HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1404 ~':~~(.~;7'~:.~rt" - ~~':;.~~Tlf!,;:t/":~-~'" , .' .',' - '-'.'.---'" ''.. ~". ~ ~" t. _", _" ,n 304 ~__.a.w.uc '~~~_!':~~__,_.._ WARRANTY~,DEED I IDW BrraJlA1M8 OOIIlAIJ to OI~Jt,.'I~ ~ TBII~We4etlle'~ dqof' - 4;111 INDIAN lUVICIl S'ARNa COMPANY.. ~ ~.......1III4n' tile Ins 01 UIe State of PIori4a. put)' of tile Ant put, to A.D. It ~UIe Our:l.e. '.Mwuh;' . IlllAOl ,C!ltMC-t1of', ud 8t-.te of , , ' ' " put)' of tile __ put. WI'I'NBSS8TB. 'nat tile... put)' of die Ant put. _ ud III ~ of tile ~ Gf, . , OBa' J)011,' 'u (n~,~ aDd" 'OU',t: ';8004,' ...,&1'-'1' ~ 00, P1, A, .~at,101l'--""--_._-""'-"'-"'-'._---"-"DOLI.AR.c;. lll'liflil--....." .. tile, W&i -' cUe T.a.abIt ~ to Jt .. Wtctd ~ '" tile ... Pkt1 of UIe __ pert. at .. Wclft tile ~1IIId delhuy of *" ........' _ tile naIpt .~ II..." ~ Iaa4 ~ted. ........... MI, ~ COIIftJ'ed ud ,OIlIIfirad. ... '" ......-tt oIota hmtly PM" --......... ........ -ftY ... ... ___UIe 11I4 put)' of UIt ..... ..... .... .. ... ........... .. fee ..... aD U \ Ie84 .. at. lAde, C-ty. PIatIde. cItscriIlcd In . foIloft:' , . .' , " .' , :- ~,' ,ei (lor ot ,...., ,,"ll~(~r -"aor.,; ot'ir~~t '" (.) i~.O'10Jl ,t..bv-tou (,.) ..... ftlP,tbl~~wO (air ao.th. au.. fhlr.,..allle (I~) ~...." ut!le ..e 11 ,a.e.lpa,.A oa . tJs:.l...'....ral.p1.' OI,laa4', of 'he .'In41an BITe!' Ju..OCII~.tllt4 ill the ottl" of . the';C18tkofthe. Olroult Oou~of SalD' Lucia OounV,florldae ....1... Sub~eo~ '0 all taxe8 and dUoh a8818_oll'8 or AD7 apeolaJ. as'la..et If 8'A7 be le'Yled tor,the,ear 1~21,and all aub..quellt tae. ana. ...es.ent.. ~-' ~'. Ba<<pI.1IcioIlnW. _ ript C!lway - pahUe rllIds. cInliu&e csuh. ui4 ctitdIes as ahowu 011 _ plat of tdcI1aD4b IIUlde by _ puty of _ lint put. " TO HAVJl ~D TO HOI.D TQ SUfiL ~ with eIl,tlae IIendltalM!atS.... ~ theramto bebaiDa. uto _ aid puty 01 _ IKoad put and ..lldn aIId ...... "'ce .....1aIner. , ;' ... UIe ..w perty' or tile Ant put)'. 'few iltdf -* Ita --.. dots lItrcbJ _t with aid party 01 _ IKoad put. Ialt IIein, Itpl nprend.atives. uad usfcos dlat It . ~'''''lY -- of ....a-s 1a fee .....i tIlttit 11M full ponr ...lawful rlPt to --..q ald 1llIld 1a fee ..... lit eloraald; tbt It tIIa1I ,lie lawful ror laid pat.7 of ~... ~Ialt .... kpl ~~ ...s ..... at .. ~ ~ and ,quittJJ to tlItft upoa. WI. o.'CtIpY. and najoy aid Iuld: that aid kod Is rl'te ...., .. ,-...L.'aIICIt$i ~ it 1rill maIre'''' r.atJltr _ to pafftt the Ice IiapIe titlt to .... Iud as may t-a.Iy lie RQUiRd. uad tMt It does latftby rally nrnat _title to.....lIad,... will cWtIICl __ ~ tile lawruldaimsofal P--~'''''' . "IN W11"NRSS WH8ll.BOJ? _ ~ of UIe lint put. 011 tIIc cIq ad JUt lint eboft 1!Irittal, lied --' its _ to lie Ilc-l ad Ita (GfJlOnIe Ielll to be albed to tIlMe sn-a. ." lis ~...Ita Secfttsry. wWdI alIicen"ft bea dII1y eu~ .... tmpOftftd by raoIutloa 01 tJIe Boud 01 Dincton 01 _ INOIAN RIVHR PARMS COMPANY. party of tile lint put bada. to _te ad cSeIlwr thlt deed. , Ja4lu BiTa Jlallll 00. (CGrp.ScaI) , ~'O., B, a.NaIl ".h1lO1a fIcMd. Scaled ad Dei'ftftd.. ~ 01 us: i:cJ' PO R4~ 'b ' ..__............h._...!.~.~~~~?:,~.~~_......'. ......... p. ..~ $1: A t. '~ ' O.B.Sohr_ "<4t;.,r r.-C)fi. .;.................:......... ............. ..---.......---......- ..-........ ................ -...... -.... - - ~..... '.. ... -..... .-- ~ GO. t I I I Its Prerldeot. Oharle., Duuua Its Sta'etuy. f)..OO sUa>> 08l10el1e4 ~D ow lOW"'}' c..tJ .,..... '.. . r:.. oIka _ aatIIcirimI to taR ~w.-u to deedt, do JIeftby cutiIJ' tIltt oa un. dq ~ eppund htlcn _. rl J .... ..~ ".alllOh aA Obule. Duo.. 10_ woeII bwa.,...I'raidat.... &adaIy. Japeditcb-. of UIe ..... Rha' ,.... eo.JlUI7. the CIOl'JICIntioa ~ 1a tile ~ decd. ... &ad tbcy adaaowledied Wen _.diIl _ Weft""" ~ by MId ~ to escaate tile ...... deed CIa Ita bdIaII..... to ...Its _..... db ita... thado. tIlat _ _ ..eel UIcnI8,. lilt C8)lDh&e .. of.w cupllI'atba. .... dial .... deed was utcI&ted '" aid ~ ,.. the ~ tIleftiIt apreued. aa:t tile}' wnnIJ' lICbowJed&ed tile....... ....to be tWr me ltd &ad deed .,.... ~ _ UIe _ ud~ tIaerda ~ tad dlat _ uJd ~t Is the.. &ad deed 01 aldf ~ 6."'... 11 e, ! ' , ',tk WITNESS WHBIlBOP. ._" __to.ased.,. _... c&:ialaal. tm. - day of .P1' 19 - t at _ atr of Daftllplllt. c-ty &ad State.sor-&l. .;""c.1-I ~ ,. -<.h\ h..e. l.ft.tIt ~ r /) tN., ~ ~ HOUr)' PubIc ia &ad ror Scott CGaaty. low.. o _~_ - lty~apiru J1I11 "tb 1'81 ~-&.u ,~ - . sr~~=J,-} Un' "~JIM1l1PUlD. 1'IIat 011 ... .."..,j'...fY , . . P.O"BlU,a. ...... --.., ...~. . I.H WITNII8S WHJPlJSOP. J _ft ~ at ., ......... lb....of .. c-t. die .y ... )'aI' .a-e writta. 131'4 ., 01 Mq A. D. III au 01 tile Orait Com iii _Iar aaIcI Couaty Ul"e dal7 -.led tile Iorqoiac D<ed .. tile Of,ot.8AL .... ...... ..",q~.~~~.4........ ,,_.. ..~ ...... .......(S&\L) " Cleft Ciralt c-t. , 'aJ~' 11)'.,...:.. , . ..... .,...,.,.,..,..:~,.~,.,.DepatyClert. ReeOrd Vertle(f , . .,' .,.,,~~.:~,;~Itj'l~~'~f