HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1446 ~,.....,......~~,----~.....-o;-~''''~, I a , . n", Ii ....,... .,..~~~".,,~ a>,.4. 'I'" '~'-"', '~'_ 346 -_________~___,~_~_!_lI.!~~..~.!!:.!.~__..___.._ __,__. 'WARRANTY; DEED IJmU.I.l'fII 'ABU 'OOMJ4It to J.. ... OODY 'tins ~Madet!le 2nA ,,-,01 ,1I,I.)f~ INDIAN IUvn FARMS COWPANY.. ~ ~ _ ~..... .lawa ~ tilt State ~ JI1o;.tot." pert,. '" tile... pert. to .. D..J1 ... ... I .1. .~ ...., . ~ the c-Vof _ State of ' nOl'lAa ' 1*11 01 UIe tmlOd put. WITN1ISS8TB. 'tIra\ tilt MId put)' ill tile Int put. b ~ ~tIGa 0( tile .... 01 , ~ ......:~ _.~ ..-. ~,- - -,. - -One 1~~qoJ .,'-,,~.' - -.. - - -., - - - - - - - - - -. DOLLARS. IAwflal ...,. .. ... u.lte4 tltatd,'- otWr ftl1IIlbII -.ldlftdolltw to It ID ...... paid by . .ud put)' 01 ... IlICGIll put. at 'or WClft . -u.r u4 dtIiww,. 01 u- ~tt. ....tIIe receipt wItereoI.. ~ ~ bad puted. buplaed. toId........' C'OGw,td _ ~ _ b)' U- ..-ala does 1IeftbJ' 1flIIIt. ...... ... ...... -w" _,u.Ina _to tile MId party,oI tbIll tecGIId pUt _lilt 1Idn ud...... III fee tIlIIpIe all tile laod .. St. Luclc CoualJ', JlIoriola. de8cribed Il' 'rollo1P:";' , a,. I.1I01e frao,tw.1T' (18). in hotlon ,"nt~thre. (IS), towDlth1p thlrt,-thr.. (88) south of Banie ,~trt~Jl1_(S9) "". .. the.... 18 d..lpate4 on the ~..t .e.l'&1. ,platot lanA. ot I ,', . " ",' " I thetn41.n lu'Ter l'aneOoapanJ. '~il.Aln ,'he ottio. ot'the Oltn of the CirouJ.t 001ll" oi i i ,~.lIl" LUol.'collJ1tJ,nOI'14~. oon'.1111111 .0.." aor... 'lIfte 01' 1.... I , I t ! aub~.o' '0 all taze. an4 41 tah ......~ent. or Ull.speolal a.H...n. It 811' be le.,l.A ,to.,' .he ,.., ltl1, ani .U ab..qullt tue. ani .......nu. I I ~ boftnr. Uae de" 01..,. r<<pah1k roedt. draiD8&e cuaIs. _ ditdao lIS ~ 00 t1:e plat ol ~ laads made by the put,. 01 tft fiBt part. , . 1'0 DAVIt AND TO Hor.D THE s.u.m. ~ with an the 1oendita&aaI.. u4 ~ tlwftaato bdoa&iaI. IItlto the said pulJ' 01 the IlICGIll part aDd I lIiIlIdn _.....Ia fee ..pie beYer. ; A8II ....... putt ol t1Ie lint pert,.. r<< IlIdI _Its -. dots Iotteby _t .;th aid put,. 01 the HCCDd put.lIiI bdn, lc&el ~tatms...... auips that It kiNd! lit.,. tda4 01 aid...., ia fee....; tIIat it 11M rail ~ u4 ..wflll rial:t to CClIlW)' said Iud ia fee ample. as af<<aUd; that It .... be lawful f<< said ~ olUll, .... pat. JIlt beb.ltca1 r.-tal1n.e, aIId ...... at ~ lias ~ tad quietly to mt<< apon. hold. omlPJ'. _ ojoJ' said .....; that said IaDd is me rn. .. ----, that It wiI ...u .a f~_ to paftct t1Ie fft simple title to MId Iud as _,. -.abI,. be nquind, _ that It dots 1acftbJ fun,. ..nat t1Ie title to aJd IaDd. Ad wi1l ddald tta.t __ apIDSt the lawfal cia&. 01 all ~ .~__. Dr WI'nfBSS, WHDBOF. tile pu1J' of tile &nt part. OD tile ...,. .... J'eu' first aboft writtal, bed caacd its DUDe to be siped tad Its C'<<JIOhle ~ to be .a.ed to ,I tMte..-... w ita ~t"'lts ScadaIy, .1dc1a CIIIc:en bewe beea daIJ aat.llorbed uad empowered ~ nsoIatioa of tile IIoant of DiRctop of the INDIAN RIVER F.UUIS COMPANY. puty ol tk lint part 1Ia-tia, to _Ie u4 ddiv<< tWt deed. I ! I , j I I B,. , ID41an JllTe~ ,~ 00. (Carp. Seal) ae.,.n J. Zea.oh Its I'resickaL SIped" SeUed uad DdiYUed .. ""-e 01 as: O. B. Iou. Ohal'le. Danoaa Its s..ntar}'. ..__.'____m_!t!~~.~~~~~~_~~____.....m_..J~!~~L~~ B. ....,. oanoe4ef.) STATI, (w IOWA.} eo..t1 of ...." , I. lID 05ctr'd8IJ aatlIoriIed to tab ~1edI..u to deedI, do Iotteby ftt1if)o thal 011 this cia,. pa'ICIMlIJ' appeARd before _; ael'Woll J. aeuoh , i I I i 19 81,) I l { I I . I ud Chele. ,DQoaJl tqlllt'" au.... tbIll Praidmt aIId SetfttaIy. nspediTtl)', 0( tile Iadiua RInr F_ c.JlUIJ'. tile t'OfIlOfatioB dtacribed Is the ~ eked-... aad thq acbow~ bclore .. tlltt _ ..,. dill)' 8lIlIIarited by said CIlIrpOI'aIjae to ucade the ronaolac dftd OD Its btWI. IlDd to .... Ita _ aad aIix Its sa! thtftto" that the traI alIud UIado'is tile -.ome ... GI.... cuporatbl. aIId tIIat .... 4eed ... ~ br laid (OrpOratioa r<< the purJlOIIS therela apnsed. ..... dIq NnnII,. ~ tha ~ ... to be their '"* 11ft .... deecI .. --. ~ for the _ _ ~ thada _tbRd. &ad U1at the said ~ is the ad ..4 dN4 01 aJd earpcntIoa. " " IN W1TN8SS WH8R.ltOP. I_we IIereaato dlse4 ..,. _ IlDd ddaI traI. this at tile Cll)' 01 DaYalJlOl1. Cclual7 _ Slate ar-Id. ..,.,e ~'" "0* au day 01 De 0 ealte I' 1'<< AMe.a..:.& PL A TH NotarJ' PuhIIe Ia ud r<< Scott COlIIll)". Iowa. IoI,.C . '-npk-a Jl.11, .thr 1916. STATI, Of It081J).A, } , o..c, ~ .. ...... . , UlY IlMMJUmBRBD. TlIat eo tIIit 1.'/.,.' P. O. Bbe. 1'IaI6:.... 01.... ~~ Of wrnnJ88 WIlPIIO'. I.,..~.....,. ..... ....lb_ of MId c-t. the..J' ... 'lei aboft Wit.... 6th day-of MllU'7 A. D.19 82, CIrdI 01 tie CSmdt Coact .. ud r<< uI<t Coa8t)' "ve .... ncordtot the ~ OIled Ira the (Of. 01. Wt.) . 'lib P 0.-4 " .o~ . tlJv ~ .... -....... --.... ,~L~!. ,_~'-~,4.,.".. ..............(S&U.) e,...~, ...oe.r1. ..u.u:,:::~ .. :.- :-- '- .~ .' '.,',,--:':,~Y~~~.,l.lt~