HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1432 1 U'..,' ~ ~~ u"'..,' '. f', ;:..;' ~- i ....,-.4. ....21.. ,-......."..,... cJ,z ..... ... a.u.uc ,'..near... w.. I'. le.i14 , W ARRANTY"DESD IIDIU lUVBR fABK8 OODAJIY to A..M.BILL .. TBI8'l1mDTVU, Medt the 82n4 da, ci A1lIUI_ INDIA.~ RIVIlR FARMS COMPANY.. corporatloa ClI'PIIld tall eUstlac uadu tile "1ft ci the State ci Plorida. JlIIItF ci tile first put. to A.M.BU1 citheColmtyci at.LUlI aad State ci ftorU.. patici tile -.I pat. ~. Tlaat the laid party ci the first put. few aad Ia alOIIdtntloa ci the _ ci 0.. (11.00) . DOUARS, ....... ~ .. the Vllited Staw. aacI other nhMhIe CiODIIlWatJolU. to It .. baa4 paid b)- the aid pat)' ci the tecllIDd put, at ar bel<<e the.-u., aacI deliwr, ci UIDe pretias" ... tilt noeIpt w1IertoI is IIeRb1 ~ Hd putttd, buplmd. ..... rdcued. COlIftJed... ~ aIIlI by thea pnllftlta cJoe. baeby 1RAt. ....... .a. ftIeaIe, COlIft7 tlIId. -an. 1IIIto the aiel parlJ ci tbe ...... put !olIII1dt bein tlIId. eaips. In fee simple ell tile Iud .. St. I.ude c-ty, FIoriob. detcribtd ., , follon: ' ' . Lot Jo.SU (6) ,in Block lo.thlrteen (18) tn \h. C~tl ot V.ro,l1or14a,al lea. 18 dellpat.4 on' tbe ~at ot'In41an RITer 'ara. Co.paDJ'e ..bdlTlI10D,reoor4.dln the oftlo. o~ the Cl.rk ot 1~. ~lrouit OOQrt. in aDd tor eald 00~t7. . . '_ ~ ',' ----.;,---- R..t~lo'lo_. .-------.'-...---- 1., ft. '\U'~Jla..r lIU8t 01.~ h18 ,lot o~ ,all UIlderltnlh or UIlaellre-'l.e ,rowtJl .ithln 90 4ql ; ftoll'aat. of )fUohale,da In the ...Int ot hi. not ooap17iq with thilt the uOIlP8D7 1Iha11 hav.; Ul. rlpt to do noh 01.ar1ns at a OOlt not to exoe.a 110.00 per lot aD4 ohargt .... to Ul": puoha..r. " , ,'. ~ 8. Thetthe puroha..r,wl11.within one 7ear from dat....t or oau.. to have a.t out,at l.a.t ' ~lve orna.ental tr... on the lot,and at l.alt two ornamental tr.e. b.twe.n the .ia..alk ana ourb l1n',whloh will be oart4 ~or b7 the COllP8ll, at a nominal ooat,ln the eVlnt that the puoha..r i. not on the !rOUd. S.'lh&t.~l"bq.,1".41qa ereote4 lIu.t tInt oompl, with the re.trIot1on. with refereno, to plao.li.h' 'o~ bull41128onlot~an(\.' that no', ree14eno. ahall .. plaold 010881" to the lot line than thirt, (80) t.et,and no b1111411)88 Iball be .noted wIthin the l'Iet1"Iot.d dietl'Iot whloh' entail. an .xpenditur. of le8~ thaD .2000.00 without .peolal peni8810n 'o~ th. ComP8b7. All bull41ns.,lnolu41n8 l'oo:fll,lIhall b. painted within 90 d878 ~rOll ooapletlon. fhl. oont1'80t appll.. oD17 to lot. In the re.triot.d dJ8trlot In the town at V.rota. 1. 8hown on the uoapall7'. plat ,ot the V'l'O tonel te. A. D. 1981 by tile ; , - j I r I 1 ~ub~eot to all dItch a88.....n'. or 8nJ 8peoial assessment. 1~ an, b. l'Tled ~or the 7ear 1981, aD4 all sUbs.quent taxe8 and 888es..ent.. i I , i I I i ! . I ! I j ~ I J I I i I I t I t j ! ...._L.. -=-6. 1I_1:li...... W~ ".t..Il.A V - ~~A ~ ~JI.~-~"~-A~Ir- v ~~_~d...,_ , TO HAVS AND TO 1l0I,D 'tUB sunt ~ with aD tile ben<titamarts aDd appurtmauca.tbenuato beloaPsl. UIlto t1ae said put)' 01 the --.I put and Ids ban tlIId. ..... ia fa tImple forner. AJlII the .u.s IJUtF ci the ant pat,. few itIelf ... Ita -.uaw.n. cJoe. 1IerdJJ ~ with aid put)' ci the IKGDd put, ~ 1lein.1rp] ~tetlftS. and usips tllat It Is iDdtl-.lhl7 8tiJCd ci saIcllaad In fa ....; th.1t 1\ ltas faU poww and lamt richt to alIIft)' said Iud Ia fte lima*. as af..--ld; that it Iha1I be ..wrful foe aid I*V ci tile -.d put.lriIlIcin, Jecel ~tati"" aDd uoivn at.. limN peecatq and quidJy to cat<< upcin. bold. O<'CtIPY. tall cajoy said 1aDd; that said hnd Is frte fn:Ia ..B ~; ,UIet It wI1llllllke IUtIa ~ ,_ to perftrt the fee -a* tit.lt 10 said IaDd as _y rusonahl}' be ftqlIind. and that it cbs ~ rully wurut the tlt.lt to said Iaad. ud wI1l defaad tile _ aplast the ..wrful chImt ci all pmoas .~.d. IN WITNESS WHIUl80F. the party ci the ant pert. ClIA tile da)' tlIId. Jear fint aboft writtea. bed ~ Ita _ to be lie-' and Its aJrpOtate ~ to be aBiud to u.- ..-.. by Its PnsidaIt tlIId. Ita Secfttay. whida Cl5cas bft beea duly autlaiud ... _powtftd by realulioa ci the Board <iI DIndus 01 t1Ie INDIAN RIV~R 'AJUfS COMPANY, put)' ci the lint pat herda, 10 ftKUte and ddiwer thIs.s-i (C<<)>>. Sat) Its SccuWJ. ' l'ara8 CO. B.7 aeraanJ.Z.uoh Ita Praidalt, I j i t I I J i I I I I I ! Siped. Saltd and De1IftRd Ia Pr-..ce ci us: 0.B.8oUua Charl.. Dunoan &01 I.~.St~p oano.ll.4 V'~a'Patt.r.o. . ... . _ ~ ... _ ... . _ . .. _ . . ... . . . ... . ... a. .J....... . .. .'. . _ . . ... _ _ ... _ _ _ _ . _ ~ .. _ _ _ '. . . ~ . _ . _ _ _ . -, . _ . , STATI CW IOWA, L . c...,., &oct. j , I... oI1kei'd8Jt au\horfud to bb Kmo-..w.-ts 10 deed.. do h<<tb}' ftftlfy tUt 00 thiJ 0' prnooaJly appeued btloce _. aerman J. Z.1IGh ud Oharle. .uunOall to_wdl~.. tile Presidaat'" Stuetary,IUpCdiftb'.ci tloi IJIdIaa Riwer FumsCompuy. t1aeall'pOntion dnuibed in tk lOftlO!Dc d_L., aDd thq admowkdctd bel<<e - t1Iat ..,. - c1ul}' autborU.ed by iaid aII'pOnlioa to U<<ute the fonaoiaI deed ClIA Ita beW, and 10 tip Ita __ ud alIis Ita .... tIIaeto. tlaat the JW dud thado .. t.1Ie CIII'pOI'ate Mal ci said aII'pOnUo., aDd t!;at said deed ... uuuted by aid aII'pOntloa for t1Ie purpo_ therein upresJed, .... thq tev<<aly adnowkdcd tile acaatioD themIl Ie lie tIIeIr free act and d<ed u tuda o6iccn. for the ..., and pIIrpORiI tMftia -wooed. ud tUt tile uId in..trumut .. tlie act &ad deed ci said corpontioa. IN WlTNBSS WHI!IlIW'. I heft 1Iemm1O e8Ued .7 _ ud oI5daI lOW. tIUt at the Cit)' ci Danaport, Couat7 aDd State afaraoaid, "< '/(, 1A~ IOWA 28.4 Aapet 1981 dayci r'rano.. Jl:. Plath NoW)' PIIbW in and rew Soott Count,. ro... MyC........~apiftt Jul, .th 192. STATI at noamA, } c...., ., .. .... BB IT RJDOUIBBRBD, TIIet _ thie J..P.0.JIl4~e4 I N6: R-.II cI... CGaIII)'. IN WITH198 WHIR80'.- I heft lItmmto lit .,. .... ..sib_ ci aid c-t, tilt day UIII t- ~ writ.. UtJa , da)' cI Ootoltt~ A. D. 1981 an ci tile CimIIt Court ka aad for Wd eo...t, ....ft duly ftCOI'dp;f the fcJrtcoiaI Doled Ia the ~~Q (Of.Of.gAL) 0090 'V4t 8r ~/~~ ' .." I ,. '-- . ,'~Q~~t\,~__,.___ , -.-..(SHAL) ! ('"1ed CIm&it c-t. I ' Cl#c;ft:u-~ 1 . . ", ,', ,.,.. -- --....... --. -- " .... . Dtpaty Cleric. ! I , . ...... ";.~~~ ;_-"~~~ m;~ -s~~~~~"~ . . -: ,/~- ..~t.~~~~!:~~~m}~~7;~~m: . ~:'.' ..:: ,. ~ :. ~:~?{~~~~~~~~~~Z=~;;;~;;.;