HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1381 [, i ; :""'"'" ;~>:'""-'\7r,,~..:""(', .~ . ~;' ~_~~,?.._~"..- jo. '_'~,,:;r._"!;'''':.'' ._....:.T":"F -',: _~ -'~'. ~,'''~ ..r:, , :-: L~~;T_ - ~~, -r"W"'-"'~~' >:':~7"""1,:; ,-;",,:,.::: - ~:"- . :-:. c . ~ --.. . - . f~: ~ ".' -"'!!'"' _ ~ ,I .~ : ~!,7r:--"...-.o:-T :r,~~.. . ",(::: ~ :T.77' <> ,.'-'.,- ,,~. . .. . ... ~ .;'''' '. I W~JRJRA~Tn! '.E~ f.li ~ 10 . ARfHUR M.UILL INDIAN'RIVER PARU3 CO~ANY '1'JlII DDa.WC1u, Made tile II8ht" . .., 0(, . llaro~ A. I>. 1119 __Ute INDIAN BlVQFAIUI8 (lQMl'ANt, a co~UOa orpJIlIed... q'-Ual--'''' Ia~. ~,~.~ or. no'*. -..n,'of t...... ..rt. to Arthur 14. Hill .orUteColJlll1of St.Luoi$ " .... Slate of i'l or 1da . ....v 01 tb..e~o" put. , '. ~'I'IW "...w paltJo( Uae "" JUt. tor.... Ie ...~lIf'"...0I0n. (11.00)""'-------- , DOLLAB8. lawful IllOlUf .. tM 11a1'" .__ ... ~ Yal~.. ~ to It ia..... .....bJ Ute 11M. putJ or.Uae .... put, at or Won. ... ......IQ ad dtllYM7 of...... ~... Ute .....1It w.not Ie ImMJ aebcnrl~. .... anat", ........... MIl" rei.... coDy"" aM. COIlIf1IMCI. .... bJ tHle ~t.a .... II...,. arsat. ...... a:eu. n'...... _YeT .... --... ..10 Uae aw tMt1 or ... ...... "'" ... ........ta Ucl ~ 18 tee .... all Uae Iu4 Ia lit. La;':. OcMaal1. "...., . ~ri""" follon: ' .', ~ " .. '. ".' . !rraotthirteen (13) ,Seotion fhirty-one, (31), fOWl:lshlp fblrty-two, (32) South,Ranse Ihhty-nine'(39) East,oontdning in all ,lhirty-ee.en and th1rty-two'hundredths (3'.38) aorea,as the same is designated on the'last general ~t of lands of' the tndian,Rlver ~arma.C~pany.fl1ed in the ottloe of the Olerk of the Oiroult Oourt of Saint Luole Count1,Plorida. I I I 1 I . I i 1 ! i I I i I I I I ! I ! SUbJeot to all taxes and ditoh assessments or any speotal assessments 1t any be levied for the year 1919 and all subsequent taxes and assessments. ~... U 1kCIIII. IaoIrner. Ute rlcbt of w&T tor plI11l1e roab, 4ra1aap eua1lI.. ud dltdMa .. AoWD 011 tII. plat or AI4 I.... Ql&de b,. tile partT 0( tile lrat puL TO HAVE.u-"D TO ROLD THE BAIlE. loptller,n" all tile ImNltamellta aa4 apMrtaaace8 tIIenaaa.o telcJqJ... uto tile aaId partT 01 &he HC08lt,art &Ad Ilk 'eln a4 Mal.... Ia fee almp'. forenr. . . Aa4 tile .1&14 IIUV of tM lrat lMUto fot' ,'....r aa4 'ta Meeeeaort. ._ IMnbJ' eoYell&at wllIl IaI4 partJ' of tile .-cI put. Ills ....... 1epl .....-wm.. ......... u.at It Ia Iadefe&l1\li ..'ae4 01 IaI4 IurIt ta fee 11..1".: tIlat It ba.1 tall power uti lawfut rf&ht to COIl",.... ~ 18.r...........~: Uaat It....u .." lawful fur.... IIUV 0( Ute MCG8d...... ......n;. leaaJ npr_.taU.... ud ....... at aU U-'~ .... 4Q1eU7 to eater apoll..1loI4. CImIn. aacl nJ01 .8U4 ....: tllat AIcI IaD4 Ia free from,.U ~mae.; UIat It will .. MIdt f1utIIer ........_ 10 peden tM r.. -a..... uu. 10 .... I&ad .. III&J" ......ul,. be reqllln4. aa4 Ulal It ... llenbJ faU7 warraat tile uu. 10 1&14 Iud. .... wUI ..,... Ute..... aplut tile IaYM e'" of .., penou w--..er~ . IN WI'I'NE88 WIlSRBOP'. Ute IIUV oft'" Int ...... 011 Ute 4&1' &ad Tea, am alloYewriUn. ~ rauetl Ita _ to be aJpe4 ... Ita _rpon.te ... to be aSs". to Uaeae ...-ata b1 Ita PreatUllt &ad Ita 8tcrelaJT. wlalda ollftra "ye 1Ieea 'lIlT ulllort&44 &ad ........., r-IlItM or Uie IIoenI of DIredora or tile INDIAN 8.IVEIl FA1U18 COKPA.'(Y, IGt7 of ..., Ant JUt _....10 aem. aa4 'eIIy'er~ ...... .' .' , , lIT Indian Rivel' "arms Oo.mpany (Corp. Seal) , yes ~l.OO I.R. Herman J.Zeuoh tump Ita PreilJdftlL ....... -'id... 4elh'end III 1'....- of -: anc&lled .........D..:SXQQ.QaU......................... Ch"rles DunaElll Ita 8eerelaJT. .....~.:. ~~.l!...~?~~~........................... j i I I "j ! I STAB OP JDW'A. '.}' counn OP scarr. .. J, u oeee;"1II7 aatllorlHC to ~. aeDowl....ntt to deedJ. do Web, ~rt1f7 tIaat OB tIltt .., ~, appeared Won ,~ Herman J.Zeuoh ... Charles Dunoan to _ well bo'thl u tile ~ ... 8ecr'tW7. fNpecUyel)', 01 tile IDdIaa Rh'er Fa..... c-pu,.. tile eorporatloa deterlW ta tile ,...... ............ tH7 acbow...... Wore _ tIaat t.IM7 wen .d1aI7 allt1lorlaecl b1 ... ~raUo;ll to ex_It'OIe rOJ'C!lOlq dee4 _ Ie. 1IeIroIU.. ... to .... lta .... ... aax lta .. Uterelo. tIlat Uae Ie&I &as.. tIIento Ia Ute -.ora. t. -' of .... eorporaUoll. &ad tIaat . alii .... ... u..... ~ .... eorporatIGII (Or tile ~. tIl.... ex.......... aa4 tIIeT ......rall1 aclllOwleQe4 ... uteutlOB tIIereof to be ... free act aU .... .. Ada ollleen, fur Ute ... ... JWJOM8 UMrrtla ~ .... tIlat lite ..lei lutnamtet .. tile act &IItl 4eed 0( .... eor)IOnlIGL" . , IJC WI'I'NJaI8 WIUDlBOP, I ..aye ..,..co aIIx.. ~ .... ... o8IdaI .... ..... 8th daT of Maroh 11 19 at Ute ClI1 of DaT_port, CcIaalT'" StaI4i aror..... Pranoes E.Plnth '1fOl'ARY SBAL NotarT I'lIIlIJe hi aiiiJ for Ikott CoaatT. JOWL II,. c-mIsaIoa apI,. July 4th, 1921 ,,' o STAB OP PL08.lDA. } COVH'IT OF IT. LVCIIl JlIIIT JlIl:I03IBDBD, 'Rat oa UaIa 23rd. J, P.C.Bldred f...... DMt ta Ute hlllle --.. or .... Coal1. 1M WJTNJU .1t'IIUIlOF, I Ita" "'nulo let ., IMa4 ... Ute.... 01 ,JIlt ~ ... tat u4 ,...,. atIOYe wrltlf;L .... ..":;-'.P.o.. J$r."OIU~n.... ............. ... ,..... ,(SEAL) F) ~'+- . ,Cl_ OmIlt Cout. ., .........~.J;~~....~~Cltrk .., or '8 br~llry .A. I>. 11 21 CIcrIl or lilt' Clretd! Oout Ia &ad for IllId Coat, Mye "I)- ffCIOl'lIed tile OT.Cl'.SEAL ""'a . O~O V~"/~ 1'-0 . ~., ..~. - 28.t: I I I I i j I ! i 1 , I , i , ',' ': /!~::~1Il1i'A.li