HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1444 -..rW'!l~?:." "'P'~"""~7. IV" "_.~~.., " . . ~lIII-'P-P':_~~~ --..-~~'-~~." ,.....~....,.,......,~ r ~ ........""'*"'-.... -.... ~..:.!:......~c '1..~.f.,C'!....";,~~.,,_ -l I A. D. 19 2l1p- the 1 ! I " 'I WARRANTY DEED I I1IDUI RIVI1l '&lUI800MPUY to JAMB8 .D. BUfOBII. !lOa omlJm1l.l. Ueok the 6'h cia, al J)eoellbe~ INDIAN RIyIUl FARMS COWPANY. a \'QI)lC!nUoa cquai.lecl-a eUstiq uadcr the la", al u.e State 01 JI1orida. P4ItY 01 the Ant put. to .1.... D. B1l'oh.~, 01 the Cwnt, 01 , t.adStateol ID4iaaa ' paltfolt1le--aput. .. ..W!.~ ~~~~~:'t1Ie(\1:obtr..~iD~~oI_u.e..-:~ .. - - ..;- - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. DOUARS. lawful ~ .. ... 11IIil:e4 Statelt, &ad ot1Ier nI... ~ to It la baJId pUt bJ.the said put,. at the --a put. at or Wore t1Ie ~ tad ddlfttJ' 1 01 u.e ~ lIIlCI tile rccdpt .1Mnof It henb1 e.:ao.ledced. ..... .....led. buplaect.'..... rdeutd, _~ ud C'OII4nurd. tad."..... preIlUts doet berebT put, I ~ '10n0~ei;:'l1' "1:am01: '1o:-itzt 11r8:oi&rn.~rrr&1"~la:VUinro~ct;It;.. I ":rVUO. fiorlAe, es 'h. .... 1. d.slsne'" Oil the pl.t of ID41an Blv.r l'ana. O_~'. sub~ di'il.10D. :reooM.A in ~. ottioe of 'h. .Ol8l'k otne 'Oboul t Oou~' ill &n4toz ..t4 'COUllq.. i " ,~' ,. . llBSfllIOtlOl8. . . " ' i' 1. !he, :p1l%o~.e,: nat ol.ar ,his 10' o,f aU: 1UlA.~l!~\1.8h 01' 1Uld..i~abl. srowth "Uhin 6 month. 1 tro., '4&t., of, PUOh...,. 'aDd In tho eT, .n,' ot !ala not oOllpll1ua with thi., the Co.pUll .lIall ., v~, ~. ~18ht t,o, ,40 noh ol.ariDS at a ooat Dot ",0 uo." 110.00 per lot anA ohars. .... to the ! P1ll'oh...~. " ,! 8. That' th.. p1ll'0halei'tw1l1, wl thin on. ,..1' tro. d.",.e' o~ oaus., to have .., out, .t ! 1.... tlv.'orn&aen'at.' u... on' the lot, and .t le.st t5e. .!.rA..entf!..t~e...s beween tho 81de.. l walk and ourbltne, whloh w111 b. oared tor bl the coaP~'.;.... rli~\h..v6lrt~th.t puroha.er b no, on the grouA. "., ' , ' , , j 8. ' !h.' allbu11dings .reoteA. must tirst oompll wtth th. 1'e.\rlotioDs .~th ret.%.noe to ' P1.aoell8nt ot bllUdiua on the, lot, and that no residenoe .hall b. p181l.d oloSI% to the lot , , line than twen\1 (80) f.et, anA DO ~uUdl,D8. .hall b. ereot.A in Oso.ol. Park Addition whloh en'aU &Jl upell41 breot 1.ss than 12000.00 w1 'ho~t 8Ji8oial P8l'11lsBlon o~ the OOllP8D7. All b1l1lA1Dp lnolu41D8root. sb.ll be paint" wUhin 90 4&1. froll oompleUon. ' Sub3.ot to .11 taxe.andAltoh a8.es~.n's 01' anI speolal as."~~~l~bi 1.vieA th.,..r 1921. ~A .11 subsequent taxes and aBsesaments. Marlon ~~ 9: ~ 'tor I 4 i I I ~~~ i i I 'I I I ) I , \ I 1 i ! I 1 l I tDd Chule. .Da.nou f to me wdl ~ at t1Ie I'rtsidmt tad StudaIT. rcspedim" 01 the I~ RiYn' Pumt C08Ip;ulJ, tlar ~tloo desc:ribm III the l<<tCOiDz cko1.. .., tad thq ..,bowkd&N ' i bdore me that u.,. - daJJ autJaoriacI bJllIicI alqIOratioa to uecute the IClftIoiac deed ... its bdWI. and to sip its __ and ellb its Stat o..nto. that tile ~ eI1istd J thcRto it t1Ie ClOrJIllftte ... f1I aid alqIOratioa. tad that .... deed ... cucute<I .". aid corpor&t.iaa IOC' the putpoteS thueiu uJWested. and th~y ~nnlly ~ I t1Ie _tbI tIIad to be tlIrir me act tDd deed u IIIdI olIica-t. fOC' t1Ie _ &ad purpoJn tKnia _~ tad that the aid ~t is the ad and deed 01 .ud i' alqIOraUoa. i IN W1~ "'HEREOP. Ilia" henuato all.ud IIIJ _ erad ~ sui. this I at the Cit)' aI DaftDpOrt. Ccuat)' UId State .Ioraaid. I I -~-.... .&._.L ",.. · -..,. ......&. .&"J.b.~ -___6-IIllbIlJ..~ ~ .d_......-...dIIIiI~ ._ 'to ,lJA va ,AND, 'to HOI.D TIm SAUB, ~ willa all the henditalMrlts tad ~ tba-tanto bdoaciDI. UDto the said put)' 01 the 5ItC()GCf put tad his heirs aDd aaIps ill lee ..pie fore_. , ADd tile aid IItItJ' 01 tile ant put,. for ItsdI ud its ~ dGes henbJ _t willa said party 01 the K'CODd put, his htits. local repraeGtati_ ud aBcm tlIat It Is 1adefeui1lly tdIlIIll aI....laDd ill lee 1impIe; that it bas tuD power aacI lawful riabt to axIft)' said land ba lee U1DpIe, as afoRsaid; that it sIslII1 be lawful rOl' taid party aI die .-d plllt."lMir.J. Itpl npramtatiY8. ud aalps .t all times palftIlbtJ UId qaletlJ to mter Upoll. bold. 0ttUp)'. tad ftIjoy Aid .....; that .... Jand is IRe rn. .. -----I ,that it will -a ~ lilitha' _ to 'palect t1Ie lee ..pie title to said' Jand as IDaY reaoooabIy be nquirtd, UId that it dGes heRby lull)" nnaat tla;e title to ....laDd. ud will cIrf-t the __ qaiast the lawful claims 01 all ~ ~. ',. "IIi ,WrrNBSS WHBJU<<>P, tile party 01 the Jnt put, ... the cia,. ad )'ftf lint aboYt wrltlta, bad l'alHtd its _ to be siped ud its cuparate ~ to be ..&istd to dIae ~ .". its Prelidnat .... its SeaetaIJ. 'lI'hida Cl5ftrs ham bectt duly autboriUd and nnpowutd i>J raoIutioa 01 the Board 01 Dindon 01 the IN DfAN RIVBR JtARKS COJolPANY. party Qf the Ant put heteiD. to _te tad drlinr this deed. Indian Illv.... ~&:rII. 00.. By (Ccrp, Stal) H.naD J. Zeuoh Its Praidftlt, Siped, Sealtd tad Ddinml ill Pr...-e oIlD: __........_. __ _.__... , .0...8.. JIOHua. .___.. _ _ '.', ___....._____.__'__.my...'-".~~~~.IJ.. _,..... P_.,__, . , Oharle 8 Duno an Its &cntary. (601 I. B. St..ps. oaDOe11.d) STATE 0' IOWA.} Coal7 ", 8cott. .. f,1a oI!Ierr'daJy ~ to taR ~ts to ~ do htftbJ crrtify that 011 tlUs cia, ~1 apswuM before !Dr. H'1'1l8D J. Z.uoh 6th , 19 21. 1 , .,01 DeO.llbel' n , I \- ~J'anoes B. Plath Notary Public In and I... sC'Ou Cwnt)'. Iowa. ld,..C_;":""a.plru, ,Jg1, "h, 192'. &tAD 0, W noaIDA. } c:-., ", It. r..dt. , BB IT IlBMIWBBR8D, 'l'bat... tIaiI I,:r. 0., aunt .....Ilawdt ", ... Calmt)'. INWI'I'NBSS WHBRIlOP. I ~YC 1Iemmto Bey a...Ieadtle. 01.... c..n. t1Ie.,. _ re.w aboYt wriU.eIL 811I cia,.", J8IlUl" , A. D.1928 I , ' Clrrk 01 tile CimIit Court iD -a ,... u.id Couoty haft daIJ _oW the '-toiDc Deal in tilt : j f , I (Ot. Ot. 8BALt ~el; , e{. '-.& O~~ ~e,C) .. d. _. __, ..,.. .' _l__. ,0., m.4rd _.. . ....__ -.....{SBAL) .,qq~ot'q~JZ.::~ . ,.:':. ':', -:r~i~!;t!!.~~ 344:l ~ 1 ,-, .'...1 _.--,--- I I I i I j I I I I I 1 I I ~ f j I I i t I I t