HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1384 -,. ..-"...-......~.-~~-....~~ , "-_~.:: .~. '2t r~.!"" '_ ...... ~..,J\':"'" ~....'""-""" _~ ......~~,;~ 284" ~..--- ,r'4' I i I I I l - s T~ WARRANTYOEED IBDIAlI RIVBR ~ABMS COKPABY 10 I.P.ILLIlfGTOI '1'Bl8 UfDB1rI'11U, Made tile 10th ~ of Deoembu A. D. 1120 ., tbe INDIAN IUVER PAlUl8 COJlJ'ANt. . eorDOft.tIoIl orpJllte4 aad nletlaC...... ... "w. 01 tilt Stale of Florida. llUl7 of tile Int part. 10 B.P.Bl'11ngtoll of... Coull 01 Sain' Luoie ... 8~ of Plodda llUl7 01 Uae MCOM part. , WITH,*Il'I'R. 'Rat UIe aaJ4 JUtt ot tlaeam part, tOr and Ia etlW4enuoa or... _ 01' O..e C tJ..OO) ________ ---....-------....-OOtLA... "-fill ..It .. tlaf Val... BtaIae,... oUIw ftt.... -'4eratlou, 10 It III baa4 paJd b)o Ut. .... partJ of tb. MCOlI4 part, at or Wore tM ........ aM deUW7 of lJMH preeett, aa4 tla. neelpt wllereol .. lle"" aetllOWled&ecJ. ba4 1lUtecJ. 1IupI.... 8Ot.. n'.,..... eclIIye1e4 aD4 eodnIaed, ... b)o tIl_ pteItD" .so.. ..~ put., IlarphI. ..... n'.... COIIYI:r .... ...,.. ...to tile I&kl partJ of tile MCOllII part .... ilia ~ .... ........ " tee limp'. alt tlae laad Ia lit. Le":. CoWlt" "0rl1Ia. Lot 1:m~r2r'Y:' Blook Io.ThirtT...'ight (88)1n the OUT of Veio,l'lorida,al the 18IIIe 18 dedg nated on the p1a~ ot Indian River par.s ComP&n1's SU'bdivision,reoorded in th9 offioe of the ' Olerk of the CirouitOourt in and for said CountT. , ~TBIO~IOJS , 1. the purohaser must olear h~s lot of all underbrush .or undesirable growth within 90 day. from date of puroha.',and in.the event of hit not oomp1)ing W1, th 'thi8,the Company ahall haw' the rlght to do atoh olearing at a oost not to exo.ed '10.00 per lot and oharge sam. to the . purohaser. . . . 2. That the purohaser,will,wlthin,one 18&r from dat',set or oause to have sot out,at leaat t1ve ornamental trae. on the lot,and at least two ornamental tree.between the sidewala and ourb line,whloh will be oared tor by the CompaD7 at a nominal oost,in the event that pUroha- ser ls not on the ground. .' .' 3. fhat all buildings ereoted,must firat oomp1T with the restriotions with reterenoe to p1aoement of building on the lot,and that no ~.sd.denoe shall:be p1aoed oloser to the lot line than ~hlrty (30) ftlet.and no blllld1~s ahall be ereoh4-"itllin the restrioted distriot whioh entail an expenditure ot1ess than '2000.00 without epeoia! permission ot theComp~.All bUildinga,inoludlng rootl,shall be painted. within 90 d~8 from oomPletion. . This oontraot applies only to lots in the restrioted diatriot in the town of Vero.aB is shown on the Company's plat ot theVero townsite. . SUbjeot to all ditoh ass8aament.or any speoial ass.ssments it any be levied for the year 1920'~SU~!i;:~~~':T ~!..f.::J~~ment!: b...d _.4'" u ........... ......... TO IL\VE A.."iD TO HOLD THE 8A1IE. toptlMr with all Ute "ereclltame... aa4 apport_e.. tlaereualo lleloealac. 111I10 tlae ...d puV 01 tile &eco.ct part and bIa hell1l aDd utlllU III fee almp'. for 'ftr. . ADd Ole aaId PII17 or Ute Int part. fOt tt.MU aDd Ita a_ eon. doa here'" c:oY....t w'ltla .... PlU'l7 of tla. aec:oa4 P&rt. bIa ta..... 'epl repreMat&tlres, aad uatcu tllet It ta IDdef-'b1y ..... Of IIaId .... fa fM abaple; tbat It ba3 full pcnrer aDd lawful r1&bt 10 COlI", .... .... fa fM ....p... u afo...s4; that It UaI'1Ie lawfu' for aaId putT of the -<< part. bIa laelr.. lepI rep_"Una. ud , ........ at ai, tlma peac:eab17 ... Iluletly Iomter UpoD. bold. oceaPJ'. aDd eajOt aakI Iud: that IaI4 .... .. f.... fl'Olll all meamllraac:ea: t1Iat It wtU make auela furtlaer auUrlDc:N to Ptff~ tile fM abDple uu. to ... l&ad .. ma:r -"y lie nqalnd.. aDd tbat It doea bereby fglly warrut tlae tlUe to ...d ..... and win defeDd tM NID. ....... Uae lawful dabu of all pawou w~.... . IN WlTNB88 WHEREOF. tII. llUl7 of tIl. Int part,. OIl the cia, ud yar Int alloye wrttlell. ba4 eallMd I" __ 10 lie alped and Ita !lOl'fOrate aMI.. lie alllstd to tIl_ Prete.ta ., I" PrMIcSeat ud Ita 8ec.....f7. -kIeb ~11l taUt Ileea duly alltborlHcl aad empcnr.reeI ., raolutloa of the Boanl of D1ftCtora of tile 'NDJAHRlVER FARMS COIlPANY. party of tile Int part be....... 10 ueeute ... dellYet' tbIa deed. Ind!.J/1 RiTer. 'armB Oompany (ie~) 60~ I.R. Herman J.Zeuoh ,I" Prealde.L Slped. .-le4 aad d.Unreellll p....c:e of 111: Stamp I. ...., i.......... 1.0.%.. .P.a~t.exaoD........... Caaoelled ... ................. .Q.~ JJ,':~$!J\f.YI9.... ......., ...... Charles Dunoan Ita 8eeretarT. - STATE or IOWA. } COUNTY or 8C01'T. ... I. .. o&.r h':r autlaortucS to take aaDOW'e4p!ea.. to d~ do ......, eertll1 tlaat .. tbIa 4&, pe~ appeare4 Htore ~ . lerman J.Zeuoh ... Ohar1.. Dunoan . 10 ... wen Ucnr1l u tlae Prealdeat and 8ecrttarT. ....peetlyel:r. of the JIl4Iaa Rfyet' I"armI Compu,. Uae c:orporatloQ deacrlW fa the fore&o(q ......... p' thq acltaowledte4 llefore lIle that Uae:r ..n d1aly autllorbed " .... corporatJOll to exeeu.. tla. t01'epJIq deed .. ... IIeIIaJl. ... to tip ... _e &114 allls I" .-l thereto. tbat tile .-l dbeel thereto.. tile oorporat. aa1 of ... c:orporatloll. aa' that ..... tIeed w.. atc:aW ~ .... eorporaUoa tor ... PIUJ)CIIee tIIarelJl espreued..... UIq MYet'alI, aetllOW'ed&ed tile uecutloa thereof to lie tIaeIr tree ad and cIeecI .. a1lela o&era. f01' tile _ .... ~ ther. -UOUd. ... tbat tbe aakI ~t .. ... ad ... deed of ..... corporadoa. IN WITNE88 WHEREOr. J ban benulo albed .y DIIDI ... olIIdaI ..... .... 10th daT of Deoember u 20 at Ute CllT of Dans port. Coull'" 8tale af~ J1ranoe'~~I!1Ja a.d for 8eott CoaDI7. JOWL lfITARY SBAL )(y CommI.uIota esplres July 4th 1921 STA.TE or rLORlDA. } COUHTY or ST. LUCI&. 8B I'l' BRVWlJEBBD. That OIl tbIa ..P.O.BLJIUW forfClOlllC Deed Ia ... I'llItUc Ilec:onla of .... Cotua.,. IN WI'l1fJ:88 WIIEIlBOr, I ban belWDlo lit .., .... ... tile... of .... ColIrt, tlae daT ... ,..,.' Uon wrlttee. .."..~!~~ ........ ......... ....... .......... . (SEAL) , Clerk CImdt Court. _ .......(u.t.e4!d!..~r1.......Depgtf Clerk 26th. da:r of "ebruarT A. D. 1. 21 Cleft of the ~ Court .. ... for 11&I4 CoWIt, ban cha1J' recorded tile C'~Ot!SBAL ......- vedle4 ] , . :.1] 11 i ,j , '1 1 I 1 3 j '..1 > . :i ~~ j '.~ ~ ~ ./ '.-, l ..~ I ~ 0:; ~" ;;: ,.._.-,~