HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF FRAMING PLANFAINVZON11-YA �CIFa=J:I ROOF SHEATHING: D4 LAP ALUMINUM SIDING (OPTIONAL) J" CDX PLYWOOD WITH D4 LAP ALUMINUM SIDING 1 t3UC; K2 VAKILS 1:5--0-- IU bU--U- SLOPE O I .a O F O I w W Q DOUBLE TRUSS END 2"x4" TRUSS @ 24" O.C. MAX. DO JBLE END TRUSS SLOPE rD — EAVE/OVERHANG �` Tnfoi�tintio;<7 bBuild Opt E„gl a dng . Ca,s, Uh9 • r-11W CODE REVIEW Professional Service Industries 1748 33rd Street Orlando, Florida 32839 Plan Reviewer: William E. Neary, III ICC # 5185040 LA #000408 FL SMI-79, SMP-51 ROOF FRAMING PLAN 1 "x4" BRIDGING (SEE WALL DETAIL) SMITNBILT 111LT saPLa ME NUUM O sf-ES 02 �uNE OIf05[0 ti CGCPOEOP OQ PKi011 t.le XAO LOLL M ILLD IaM IOa CUa l"b ImY W uv[ Lg1p n/ary 1M WA 5 PN 9n0iN10 1 LNR PROI[OIitL1 IISLGC LO AK SMLI@ 119LGE M F—W OA i!9 REVISIONS ' OESCRIPTON I DATE I BY n,y,e 9/19/16 Smvc NA " SBS-E-180C MPu ,a c Latim w l� bmR wlm4 ,e,aR [2 Me a.l /I tx. u®1 Im ea n. yM1L wn .w � WiLY rysuum oh-P¢ n o,Ks twP iax �wrmYs wo mas w 1tn ,K WNNN smd,es J ..T �� �� `'',' ��� �� •'X �,\CENgF�•.,� L I i 5 STATE OF . = r O Ii011MW T. El-*ZO P.E. na,tuo 11— #rA608 0 sh-: FBPR-1 OF 5 FANAVAIMIN BARN STYLE TYPICAL TRUSS r® I Infonnation ,I -To Build On CODE REVIEW Professional Service Industries 1748 33rd Street Orlando, Florida 32839 Plan Reviewer. William E. Neary, Ill ICC # 5185040 LA #000406 FL SMI-79, SMP-51 2.4 SOLE PU n— —U. 2R4 SOLE PU FI nnk rPAUI VAL 5mithbilt Lave 180C: RZ END ELEVATION SMITH13ILT OR CODE INFORMT[ON COO[ VERSON YAMmcnam tlN,ml NO[NCY wm4t D>q¢� LPimm eu[nNc 1rP[ mNnm .N IrFC nRL R,AI[CION Nul na[ sLP —4 s V IFIi aavrucT sDeL¢ kLoA.IazC NuYD[n v srow[c [G09IRC ENGpSYAC DC01[O DDCWVL D�1Fd mO'[1nOR V..1D ACm1UND[ lIC1OiMB R00( DUD lOb ROOF LM UND FLOOR DUD LOLO ROOR lN[ IOVJ [yIOYY �L' M 2 W M4LZ N.DOR. ROOT W YOgz6 RR [UlONO 1 MORR['AN[ —'E—N IRIGC b NURRGIM Sn[Llpi u91GC b SOWRC [OOtLGC 11D SL,, m 4a � 1�N,Ws NQ Mm� � Tm rty YI oo � }. �raY is a quc� mPLm,q (n a, wL :,�[. Ruros lasLs Ls �a n. a LLJ n hL wrL .N er wow o�ir ®m : IR,1RLm aN-Prt DnaRL ,rw La'.L Z400h u0 Doo1s A 4 x YNYi/ savwes LIJ mb-rouw - nvinuua = IH.Ke Z Lu n��imiss[Z w- 3�61 waHom iw, D6 B[ND Dm 11m OOOD[i¢ I T eq<ri�i O `��� r• XNCENSF —Q11 t STATE OF :•Q7` Z �i0LLJ T\FL0RIDP;�'?���� 4OLlM► T. BaIDM�, Pi. N F D aD uF� eD wsoe O� SNDDa FBPR-2 OF 5 SAVE/OVERHANG (2) 2a4 BENTS O BOTH ENDS BD NAILS 12'O.C. 1U1 /-U1-U1 Hbl AHF KUVHL 5 JIAIVUAKU VVALL Ur-IAIL WITH DOOR & WINDOW OPTIONS LEON 0 ell 1,=" 01101010101010000000ill —FLOOR JOIST, SEE SCHEDULE FOR SIZE FLOOR FRAMING PLAN LAP ALUMINUM WALL SHEATHING iPTIONAL) a' COX PLYWOOD WITH D4 LAP ALUMINUM SIDING SMITH13iff T+vc I WALL SOLE PLATE+ OR FRAMING c 1me su oraona[ v d6vmuRS rKiw I[00I OG10 LOAe NOTE_ WALL FRAMING MEMBERS ARE CONTINUOUS FROM FOUNDATION SILL TO ROOF AND SECURED TO ENSURE A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH. WHERE WALL MEMBERS ARE NOT CONTINUOUS, SHEET METAL CLAMPS. TIES. OR CLIPS SHALL BE FORMED OF GALVANIZED STEEL OF NOT LESS THAN 0.040' NOMINAL THICKNESS, xoar [n[ [oro R— Ud Ud Wo[ats rtv �v I.wnc[H[ vxmFa� ,— 3/4' T&G PLYBOARD [v.a., �, �uzuw�mnwq�a. v nm .Inl xr ua .a _ pxYn rmY r,x rm [Fecr wb[rarc4 L11 rt� ry �¢[crooq�° i4uYm0114 �0 Y¢r Mho Aasv wrAr41 A r� s J � w• :,ms .+noe. nc.v[ n+ n mr, a®r �wc�ua• a �m m R qu eac M m' YAYM — INTERIOR 2'a6' FLOOR JOIST (n '"� [° °• wn+lm w-ol[ yr °"ae uml [nca wamla wa vv°es n [t,;[ n¢ YwY°V NOTCHED 1I' FOR P,T. SKIDS Ld scosaos .,.rnrs s oan�c m r2a6 P.T. 24' D.C. TYP, � Q � rrs, [w ra x° °'s¢a1°[grO4eprtm OPTIONAL 125PSF O 16' O.C. TYP. n ��y (�[. Infonntion. LL _ (2)2'afi' P.T. SKIDS '0E'-e To Build On Engfnc •Cane[t7Ting Mr[y I •••••• ••••.Q� /// rfiD •Te \\\,N�•••••• CODE REVIEW �� P'' ' — ADDITIONAL (2)2'afi' P.T. SKIDS Professional Service Industries O = 64a �/�' FOR 14'-0' WIDE BUILDINGS 1748 33rd Street Q _� 7t/ (L" Orlando, Florida 32839 'or = :. Q --P\\, STATE of Plan Reviewer: William E. Neary, III ICC#5185040 0 FLoR10P;1'-�' � -1 /fit` //i FS `aG LA #000406 FL .....\\\ SMI-79, SMP-51 %% /Oj f1 111\\ MI[[MM 7. BeY1K:n PE. J J FloriAe .61608 It Faye 180C R2 w+ Se: FBPR-3 OF 5 F FAI Mri HHUVAL 5mithbilt J: lnfomrn CODE REVI&V rion °SMITHBILT EW Prore I—IS-1-Mdfnvbs 174a 33rd Soaet HEADER DETAILS, EQUIVALENT SIZES & MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS ��85M. 32839 Plar R - sr. wa6iam E N ry, In LAW 7P,.1� lZ S6N-Ta. a6lP-5f " OT S 1. THE OPTIONAL 1/2" PLYWOOD OR OSB FILLER CAN BE BETWEEN BOARDS OR ON INSIDE OF STRUCTURE. 2. SEE FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS- 3. SEE HEADER SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 4- WINDOW HEADERS HAVE COMBINED 50% OR MORE WALL- FRAMING ABOVE AND BELOW, OTHERWISE REFER TO DOOR HEADERS- 5. THESE ARE DESIGN MINIMUMS AND LARGER STUDS CAN BE SUBSTITUTED (2) 2'x4" WITH OPTIONAL 1/2' PLYWOOD OR OSB FILLER OR 4'x4' (2) 2-x4- WITH OPTIONAL 1/2- PLYWOOD OR OSB FILLER OR 4'x4' 20GA- 1' WIDE STRAP OR EOUN. (SEE SHEET 5) (2) 2-x6' WITH OPTIONAL (2) 2"x6" WITH OPTIONAL 1/2" PLYWOOD OR OSS 1/2- PLYWOOD OR OSS FILLER OR 4"x6" FILLER OR 4°x6' J20GA- 20GA. 1" WIDE STRAP OR 1° WIDE STRAP OR EOUIV. (SEE SHEET 5) EQUrV. (SEE SHEET 5) Side Wall Header Schedule (180C)(e} Buidling Width Fasteners w/o strap Size{d,g} Up l0 14' Witle (each end)(c) Mar Cnan u IfHI a, labulated Values are for No. 2 grade Spmce-Pine-Fir lumber. b. NJ - Number of jack studs required to support each end. c. If over T span and no straps are used, header must run to next stud. d. The optional 12" Plywood or OSB Filler is not structural and only for aesthetics. e. See header details for alternate layouts, i.e. 2-2"x4" or 4"x4" f. Window header for window openings that have more than 50% combined stud wall above and below, otherwise use door header schedule. g. The header can be attached to the top plate and thusly have the combined strength equivalent and use the maximum span stated. See header details for equivalent sizes. FLAT HEADER WINDOWS* 3' - OPTIONAL WOOD FRAME WALL STUDS, DOOR CONSTRUCTION DETAIL EXTERIOR SHEATHING ' OR 16'x4' BETWEEN WALL .+ram.✓ WALL STUDS. VENT IS SECURED TO SHEATHING AS PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS HYDROVENT DETAIL (OPTIONAL End Wall Header Schedule 180C e Size(d) Max. Span NJ(b} Fasteners w/o strap (each end){c} 3 - 3" x 0.131" nails 2-2"x4" 9'-0" 0 6 - 3- x 0.131" nails a. Tabulated values are for No. 2 grade Spruce -Pine -Fir lumber. b. NJ - Number of jack studs required to support each end. c. If over 6' span and no straps are used, header must run to next stud. d. The optional 1/2" Plywood or OSB Filler is not structural and only for aesthetics. e. See header details for alternate layouts, i.e. 2-2"x4' or 4"x4" I. This table is only for headers below the endwall truss. Use Side Wall Header Schedule for headers that break bottom cord of end wall truss. (P. DOOR .RIOR 'NO —STRAP' HEADER DETAIL MAX. B' SPAN -UPAR AUTbuxE NuYsrn Lx sano S<W.VZ eEsc ffem ss® RPoSUR[ EN405uRE —D MERN Hi64DK —FFMT Afwmw¢ recFOR Rwr Oren Lao ROpr LM LaD a Loon DEED Lao fwu M.R LrrL laL lyfix.n �1• RAMc a Thus, rfnai Rar w� Yaaufs Prn anon¢ xIWRx:wE fmatCRmN uSAx xulaRN1 Sn[iTFA u-E b b Joe.LRm m Pwf sn un ♦e w IaaL n�imY t„c rec rhrrz� LVlmxxiN s rm Rr3O 16rIUAq (n ,m rn n, rrL wrr A ec YFfyy � 4 m f4 r1sLx.m q-sirt 'garAo Dove m fao ,a u�wu :�u�� 6 a u W I it 114f diem, rRo.om dLt n4 . m.o elm Dart Noi alwns In X\ i�� J ............. ..q� •''••,�ly�i -�'A, X" 1,%GENSF.64 rj I I U (n i QC % STATE OF '''-11NAL O /011l 111\\� ltl 44itbep T. BopF:n P.E. QFW!ft li.— 164606 LU x T: sNeeh FBPR-4 OF 5 2017-02-02 PSI APPRnVAI Smithhilt FavP isn(: R2 29. bb(to Mnd hbt 3-tWawmanPlrCa0.u57 d-Tv a1]t rela aw mil 4-T a ww smpea b. L.aOnr atop Pl?x0.16Z) lOCa ilfiJnTNIhfM �B R'/ Tn6uiGlOn Cof-i-I -i prote5siwral Sarviee lrsd45rdes 1)48 33rd Street Orla/#d, Ftodda J2839 Pan SIM4r. YA:P.am E. Pia a/T Ul (GC k 51R50:0 LASUCM FL 6MI-J9,]MP-sl SMITHEULT Fastening Schedule(r) (Fee T.a< z]Iw.n.n Canmtlbn FaideN,gf.,m) lttatlen 1 d-Ta a-T T. a.131 at, reBs Foce 14 ww snpes mil et eecnhw +. best to ¢0er p'vdar I3-Bd cenvmmRl/rz0.131) ]-S 1d paw stapes O°m0 2. B,idpM le lobt 2-00 mna1wlR llr14131j 2-T[OZJT mac 2-T 14 ww smpea IaamO earn eltl sl.Wwdatlwtunlwwb .M wrtbbn,artl(ej 1R'aM Sueamr, mdard <cOeMatltllg 0e trandrg) svgb 0a„(wmnimXon slAO°°r-IagwmymaNm lLTlse nirvtof 111Sbtilf 11/T Ova 6a(cJ.RI 2vSv011T iuB(n) 114' 18 ww(0j WC wGo(.) 2vTaO.I1S mBjp) � T.,e. T+66aw(p) wmwn T.6 to 1' 60(Q Immr 10did)or W(d) 3•a'eM kaa 6d(c) Te'10 1" I.f IO 1114• 1W(a)er 8d(d) EdOezaM hdertmdldo, Pp<. at Fi „idchdan0 odw amp Sa,w3 to Fqu,v ]O.St of M.JI 3 6's-w4sv tD.acaplat I. Wider ,,l- z T.u�Bowneechlabt 2-ad mNnwl(I alai] ]-Bd,wnmomRt?z0.1a17 ap mp _ 5. T .-to loot or away 2-16d Lv1,a11Mn P1?a0.i6T) aw mil plb eM al.mil 6. 30b Pitt. 1, M,l w tlwkim Sob 0- b hbl el Nwtkg °+ maced ,al WWI _ 1W P 1?. 0. I.T, at 1Se.c. T. 0.1]1 Wt.t Too. r 14 Ba0e snpes vl lr,.c. 3-16d wmmw, P I1r 10,1337 at 1S o.e. a-Ta 0131'-asn IT... a-T 1d AaW.mpks at l6'e.c. T,,- mil IaaceE rapwM CODE I FOR TIO Cap[ Tg✓`3a21 WNurk0aWE11 IAA - euanha rcPE COYStwcloH 11R v-0 -. Tnp Pita"to slW 2-Ira ownmpn P 112-10.1627 3-T1Our I,. -S 14Baws(2I, oM-it 33. Parel gaup 00 mmaayRl II/2"er ass 6d10 vT Bd(4 flRr slamsaBH 6v61d1 Yot a. stud b solo Plata -BO cemm,n R 1/2" z atal) d-Tx 0.1]I' Wib ]-T 14 ww ampes 2-1 W convnon P 111' z O.i62) ]-Tz 0.131'repa 3-T 11 Baw.np<+ (oom8 wid reel a3 FiMr0oard sMsnhq(ga) 1R'aM 2 lase No. 1l wBo meO,g mll(h) W common MB R' z 0.113) No. I. doge anp.(ry vA No. it ga Br°,L rgmilin) lidwmman rea R yr i p.1W7 No. 18 Bv90 alaPlo[} t1L11/PN4.Y S200AT M+NIJa� MUY8g1 Q SItlaO MSC 1Mm,siEID ,/.-tm•w� ppOSYNE 34. tr4ano, W WBrq 1M' 4tl(B yr 6dlkl prr]aSuxC Da➢Yo dsmtHM. R�13 -1.1 0 9. Wuda slutla 1 W (3 IW 10--) It 24- o.c. T10.131"reel it-c, r la pow etude° at S e.c. ace Wall .. COmmona [maenwmave 1, eeN wuq rootlenwv amf 6. Nah awWd vl6 6cMa en wpe, et.dwv, 121... at W.madbm algWdI....Pt 64chea at suppoas v-Mn awns em 481rcMv of moro. Fw m3y It w.ed aouctmalwmlaro WaiJenwNd4p.emseM 111,-1,re4,to Sodkm 2305, NaiH braa9aMatnbp ero wmynmd to Mconmun,em or wsilg. c, Cwmun w demmud 'Mnk(rd-r10.11T; Ba-21?aal]I";1W-S[0.1467. a, ce,mnen(M-r 10.1IT: M.21IT U.131';IW-Ta0.1aT). s. DeMm,O sMM (W - r [ p.11r: W - 31? 10.1]t^, I W -]'. 0.1a67. t. Certoabmmaletant slaty(ad -171Tx0.1Ofi•;8a•216-z0.128).,.Wang dol.7.0.09r; Bd-]112. 10.1IT) W. a. F-temn zWeed 3 ben°s en w,4er a1 as4�br °dBea aM B i, I. otnle, It iKeempdial° s,pWds, vnen aged- elm -1 anea 17, .W wt; sMO M B Inch.a on cem.ren amIda., aM 12 Y¢Nnvn wmer alintarm-diat. vuppoav for --dust vh-a ,. n. Cortoigansistant rooNq W25 WN J/16tircndiameter need and 1112arch lew,h b, IM J,e-Iria end 1-1.1, 1°n01n du 2v3ill.r.-Pi, I. Cerrosbrrnsis,ant snp4s °Nh rommal ]lt6lrcn crown w 1Jrch eroxn aM 1 1l4arch 4nB,h M 1RIrch eheetNnp grid + 112-heft l4na,h k, 3v32+xh steal Penal aeDwds .11. -, Ro bcMa B IMrgm e16I, tM bnB drt-ion or Ob wnel -logs otMmise mMked). 6 P-I ,Id 124[)wNuzn(tl/r 10.mr)mlhaWcad J-,J16 Ma ant It ed12I, tclm at i,ser.to- aupWav k- Palwlsuppods a+2aik.,-.sbg°r(2 iuiH1IT) al6lrclnE °n pawledwa, +2ln1 at'udomodiameupwds. I. Fw mp sneatmnB appca,Mu,mrehRl?10.(uj am my 1p15mmrwuhedmremavlwwunlWrels. m.-pi..¢lull new a rite ncw.nvianarN16'v- n. F. molstcalNlg appf atiom.l -rt swc.d It 4 ircMs an ow4e1 It w3ea. a b,Ma aume,m.ade sapwRts. ,. Favmren awo.ax4:mnwwwidarwwwa, 6ircM.Mmlelm.eme wpwm mr.erne., ana weBaMamma and3bcnes on „roar at eae••,6ben°a .1 tdemwaate suppwla tar mat sne -.. p. Fazmmn spaced at 4 k w-1It.aB.s, B I -I M -dial. auppom. V6ae FvamrerAMmde ScMdule. Faamren mn1 N bemBed wtn eYen awchq Mtvwen IMm awsa aaacnmp /rembr. T Mppnwaa iKOa ROOT tlr/D tfNO to.-w. top pale D°un'¢,ap pa,ea 164P IR'10,135)at 1T.". T10.1]f'reil atTo.c. T 14 0aw snd4s et T.... B- 1. wmmon P lg71 a1827 12 -TZ 1.131' mh 12-T fa Bate anpes Typiwlhw ree bD spw R00)1M lOAD �r w rta0n Or/0 LOaO IOS, FLOOR 1M6 tOaM 1y11avY L���• 71'RIR1F Or n'�. sIOpL R00F WA 1 t, abekiw Mn.a<n loiam or.- to top pale ]-60 ewnmen R Ilr z au17 ]-T10.1]r rolls ]-T fa Bew..0.s leenail mBR `ff PROIEC1pN 15YE SNRiF11114eGL 12. Rim hlst la top pate 04R 1111131, et S1., Ta0.1]I naBs,lSe.e. 3. 14wwampen `O emB 5011UQ sa0fAOB np mll.A l65 REVISIONS R DE6CRIPTDN DATE BY 11. To p plate], bw and W enaetiem I3 -16d wmmpn P 112'. 11621 3 T. G.131 3-ruaaaeabpea a roll uye/le 1/n/1a Cemhmus Mader, N.o gees 1fd wrtnun P lyre 0 f 627 a Ab1g adae 1 s. coub9 his. I. p+m I3- ea acmn,onR tirx a1a17 6-T[0.131'm0a 3-T id gape enpca snap pW°� Alternate Fastening Schedule 16. rami.gus neamrto arm a-ee cemmon RlrT1 au17 WWa Cormedion Fapenin 1 J. CaBbp ids.; hw owr Wdaiem (6ae Tado 2TOB.l0.a,1) ,wm1P11T10.1]Sj minimum; T.W 230O10.4.1 d-T10.131 rv0s d-T fa ww smpea ace mp pore 9/19/t 6 wLT 31Ja. Wood strvctunl wreb vM WdcknoaN s,Mwr, malard avOZMazNg 00 frarug) - aM kss r [ 0.09r Rig 3MNc Nall- s'trom IdlP e.e. IlL CWk,plds.l. Walbl nners (See Table 23 Al; namePtlr10.1]Sj minmum, TaW 330610.a.1 4-TWi 0.131reh a-T 14 aaw -P.. ace mil Swt N A Strap & Simpson Strong -Drive® SD Screw Schedule � Strap & Fastener Schedule fat SBS-E-100C Parwfpex UDlin Wall astere patterF Plata FaSener enemas. Uplln Wall laaener RaM1er Faaemr Plate Fawner 19. Raneym pate 13-6d ew.renR 1?10.131) 3-T10.1]1'm0s J-S to wag zmpes eml R alai m[111 .e rm,I�MO� I- alien s_ Emin acY Mr[C pFCT mkIDryJq 1 01p6sE11g N Y¢T Cmrm 1vw ry 1C IwJq 16ih1A1g1 a Ma M1oL gums 1a1v4 [1C aK ].. /] w, q®r b¢M _ mRRu rRtt All, IT YAYM 0. mac 4srMrren ah-1m n m1m6 1,a /a caner N1 dE ,.T 65p9x1.S d5D9x1S -Hide) NI 4W 6Iw.I' 4Sd H112 r50 85010.1 BS01 p[L4 N112 ]50 &IBdx2S B-+BA.T H3A 495 SSD9x1.4 5509z1.5• 2SD911.S X2A N2.6A 496 s35 S6d11S 580x1.S Sbtl 2a1a11.S SSd N2.54 563 - SSD9x1.S SSD9x1.S 20. +' Dawrel tnw 10 Wd1 vud a1tl pa:e 21. 1' z T.Ma1Mg le r bmdp z-80 ammm R U3"z 01317 2-r1 a.131 m0s 3-T14Ww.npea 3-6d -roman R lyre 0.l]17 hco mp hce reB IQ6 410 SSPJx1.S SSp9a1.5' N2.6 410 5-Bd Saa w.ST - 55D9i1S 6S09at.S Hla 665 SSa 58d M2A a95 )S®x1.4 SS09x1.S H2A a95 )Sm1S }Ba11.S H3 320 4�509a 1.S 4509x15' 22. WAer1Mn 1'[SsnealNnq tv eacn Oea�Yg 3-adco (2112-10.111) face mil (y� J i' F (n j Q (il to J W Z p1 ,ot9 aJO OOays tO Yet ,M BMWY amines �" yea s,R.P¢�rJk"O¢ uoa0 smeNR41mM5 S s 1 nq �Btflo Ipi p, \ •� ••. •. / \ •.• Q / \\ : L\CENSS• •, / /i ` �/' •1 ` l- j i' yBat/¢/I�V�//�/�y/,,s nI Ia' 2 : STATE OF •fV` f �/i fJ� FLORIDP • C���` / s .... \ /////�lO "'"`\\\ Ip 320 48d 4Sd Na 2W 6S.-T 4509at.S H4 215 4-6a aSd za. ewlw apm,rapas +sa wmm,n Pl/r1 o.16z7 rA0.131 mils IT 1a ..Pl.I z4•o.,. lSo.c, I16 o.c. Hs 415 4Sp9a1.S Ns 265 4-Bd d8d LTS-11i 09S --,.S 6s09i1.S 620 610tla1.S 61Wa1.S Lib-16 lm6 --,.T 65WJI.S BSD9i1.5' L1S-16 In.,. LT3.18 Lis-20 620 620 620 0-Iml.v &10a11.5' Ef0ax1,5' 61Wx1.S 310dx1.S 24. guilt-BWe,eM Mena 1'1 T. e.131 (f 1a1927 at 32'o.a. T. 0.131'reib at 24'o.c. 3'14 paw gropes el2P o.c. 240 ccrmmgn (4"10.1927 3-T10.1]1"mils J-T t4 w0e a.Yle hw reBnl mpeM n,n,m anB9orea on epp0s4a abes hco reila ends aid vt,acn apiw Lis-18 1235 65D9[1.S BSD9x1.5" L15-2a M1lls-13 121s m 65D3[1.S JSWSI.S 85p9a1.S rSOh1.S MT542 B60 T•10d11,5' 11Wa1.S MTS-IB MTS48 1W5 1355 -1-I.S hSD9x1.S JSD911.5" Mis-16 B� r-10m1.5' )-1W[1.5' MTS20 1255 JSD9i1.5 )509x1s' rSD9a I.5' Mlii-16 MT6Q0 8E0 efi0 TAOav LS' >•10d1.5' T-l0ev L5' )-tOdi1S Par - Upon Column Faaene, R.-Faaener POwh Pa -to. A21 .3 A]] Uplift 2. J50 m Celumn Faaener 2.1W[1.5' 4-faa11.5' 4.1W Rafter Faaemr blOm1.S 41W11.S trIW 26. 2'plvnYc 1H eemm,n P lrr. a1627 at eachu g PorM A21 A23 A33 - - - 2Smx1.S aS09[1.S 0.9Wa1S 25D9x1.S 4SD9,1.S ISD9xf.S 36. COderrie lO Weer 21. 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Ne,dan ogrS able W I- 4althalY T. Boelrin P.E. Florida Ueermd 164608 (n <L, I sB.dl: FBPR-5 OF 5 Mr. Jim Richmond Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Manufactured Building Program 2601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0772 RE: Plan Approval Manufacturer: Plan Number: Dear Mr. Richmond, Smithbilt Industries, Inc. Smithbilt Eave 180C R2 1748 33'd Street Orlando, Florida 32839 phone: 407.304.5560 fax:407.304.5561 psiusa.com Pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations, the above referenced documents have been reviewed for compliance with: 2014 Florida Building Code, 5t' Edition, with 2016 Supplements 2014 Florida Fire Prevention Code 2011 National Electrical Code (NFPA-70) These plans comply with Florida Product Approval Rule 61 G20-3.006 (FAC) A signed and sealed set of plans are maintained on file in the Third Party Agency office of PSI. All mandatory comments have been satisfied and plans are approved for construction by a modular building manufacturer that is currently approved by the Department of Business and Professional Regulations. If you have any questions or require my assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, William E. Neary, 1h Department Manager Modular Facilities Division