HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1408 1'.-.-- --------.---~.....-:"~'.---o;~..-"~~>~~-~~..-r:,. ~. '. .' ~ : ~ ...... < ~, ........, '''. ,~...-. -:'" , . 308 _...L--__. ~!:..~~.~~~h~:r_'t.\~ I --' . W ARRANTY1..DEED\ '\,', \ I 'J-~W, JUt. ,~ ooum., to ILLU B..1U ~ OOJU I.~' 'I'lQ8n l'DmJII1'Vd,.' n'B~sa"l),[e4t~ ..,'c1 '00:'". jJ-..'a1.d _01 ,J1mt A.D.it81",UIt 'I INDtAW mea PAIUIS CQWPANY. a ~ orpa1aed .o.s m.tiaI-- UIt ..... 01 u.. eta. 01 JIIoricI8. put)' 01. lint put. Co · of tM o-ty of .Da.V~ ..i....; 01 '. , no.dA. put)' of tile II:CCIQd put. I .....~~~~~~~.:~~=o:.(;~~~=-.:'_-.._----_.. ..-_..~.._.....---- ..----- OOr.rARS. ' '..""".... .. .. 11IIW Sta-.. ucI 0tIIeI' '...... ~~ Co It .. IIaad IlllI4 '" tM ... put)' 01 u.. -- put. at or Waft tile ~ aDd dcImQo I of u.. ...... MIl u.. receipt wIIereollt IMRby ~ W ......... ......... eoId. '...... ~ Ulll-'r.ed. aDd '" UIat ~tI cIGet 1Imb1....... ...... ... ..... ClQa~ .... codra _Co UIe sUI put)' 01 u.. ~ part ... WI .1Idn ........... .. fee lIiIIIpIe II UIt IIlIcl .. 8t. LlIde C-tF. JI1ortda. cIeIcribtd ~ :'::~ '~'''9a1lc1n/100 120.") aol". ottr...,. ~lJ"I. (11),.. W.., twln'1 ~ 82/100 {~<.:'.~ oJ '.,..' e'. '. ' , , , " . , ' l J.8.q<.ti)ilf~~'~Of tr~,~~u:~". :l~)~all 1."8'o.UO~'1.t-... (lll)~,~O~lhlP !hll".7-'hl'l' (P) I ...~S~~~.J~l,fJall'''-n1zae (8~) ,.~."a.. ~. .~ .1. ~e.,~'14 on ~.'la.' SI.I,l'al plat ot t l~.' of the ID41an B1Tel' 'Juu OoaPaDJ.flltA lntthe O(flol o.f _.Clerk of.. 011'01l1t t '" ,.' , ' I Oo.la' ot Sain' L~le o 0.0'7. 11 OI'U.. ! 811bi.o'~~o 'a1f tax.. aDA 41Wh &B.ls.lnt. 01' ~ .pe0181 ...ee_Ia'. 1t d7 be levie4 tor " the ,Iar lial, u4 all .ub.e,a.. ~Ut' ua4 a88ls.ent. ~;C'...'" i. ~- , . j I I ~ ~. the ....t of wa, lor puI& r-ss. cIniuae caaII, ud ditdla as .... OIl tile plat 01 sald1ucb ... ",. the pm, 01 UIt 6nt put. . .' ,,' ~" HAVE AND TO HOLD "11JB s.ura. ~ lritla all the ~tI ... appurtmaJIces tlwm8ato ~Ioaclaa. uato the said put)' 01 UIt RCOlld part aad Isis WIll aDd ..... fa lee .....Icnftr. , , AII4 tile -,a1lfllV ill UIt Ant 1IUtF. lor itIeII aDd its --. dua 1Ieftb1_t lritla Mid put, 01 the... put. Ids Wn. Itp1 ~ aDd U!IicM '...t it ilI....1..,.., .ucd _ ...laadla fee ....: t1lat it.... '..u ...- ... 1&",.. rielt to D*W1 Mid Iaad la lee ..... .. aI~; t1Iat it sIaa11 be ....wfgJ lor said pm, cif......,.,.. Wl1IeQ.1.pl ~tatmI. MIl ..... at II tiIaa ~MIS qwIetJJ to astu apoa. 1IoId. 0CiCUpf. aDd alJ07 said laad; that said Iud .. me ~'''', ,'W'.,_~, lIIat It wiIl....~ r.u- ___ Co perfect tile ICe IiIDpIe title to"'1aad as _, -"Iy bereqqiftd. aDd tlaatltduabeftb,IaIl)' __ tM tit:e to saldlucl. MIS wID &lad. _ ap.bIIt tIIe.....rw daias 01.. per.- lI~.d. IN, ,Wl'l'!m5. WHBIUlOP. tIle...v _ dle Int put. _ tile., "'1tU' lot eboft writtm. IIad ..... itl_ to be IiptcI aDd its ClllI'pOnle _ to be dUed to ,lIIIM '....... its 1'Nidaat... ita 8ccretat..... aIicrn Iaa.Te '-.., ~ tad a.powatd ",. reolatJaq 01 die Iloud 01 DiRnon 01 the INDIAN RIV8R 'I 'AIUof8 COWPANY. .-t7 01 tile Int JIIUJ.... Co eRCUte'" ddiftr: UIis deed. " .' . ' ''''It 1Ja41aA Ill...e.. JUlIa CO. , (Corp. Sr40 ~~ A',. :&7 aenaD J.ZI. ,,', .p.po""J-. ~ ~ u - ~ 'It SEAL ~ ~b Praideat. ~ SeaWtad DeIiYaed ... Praaace 01 as: Ve... Pattel'.oa Oharle. DUDO" , ' - ...~....._...-....-_. ..........-.... ............ -...-..--...._.. --' ..-..---...... -..... --..... -.., --.. --..... , I _,eo I.B.Stlllp. oano.il" ItI SecrdaJy. .,' 0.B.3ohza '~...- -- --.. --.. -- --... .'__?..",;!.':;. --~.;... -......- -....:......-.. .-..-.. -.. -...... -.......II......... ~.. .. ._. &TATI ot ,lOYi,loL ~.,..... j , I. aD c6la' ..., tlIllIariJed ,Co tUe .a-~ to dcaII. do 1Iefth7 m1lI, that 011 tldldaJ per--u, appeared btIore _. (1 lJ -.... B.raan, .1.ZellOh aDd OJaul.. ~..... 'to.... boira. UIt ~...~. ~ti... oldie r..-.Ilha P.... CoaIpaJ. tllecotpontJoa deIcribed la tile,..... deM.... aad tbe)' ~ .,... - UIet ..., .... ..., utlIaiiIed '" ..... corpcndaIa Co 'euaaee t1Ie ~ .. 0Il1t1 beMJI. .... Co ....1tI_ ... ... itI..a tIRftto. dlst dle ... aI&sed ~ ii:... ....... - ... egporatiaB. ... diat taW deed .. ~ .". ..... c:orparatIoa ,. 1M plUJIO)tI t1Iereilt aprtIMII. ad thy lennll, lICbowW&ed '. .......u..re.t to, be .... free lid u4 4eect .. .... ~' lor tt,e _ ad plIrpIlNtS thenla ~ ad l1lIit UIt ui4 llISlr........ It tlie act aDd deM 01 said i , corporatIco. - ...oil .... ....- - 21 :, IN WlTNll8S WHHIle)'. 'I line taue.t.o......, ... ~ .... tWt ...... - .,. or.uw It ! at tile ,Oty 01 DanllpCllt. c-t, aDd Stale aIonaid.. c, l!t f. p~ [ ';f .." 'l'aDO.. B.Plath I tin W Q ~ , NoltIqPabBc: ... ... lor ,Scott c-tF. Iowa. I ~UVIII W'C-----apira Jul7"~ 1921 I I , ~ "'01 ~' , A. D.lt~ \ i . aort or tM 0mIit c-t .. .... 1<<..... eoa.tJo _~ duI1 rawdrd UIt ..... Deed .. UIe I ~ II'ATI, or, ,lLOI1DA,} c..t.r ., 1M. t.de. ,. . Barr ........KR.O. n.t _ t1IIt J., ,,': ".'.O.JO.btl ~ Itecor*or... CwIIJ'. , 1M 'WI'I'NBS8 WHICIUIOP. I _w ___ let .... ....... &te_ 01 said c-t, .. ., ... ~ alacIft 1IrilaBL IItJa _>-..:{ .E'~_~ l,:.....;'r~,,/, Ot.Of.8B.&1i It/;,' CO",O "'.ti: IQ~/~/) .. ...., -,.....,.-...., -. ~~.~_~~.~~~., h, .... .hu __...:.(QAL) CkrlI CImaIt c.rt. ' ., -- -....... .. - CldY:if. 4& .~4,..,.......Det<<J an. .:,~ . ..",:' -', T -' r# 'T . ~ "'<'-'~;\~~'11:!~~rf~ .