HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1421 a21 \ ---_....,_w~-'t..-.~.-'~--.w-.....-......--...................-.,..... -...-~....-:_""',._.......,.....a~~_..- ;~.~.---r-:',,_....~, ~~~,......T.~_..-.,.-..............~...,....,..~.....':--_'\'_'..... ...~ --.-'!".._-.........~..,......r___......~- ~-~,.... , '. , . ,.,..~ :..~~.....~--"!----~ ..... ___.______ _ __~,!2!~.~ ".~~~!.~~ .__ T- ~ I I' . " f 1BIII1fDDTUU.MadtUle IO~ . 'da,of Aqqt 1 ,INDIAN RIVER PADIS COWIYJfY... CIllfIlClf&iioa ~ .... nlIda& __ ~.... of tM." of'J1Idrida;, ~ of tM "" ,.n. to , I L1..1e V. B004 fllAOW) '.0'" . f of tile ColIIlty of Q .... I ' lUId State of D.NkI' -i PIrt1o(u.~ put. I. t' WlTNRSSJfl1I. T1Iat, tM aid IlUt6 VI the lint put, for tad to ~ 0( ..., - aI; I :tl' ODe (,1.00) OOI.l.ARS. j .........w,..u.,UaiW..... awloUMYIlIIIUII ~......' to it to...'pMI'....UIt ....'IlMt7'.o(....'__pen..lIi~~~ ....---.....dti1wr il i 01 u.. ..-..,'.... UIe necipt ...... .. ....1lC~ laM..... ...~ ............. ~.... ~ ,..... tIIiIa..-.. ..~....... ,I ......'... .......aJa'I'CF....CGII6ra.... tlia..w put)" 01 U1e__ pen.. WI..............,.. f...... eJI........1.IIIit~ ........... I " loIlcrn: .' , , " ~ I 1.0' .0. "'.1.... (1&) 1D, Bloo& .0. ...... (f) 0.010).& >>U'& BO.~'l... Ul .u.alt1.11e"o the 01\7 j I of V.ro. ft.-1.. .. \be ... i. &..l~.a oD,tbe >>lat, of n, O.h aub41T1ala., nome. '1D,'th. i i o1'1'loe 01' "hit Olert .of tal. 011'_1tOovt ill .. I...U. Ooaa'7.' . ". ,: .' ;, I I . ,DaDIOtIOD. ~ Ii 1. the JIIIl"oh...X' -, o1e&l' hl1 lot of all ua.11''bnu or ull.il'able . Ift-- w1th1n 6 , ' _DUla 1'1'_ tate 01' Jlll'Ohaal, aa 111 n.t 01 hl. BO", o_lliDa wi. thi.. 'Ut. 00""" ,lIbaU i ! =aJl:~:::~ W ao noh o1e_aq ., a ooa' DO' '0 excee. 110.00 >>II' ~o' "M~;~~ "~ to ~. I~ I. fha" t.U jaOl1&lllX'. WiU. ,w~'thlD OM ,.ar tn. la.... Ie" or -.. '- llaw lOt 011', I ., ' 1.aBtt1.... una.nt.:l .ea. OD the lot, anA at .1..., !laraa OI'IIUIID. _1 .I..'be_.o the I aU.walk ID4 ovb 11M, *1aiL will be ONad foX' 'b, ,he oOll>>Nl1,a' . DoJdDal o_t. ill .e ....... "hat JllU'olaaar 1. DOt 011 tha sro1lD4. . ' " ,.";", i I I. that all 'bulcU.DII er.otel, ..t tun OOIlp~ wUa.-..'l'talrlotiou w1'~ nlnl.1 tp plao....t 01 bu11d1na 011 the lot, _A tha'DO nalellno. .eh&U b. p1&oeA 010..1' to the lot 1~ , tb&a \but, (ao) 1, .e'. IIIld DO bu11d1Dg. Ua11 be erlo'ld 1D. 08, Olola hl"k'MA1, '10>>. 11bloh ID~ I an aXJlfD41'tlU'e of le.. tbIpl '600" .OO~ with...' .,_lal pala1.uon ot~. '01lf8ll7. ~ 'bu11c1 ' 1DoluUDSl'Oota. ahaU bl pUDted wl1b1D. to ,a.JIt tzo. oo_ltlon. t'" ~ . . , ,! ~ hb~eo' to aU... .. A1'oJa ........,. or 8117 epeo1a1 ..ea._Dte 1~ an)' bl 10.,.1e4 1 ~ tor the ~ar 1921. and. all IIlb"'lld' ... IIIld ........U8. i f ~ [ f: t ~i ;, WARRANTY'DEED. lIl>JO ana ,.. .~~ to LW~ ,. BOOD J (I14OW ) Ai D; j,)ll~.tIIi ~rJ.:4t:;~, 1 ~ ~ 'U.~A'" . ..~. r. f..... I" 1r~,. ....ttlu..._..\IIe....f..w.r .. ~..-4t)..4fLU~t1, TO, HA\'1i AND 1'0 HOW TUB SAWS. tClCtt.IRori~ all tile 1Iendia-b lUId .~ am-to ~ I1IItO the Mi4 'PUV,0I tM -.J put and hb hcin ad IUIIIps In lee ....pIe fOlft6'. AIIII tile aid ~J' 01 t.IR fint pertJ'. I. itldl ud its --.. doe. ....,. _t.with aid put)' of tile ..... put/....... ....~ftt, .... assips tMt it .. ~ .... 01 aicllud ID lee.....; t1Iat.it IIu 111II ~ .. ...,.. riPt to ~'I'CF aicllalld ia lu......... aloraeW: tW it, ..... be ...,... lor aid put)' 01'" -.J put. .. hdn. JcceI ~Wft" ud -'&at al" ~ ~ ... quictJ;r, to nata....... Wd,;0ClCUp)'..... atRJr. saW '1aIId; tIlet, Mill' ...., b ,_ I- .. ~l tha~ it will meR'" larthtr __.. paftct UIe leea.ple w......w....... ->>,.~be"""""""'tMlitdoa.lRrcbyl. wvnAl tile title to laid Iud. ad trill ckIcad tile _ qaiDst UIe 1&.,,, cw.. 01811 pa-. ......,~hft. IN WITNBSS WHERIiO'. tile part)' 01 tile lint put, ClD the day .... nu tint ebwe writtal. ..... eaacd itll_ to be sine4.uad itll~.. ... 10 be .all<! to .... pretCIItIi IJ)' itll Prelidnt lUId its Secm.ur. nida oIieen haft.... dIIly'..tllariRd.... ~ccI bF~ ~ tile BauI oI:J>i1ocdea 01, t.lIe INDIAN, RIVHR 'ARMS COJ.IPANY. paJtJ'oItbe lint put batia.loeuaateadc1diYft tlaisdftd.. 1D41c Bln;\' Jar_ 00. (Corp. Seal) ,..'/0 \n.,~ p.~ By .9 tOR '\ Berr.n J. huh Sicued. Sealed tad DdiYttCd Iu ~ 01 ' "'''i4Te , Se. " ..........."! ~ -~~~~.cm__, .............. ..... ..: ~~. ~# .., ..,..,. ,9~" JJ~., ,IJQNM......... .,.., ". ... "'_' ,..:~~!~: Its PrcsidaJl, Oharl.. >>unoan (60~ I. B. B'taap, ouo.lla4) 111 Socnlary. - STATI OP IO'WA,} Coaly of 8colt. .. I. UI il8icn-,dWy .utborizecl to ~~ todeedl,. do brnobF.cmiIy t1IatClD tllisdaJ' per-"r .........heIoce... Beran J. Ztlloh uc1 Ohal'la. >>anoaa . I: , to me .ell....... tile J>ruidoeat lUId~.~. 01 the ..... RiYft FarIIIs C-...,.. the CGI'pClnlioa deIlCribecl ia l1a ~ deeIL. _. ... lMJ'. .w.o..~td W<<e .. that. ~ --....,. eutIIoriIccI hy,lIIid ~ to aMlte the lonaoiaa deed ... itll btIaII. ad to lip its _ ... db itlllal UItreto.lIat t.he -a ..... lMnto is ... ~ ... 0I111id ClClqlQOlioe, ... l1Iial uicI deed _ aecuted bF ..... carpowetiD8 lef, tbII pqr..- tIlar.ia............ l1Ier -..,. ~ l1II> acaalba lllenof to, be tIIeir me Mt .... deed.. -- ~ lor !he _ lUId .....-. thnda '---41(,.0..1. lUId Uoat tM _ ----.. is the Mt..... w*d cI.u4 ~tion. 'I, IN WITN2SS WlIRRHOP, I"'ft Iwmanto dbtd.y IUJDC uc1 o6da1--., t1ais t at tile City 01 Dt.YftIpOrt. Count, tad Statt af<<aaId, , , : ,\ . . ~ ! ! ~ 2 . ~ -., '":'>' ZOtll Aqu, 1921, "01' :...:~; .,;f h&llO.. B. Plath NotarJ' Pubtic ill tad for Scott CGuatJ'. Iowa. M, c........'-'oa tlJlinll lIl17 .'h. 104. I STATI or rtOllIDA, } c.-, .. lit. ..... BB IT REMEMBERED. nel CD lids I, J. u. auea , Pubk Jtccordt d IIIid e:-tJ'. I IN WlTN.... .......... J.... '"-..... ................. "- ......... -.....- i ~ I deyd 'eP'llIbtr A.DHgll, Oert cI t.IR Clnuit c-n to _lor said Cou8ty "VI: dufJ' -*d t.he Iofttoia.I Dud ill t>> ~ ~ .~~ (01. Ot. UAL) Record v ('rlteet ... .... . .....~. !l. ....... j"'; c.;;;;;=" B, --. ~,~/. ~.. ..&~. ,:.,...... .Dtpat)' aut. " '. .;- '~-,' _o;..::::~~. ....;..;_ ,.~,' -~ ---- '-'--""- ----.----.