HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1406 ''':~~-.:':;''- .~Ul~-:""-'l-~' I I"..., ;, ~. ~ 1.1,.~ JJI!~~,:~,~.~-;,~~~; _ tl!L~-~.~:.. +~l.1l. .,..l,,~~~ ,~, ~I~., ~~~ h.l. J(I., !~""'j;':~~;" ..~. _ l .,..,.. "I: _~ .... IJ. ,1~, f J ~'... " ' -.L}4 ,.'.. .._ . .,. ~..'.... ~~~ .. I.. ,~,' ~~.. 808 ' .... ..~ u.,.......... !.~~!M' W ARRANTY1.-'DEED "IJr~ I ~ IllJ)UI llIVlll ,.wra oouut " ~u i.fINOI to 1.'III8111D1lmJU. KI4e die .6~ day aI ' Oo\ober INDlAN IUV1Ia r.uws CO)(PANY.. -..atloa 0quIaed ... ~ __ tile k", of tile.. aI ........ ~ aI tile Ant put. to JohnJ. ~l blOB '01 tile c-v aI Jla41.oa .... ... aI 11141" putJ 01 die ..... PlUt. Wl1'NIl!8Jn'8. 1'1Iat tM MId put)' aI tile ..... put. for ... ... CiClDIIIdeI..- altIIt_ 01 ,._-~--_.'.-...,.;:---..._-'.. 0.. (tl.00).~.~-"''''~--''._-----~ --_.__...._..~-,..,~.._..-...-.._------_..- DOLLARS. , Iawhl ~ .u. ~ ..... ... 'oUia- ...... ~~ f.4 it Iia ..... peW 117 tile MId ~ aI tile ~ at tlf W. tile' ~ .... 4eIlwr,. aI tbta ..... ...,...~' wIMnoIlellenll7 acbCJwledced. w PUled. ~ eoId,.' reIeuccI. coa'ftJe4.... -*-'-' ......, u.-....... daei ~ Put, ....... iii. .... raw1 ... eaaIrII _to tile .... pUty 01 UIe ..... ,.. .... ... ,",I ... --. ... letliaaple . tile Iu1d .. St. lAde ~. ....... ...... ., 'oUon:" . .. ,,' .. " w.~~.~~~'(Q4 tl:f~,:on...h\lD4r.dth. ~ao.~) aor.. o.~ hMt 'Uteln (~~)s.ouon Sizt..n Cie) "'VtO~*lP Thlr\,-three SOllth; RUle thut7-n1.. (8~..ia.',a. the .... 1e de.lpateA .;..~.. ", ~ ~-"..." ~ - . .. ,..." ,~.' ,'.' , . ',' " on ~e last'lIneral, platot lanA. of \i1elnAlu'1l1Terl'u.. 00llp~,fl1eA 1n the of:fl0., _\ " '..".: " . ". . ,. 1t . '.' - of the Cl'~k ofth. 01rou1t Oout of Salnt Luol. OO\Ul~1..lor14.. .. A. D. 1910 b7 tile I I I ! I t I 1 f j I . I I I Sub~eot to All 41toh assessments or 8DJ .peolal as.e.saents If anr be leY1ed :for the lear 19&0 an4 811 lubsequent taxea&Dd ass..saen\e. ~ howner, tile ....t eI -.a,. b pabIie ,.... drUIa&e euah, tI!Il clltdate ulbotrn oa the plat 01 aid Iaacb .... by the pari,. 01 the Ant put. . 'l'O HAV8 AND 'l'O BOU> TUB S.u.fB. tcIcdhu willi all the ~lI tliId ~ daamato bdoa&iac. lIIlto the aid party fA the RCoad pUt aad his IIcin uad ...... he IIaIpIt fcnwr. AIId the.... ~aI, tile int party, .. tUtU lIDllita ~ doef1ltftb7 ~tuDt witlt aid partj d the eecotld put. 1rJs1lriN.1tpI ~tatiftS, uad..,. : tlaat it II ~~ 01........... he"'i that it... fd powu _lawf. ..lat to -ftT aid laud Ia 'ee lilapir. as aforesaid; that it ..... be ....... f. aid pet)' aI the -.d put, 11II...... ~tatiftS, ud.... at ell U- ~ UId qa{ttJJ' to tilt<<........ Wd. CX'CUPY,lIDll mJoT aid Iaad; that aid laud is free ''"*,.. _____; that it will aMb'sadt ...tIaEs _ to pafcd the he _pie titJe to aid IaDd as JU,. r-u,. be RqIIiRd.lIDll tlIat, it doeIloeftb,.'aII,. ..... tile due to......... .... will ddaIlI tile __ apiIIst the Jawfal dalms alai per.- ____--. , 1NWI'l'N8SS WHBIlIOl'... party ,aI &1M 6nt put. _ tile day tad )'eU Ant aboft writtal, Iaad cuated ita _ to be Ilped ad its CQI'pOf'ate ... to be diud to tIaecc..-- .., ita PraIcltat lIDll itaSecmart. wIdda ~"lt bmI ....,. aatIaclrized ea4 ~ b7 __tIoa 01 tile Baud eI DftctGn 01 the INDIAN RlVaR PA1U(S COMPANY. party aI tile lint put htrda, to _te u..s cWIftt tldl cSced. ~ ,,\1<< F41", ~la1l ,RiTer .... 00. ~ :fc . B~ Beman J.ZeuGh ~ Of\POIf"... q Siped. Sakd UId Deliftnd Ia Pranace allIS: ,.., (. 'I' _...-____......__~.h._.9!~,.'_qJlJ_'I!IL.........__,....,.. .~ ~fAL ; __...........___.._.,..!~-~!~~~-,~-___.'.... .__. :._ .... _h. h:~ Co f'-O ~ I I I I J I 'I I ! <ear,. Scal) , Its PruicltIlt. Charlee JhmoaD f2.60 I.B.Steaps Ouaoelle4 III Seaetuy, S'fAU oj lOWAf L c:.., aI.. } .. .. ~ daIT autlIoriIed to tab ~ to ..... do loeftb,. catifJ' UIat GO t1ait cia,. permcaIT appuftil W. -. : ! , I \ f 86~ Oo~ob. ' 1920 dqal lI,. (', - . '- apira' - - ~' " It::} ?;;~/AL ~(!' 'BBlTllIIIIIlMBlDUlD.11IatClllUIII ,. .,.aI .1uM. A.D. 1981 , ::... ~ 1 :.SliBt~d an eI tile CImIIt eo.t .. .. b.... c-ty "we _ ftDllf1Ied UIt faRauIaI Deed. tilt IN WlTHJl8S WHIUUlO.. ."w 1Icmado _ ., ..... ..aRb... of ... c-t. tile cia,. ... ,... 8Iaow writtm. (Of.Of.SIAL) ~eco rei II: el1JetI ... ,.., .........."' .~!~!'.~~~~~ .... ....- ..----... .......(SIW.) an Cimdt c..t. a,. ......., .~.... ':. ,....w:{ift##~..~~.~aa. ' , '. ., '.~, ,~..:<~"j~tl~~.~r4t~~~