HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1428 I ~ o (1 : I " " ~"".' .--~~------~~. '.,~~,'~'."-" -".-::-:;"~.- ~~~::~. > P"I!!I ,.'.........-~: ,,'~.<~~.~. ,Ill T" .I'lI:'iI~~ ~.... .9 _~ 328 .........-...al lu.ncar... Ie.. '1. ~ '.-1 - "" . .',;. . WARRANTyHDEED\ " . tlDtU' l\t'fD 'AllIS OCIIPm to '. 'I.I.II'!I' .' ~ ulDJ.mJu. UdtJle 88~ , ., 01 > ae,'-"~'.' INI>~ ~ }'AllUS CQMPANY. a ~oraubid aad aisdac __ tile.... 01"* a." oIl'1orW.. put)' 01 UIe Irtt ...... to l.tt.tl:ppi. ".' . '< oIU1eC-tFoI 9t.~le aad State 01, ., :.' n~,14a . " 'put)' 01", __ pert. '~. Tilit.ae ~ JlUtr 01 t~ ant put. tor ....Ia____tba 01 UIe... 01 -~ :w,!-~...- 0... t 11.001.....--.. -, . DOLLARS. . ,...,.'. . . . . ..rid ..., iii die 'tweed .. 11I4 odIer Y.a.ble ~ to It Ie ..... plIId bOt UIe tald .-rtF 01 UIe --S pu1.at or Wlni tilt. -... aad deIwt}' 01 theIe.... -' tile NetI(lt ~ illleftbJ' ~ lied ~ bllrpIaild.lOM, ftIeutd. _~ aad ~' aad '" t1IeIe..-b does 1acnbF put, 1IIrpiIt......... eoGwso.... ___ -to UIe tald ptItJ 01 tJIe Mood part aad... ~ aad __ III rft... d U1e.... Ie St.1,Qde C-V. JIIariotI. cIeIcriId.'l icaows:. . ' , ' ' , ' , ' " ;_,~~"..p.o, ao~'" o~,'..t "'~." ,(10)' aorelf q~ ~ao'helTe (1\) ~a.otlo. 'out.,.' (1.). '01t1Udll:pfh1~tJ"'hre. (88) So.th,Jaqe.blr,,..l..h~,) aut," ~. ... 1. '~..lpa"4 Oil 'aa.e.'1"., "1l~~a1. plat otlQ4~ of the !DU~ 11lTU.UU OOllipaD7~t~l'l 111 'he otllo. of ~. , -- , , 'Cl.rk' of 'he: Ulrouit' Oou'ot~alD' Luohu01lD\J' .J1oi14a.' , , . I I f i 1 A. D. 19 81b, UIe a.~eo,': '0811 at.h.........,. or _ ."0181 &88....n'.,lf aD7 ltt leTled to~ \be 7e*,1981~aa4 ell .u~.quell' taxe. and ..~.a"'Il". ' ~ ; ~'...... . riIlIt Glwa,. IGr pa1llle r..tt. drtiup eu.h. IIIMI ditdlts as ... 011 UIe plat 01 eaid 1aack ... by UIe pu1)' 01 tlJe &rat pu1.. 1 ,)ro HAVIl ~D '1'0 HOI.D'J'HH SAn ~ ,"t"'lI tile beft<!i~b UId ~ tMmmto bdooqiac. UDto tlJe said party 01 UIe lIfClOIId put and i his Min .4 ..... fa fee .u.pIe fornw. 1 AM tlJeeaid IlUtF 01 tile 8nt ,.nT. for Ibdl ... Its ~ cion ... _t with saW perty 01 tile lIfClOIId put. his ....1qal...-tatiwu. UId usIam I "'t It .~.~... 01 eaid .... b fee "-PIe; tllat it .. f.. ,JIO'ftI' _lawfal riPt to COIIWJ' .ua 1aad la fee sima*. as efcnsdd: that it .... be lawfal foe tald I put)' 01 die __ put. ... ~ Jesal ~ti"'" _ .... at .. ~ ~ aad qaietly to eaw upoa. ldcI. ocaIJ>1. UId aajay saW 1uId: tJaat aid Iud II frft t n:. .. , "r_itbd 'It will .... MKIl fartller ___ to pafcd UIe fcie .-pie title to tald 1uJd u _y r-w,. be ftqUind. UId that It dou bereby fD1Iy ~ ~ die title to tald IulcJ. UId will dIfCIId UIe -apiDtt tile lawr.. dill.- old ~ no.-.w. I IN WlTH8SS WIlBJUIQJl. tile put)- 01 tile Ant S-rt. 011 UIe day ad Jat lint ~ writtea, .... c:amecI ita _ to be ..- &ad ita t'ClI"pOI'ate ... to be .aised to 1 .. ...... bp ita J'nIidnlt ... ita SIaetaq. ..... a5cen laaft bcm daIy aatllariad UId cmpcnnrcd '" ftSOIutioa 01 UIe BoenI 01 DiRcton of the INDIAN RIVHR ;,~ PAIWS COMPANY. ptItJ 01 tile lint,.n1lcniD. to aecate eod dtliftl' this deed. . (Corp. SeAl) Its Studary. B~ U.nu l.Z.uoh Its President. Siped, Seded aad Delinn41lJ P..-oce 01..: u...........':v.za .Pattu.OJl-.,....... ........ __ _ ....._. . ..~. ... .....9...~!~~~~....__........... __.......: _..".. __., Ghul.. >>1UIoaa 11.00 I.H.at.-p oano.ll.d lrAft OJ 10Wo\. L ' , ' ' c.-,., 8aI& r ' I. ..c.-duI; utIIarIad totateact.ww.-.ts todeedl, dltbrnlJJr catif)' datt 011 thisda,. per-'T appnnd before _. Beraua l. Zeuoh e8. S.p,..1Ht~ 1921 ..,.01 '~ano'. .. Plath Notal)' NlIic: ill..... f<< ScQtt CGuatt. Jon. )l1("~<<Pra ro, .'h, 1924 IrAft or 1tOmD. -"}', eo.e,., .. t.da. " BIS J1' .~"'''1WID, ..,.. 011 ... i P.0.~4~.1 ..... .... 01 tald Oaaatr. .,. WITN1ISS \VR1PUIOJf. IIlne '--to_., ...._u._ 01..... Coart. U. da7 ...J'tIIr.....r.u.. 8th. dIiy 01 Ooto1Ht~ A. D. 1981 an 01 tlJe am.lt CGart Ie ... (or tald Ccad7 kw ..., .-did UIe fonaaaI DlIIf Ie UIe (o.'~U'.8.C1L) ." .... ,,'m... ...... __ _.. J~~.'?..~~~~.._ ......... .......(88AL) ~Oo · Clerk CIrwIt c-t. ~o ~~~ 8y........c........._.~4.~~~._.~aat. 1,c-/~c, , , " '", '>., - "" ':; -:~jl~;1~/.%"d,. ~,~ :l '. ~?.;-:..~~ ~~~~~4~~~..?;";.,-.;;-~;5 . ' ., ;: '> ,;.,~;~Jf~l~~~;g~~1~