HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1426 ( n , * ; j; ! t i~ ) n . J',. , t i l' .,,' r, ~ ----- ~-.--------~~. .__ _"_~~.~~I.."",."C~".'.~~.!,~"!_ W,ARRA'NTY.DEED T i ( I A. D. It 81 '" ...1 ~ I lID!" BlVD 'AlUla oou.ur to mLBS B.DROll Tm8 IRDIImJU. Mec1e u. lOth cia, 01 S.pt'.btl' INDIAN RIVHR lIAlUlS COMPANY,. t'OI'pOnUoa orpabed ud nbtlq IUIClK t1It..", 01 tIM State oIl'lorida. part)' 01 tIM 11M put, to M,s II.Kerker 'oItbec-tJoI ucl State 01 ' Iowa part)' 01 tbe IeC:'ClIld put. , ~ That the.us ptIty af the ant part. I<< uclla ~Uaa 01 UIe _ 01 ()ae (11.00) ," DOLURS. Ia~.., .. tile Uaite4 SlaM." IIIId oUIer vall11h1e ~ to It Ia ..... paW b)' tile aid pert)' af lbt Ift'ODd put. at or belore lbt nunIiDr UId dtIlYft'F 01 theIe pcataCl, ucl UIe mdpt wItcnof IsIatftb7 ~ lIacI putcd, buplDed, eoId. rtIeaRd. eoaWfCd ucl ~ ucl b, thae ~Is does Iteftb, &fUlt. I =- ItII, .--. -ftJ ud -ana ..to tbe said ~ 61 tbe -.caad part ;-s 1dI hdn ucl UIIcU. III fee IbapIe .. the .. Ia St. tude Couaty, FIaride. describtd A' 1.,.1l0t8 Jo. 011..;(1),"'0:(8), . ~.. (8).in Bleek .~t'J1n"Aen (l').inth. Oitr ot VI1'O'l I J'lorlda.u, the s.. 18 designa"4 OIl' the Pla' ot DUan iTer .a1'll8 CoaPUl7 I lubdh slon I 'uoh ton,r.oor4ed 1n th" otflo. of the Clerk ot tIl, Olrouit Oout in and tor ,.1d 001lllt7. i ' US!BIOfIOI8.'- . ' .' ,1. th. ~oha.er ad oleu hi, lot of all tulder\l'ueh 01' ude.iralal. powth within 90 da7s ' ,troa' 4"'01 puoh.s..an4 in the .v.' ot hh not oo.pll.1111 ,"1 th this, the CoapaD7 shall haT',~' ~he right to dosaoh olearlnl at ~ ooat D~t to exoeed 110.00 per lot andohars. 8'"to . the puoha8er. ",' , ' 2. That ,the puohas.r.w1l1.w1thln on. 7ear hem dat....t oroaU8. to haT' ee' out,at 1.a8t tiT" orllaiaental, tree. 'OD 'he lOt.Hd a't le.et _0 ornamental. tr."s, b..heen the 8idewalk " and' our) l1n',whioh w111; be oU8d tor by, the OOllp8D7 at a Dominal u",ta the 'Tent that p1ll'oh...r 18 not on ~. po1lDl.. " " . . I. Th.t' all lntllUnp ereote4lmuat bIrB' OOllplJ' with the"r8.trlotioJUI with nfennoe to " plUMeDt ot bulld ilia OD the 1.ot,_4 that no reeidellO. lIhall, 'be placed 0108er 1;0 ~. lot li11e th~ :thirt7 (SOJ teet,and DO bulldinS shall be .no..-..d within the r..trlote4 U8triot . whioh ell..il an up.nUtue ot les. than 1600.00 , wtthou1; speoia1 perlllaaton of the OOllp&ll7. ' All bu11dln":,lnol~ing zoot,.lIhall 'be paillted within 90 dlQ'8 trom ooaplet1on~. ! ~is oODtZaot, applies 'oDl7 to 10t8 lnthe %.~uloted di.tr1ot" in the town ot 'ero.88 Is ShOWD Oil the OOllP8D7'. plat ot the '-n'31;WurW.ro Su\j.ot to ~l ditchal......nt. OZ'aft7 ep.o~a1 aS8elBBents l~ 8D7 be levied tor the 7ear 1'20 and all .~b8equ.nt taxes &D4 a8..8smenta. 800tt ! I j ~ ~ i I 1 ~ J i j ! i I' , ftI~,A"'-... &l .it\l...., t~. Uin . I . r v . ... 1'1['11 ........ _ I'M P"'l' r........... -<l,.... till rUlJ'.....6M .....' j TO HAVS AND ,TO HOLD 'I'ItIt SAMQ. tocdMt tritII.u the IaercditalMDts and appurt_ lMmaolo ~~. unto the said putJ 01 the RCODd part and l l&is .... ud usIps III fee ,simple fareYa'. i ADd the aJoi JlUV ttI the Int put,., I<< itsdf ucl its --.. don btn:bJ _l with said put,. rI. 'the MCoad put. his ban. lq.J rq>raeIllati\Uo and assi&m i tlIat It Is ~ ItIzed ttI taid Iud Ia lee.....; tbt it h:as faD powtr ud ".-I'" riPt to COIlftJ' seld land in fee limple. as afonsaid; that it sI!all ~ lalriul foe said . puty 61 thu~_ld pen."lIdn, Irpl ~tatlfts. tiad.... at dlinws peecabIJ' UId qdU)' to a1~"poa. hold. CIl'CUpJ". and tII;o, said bDd; that said laud is free I from.. -w-;' tbt ~ 1rilI.-R sudl funher __ to perfftt.the fce simple tide to uid land as ....,. nuaaahlF ~ nquind. ud that It don hereby faDF ! warrant the title to .ui.... aacl will clefald the __ epiut the Ia.-l.. claims 61.. ~ .~. I IN wiTNBSS WUBREOJt. the part)" 01 lhe '9t put. CIl tJ&e clay ud yeti' 6nt aboft wrlttm. had caused ils __ to he siped and ils rorporair aealto he dud' to ! t1aae.~ by ita Pr~t ud its Secntarr. ww& c8iern hue bceIl du1)' ut1loriad ucl empclW1'ftd by raoIution 01 the Board 61 Dinclon rI., the INDIAN RIVER PARMSCOMPANY. part)" 01 the lint part henia. to uccute aad ddhu thit dHd. (Corp. &81) 1114i.. Jliv.r .UU 00. BJ' H.raaa J.Z.uh Its Pnsidmt, Siped. Staled ucl De1iftRd ia Pratrn rI. lIS: . ............. ....9.!~!o.IlI.~~~.. .'__... .,.__ _ _"'" _.. __, __,,_ Oharl.s DaDo.. ..00 I.B.8tampe Oldlo.ll.d Its 5<<nlaty. ~ STATB,OJIOWA.} i eo.IF fIIlbtI. .. 1 J. aD oaku dal,. aotlIariud to tate adra..,w.-.ts to deeds. do heftby ctrtif7 that co thit cia,. pn....., ~ ~ mr. i I i , , i J I i ! H.man J.Z.uoh aDd Chule. D1moaa tolDurdl ~.tIIe PresideataadSecfttaly. respedift'r. ttlthe radian Rinr FaI'lDSComplJlF. thuorpontioa "-ribed In the fCft&(liD& dred.. '. aad they acbowJed&ed before .. that UIty _ da17 _UIariJed by eaJd CIlrJ*Atioa to c:udIte the fClRlOinl dred ,011 lis behalf. aad to lip its name ..... ds lis ... themo. that the seal dud thm:to Is the CGfpClnte ..r Of said earpoI'atIoa. ucl t1aat salcI dred ... eucuted by aid oxporatioa I<< the purpo.ta thm:iIlespraoed. aod thq ~ftI'aIIJ' ac~ tile _Ur.e thenof to be thtIr flft' ~ aad cIced'lIS tada oItlan. fGr the _ aad putpORS tlwtda ...m.-d. and that the salcI imlrumml Is the act and deed of said ~Uoa. IN WlTNBSS WHRRItOP. 1 haft bemmto .s-r .,. aDd oIiciaI -r. this .t the City 01 DaftllJlCllt. Cowl..,. ud Stair afocaeid, ~ '5 &. "(q ! ...." "", , ~ \ 'rano., B. Plath Notary Pubtic ill ud foe Scott COWlt,., Iowa. t ~ O'l'l P\ i M,. (".....~ upires 1111.7 "th 1924 j t # ! ~ I , 19 21 " 19th cia,. 01 S.pte.bez STAD or JtORlDA.} ~0Bt1 01 It. ..... BB IT R8WEMBRRHD. That oe tWt I, P.O.il41t4 I'UbIio: R-* rI. aid c.-t,. IN l'."lTHBSS WHRREOP, I"" ~ lit _ hull.... Ue'" of .... CGurt, the .s., ud Jar eban wriUea. 26th. ok, rI. Sept_biz A. o. 19 81 I an 01 the Circuit C~ ill ud fGr Aid Count,. haw daIy ~ckd the Ioft&oiac Deed ia the [ (Ot~O'.sW) I 04\'ec Ol"q Jl'e1"b -~ef/ ....... .,...,.~CIat. ,P._O.JIl~~,_,. .,.,..---(S&\L) Out Ctn:ult COlIIt. By, .. 326 I t i i I II II I l i I I I I t ~ 1 . I ~ I j t 1 t I J t i I , J I I I i I , t i I I I I I I I I i I i I I : I '.. :,c.;~~~~~~.~~~ . "--~ '"- ]....~~~~.~~<<.;..~,t'1'-~ .\::rJ.~ . ~ , r~ "'~. :'~.~~~.~~-r#l~~*=~t~~f!!ijW-~~~~