HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1447 B47 , -, ,"",",.~~---,.........~t-,~.-:--""'~"V"':'''-~~-:---''''''''''''~_~'''-'''~,'-''''--_~o_''--''--:r''''''::~~~'":~_t,~~~___.....~~..__..---....n-. }1,"II I 4~1,..., ..,.. )o..~.~ ~"',""9 11'I .~......,..,..-.--.-..~'t-~-'-o:-..~" ...~.. __>_'"-".,,~____."',"__ .~__'__"___ ._. '... ___ _,.".__~_,__...._____'..!!:~~!.~1~~.!!-!.~.!.:-~~_.~. _ __'_,.....__. WARRANTY OEEO-------~-'--I---- IlfDIAlI RIVD '.41UlS OOIl1'UY Oll~:r...q j. O.uO!lDlll8. to THI8 IJIDIJ'I'UD. Made 'u.e 8nh dq of Deoe mber INDIAN RIV8R FARMS COJolPANY. a ClIlqlOratloa ~... uiatIIIc ...... tile Ian of tile &ate of ll1oridlI. JIUt7 of tile 1m put. to Ai Do It 8lbt tile ' ! i Ohal_~ J.Oarotheu ofu.eC-tyor, OUJ8hpp. ~ u4 State of Oh 10 JlUV or tile --s put. ! Wl'fNRSSR'I'H. "net u.e ..w JWt1 or u.e Ir1t put, rc.r ...1a ~ of tile .. .r -- : :: .. _ - - - - - - .. - - .. - I :: - - .. .," -.. One' (11.00) - .. - - - - -' .. ..' - - - - - - .. - - - - - .. - .. - DOLl.ARS.: II.WIIIIIltS' 1a tile Uai'- .. .. otbtr ft18abIe ~ to It 1a ... pIkI '" the ... ~'oI u.e __ put, at << Wen tile __ aM. cldiftrl I or u.e.e ,..."" ud UIe naipt w-.or Ia ....., ~ ..... created. ~ Illld......... _~... coaar-I. ... '" ........ta does1lcrebsr IftDt. I = ~Mo~~T'Y\Ttol~ 1t1ro11r~ -,raft:rn~!\'n~:a tri....Ii~=ro~~m:'. ~tnime I is deoisnated on the pla1l of Indian R1ve~ Parma COllpaDJ'S 8ubdivision reoorded in the ott108i of the' Clerk ot the 01r.u1t Court in anel for 8aid. Oount)'.. "',' 1 . RKSTRICTIOIS.' .. c' . , I 1. n. pU1'ohase~ must olear, his lotaf. all underbrush O~ unele8.treble srow~ ~j.tbj.D. 90 4ql, from date ot pU1',OhaSe, anel in the event of his not o (Illplyine_ WUh, th, 18, the COli, P6l1, y, &hall : I have the .right '0 do euoh olear ins at a oost not '0 exooed J.LO.OO per 1011 _,ad, oharp same t~ I the puroha8l~., ,. , ' , I ]'" 8. '1'hat the pU1'ohaa8r, will, withl~. on~ 1Ia1' fr911 date, .aet or OlUlse to.he,ve eet ol1t, at I least tive ornamental t:reel on the lot, anel at le88t t.~ o~namehtal. tn.eMtween the sidewa).k and oub 11ne, wblohwill be oareel tor b1 the Oomp-.ya1; a nominal. ooat 1n the e...ntthat i purohaser 1s not on the srounel. ' . " '! t,' ,.8. ,1'hat all buildings ereoted .-ut ti~8t oomply.with the reetrioUons with z.fe~enoeto i plaotllent ot bullelinf on the 1011, anel that no reaillDoe.hall be plaoed 010'" to the lot I I lin"- than thirty (80 'eet, and no ~e81deno. .hall be ereoted *ithin the restrioted di8" -l " trio1l whioh entail an expenditure of les8 th8J:t taOOO.OO,w1thout speoial permission of the l Oompany. ..ul bvUUngl, inolud1ns :root., shall be painteel within' 90 days troll oompletion. ( Thisoontroat applies Only to lots Intherostrloted distriot in the town otVero, as I 't Is shown on the CompaDJ's Plat of the Vel'o towna1te. I ! ; ~ Subjeot to all cl1toh aBses_nts or any sptola1. assessmente it any be levied tor the- l I year 1921, aDel all subsequent taxes and. aSS8SBDl8nt8. I I I ~ i t , I i , i I 1 ~ ~ I L""p1.h...._.w_......~l-A..7L,u..r;"1I....l .oo;r~ . .......:..~I -tL-!.-httl 7..._......~,...... ~ rI~~a-.,.~ TO HAV8 AND TO HOLD 'rU8 SAMS. t~ witb aU tbr bereditaMtats'" appurteaaDca tltemIlItG bdoaclac. UDto tile aid puf7 01 tile IeCIOIId part and bis bein tDd UIipt fa lee simple lorent'. , AIIcl u.e .... PNtJ" 01 u.e 6nt puty. I. IbdI ud its -. does 1IaebJ' _t willi Mid pert)' or u.e -" put. .. bein,1tpI ~tath'Bo aacI usips that It Is 1IIdcItuibIT MiIed of Mid ..... Ia lee 1iaapIe; tllt.t it .... .lull powa- aacI 1I.lqJ riPt to CUlt'q Mid 1aad Ia lee timpIe. . aI~; tIIat It .. be IIwIaI for said puf7 of tile ~ put.1ais 1zdn.1rpl ~laliwn. .... ..... at aU tiatea pc-accahIy ud qaietl7 to eal<< upoa. lIoIcI. OCCDPJ'. IIDd ajoy ItId ...... tMt .-s 1aod is r_ Irca. ~; t,hat It wiI -" IUda lurtliles lII8UIaDCa! to perkct the lee IiIap1e title to aid Iud as _, r-.bIy be reqalncl.1IDd that It does ham, 11IlI1 werrut the title to Mid !aDd, tDd wiD delead tile __ qajast the ""'Ill dai.- old per.- .ltotuoe~Cf. IN WITNESS WHER$>P. t.e puf7 01 tile 6nt put. oa tile day ud ,_ lint aboft writls, had eeuad Its _ to be tiped ud hi curpante ... to be elIud to dIae .--u ." Ita Praidtat aacllts Secntary. wlIida GIit'en baft '- duly euthoriaed ... ~ded by raahtidra of u.e Bou1I of Dincton of the INDIAN RIVER PAbS COMPANY, put, 01 tbr 6nt pert beni.. to eseaate ud ddi__' , B, Indian JU ve r Parma 00.. (CorP, Seal) Siped, Seeltd aacI Dr1i\ucd Ia PteMDCe 01 us: Its PrtsicknL Herman J. Zeuoh . i .....Y.~t~A..~~,~"...Q~'L..........._....__.__ ...... Charles Dunoan ! .......Q.~..<<~..~oh".~................,..,.....,...(~~.09 ,I. B. Stamp, oanoenedt 1 i I I I , I l. I ! Ita Stcntary. BrAn OP lOW"'} c-tJ GfI8cett. ' .. I. &8 ~ d1dy allt1loritcd tG tab ~ts tG doodI. do 1IaebJ' omiIy that oa tbIs day~, appand belen_. Herlll8n J. Zeuob tDd Charle 8 Dunoan i . tG!Dt1l'dl bowa. tbe Praidait.... Semtarr. rut>-tJ.d1'. of tile IJIlIiaa RInr F.,..C-puy. tbucrporatioa.s-ribed iIII tile '-aaIaI cIeed..... ud I1Iq ecbo_ledced ! belcn - t.bat they -- ""'1Ul~ by Mid CIllfJlOf&tioa to Gtatla the r~ deed ClIt Ita beMJI. ud tG lip Ita __... aIb ita_ tlleftto. that tile tal aIIkid ! tbemo Is tile CIOqICnle _ of ,Mid ~ aDd tllt.t Mid deed _ -eel ." aid 0lIfpCIfati0a rc.r ..tIle JIIIIPl*e .......-.. ud they MftRIIy ec:tDowWcetI tile accatiolI tbmof to be tWr Irte ad ud dnd .. IltdI c6len. for u.e .. ud plIIpC*S tbenia -.cJo.ed. ud that l1!I ..w a..u-t Is u.e eel IIDd dnd of ald cupontioa. , IN wttN8SS WH8IUlOF. I baTe btfaaato diad .,. _ ud a&ial ..J, tIlit 2'1 th at t1ae' Cit, 01 Danaport. c-.y... State aItnsaid. .~ ~~ '.I' "> ~'f' << IOWA 192'. ~ I 'ranoes B. Plath JulY' 4\~ mi.aad for Scott C4aDlJ'. 10.... ! i I daycl' Janua1'7~D.1922, 1\ an or die Omlk c-t .. ad f<< ..... Coomty baft .., noorded u.e ~ DeId 1a tJJe I ! ., --..... -.. -' -- ". ,q.o, J~J..4~,~ __,. . __"'.' .......(SIlAI,) I ., an Ciradt c-t. I ""u,tLt.,.;,,;f.~,u..._"'" da,or Deoember M, cO""-~ DP.ra irAn (g n.o~A, } c...., .,It. LlIde. BI11' UWSMB8R8D. TlIat _ tWI t P. O. B1dl'e4 NAIr a-w or .... Cou8ty. ..IN WI1'JfBlIS WBlPlHO'. I_ft 1Ia-tua101tt., ............ 01..... c-t. tile da,...,.,... wriUa 't 7th (cf.OT. &BAL) .~~(4.\'f" ..t.~Q .....> .~-'~. .~ . ..:~;'~~~t~~~ fi~~~~~~4:f . . .[ "x,.>;.~':;.;!;.~-{>/g~~~~'Q:P;;),';,".i.,,'!if . .' :.... :\~~~:::~'!!!!.4f.V~~~J..;:;;:;i-fjL:..~t~ J I I I i - ! i 1 1 ~,,', J . iI ~ ,-