HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1388 ~ "~ I ,n "7"",........~-.-'~~;"'":~~~~;< .~, ',.. ~~,. 4~ . ..' ~. ,~_~?',~ ~, .4v"IP't"ll",:-:-" 'I~.......,...-:;.~-r,,-.-_b.cl!l .,....--, ~~~~~". 288 8880 t.,...,.........- ~ ~ ~ I . I I ; I i i , WARRANTY DEED IHDUII RIVBa J.&m18 COKPjIY 10 JUT! CjRRO'fHERB HII DDBn'UUo ... \be 2'1th cIa1 of November A. D. II 2l ., tile INDIAN lUVBIt FAtUI' COMPANY. 1& ~Uoa ~ aU ulltlaf...... th Ian 01 Ute SCate 01 rio...... JUt1 of tM Itat ll&rt. 10 Katt Curothers 01 the Ceul1411 Sa1nt 'Laole uclSlate of norU.1 ll&1't1 01 Uae 8ICOIII1 put. , ' .. WITNB88Jft'1f','l'laal the laid paI't1 of ti.a ant tIUt.. for ... III coul4IentIoIl ot the __ ~ -One (.1.00) ----..-..-_ , --------..-....---OOLLA1UJ, 1a1ffa1 -e)' Ia ... 11llIttcl atatee" ... oUatt nlubl. eouWentJolll. to,lt Ia .... ..... ., Uae ; laid puV Of Uae MOODI JUt. at or IleIore ... .......... ... ""IYe17 or UaeM ,_III. ... Ut. rec.lpt w..not .. lien_ aet_'~ , MiA ......1... ........... .... rei.....,. COlly"'" ... -af8ed, ... lIT th.. ........ 110M benbJ anal. ~'..n, n'-. COATe)' ad eodnD ..to tile .... partJ 01 the MCOe4 put ... "- ..In' ... ........ Ia tee aIaI,le 11' Ut. Iaa4 Ia .. La":. OoaaiT. ftortcla. : 4elcrlbet ., f!ltonl i Lot Jlo. 'en 110, 1n B100k Ho. Hlneteen (l~) In the Clty ot V8ro.l~lor1de,es the same 18 des1s- jneted on'thepllt ot Ind1an Hlver '.rms CompanJ'a eubdivisIon,reoorded 1n the office ot the i Clerk of the 011'o,lt Court In end tor add Count,. Ie erPlc1""o~ . ll. The puroh8ser must 018lr b1s lot ot ell underbrueh or unde81r'le growth w1 thin 90 dlJs II trom dite o~, purobl.e. end 1n the event of hie. not oomp1J1D8 wl th th1e, the Oompeny shill have ,the ri$htto do such 01e.rin8 ct a cost not to exceed 110.00 per lot end oherge s.me to.the ,!~ro~::;rihe puroh8ser7;iii:;iihi~ o~~~~~;;t~~'d;i;:;;t-;;-~;;;e to heve eet out,~t lelst ltlTe ornemeptll tree. on the lot.end et. 1e8sttwo ornamental trees between the sidewalk and lourbl1ne,whloh w111 be oered tor by the Oompany at I nomine1 cost,ln the event th8t puroba- ;ser is not on the 8TQund., . . 13. That III buildlnge ereotet.muet tirst oompll with the restriotlon,_~1tb retereno,'to lpl~oement of building on the lot,end thet no residenoe ehel1 be p180ed;l;o the lot 11no then thirtJ (30) teet,and no buildings ehlll be ereoted within the ~e8t1'loted distriot whioh lants11 8n expenditure ot lese then 1600.00 without epe0181 permission of the Comp.ny. . ,j11 build1Dgs,1noludlngroofe,8hell be pe1nted within 90 d"efroD oompletion. lihis oontrlot Ipplies only to lote ln the restrioted' dletrlot ln the town of Vero.8s 'e shown Ion the ComP8DJ's plet ot the Vero townsite.' iSubJeot to 811 dltoh assesemente or 8ny speoie1 ISS8sements It IDJ be levied tor the Jear ! 1920,and III subsequent taxes. en4 Iseessments. ! ' "...t...A .4L- f~L .... __w'.h.r..-MIb:- - ....... 1 .......... ___ ~-..... ...A..IdY~ .. ~.A...... L.~.1 ~ . . TO IU. VB AND TO HOLD TH~ SAlIB. topUatr wIth. an the hfl'HI'-llta ... appartellaJl_ the_to bel...... lIIIto the HId partj- of ~ -.- pan and 111I heiR ... aal.... Ia tee .lmpla toreni'. AIlIl the.MJd party or Ute Int part. t<< ltaelt ... ,.. ._.... 110M ben," eOYeDant wIth .... paft7 ot the MeOIId P&rt. hi. befn, '.... repr_taUns. .." ualpe that It Is lARleulbly HInd or '.... IaIl4 'a tee aim".; that It hU tull ~r lUI4 lawtul rt&ht 10 COIl,..,. MJd IaD4 ID tee ....".. u atoreaM; that It aban be..1(fuI tot' MJd IllUi7 or tile NCCIDd tIUt. II1IlIeln, lepI re'rftea"UY", ..4 ....... at all U- peaeably.... QuletiT to eater .poD.bold. occuPJ'. ... elIJoJ' eaI4 ,..d; that HId IaD4 Is tree rr- all eaCllllllb.....cw; tIIat 't ril mate ndl turtIIer .........cea to perted tile 1M aIaIpl. title to MJd 'aad u IDQ' _Illy be nqulnol. lUI4 that It cloes "~y fully wanut \be title 10 ..... Iud. .... win delead tlle aame apIut the Ia"tu, elabu 01 all ~ W~R. IN wtTHE88 WHEREOF. tha pru1)' 01 tile Int put. OR the d'ylUl4 y_r Int aIIoYe "rlll.. bad eaued t.. ...... 10 be e1ped ... I" eorporate Mal to .. afDxed 10 th_ ._ta by I.. Prsl4eat ... Ita 8eentarT. .~ ~n bue beeD dill, alllllorlae4 ucI empoWered ., ftHIlIlIoIl or the BoaN or DIrectOR or tile INDIAN RIVER FAIUIS COKPANY. ll&rty 01 tile ant part bereID. to uerate ... dellYer UaJe deed. Indian Rl ver 'erms Co. By MermeD J.Zeuoh . (Corp. Seal) yes SIp", Male4 ucI 4tlfYere4 Ia .~ace or III: ..........,...Y IrA. .!e.t Ji.e.rao.o................ '" ............ ...9.,Jl~.IlS.Qhf~..................... 11.00 I.ll. temp Cl:noelled Ita Preal4eaL Charles Duno.n I" Sec:~. STATE. OF IOWA. } COUHTY or 8C01T. ... I, .. oIIIctr "lily alltllort&e4 to take kbotr'edCllleata to dte4a. do IIerebT eertlfy Uaat OD tllle day "~, a"ean4 betore .... Herman J.Zeuoh .... Cherles Dunoan to _ wen bowa u tH .....I....t lUI4 8feretar)o. reepeedTel7. or the ladlaa Rlnr ...,.. COla,..,. Uat corporalJoll dtKrIlIe4 ID the tol'fC'Olq deed..... ... the)' adlaowlt4p4 betore III. that Uaq "en 4111,. a.th0rt&e4 11)' eaId eorporatloa to exec'" tile toresolq 4tH OD ,.. beIIaII. ... 10 .... Ita IWIIe ucI ails I" ... tbento. Uaat the Mal ails.. th.... Is the ClOrlKW&te Mal ot IIaId eorporaUoa. .... lbt IIaId .... YU uecwled by ed4 eorporatloll tor the "~ thenla uPreAe4,'" tbey MftI'aIIY ulaowle4ce4 ... ueevtloll thereof to . lie their free ad ... deed u eadI ollken. tot' Uae _ lUI4 ~ tHrftIt aftlIoMd. ... Uaat the aa14 laatnuDetlt Ie tile aet &lid deed or IIaId eoQOfttIOD. IN W1TNE88 WHEREOf'. t ItaTe IIemllllo aIIlse4 ~ II&IM .... ollelal ..... Wa 27th day or liovember 11 20 at the Ctl1 01 Day.. pOrt, COIJal1 aM Bta.. atoreMl4. ?renoee E.Plath Notary Pawae Ia aad tor Scott Coual1'. I_a. .IIota17 Sell. II)' c...........In. apl~ ' July 4tb, 1~21 STATE or ft.ORlDA. } COUNTY or tn. WCl& B1i IT JlDlEJIBDBD. "I'IIat OIl tb1a 3r d . I, P.O .ELDi\ED torepI.. Deed Ia the PIlUle JleeOnIa of IIaId 00aal1'. 1M W1'I'NB8I WIID&OI'. J ItaYe IIereulo Nt .., .... ... the Mal of eaI4 Coart, ... W u4 yeu aIloYe wrtllea. . ..."...........~ ~~ ...~~!.~..................... (BBALJ . Clm Clrnlt Ooart. 8)" .....a~:ii:[~......DqetJ' Clm lIlT of Heroh A. D. II 21 'Cln of tbe Clmal~ Court ID ... tor ..... ColIIIty baTe duly record.t the -~ .OT .sula-- . .1 I Recorrt 'V"riled , IF' :J i I I I . I I I I I j ; I ] I l ! 1 ,~ ~ ,~ ..,i, 1 '! ,~ ~ ~ .1 , , ._-;.',::':~f>]frtf~(.lt'