HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1387 l~_~,- ( [' r I t ' j " I L --"'-'-~'.-:-~"~--,~"":.~..,,. ~,. '~.' 39S 0 287 WARRANTY', DEED t nmUN RIVER 'AIUlS COMPAUY 10 ARTHUR M.RILL DIIIDDTVU, MacIe tile B1Shth daJ 01, ),[aroh A. n. 1119 _ tbe INDIAN RIVER F~COIIPANY. a corpontlQQ orpabed UII ulaUq 11II4., tile law. of tile, state 01 Ftorlda...111 01 '1I.lnt put. 10 Arthur Ii.Bill 01 tile CoIUI~ 01 Selnt Luole ... state of ~lor 10.. PlU17 of ... _4 put. , WITNJ:88J:l'H. na; uie M14 PAI11 01 tile Ant ...... for aJl4'1a eouIftrt.Uoa 01 ........ 01 -," On.- (.1.00) ______ -..--....---....---- DOLLAJUJ. Iawha1 1DOIl" Ia ... UDlte4 Btateo, a.. ot'" ~1Ill1I" -.lderaUou. 10 It Ie UIl4I .... bT ~e wcl pen, 01 tile ..-wI part, at or before UatI ......taa AlUI .ellTw:r 01 ....PI'-'O" ... "e ncelpt wile....., la lIertbT aek.o.ledpd. .... puted. barIalaM, eoltl. nleuecI. c:oaYQe41 ... -traMd. ... b,. t"- ~.. doea hem, put,. bupla. MU. nl.... COQ"1 aIUI CODIna Qto UIe IIakl pal11 0( lb. MCODcI part ... llla 't(n ... aAlIv. Ie fee alIIIpI. ai, tile Iud Ia 8t. I.4:e CoIUII1. Florida. 4elerlbed .. tollon: "'. , :.; , Lot DO.fourteen (14) .1n Blook Ho. Th1rt7(30) in the tOVln ot Vero.'lorl4e,.. the s.lle :1B-:r~~-;,> de.lgneted on the plat of euoh town,reoorded ln the otfioe otthe O!erk of the Cirouit Court ' ; lnend for 8.14 County. ' !. RBS!RIC!IOJlS , 11. The paroh,.ermu8t ole.r hle lot of '11 underbru8h or'undesirable growth wlthin 90 dal. I hOIl clote o~ purohase ,and 1n the eYent of h1. not ooaplylns w1 th th1a, the Compam7 shall hn. ! the r1Sht to do suoh olear1ng at a oost n~t to exoe~d 110.00 per lot and oharge .ame to the "j puroh..er.., . , " . '12., That the' Purch8ser.wlll,w1thin one ye.r trom d8te,set or oause to haTe set out.et least , i flve ornament.l tree. on' thelot.lnd lelBtt.o ornamental tree. between the slde..lk end ourb' ! line,whloh w111 be oared ~or b7 the Compen1 at I nominal oost.in the event that purohaser 1e . ! not on the pound. ' . ,: 3. ,~h8t ell buildlD88 ereote4,muet tlrst oomp17 wlth the restrlotions wlth referenoeto p18oe~ent of bulldinSon the lot.end that noreelden08 ahell be pleoed ol~'er tp the lot 11ne r th8nthirt7 (30)feet,encl no bu1ldinga 8hell be ereoted Vlithinthe restrioted d1str10t whioh ' l.enta11 eD expenditure ofle.8 than $600.00,Wlthout 8pecl~1 permission of the Company. All ' b.I~41ng8.1nolud1n g roota,8h81l be peinted within 90 4a7S trom oompletion. 'l~h18o~ntreot .pp118. onlytolot8 in the restr10ted distrlot lri the town ot Vero,8' 1s shown on the Compan"S plat otthe Vero townelte., . !SubJeot to 811 texes or dltoh IsseS8ments or aD1 speoisl assessments 1f 807 be livied for I th, l~~.~dIUU_.wu. ~id fll"~'~~" ~ _ 1...........lUdI~1. ...._ J" I ..~.. M._' - . I 'TO.HAVa AND TO HOLD THB SAllE. toaetber wltlt aU tile lIer\'clitamea" aa4 .pp1lrt~DllnCft thereunto belOAClac. llllto the said ! part,. of ... .-.. ~rt aa4 bla h~lrs AlUI ualpa In fee alaple for .....r. ! AIld the M14 parIJP 01 ..... Int part. for Uaelf &a' Ita I1ICe8 ~n, cIC)tlI herell1 C01'ftI&IItwltll laid part, 01 tile ~ Il&rt, bls beIn. ,.... rep&WeataIlYH. &a' UIlpe' UlaI It .. lDcIefeu1bI, _led 01 8aI4 ,1aacI Ia fee elmple: that It Ila3 full power and "wtal rl&lat to <'GIlleT.... IaacIIII lee ....,... .. Ilforaal4: Ulat II IIIlaII be Ia.ful for.... pen, 01 tile ___ part, hla heln, 'epI npr_II"UT... lUId ....... at all Umee .-.ul, ..... llu\etIJ' 10 ..tar UJIOII. hold. OCCllP'. ..... ,eaJOJ' M14 Iu': that ..Id laa4 Is tree fnHa all ~CIUII~: Ulat It 'ril make RdI f1utJwr _vraac. tb parleel the fee elmpl. UUe 10 .... laad as ID&7 reucmabl, be requlre4. and that It does laereb1 fu.U7 wammt ... UlIe to M14 laud. ... wlU.ef_ tile ...... &piut ... lawful elaJma 01 "I Pft'IOIia whoaa.-y.,. IN WITNESS WBEREOJ'. tile parCfol ... ant part, OR the da, and ,eer lrat .110.... wrlU... bad caued I" _ to be elped .... Ite corporate aMI 10 be ..diu" 10 .... p,...... 1111" Pre.tdeut ead Ita Seerelal7. wbldl olB<<n haTe beeG 'ul, auUlorbecl lUId -PGWe1'e4 111 raolutloQ 01 UIe Board 01 D1rtelont 01 the INDIAN R1\'ER FAlUlS COKPANY. "", 01 UIe lrat part herelD. to execule lUId dellyer ~ dee4. ,Lndien Ri V8r Parms Compal1J' (Corp. Seal) 60s! I .R · Ii yes S:temp , erllUJn J.Zeuoh aenuelled Ita PreaJdenL I I ,j i ~ ' I ! .~i, 81pM, -'e4 ... deUnre4 III pretN!a~ 01 as: ............ .9.!~t9$!~.4p;i:~...................... O.D.Sohrum ......................................................... Cher18S Dun08n r.. Becmu,.. STATB or IOWA.' } C011NTY or SCOT'I'. ... J, .. o8Ieer cluJ, alltlaorlze4 10 lake &ckD01fleclcmellta to 4eeda. do 1&ereb1 certIIJ UlaI OR UlIa daJ' peraouat:.1 .pp.are4 before ~ Her~n J.Z8~oh .... Charles Dunoan 10 - .... 00_.. ..... Praldell1 aDd Seeftlal7. reapeeth'eJ1. 01 "e IHIaA JUy., ......... C-PaAJ'. UIe COl'fOr.lIoa daerlt>ed III tile foreplq .eed..... aa4 tile,- 1IC1ID01fltctpcl before _ tMt tile,- wen du',. auUlorlzed b1 ..... corporalloa to eneate lhe forqolq .eed - ... IIeIIaU. ... 10 ..... Ita -- aIUI .... Ita .... tMreto. tIlat tile _, alIlxed thereto Is ... corporate ..I of DId eofPOraUoa. 04 that .... ..... w.. uecated ., ..lei eorporatloD for tile PlU'POIM lMreIa ellPrNMCl. Uld tbeJ aneraU,. IlcllAowleclled tile uecuUou thereof 10 lie Uteii' rr.e act ... ..... .. ncII olllcen, rot ... _ .... __~ ,Ula'eta, meaUoaect. ... that ... aJ4 laatrumeat Is tlae act ea' deed 01 DId CIOr'lIOratIOlL IN W1TNE88 WHEllEOF. I ban he....ato atllxe4 aT .... ... oIklal aMI, thIa 8th cia, of Jleroh 1t L' at Ute ClI1 of Dueaport,'COUl)'..... 8late aforNald. Pranoes X.Plath NotarJ Palllle Ia &adior iJCott Couu17. JOWL --( 1I0'1'Aay 8EJL)-- II,Coalmluklllup/r. Ju17 4th, 1921 STATB or rLORlDA. } COUH'lT or ST. WClB. BE IT REMEMBERED, TIl&t OIl UlIa 2nd. _ .. p.e .amUD foreaolq Deed ill tile PullIle a-rcla or ..... Covat,.. 1H W1TNIliJ8 WBUJ:OJ', I ban Ilereulo Nt 18' IwI4 .... ....... 01 aid Cout, tile ..,. ... J'tu abon wrlll_ · PeC.~RBD .. ................. ........... ................. ....................... (BIIAL) , Clft Clrca1t Celert. a, .. ...... .t;?t.~e-.~...... .Depot,. Clertt - 01 Karoh . A. D. 1. 21 Clertt 01 tMClrcuJ! Celert III all' for aaJcI Couat, ban dDl, recontecl the ---fO!.CTf8BAL~-- . "'"'''' j ~~ (\0 , '/"q t-, '\-t.:~" ~ . ~ - ; I 1 --4>-_ ~. J..~..;h... I !In" "j It " '-'