HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1435 ~ '~'TJOgp~,";J,",,;:''''''''T'~''~:'' :~~;::~-:-H.'I"""'..-:"'_' ,-. r':'f~~:'.:'>'~~',".T';"~~ '.t!'. .~~..,.- ~,'- '. ~~-,,'-r- ~ ,~.,. .... .. ,~.#?_' LT 'it, l ~ MO." .........1 '.Ane....' '.....,. \0lII:t --_. -~---- -~-, ._-- , ' ,~ --- -,-_._._~- - -,-._- ~_._~. 'W ARRA'NTY~DEED<.' ,. . , , '" 1\.\; / . \) ,) :' ..; IOWl 1l~ J'AJUI8 OOMP.lIIY 1fALHR lmlOAlI ( \ 'V" ,111I8 IRDIIm1U. M. the ,th dar cI BOTe libel " INDIAN RIVBR PARMS COMPA~Y. aCOfJlllfttiGa ~.... eWtiq __ the Ia... OIl UIe Slate of ilbide. ""' 01 tile I\ttt put. to A: D. 19 20bJ' tile 'al te r >>anoan... 01 the COUDl)< cI aDd SlatII 01 Jlorlda .....,. 01 \1Ie.-s put. WITNHSSRTH. Tlaat the said pu1J' of the 8nt put.,,(0I' aaclJI.~tIoaJll *'_ QI . , ',' ': , " , , WI , .~. UU J, ' DOLLARS, ..... ~ ",tile UMccI Sta-. -toUler ~ ~ to It iIl1lucl,pPl b7 tile ttId...v cI tile -' put.,.~ ,w belcre the entNlic tIId ddiwl'Y I ,01 tIIae,....,.'wo .. .th.1'tIldtti-~b IIIaWy ~1td&e4. 1.-1 ~ bvaaIMd. tQId. rdeucd. ,coawered aDd -*-\;. _ ~ t'- ~ts does ~ put. .,....,.Idl. rdeut...~,.., MIl ~ llIIW.tbe .w tlNtJ' Or tilt tleClOItll "" -' JIb ... uol....... ill Ice ...... ell U. ...... St. I.ude c-tJ'. PIoridI. cIetcribtd a' (oIlows: I.ot Bo. SeTen (,) in :Blook 110. aeT.n (7) 080eo1& Park B0ID88Uee,_ an Addlt1onto the 01t~ ot '4ero. florlcla. ae the &ami 18 4ealfp1aQd on the plat reoorde4 1n lAe off101 of th. Olll'k , , of the Olroul* Oourt ln and f,or 8814 Ooun~7., ~ , - . ' . .1lISTRIOtIOB8., ". " I 1. !he purohaser IllUst olear his lot ot all underbrush or unde81rable g:rowth within 6 monthe i , ,fro. date of purOQ8I, . and 1n the eTent of his not OOllpl71nS wlth thle, the 00mpan) Bhall E I haTe thel'igbt to'do Roh olear1ng at a oost not to exc..d '10.00 per lot and ohara- same to I I :~e ,:~~:riUrohaser .Ul, within one lear trOll fat.. eet or oauee to haTe 8et out,' at leatk . five ornamental treee on the lot, and at least three ornamental trees b.tween the eUe.lk J i 8114 ourb line,. .Moh will be oar.d for b;y the OOllJ)&n7 at a noll1nel ooat. in the, eTent that I ~puroha..r 18 not on the ground. , ,'j I 3. that all bulld1ng. .reote4, !DUet fust 00_17 with the reetrlotiona with r.ferenoe to I ! plao....t of bull41~ on the lot, anA that no residlnoe sh~ be p1ao14 olo..r to the lot I I 1 in. than twent7 (20) feet, ancl no bullclin8e shall be ereoted 11\",Oioeol... Park Addition .hloh i S entail 8Zl expenditure of lee8 than .600.00, w1thout epe01al }lerme810n of the OOIlp&D7. All i .1 bulldlnss, lnoludinS roof., Bhall be painte4 wlth1n 90 dqe froll oom}lleUon. I I 8ub~eot " alltues and 41toh ae..esllllt)te or &nJ s..01aI.aeusementa if an;v be IeTied I t ' J t , ; r for the lear 1980, and all eubeequeJit tax.s and aee8CsDlInta. : t r i J ._~- l I I .1 J I ! t Saint I.uo1,e ~._I"" ~~,?,".b- ... ......... .~~ ..Ill ~dI _..d.....-...._..-b.. ...h..... -oIIl!Ild .....A. ~--~F rr~' Sipcd, Staled aacI DeIi.wed in ~ of us: Its Secretary. Its Pnsid.nt, Oharles :Dunoan : I ! ! I f ! ' t ___:(!_.'~1;~,~'~~....q.........,... . ,.,.., ~ I ~ ~ I I I I I f NotsI>' Pubtic: In aDd (01' Scott County. loon. .7ull 4th, 1921. , h,~!_JJ!,.J~~......."o.__...__.o...., (~I. H. stamp, oano.lle4) or- STAU o,~ lOW"'} CoaI1 tI SccICt. ... I.... o5ceI' daI)-.ut1Iorizcd to take ~ts to ~ do) hcnb1 ftrti(y daat em thit.y pcrtoUlly ~-1ftd Won: _, HerlllN1 J. Jeuoh aDd Oharle. DanoIUl to - ~bo9m as tile Prnidtat tad Semtuy, ftlptCtiwl,r. cI t1ae ladiao Ri~ FariBs c..pu)', the (UpOI'atioa daaibtd in the lClf'tlOialc det!l- _" aad t&cy ..~1ed4td bdcn ~ that ~ _e dill)' IIIItIIorUed by Did CGrpGratioa to utade tilt ~ dml ClCI its bUalI, ud to ... its _ ud .au its sesliMRlo, that the w:>l aIli.ud tI!Imo,. tbe ClOI'.,.nte ... 011 Aid CllIIJlCIRtiGa. tad u..t said deed was amattd by Did corporatioa far the purpo_ tbuda espnutd. aad t1a~I.ey"'~T ad:llowt.:f&td tile ~tiGa thaecI to be \Mir tne ..n tad dml .. SIIda aIicl!n. far tk _ and porpottt thtniQ -..tioaed. aad that tile aid UuU_nt is tile ad &lid dud 01 said corpotatioD. IN WlTNRSS WHBRItOP. I haft bemmlo aIbed my _ and aIkisJ Ral, thit "th at the Cit)' cI Dnaport, Cwaty tad State aroraaid. JrOTllllblr 1q20. -ToI .Il"aDOe. B. rlath My Co-~ apim STAD cw n.oam", } c.., II It. ...... ,all IT aaUSW82RSD. That GI t1Us I. ,. o. mue4 I'laIlIr a-.Is cI .... Cooal)'. 1M' Wl"tHF.SS WBHRIlOP. I haft Mftato ttt ..,. ....... d:II_ ...... Coun. tile ., Uf!I )'aI &bow wrium. .~, ,P.Q~ '~.... f)/". 1'" r~ '~'!~ (Of. ~,. UAL) i I I . f i J14re. .. ou . .....(SHAL) I Clak CimDt Court. . /~. ;eO. J 8y".. ~ ... ,.:, '~~"dDeput,C1uk. I I ~ -J' cI ootober A. D. 19 21 CIak " tile Omdt c-t III aacI (<< Wet CouatT haft duly R>.-ord.... the foft&oiDc Dftd in the j,', I' J : ; ~ r t . /, , :J :~ :~ j " , I' L j' 'II , f ~ . ! ! I I I i j i i f' , 1 i I i i I t r ! j,' i L r~ I' .,'1 r r I I, I, "i' . i ,. r j' i: I r iit , .'. ,;,',',::',}~~..t!l~%