HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1420 ( ''f ........."'" ~ ~ "4.. . . ~~........... 1. I . '. -......--.. ~____~-n-."q'"", 'V ,....~1~ ""il. "I TMl"- _1. ,iii r'~"~-=-.......~ 320 ._,~..:~'~_~'!1!'~M.~.!!.:!.,~:'~ __ WARRANTY 'DEED' ,) 1IJ)x.Q alYU ... 00....' .tb , OABLt~ U'DIUID ftIOIIILL Oj8L!Oi ~ ftIOJIILt..' 81'.~ u4 ~'-="::;;';;;'~1,,;;:'=-~~-_~~-:"'~_'~-"- 1111I nmarvu. JdacIe UIe 16th dq el .lupat A. D. ,9Il.,by the INDIAN RJVIR 'A1WS <;OMPAMY,. CClrJIClhtlaa ~ aad t.... lUldel' tile laws 0( UIe State el PIarida, puty 01 tile Int pert. to ON'l'CIR"~ tw1ebeU. ar.. .ui OU1'. Ba~ Moheil . , , 01 tile Coaaty QI , Oalhoun aadScateel l1l1Jlols '~olUle~put. I W1'l'HJ$SSJmI. Tlaat u.e .us puV of UIe Int put, lot tad la CClIIIidCntioa 0( the _ 01 " , OIle (11.00) '. ," DOUAR8, I lawfwol ~ .. tile UIIMed SCatct, ..s oUItr ..... CWlidefttlaat. to It 1a hM4 pQI by' the .us. put)' 01 UIe KUACls-rt. at ... ~ UIe eaeaJiq tad dtliT<<y 01 u..' S--tlr..... tile I'l!CItIpt .tleftoI Itllaeby ~ IIad cnattd. barcaI-t. ,told. ftIeued. roBft)'tIt..s ~ aa4 bJ t&tit pI'ttCIl'- dote MRby cnat. ........ ... ...... cotlW)' .... ClDdra llllto UIe ta&oi party 01 UIe ttcQIId part .... IUs lltIrt aa4...... .. fee llIapIe aD UIe Iaad 1a St. I.ucit C-ty. JlIorlIIa. dtIcrihtd a, '~: lfo,t .0..-..~dl.:f01I1"',") lD Blook 'OH~lC") SA till Olb of "eZ'o. ftorlc1a .. the ....~l. 1.....~c1"tIL:."'lut ~, ot ID41an 1l1WZ' 'Janta. Oo...,'s II1lb41Tlslon, Z'I00l'4e4 1Jl the ott101 of t.aii-Olerk of the Q1Z'Oll1' Oout ~ ad fol' ...U. Oou'" . JUlBD10tl0l8. I <, '::.' ~. ',I.' pvolla..r ~ ol.ar hl. 10' ot all UDllerb:n.u 01" 1ULde.1zab le powth .Uh1D. eo Wa _,.~.4a~ ot J)voh..... aD4 1Jl ..at of hie aot oCIIQ17i,n8 With 1ih18, the Oollp~ ~~).'1'e . 'hi r1p' to 40 Roh oleU"1n& a' a oo.t nott.....c1 .10.00 J)tr 10' anA oharp .... to thl plIZ'obaer. ' . , ,d, at.,,, __i 1ih1 pVOha..I'. ~U, w1til1n eme J8&l' fto. d~t., ..t 01' o&1l8Ito haY, set out, ., ~a.t f1'1'8 ,omaaa.WJ., tne. on the 10'. aIl4. at .1..., two ol'DAUltntal trees b....n the ~ .s.t...u. ~ ovb 11M., *1_ .111 be oarld ,101' 1>>7 tu O~ &1;& ~0ra1Dal ooat. 1n the .yeat , that I' vohUel' 1. DO' 0Jl tbe tP'out.' , .,', ' . ; . ~. o,:-,:lttba, alllra1141...ne..... ..'f1l'.t oomp17 ~th th. nav1ot1ona 1d.th ref.reDOe I .1io :.>>1ao..at oflnl1141Dc on \h. .10t, an4 that DO :reaideno. ,Iha11 b. p1&oe" olo.el' to tile 10'; ,'l1u"'ti~7 (80) t..,. 8Dcl no b1l114~nsa .hall." ereotelw1thl11 ~. nstnoUA 41atrlot' 1Ihlab 81\",l".. 'ZJlD41tu'e o~les. '\baD 18000.00.' w1thoa,8J)Iol&l jeI'll1Sa10D of 1b. OOIlpllD7. All bu11c11Bp', 1no11l4lD8 %'Oots. ~l b. JAinM" w11ih1n to clq. fr_ oODlpl.t10n. ; tlwi' ooatnot .>>11e. 01117 '0 lots In the re.trloMc1 41.trlot 111 the town of Vero. and is Ibqn _~ O'JIIlQ7's plat of \Ile Ven t~lI1te.. 'uJ.." to aU 4Uoh ........Dt. or"&Jl7 8])eolal ....._n18 1f &D7 bi lnle4 for the 7e.r 1921, uc1 all _b..quen, taa. 8DA ....8..nt.. '1 l~- IJ- r v ~ 1 ~)(-.w r-- ~ F lV--.A'TII1~.~".I.wwl~\II",---IL1''''''.''UJ\Ul7 TO HAVIS AND TO H01.D TH8 SAMH, t~ with ell * hemtitamtots aacI ~ tlRmnIto bdoaciBl. UIIto the said pu1y 01 the --.1 part :and IUs lotin aa4 .... bI fa ....,olua-. ' AId *.... perty 01 UIe first party. lew iUdI aDd its ~ dote'beftby _t with said put,. 01 * --.l1lQrt. his han, 1rpl ~latiftt, and u.ips that it ItlDdd-MhlT Iti&td ol.us IuJ4 bI fee tiaIpIe. that it 11M laU poftI' UId lawful riIlat to COO"" said 1aDd in fee Iim~, as alCftSald; that it shaJ1 be lawfal few said . party fA U1e.-....... brin, 1rpllqll'aaltatlYts, aa4...... at" times peaceab/y aDd quidly to alltI' upon. IIoId. 0ttUPJ'. aDd eajoy said 1aDd; that said 1eDd is free "- all ~l that It riI ..b Mda farthOs __ to perfect tilt lte simple titJ2 to -II !aDd as may muooably be requimI. aDd t1u:t it dote batby fally wuruat, tIIt'titk to said bad, aDd will delead UIe _ ..aiast the lawflll dalms 01 ell patOllS WbOIMOUa'. ' IN WlTNIlSS WHBIlEOF. tile party 01 UIe &nt part, _ UIe'day aa4 )'tv lint abo'ft writtaa, bad mused its name to be siped and its corpora'" Wtl to be aIliud to ... ..-a. bJ ita Praidcat .... its Secfttuy, wbida oIka'I baw bom dDIy lUItIIooUtd aDd ItlllpollaN bJ raoIutloa of the Ilo1rd 01 Dim:ton of the INDIAN RIVER FARMS COMPANy,,....,..of*lntparthlnill,toumatuadcldiftl'tbHdeed. In41aJlIl1'1'8r ~ 00. By (t'<<p. SaI) BeJ1l1Bn J. aeuoh tttPnsi<knt. Sipcd, Snkd aDd Ddiwnd ill I'ramct 01 us: ........uo ,..,....Y..Z'..Rat.'-UGIl.,...,.!"...,.",.. u,.' Oharle. J)Qnoan .a. stamP. oaao.Ue4) Its S<<n:t.ary. STAU O'IO...A, L c-I1C11 &oct.' r' J, us ~ ...,. elIltIooiud to take Kbc:.-Itda-ms to dnds, do htrebJ catiIy that OIl tbls day ~ appeMUl beltft _. Bel'.n J. Inoh aDd Obal'1ls JJa.noan to_wdl~tiI U1ePraideattad Stuftary, rapediftly, 01 the lodiaa,Riwr Panas CoaapaJlJ'. t.buorpewatloa drtaibtd in tile fortloio. dtcd..., aDd tk)' adoo~ belen rile thatUlt:r _ dal)' utJIoriq4 bJ said rorponlloa to tEmale the f~ dted OIl its btbalI, and to sip its IllUDe and &IlU its RaI thrftto. that tile .-at alIiud tbtft{o It tile ogrporate-r of .... eorponlloa. aa4 tbat said dted was executed bJ aid coqxnlloa few UIe JIlUPOIeS tb<<riu expres5ed. and tla~ reyonD,. ~;J tile ~ tIlrnof to be tWr Inle 8Ct ..... dted as SlICIl olI5c81, Ioc UIe uses and plUJlORS tMmu IDaltiooed. and that tbe said iattraawnt it t~ art ....d deW 01 said t'Cl<pOI'atiQD. . '.. IN WrrNESS WHRRHO., ."ft lIrttwIto"ud Jay _ aDd oIicial teal, UliJ 16til da)' 01 .4up.t 1981 .t the City of DamlpOlt. COlMltJ' eat $a.., afCftMld. ~ II. <It. ~ ___a a. 111I1&...... ~ .&'_-,. 0116 NolaIy Public in and for Scott County, fo_. low 1\ . II)' c.........;..;".. apires t7Illl 6th, 1986 · &TAU 0' JtORlDA. } c..., 01 ~ Lode. . ." 8R IT JUUIBMBHRID, TlIat OIl t1dII J. R. O. lIla.4 I'lIbIie R--.tI of.... ~. IN wrrkI98 WI!8RHO., IIlnt lIeftvato lid., ....lIDIItURal of.... Coart. the de)' iIIId JNt aIacne writeaa. 10_ day 01 8ep"_Z' A. D. 1981 CIIfk 01 tile amut Caart ia .... for ~ ec-ty haw duly _dod the Iuqoiuc Doalla the 'COt. 01. HAL) " O~ Vk e~. , $0' . "....., R.. 0.>>JaW>> ...._:.... ....,.(SEAL) ~ Cimait CGart. B)', ~, /Jf!" ,~(..u/. ..,...Dtputy CJIIk. ~ ,"'~I" :' ;.~:..::~:~~f..~li~