be oared for bl the oOlll1>anl at a nominal oost, in the event that purohn.ser is not on the gro~. 8.That all buildings ereoted,muet first oomnll with the restriotlons with referrenoe to plaoement 01 buildlns on the lot , ana that no residenoe shall be plaoed olooer to the lot 1 ! line than fllirtl (::01 feet, 'and ~ no buildings shall b,e ereoted in Osoeo1a Park Addition. whiOh entail and e~p~nditure of less than i600,to wlthout speolal permlBsion Of the Oom~ny . All buildings inoludlng roofs,' shall be painted within 90 days from oompletlon. 8ubJeo~ to all ditoh assessments or any speoial aBseBsmants if any be levied for the year 1920, and all subsequent taxes and assessments. =':.~.. "J~' .. WN fer ..~'Il. I'tn11. "'~IJI.'" 1 -. .. !1l~ _ A-_F&. t.. tlat If ~J ,.... ~a." thv ~.l... ., TO HAVIll AND TO HOLD THt .&AYE. toptllu wltIl aU tile. IletatllallleDla &D4 appart.uuft tIl.reunlO kloqtq. unto tile ...d 1*rIT 01 aM MCGa4t part aIl4 ilia h..n &Del ...r.u 10 f<< ateJple forenr. , ' '" . ADa tile .... 1*rIT 01 aM lint part. for .tH1i 80d 'Ia '-1On, don ~,.., eonout ....tIl aI' part, or tbe NCOIId Pl-rt. bla IMIn. ~ ....,eeeatatlYM. 80d uatpa tlaat It Ia iJuleflUl1ll, ael", 01 .... Iud III fee Ilmple: lbat It Il~ 11111 pOW'" and lawrul npt 10 -"7 .... Iud III fee ,lIIlpl.. ... atorwalll; tlaat It IIIaU be "wful for.... 1*rIT or aM B<<CIld put. hla h"n. I.... repreHolaUyM. ud ....... at aU t... peeet&bl, and quieti, to eDter uPDD.Iaold, -P1. aDd eDJo1 SaId laD,: that AId lao4 Ie free ftolD all e&l<<=umllraJlCel: tIaat It wu, ~. neIl fuUaer _ruNe to perfect aM fee '''mpl. ' UUe 10 .... I&ad ... may .--abl, be requlnd. 80d lbat It doeB herebJ flail, .arraot ....Utle to .... IucI. lUI4I wU1 Neild ... _. IIptut tile "Will' c:1alma olin ~reo"w~nr. 1)1 WITHESS WR&REOF. 1M paf17 01 the ant put. 011 tile .a, 80d 'NI' .rat aIIoYe .nllee. bad ~IINI IIa ...... to M Ilped aM ltJ c:orpotate aaJ 10 ...axed to tIl_ ,..-all II)' III PreeldeDt ud It. 8tc:n1ary. wlakla ollk~n ban beea d1lb' lIutlaorbedud -.ow..... ., reeoIlltloa of ... Board of D1ncton 01 tile INDIAN RIVER FAIUlS OOMPANY. P&rtr or tile Gnt put berelD, 10 uec:vle and dellYQ' Wa ...... ' lit' Indian River F&l'IIUJ Oompal17 (Co!f- Seal) Yes. BIped, ..,aIed ... dellyuell 1Ia phltnN or lIS: . ..o.,..It,.J\9P.~..........,.................. ... .1:.. .E&tte.1'.8SUl............................... B7, Hermen J. Zeuoh III Presld.al. Ohar1e s Dunoan III 8tc:nlal'J'. W2.'o Cents I. R. Stamps canoe11ed) ! i ~ " STATS OJ' IOWA.. } COtlNT't or 800'M'. .. I. 80 olIeaI' ..., aIlUaor\Ja4 10 tatte adulowled&metlla 10 IS""" do berebJ eert1f7 tbat CIa tIala .., Pfl'MKI&l:r appeared Mtore .... He~ J. Zeuoh ud Charles Duncan 10 __u no... .. tile PnId4_t ... 8Hntar7. reaPtctlnl7. 01 ,the I..... BInI' Farma COIDpaa,. tile eorporatlOll lSeec:nbed 1Ia the forecoIDtl deed..... ud tIl., uk_ledp4 Wore.. tIaat tIaq .ere d." &lIt1aorbed ., MId c:orpontloa 10 uec:ule tile forecolq deed <<* Ita .....r. ... 10 .... Ita .... lIIId dbt .Ia ... tbenCo. Uaat tile _'lI&lted lIaento .. 1M c:orporale _, or .... corporallOll. 80d tbat .... .... .u aenta4 _ ..w COTporaUOo lor ... ~ tlaerelll npr-.e4.... aM, un....I' adtaowledced tile nec:uUOo thereof 10 .. .... free Mt lUI4I .... ... .. 0IIeen. for tile _ aDd ~ tlauella mealloaed. aDd tlaat tile ...d baBtnlmeDt Ie tile act 80' ~ ol....~ ' IN WITNE88 WBnBOP. I ban IaeI'etlDIo alllaed aI7 .._ lIIId 0.... ..... tIaJa 26th da, of . Ootober .1 20e . lit tile Ctt7 01 DanapOrt. CotpalJ aDd State at~ ~'rano.s B. Plath (Jio1;&ry8eal) NolaI'J' Pulalte 1Ia aad for 8c:ott Count,. IOWL If,. Com.mlqloo upirell July 4,1921. STAft 01' J'LORJDA.} C011N'l'Y or ST. LOCI&. BII 11' UllBllBBBBD. nat 011 tIaJa 31'4 .., 01 1I0Tember A.. D. 1. 20 I, P.O. Bldred Clm 01 ... Cl~ Court III ud for .... CoaolJ ban d." rec:orded tIl. 10..... DeeIl .. tile PalaUe a-6I or .... Cotpal1. ~ IN WTnOI88 WBBIlI'.Or. I ..n. ItoNUlo ...,., IaaD4 ... ...... ollald Court, ,tile 4a)' ... ,.... alloY, .rtttft. " , ......... '....0... .a14x'.4....................... . (SEAL) , Clm Clmalt COIIrt. Br .....~ a~U..e.,......Depal1 Clm (O~. o-t.., Jea1), i i , i ; ! j i ! I ItEco ' RDV ~1i1~/~D